//===-- ThreadPlanStack.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-private-forward.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
namespace lldb_private {
// The ThreadPlans have a thread for use when they are asked all the ThreadPlan
// state machine questions, but they should never cache any pointers from their
// owning lldb_private::Thread. That's because we want to be able to detach
// them from an owning thread, then reattach them by TID.
// The ThreadPlanStack holds the ThreadPlans for a given TID. All its methods
// are private, and it should only be accessed through the owning thread. When
// it is detached from a thread, all you can do is reattach it or delete it.
class ThreadPlanStack {
friend class lldb_private::Thread;
ThreadPlanStack(const Thread &thread, bool make_empty = false);
~ThreadPlanStack() {}
enum StackKind { ePlans, eCompletedPlans, eDiscardedPlans };
using PlanStack = std::vector<lldb::ThreadPlanSP>;
void DumpThreadPlans(Stream &s, lldb::DescriptionLevel desc_level,
bool include_internal) const;
size_t CheckpointCompletedPlans();
void RestoreCompletedPlanCheckpoint(size_t checkpoint);
void DiscardCompletedPlanCheckpoint(size_t checkpoint);
void ThreadDestroyed(Thread *thread);
void EnableTracer(bool value, bool single_stepping);
void SetTracer(lldb::ThreadPlanTracerSP &tracer_sp);
void PushPlan(lldb::ThreadPlanSP new_plan_sp);
lldb::ThreadPlanSP PopPlan();
lldb::ThreadPlanSP DiscardPlan();
// If the input plan is nullptr, discard all plans. Otherwise make sure this
// plan is in the stack, and if so discard up to and including it.
void DiscardPlansUpToPlan(ThreadPlan *up_to_plan_ptr);
void DiscardAllPlans();
void DiscardConsultingMasterPlans();
lldb::ThreadPlanSP GetCurrentPlan() const;
lldb::ThreadPlanSP GetCompletedPlan(bool skip_private = true) const;
lldb::ThreadPlanSP GetPlanByIndex(uint32_t plan_idx,
bool skip_private = true) const;
lldb::ValueObjectSP GetReturnValueObject() const;
lldb::ExpressionVariableSP GetExpressionVariable() const;
bool AnyPlans() const;
bool AnyCompletedPlans() const;
bool AnyDiscardedPlans() const;
bool IsPlanDone(ThreadPlan *plan) const;
bool WasPlanDiscarded(ThreadPlan *plan) const;
ThreadPlan *GetPreviousPlan(ThreadPlan *current_plan) const;
ThreadPlan *GetInnermostExpression() const;
void WillResume();
const PlanStack &GetStackOfKind(ThreadPlanStack::StackKind kind) const;
void PrintOneStack(Stream &s, llvm::StringRef stack_name,
const PlanStack &stack, lldb::DescriptionLevel desc_level,
bool include_internal) const;
PlanStack m_plans; ///< The stack of plans this thread is executing.
PlanStack m_completed_plans; ///< Plans that have been completed by this
/// stop. They get deleted when the thread
/// resumes.
PlanStack m_discarded_plans; ///< Plans that have been discarded by this
/// stop. They get deleted when the thread
/// resumes.
size_t m_completed_plan_checkpoint = 0; // Monotonically increasing token for
// completed plan checkpoints.
std::unordered_map<size_t, PlanStack> m_completed_plan_store;
class ThreadPlanStackMap {
ThreadPlanStackMap(Process &process) : m_process(process) {}
~ThreadPlanStackMap() {}
// Prune the map using the current_threads list.
void Update(ThreadList ¤t_threads, bool delete_missing,
bool check_for_new = true);
void AddThread(Thread &thread) {
lldb::tid_t tid = thread.GetID();
m_plans_list.emplace(tid, thread);
bool RemoveTID(lldb::tid_t tid) {
auto result = m_plans_list.find(tid);
if (result == m_plans_list.end())
return false;
return true;
ThreadPlanStack *Find(lldb::tid_t tid) {
auto result = m_plans_list.find(tid);
if (result == m_plans_list.end())
return nullptr;
return &result->second;
void Clear() {
for (auto plan : m_plans_list)
// Implements Process::DumpThreadPlans
void DumpPlans(Stream &strm, lldb::DescriptionLevel desc_level, bool internal,
bool ignore_boring, bool skip_unreported);
// Implements Process::DumpThreadPlansForTID
bool DumpPlansForTID(Stream &strm, lldb::tid_t tid,
lldb::DescriptionLevel desc_level, bool internal,
bool ignore_boring, bool skip_unreported);
bool PrunePlansForTID(lldb::tid_t tid);
Process &m_process;
using PlansList = std::unordered_map<lldb::tid_t, ThreadPlanStack>;
PlansList m_plans_list;
} // namespace lldb_private