# $File: images,v 1.181 2020/05/30 23:49:03 christos Exp $
# images: file(1) magic for image formats (see also "iff", and "c-lang" for
# XPM bitmaps)
# originally from jef@helios.ee.lbl.gov (Jef Poskanzer),
# additions by janl@ifi.uio.no as well as others. Jan also suggested
# merging several one- and two-line files into here.
# little magic: PCX (first byte is 0x0a)
# Targa - matches `povray', `ppmtotga' and `xv' outputs
# by Philippe De Muyter <phdm@macqel.be>
# URL: http://justsolve.archiveteam.org/wiki/TGA
# Reference: http://www.dca.fee.unicamp.br/~martino/disciplinas/ea978/tgaffs.pdf
# Update: Joerg Jenderek
# at 2, byte ImgType must be 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 or 11
# ,32 or 33 (both not observed)
# at 1, byte CoMapType must be 1 if ImgType is 1 or 9, 0 otherwise
# or theoretically 2-128 reserved for use by Truevision or 128-255 may be used for developer applications
# at 3, leshort Index is 0 for povray, ppmtotga and xv outputs
# `xv' recognizes only a subset of the following (RGB with pixelsize = 24)
# `tgatoppm' recognizes a superset (Index may be anything)
# test of Color Map Type 0~no 1~color map
# and Image Type 1 2 3 9 10 11 32 33
# and Color Map Entry Size 0 15 16 24 32
0 ubequad&0x00FeC400000000C0 0
# Conflict with MPEG sequences.
!:strength -40
# Prevent conflicts with CRI ADX.
>(2.S-2) belong !0x28632943
# skip more garbage like *.iso by looking for positive image type
>>2 ubyte >0
# skip some compiled terminfo like xterm+tmux by looking for image type less equal 33
>>>2 ubyte <34
# skip arches.3200 , Finder.Root , Slp.1 by looking for low pixel depth 1 8 15 16 24 32
>>>>16 ubyte 1
>>>>>0 use tga-image
>>>>16 ubyte 8
>>>>>0 use tga-image
>>>>16 ubyte 15
>>>>>0 use tga-image
>>>>16 ubyte 16
>>>>>0 use tga-image
>>>>16 ubyte 24
>>>>>0 use tga-image
>>>>16 ubyte 32
>>>>>0 use tga-image
# display tga bitmap image information
0 name tga-image
>2 ubyte <34 Targa image data
!:mime image/x-tga
!:apple ????TPIC
# normal extension .tga but some Truevision products used others:
# tpic (Apple),icb (Image Capture Board),vda (Video Display Adapter),vst (NuVista),win (UNSURE about that)
!:ext tga/tpic/icb/vda/vst
# image type 1 2 3 9 10 11 32 33
>2 ubyte&0xF7 1 - Map
>2 ubyte&0xF7 2 - RGB
# alpha channel
>>17 ubyte&0x0F >0 \bA
>2 ubyte&0xF7 3 - Mono
# type not found, but by http://www.fileformat.info/format/tga/corion.htm
# Compressed color-mapped data, using Huffman, Delta, and runlength encoding
>2 ubyte 32 - Color
# Compressed color-mapped data, using Huffman, Delta, and RLE. 4-pass quadtree- type process
>2 ubyte 33 - Color
# Color Map Type 0~no 1~color map
>1 ubyte 1 (
# first color map entry, 0 normal
>>3 uleshort >0 \b%d-
# color map length 0 2 1dh 3bh d9h 100h
>>5 uleshort x \b%d)
