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// Debug-mode error formatting implementation -*- C++ -*-

// Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
// any later version.

// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
// Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
// USA.

// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.

/** @file debug/formatter.h
 *  This file is a GNU debug extension to the Standard C++ Library.


#include <typeinfo>
#include <debug/debug.h>

namespace __gnu_debug
  using std::type_info;

  /** Determine if the two types are the same. */
  template<typename _Type1, typename _Type2>
    struct __is_same
      static const bool value = false;

  template<typename _Type>
    struct __is_same<_Type, _Type>
      static const bool value = true;

  template<bool> struct __truth { };

  class _Safe_sequence_base;

  template<typename _Iterator, typename _Sequence>
    class _Safe_iterator;

  template<typename _Sequence>
    class _Safe_sequence;

  enum _Debug_msg_id
    // General checks
    // std::bitset checks
    // std::list checks
    // iterator checks
    // istream_iterator
    // ostream_iterator
    // istreambuf_iterator

  class _Error_formatter
    /// Whether an iterator is constant, mutable, or unknown
    enum _Constness

    // The state of the iterator (fine-grained), if we know it.
    enum _Iterator_state
      __singular,      // singular, may still be attached to a sequence
      __begin,         // dereferenceable, and at the beginning
      __middle,        // dereferenceable, not at the beginning
      __end,           // past-the-end, may be at beginning if sequence empty

    // Tags denoting the type of parameter for construction
    struct _Is_iterator { };
    struct _Is_sequence { };

    // A parameter that may be referenced by an error message
    struct _Parameter
      } _M_kind;

	// When _M_kind == __iterator
	  const char*      _M_name;
	  const void*      _M_address;
	  const type_info* _M_type;
	  _Constness       _M_constness;
	  _Iterator_state  _M_state;
	  const void*      _M_sequence;
	  const type_info* _M_seq_type;
	} _M_iterator;

	// When _M_kind == __sequence
	  const char*      _M_name;
	  const void*      _M_address;
	  const type_info* _M_type;
	} _M_sequence;

	// When _M_kind == __integer
	  const char* _M_name;
	  long        _M_value;
	} _M_integer;

	// When _M_kind == __string
	  const char* _M_name;
	  const char* _M_value;
	} _M_string;
      } _M_variant;

      _Parameter() : _M_kind(__unused_param), _M_variant() { }

      _Parameter(long __value, const char* __name) 
      : _M_kind(__integer), _M_variant()
	_M_variant._M_integer._M_name = __name;
	_M_variant._M_integer._M_value = __value;

      _Parameter(const char* __value, const char* __name) 
      : _M_kind(__string), _M_variant()
	_M_variant._M_string._M_name = __name;
	_M_variant._M_string._M_value = __value;

      template<typename _Iterator, typename _Sequence>
        _Parameter(const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __it,
		   const char* __name, _Is_iterator)
	: _M_kind(__iterator),  _M_variant()
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_name = __name;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_address = &__it;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_type = &typeid(__it);
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_constness =
	    __is_same<_Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>,
	                         typename _Sequence::iterator>::
	      value? __mutable_iterator : __const_iterator;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_sequence = __it._M_get_sequence();
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_seq_type = &typeid(_Sequence);

	  if (__it._M_singular())
	    _M_variant._M_iterator._M_state = __singular;
	      bool __is_begin = __it._M_is_begin();
	      bool __is_end = __it._M_is_end();
	      if (__is_end)
		_M_variant._M_iterator._M_state = __end;
	      else if (__is_begin)
		_M_variant._M_iterator._M_state = __begin;
		_M_variant._M_iterator._M_state = __middle;

      template<typename _Type>
        _Parameter(const _Type*& __it, const char* __name, _Is_iterator)
        : _M_kind(__iterator), _M_variant()
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_name = __name;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_address = &__it;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_type = &typeid(__it);
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_constness = __mutable_iterator;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_state = __it? __unknown_state : __singular;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_sequence = 0;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_seq_type = 0;

