#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # $File: rtf,v 1.8 2020/05/17 19:28:49 christos Exp $ # rtf: file(1) magic for Rich Text Format (RTF) # # Duncan P. Simpson, D.P.Simpson@dcs.warwick.ac.uk # Update: Joerg Jenderek # URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rich_Text_Format # Reference: http://www.snake.net/software/RTF/RTF-Spec-1.7.rtf # http://www.kleinlercher.at/tools/Windows_Protocols/Word2007RTFSpec9.pdf 0 string {\\rtf # skip DROID fmt-355-signature-id-522.rtf by looking for valid version >5 ubyte !0xAB # skip also \ in DROID fmt-50-signature-id-158.rtf by looking for valid version >>5 ubyte !0x5C Rich Text Format data !:mime text/rtf !:apple ????RTF !:ext rtf >>>0 use rtf-info # display information like version, language and code page of RTF 0 name rtf-info # 1 mostly, 2 for newer Pocket Word documents, space for test like fdo78502.rtf, { for some urtf >5 ubyte !0x7b \b, version %c # The word for character set must precede any text or most other control words >6 string \\mac \b, Apple Macintosh >6 string \\pc # control word \pca >>9 ubyte =0x61 \b, IBM PS/2, code page 850 >>9 ubyte !0x61 \b, IBM PC, code page 437 # unknown character set or ANSI later after control words like # \adeflang1025 \info \title \author \category \manager # "Burow, Steffanie - Im Tal des Schneeleoparden.rtf" #>6 search/105 \\ansi \b, ANSI >6 search/502 \\ansi \b, ANSI >6 default x \b, unknown character set # look for explict codepage keyword # "Burow, Steffanie - Im Tal des Schneeleoparden.rtf" #>5 search/110 \\ansicpg >5 search/500 \\ansicpg # skip unknown or buggy codepage string 0 like in fdo78502.rtf >>&0 ubyte !0x30 \b, code page # codepage string: 437~United States IBM, ..., 1252~WesternEuropean, ..., 57011~Punjabi >>>&-1 string x %-.3s # skip space or \ and display possible 4th digit of code page string >>>&2 ubyte >0x2F >>>>&-1 ubyte <0x3A \b%c # possible 5th digit of code page string >>>>>&0 ubyte >0x2F >>>>>>&-1 ubyte <0x3A \b%c # look again at version byte to use default clause >5 ubyte x # Default language ID for South Asian/Middle Eastern text # language ID: 1025, ..., 1065~Persian, ..., 2057~English_UnitedKingdom, ..., 58380~French_NorthAfrica # Readme-0.72-Persian.rtf #>6 search/1 \\adeflang \b, default middle east language ID >>6 search/497 \\adeflang \b, default middle east language ID # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/office_standards/ms-oe376/6c085406-a698-4e12-9d4d-c3b0ee3dbc4a >>>&0 string x %.4s # skip \ and NL and show possible 5th digit of language string >>>&4 ubyte >0x2F >>>>&-1 ubyte <0x3A \b%c # else look for default language to be used when the \plain control word is encountered >>6 default x # "Burow, Steffanie - Im Tal des Schneeleoparden.rtf" #>>>6 search/127 \\deflang >>>6 search/505 \\deflang >>>>&0 string >0 \b, default language ID %-.4s # possible 5th digit of language string >>>>&4 ubyte >0x2F >>>>>&-1 ubyte <0x3A \b%c # Reference: http://latex2rtf.sourceforge.net/rtfspec_63.html # Note: no real world example found 0 string {\\urtf Rich Text Format unicoded data !:mime text/rtf #!:apple ????RTF !:ext rtf >1 use rtf-info # URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Word # Reference: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Microsoft_Word # Note: called by TrID "Pocket Word document" # by PlanMaker "Pocket Word-Handheld PC" for pwd # by PlanMaker "Pocket Word-Pocket PC" for psw 0 string {\\pwd Pocket Word document or template # by SoftMaker Office http://extension.nirsoft.net/pwd #!:mime application/msword # https://reposcope.com/mimetype/application/x-pocket-word !:mime application/x-pocket-word # PWD for Handheld PC variant and PSW for Pocket PC variant # PWT for template !:ext pwd/psw/pwt >0 use rtf-info |