# 8~run length encoding bit
>2 ubyte&0x08 8 - RLE
# gimp can create big pictures!
>12 uleshort >0 %d x
>12 uleshort =0 65536 x
# image height. 0 interpreted as 65536
>14 uleshort >0 %d
>14 uleshort =0 65536
# Image Pixel depth 1 8 15 16 24 32
>16 ubyte x x %d
# X origin of image. 0 normal
>8 uleshort >0 +%d
# Y origin of image. 0 normal; positive for top
>10 uleshort >0 +%d
# Image descriptor: bits 3-0 give the alpha channel depth, bits 5-4 give direction
>17 ubyte&0x0F >0 - %d-bit alpha
# bits 5-4 give direction. normal bottom left
>17 ubyte &0x20 - top
#>17 ubyte ^0x20 - bottom
>17 ubyte &0x10 - right
#>17 ubyte ^0x10 - left
# some info say other bits 6-7 should be zero
# but data storage interleave by http://www.fileformat.info/format/tga/corion.htm
# 00 - no interleave;01 - even/odd interleave; 10 - four way interleave; 11 - reserved
#>17 ubyte&0xC0 0x00 - no interleave
>17 ubyte&0xC0 0x40 - interleave
>17 ubyte&0xC0 0x80 - four way interleave
>17 ubyte&0xC0 0xC0 - reserved
# positive length implies identification field
>0 ubyte >0
>>18 string x "%s"
# last 18 bytes of newer tga file footer signature
>18 search/4261301/s TRUEVISION-XFILE.\0
# extension area offset if not 0
>>&-8 ulelong >0
# length of the extension area. normal 495 for version 2.0
>>>(&-4.l) uleshort 0x01EF
# AuthorName[41]
>>>>&0 string >\0 - author "%-.40s"
# Comment[324]=4 * 80 null terminated
>>>>&41 string >\0 - comment "%-.80s"
# date
>>>>&365 ubequad&0xffffFFFFffff0000 !0
# Day
>>>>>&-6 uleshort x %d
# Month
>>>>>&-8 uleshort x \b-%d
# Year
>>>>>&-4 uleshort x \b-%d
# time
>>>>&371 ubequad&0xffffFFFFffff0000 !0
# hour
>>>>>&-8 uleshort x %d
# minutes
>>>>>&-6 uleshort x \b:%.2d
# second
>>>>>&-4 uleshort x \b:%.2d
# JobName[41]
>>>>&377 string >\0 - job "%-.40s"
# JobHour Jobminute Jobsecond
>>>>&418 ubequad&0xffffFFFFffff0000 !0
>>>>>&-8 uleshort x %d
>>>>>&-6 uleshort x \b:%.2d
>>>>>&-4 uleshort x \b:%.2d
# SoftwareId[41]
>>>>&424 string >\0 - %-.40s
# SoftwareVersionNumber
>>>>&424 ubyte >0
>>>>>&40 uleshort/100 x %d
>>>>>&40 uleshort%100 x \b.%d
# VersionLetter
>>>>>&42 ubyte >0x20 \b%c
# KeyColor
>>>>&468 ulelong >0 - keycolor 0x%8.8x
# Denominator of Pixel ratio. 0~no pixel aspect
>>>>&474 uleshort >0
# Numerator
>>>>>&-4 uleshort >0 - aspect %d
>>>>>&-2 uleshort x \b/%d
# Denominator of Gamma ratio. 0~no Gamma value
>>>>&478 uleshort >0
# Numerator
>>>>>&-4 uleshort >0 - gamma %d
>>>>>&-2 uleshort x \b/%d
# ColorOffset
#>>>>&480 ulelong x - col offset 0x%8.8x
# StampOffset
#>>>>&484 ulelong x - stamp offset 0x%8.8x
# ScanOffset
#>>>>&488 ulelong x - scan offset 0x%8.8x
# AttributesType
#>>>>&492 ubyte x - Attributes 0x%x
## EndOfTGA
# PBMPLUS images
# The next byte following the magic is always whitespace.
# strength is changed to try these patterns before "x86 boot sector"
0 name netpbm
>3 regex/s =[0-9]{1,50}\ [0-9]{1,50} Netpbm image data
>>&0 regex =[0-9]{1,50} \b, size = %s x
>>>&0 regex =[0-9]{1,50} \b %s
0 search/1 P1
>0 regex/4 P1[\040\t\f\r\n]
>>0 use netpbm
>>0 string x \b, bitmap
!:strength + 65
!:mime image/x-portable-bitmap
0 search/1 P2
>0 regex/4 P2[\040\t\f\r\n]
>>0 use netpbm
>>0 string x \b, greymap
!:strength + 65
!:mime image/x-portable-greymap
0 search/1 P3
>0 regex/4 P3[\040\t\f\r\n]
>>0 use netpbm
>>0 string x \b, pixmap
!:strength + 65
!:mime image/x-portable-pixmap
0 string P4
>0 regex/4 P4[\040\t\f\r\n]
>>0 use netpbm
>>0 string x \b, rawbits, bitmap
!:strength + 65
!:mime image/x-portable-bitmap
0 string P5
>0 regex/4 P5[\040\t\f\r\n]
>>0 use netpbm
>>0 string x \b, rawbits, greymap
!:strength + 65
!:mime image/x-portable-greymap
0 string P6
>0 regex/4 P6[\040\t\f\r\n]
>>0 use netpbm
>>0 string x \b, rawbits, pixmap
!:strength + 65
!:mime image/x-portable-pixmap
0 string P7 Netpbm PAM image file
!:mime image/x-portable-pixmap
# From: bryanh@giraffe-data.com (Bryan Henderson)
0 string \117\072 Solitaire Image Recorder format
>4 string \013 MGI Type 11
>4 string \021 MGI Type 17
0 string .MDA MicroDesign data
>21 byte 48 version 2
>21 byte 51 version 3
0 string .MDP MicroDesign page data
>21 byte 48 version 2
>21 byte 51 version 3
# NIFF (Navy Interchange File Format, a modification of TIFF) images
# [GRR: this *must* go before TIFF]
0 string IIN1 NIFF image data
!:mime image/x-niff
# Canon RAW version 1 (CRW) files are a type of Canon Image File Format
# (CIFF) file. These are apparently all little-endian.
# From: Adam Buchbinder <adam.buchbinder@gmail.com>
# URL: https://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/canon_raw.html
0 string II\x1a\0\0\0HEAPCCDR Canon CIFF raw image data
!:mime image/x-canon-crw
>16 leshort x \b, version %d.