      template<typename _Type>
        _Parameter(_Type*& __it, const char* __name, _Is_iterator)
        : _M_kind(__iterator), _M_variant()
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_name = __name;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_address = &__it;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_type = &typeid(__it);
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_constness = __const_iterator;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_state = __it? __unknown_state : __singular;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_sequence = 0;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_seq_type = 0;

      template<typename _Iterator>
        _Parameter(const _Iterator& __it, const char* __name, _Is_iterator)
        : _M_kind(__iterator), _M_variant()
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_name = __name;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_address = &__it;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_type = &typeid(__it);
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_constness = __unknown_constness;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_state =
	    __gnu_debug::__check_singular(__it)? __singular : __unknown_state;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_sequence = 0;
	  _M_variant._M_iterator._M_seq_type = 0;

      template<typename _Sequence>
        _Parameter(const _Safe_sequence<_Sequence>& __seq,
		   const char* __name, _Is_sequence)
        : _M_kind(__sequence), _M_variant()
	  _M_variant._M_sequence._M_name = __name;
	  _M_variant._M_sequence._M_address =
	    static_cast<const _Sequence*>(&__seq);
	  _M_variant._M_sequence._M_type = &typeid(_Sequence);

      template<typename _Sequence>
        _Parameter(const _Sequence& __seq, const char* __name, _Is_sequence)
        : _M_kind(__sequence), _M_variant()
	  _M_variant._M_sequence._M_name = __name;
	  _M_variant._M_sequence._M_address = &__seq;
	  _M_variant._M_sequence._M_type = &typeid(_Sequence);

      _M_print_field(const _Error_formatter* __formatter,
		     const char* __name) const;

      _M_print_description(const _Error_formatter* __formatter) const;

    friend struct _Parameter;

    template<typename _Iterator>
      const _Error_formatter&
      _M_iterator(const _Iterator& __it, const char* __name = 0)  const
	if (_M_num_parameters < size_t(__max_parameters))
	  _M_parameters[_M_num_parameters++] = _Parameter(__it, __name,
	return *this;

    const _Error_formatter&
    _M_integer(long __value, const char* __name = 0) const
      if (_M_num_parameters < size_t(__max_parameters))
	_M_parameters[_M_num_parameters++] = _Parameter(__value, __name);
      return *this;

    const _Error_formatter&
    _M_string(const char* __value, const char* __name = 0) const
      if (_M_num_parameters < size_t(__max_parameters))
	_M_parameters[_M_num_parameters++] = _Parameter(__value, __name);
      return *this;

    template<typename _Sequence>
      const _Error_formatter&
      _M_sequence(const _Sequence& __seq, const char* __name = 0) const
	if (_M_num_parameters < size_t(__max_parameters))
	  _M_parameters[_M_num_parameters++] = _Parameter(__seq, __name,
	return *this;

    const _Error_formatter&
    _M_message(const char* __text) const
    { _M_text = __text; return *this; }

    const _Error_formatter&
    _M_message(_Debug_msg_id __id) const;

    _M_error() const;

    _Error_formatter(const char* __file, size_t __line)
    : _M_file(__file), _M_line(__line), _M_num_parameters(0), _M_text(0),
      _M_max_length(78), _M_column(1), _M_first_line(true), _M_wordwrap(false)
    { }

    template<typename _Tp>
      _M_format_word(char*, int, const char*, _Tp) const;

    _M_print_word(const char* __word) const;

    _M_print_string(const char* __string) const;

    enum { __max_parameters = 9 };

    const char*         _M_file;
    size_t              _M_line;
    mutable _Parameter  _M_parameters[__max_parameters];
    mutable size_t      _M_num_parameters;
    mutable const char* _M_text;
    mutable size_t      _M_max_length;
    enum { _M_indent = 4 } ;
    mutable size_t      _M_column;
    mutable bool        _M_first_line;
    mutable bool        _M_wordwrap;

    static _Error_formatter
    _M_at(const char* __file, size_t __line)
    { return _Error_formatter(__file, __line); }
} // namespace __gnu_debug
