.. index:: Format Strings .. _format-strings: Format Strings -------------- libxo uses format strings to control the rendering of data into the various output styles. Each format string contains a set of zero or more field descriptions, which describe independent data fields. Each field description contains a set of modifiers, a content string, and zero, one, or two format descriptors. The modifiers tell libxo what the field is and how to treat it, while the format descriptors are formatting instructions using printf-style format strings, telling libxo how to format the field. The field description is placed inside a set of braces, with a colon (":") after the modifiers and a slash ("/") before each format descriptors. Text may be intermixed with field descriptions within the format string. The field description is given as follows:: '{' [ role | modifier ]* [',' long-names ]* ':' [ content ] [ '/' field-format [ '/' encoding-format ]] '}' The role describes the function of the field, while the modifiers enable optional behaviors. The contents, field-format, and encoding-format are used in varying ways, based on the role. These are described in the following sections. In the following example, three field descriptors appear. The first is a padding field containing three spaces of padding, the second is a label ("In stock"), and the third is a value field ("in-stock"). The in-stock field has a "%u" format that will parse the next argument passed to the xo_emit function as an unsigned integer:: xo_emit("{P: }{Lwc:In stock}{:in-stock/%u}\n", 65); This single line of code can generate text (" In stock: 65\n"), XML ("<in-stock>65</in-stock>"), JSON ('"in-stock": 6'), or HTML (too lengthy to be listed here). While roles and modifiers typically use single character for brevity, there are alternative names for each which allow more verbose formatting strings. These names must be preceded by a comma, and may follow any single-character values:: xo_emit("{L,white,colon:In stock}{,key:in-stock/%u}\n", 65); |