>14 leshort x \b%d
# Canon RAW version 2 (CR2) files are a kind of TIFF with an extra magic
# number. Put this above the TIFF test to make sure we detect them.
# These are apparently all little-endian.
# From: Adam Buchbinder <adam.buchbinder@gmail.com>
# URL: https://libopenraw.freedesktop.org/wiki/Canon_CR2
0 string II\x2a\0\x10\0\0\0CR Canon CR2 raw image data
!:mime image/x-canon-cr2
!:strength +80
>10 byte x \b, version %d.
>11 byte x \b%d
# Tag Image File Format, from Daniel Quinlan (quinlan@yggdrasil.com)
# The second word of TIFF files is the TIFF version number, 42, which has
# never changed. The TIFF specification recommends testing for it.
0 string MM\x00\x2a TIFF image data, big-endian
!:strength +70
!:mime image/tiff
>(4.L) use \^tiff_ifd
0 string II\x2a\x00 TIFF image data, little-endian
!:mime image/tiff
!:strength +70
>(4.l) use tiff_ifd
0 name tiff_ifd
>0 leshort x \b, direntries=%d
>2 use tiff_entry
0 name tiff_entry
# NewSubFileType
>0 leshort 0xfe
>>12 use tiff_entry
>0 leshort 0x100
>>4 lelong 1
>>>12 use tiff_entry
>>>8 leshort x \b, width=%d
>0 leshort 0x101
>>4 lelong 1
>>>8 leshort x \b, height=%d
>>>12 use tiff_entry
>0 leshort 0x102
>>8 leshort x \b, bps=%d
>>12 use tiff_entry
>0 leshort 0x103
>>4 lelong 1 \b, compression=
>>>8 leshort 1 \bnone
>>>8 leshort 2 \bhuffman
>>>8 leshort 3 \bbi-level group 3
>>>8 leshort 4 \bbi-level group 4
>>>8 leshort 5 \bLZW
>>>8 leshort 6 \bJPEG (old)
>>>8 leshort 7 \bJPEG
>>>8 leshort 8 \bdeflate
>>>8 leshort 9 \bJBIG, ITU-T T.85
>>>8 leshort 0xa \bJBIG, ITU-T T.43
>>>8 leshort 0x7ffe \bNeXT RLE 2-bit
>>>8 leshort 0x8005 \bPackBits (Macintosh RLE)
>>>8 leshort 0x8029 \bThunderscan RLE
>>>8 leshort 0x807f \bRasterPadding (CT or MP)
>>>8 leshort 0x8080 \bRLE (Line Work)
>>>8 leshort 0x8081 \bRLE (High-Res Cont-Tone)
>>>8 leshort 0x8082 \bRLE (Binary Line Work)
>>>8 leshort 0x80b2 \bDeflate (PKZIP)
>>>8 leshort 0x80b3 \bKodak DCS
>>>8 leshort 0x8765 \bJBIG
>>>8 leshort 0x8798 \bJPEG2000
>>>8 leshort 0x8799 \bNikon NEF Compressed
>>>8 default x
>>>>8 leshort x \b(unknown 0x%x)
>>>12 use tiff_entry
>0 leshort 0x106 \b, PhotometricIntepretation=
>>8 clear x
>>8 leshort 0 \bWhiteIsZero
>>8 leshort 1 \bBlackIsZero
>>8 leshort 2 \bRGB
>>8 leshort 3 \bRGB Palette
>>8 leshort 4 \bTransparency Mask
>>8 leshort 5 \bCMYK
>>8 leshort 6 \bYCbCr
>>8 leshort 8 \bCIELab
>>8 default x
>>>8 leshort x \b(unknown=0x%x)
>>12 use tiff_entry
# FillOrder
>0 leshort 0x10a
>>4 lelong 1
>>>12 use tiff_entry
# DocumentName
>0 leshort 0x10d
>>(8.l) string x \b, name=%s
>>>12 use tiff_entry
# ImageDescription
>0 leshort 0x10e
>>(8.l) string x \b, description=%s
>>>12 use tiff_entry
# Make
>0 leshort 0x10f
>>(8.l) string x \b, manufacturer=%s
>>>12 use tiff_entry
# Model
>0 leshort 0x110
>>(8.l) string x \b, model=%s
>>>12 use tiff_entry
# StripOffsets
>0 leshort 0x111
>>12 use tiff_entry
# Orientation
>0 leshort 0x112 \b, orientation=
>>8 leshort 1 \bupper-left
>>8 leshort 3 \blower-right
>>8 leshort 6 \bupper-right
>>8 leshort 8 \blower-left
>>8 leshort 9 \bundefined
>>8 default x
>>>8 leshort x \b[*%d*]
>>12 use tiff_entry
# XResolution
>0 leshort 0x11a
>>8 lelong x \b, xresolution=%d
>>12 use tiff_entry
# YResolution
>0 leshort 0x11b
>>8 lelong x \b, yresolution=%d
>>12 use tiff_entry
# ResolutionUnit
>0 leshort 0x128
>>8 leshort x \b, resolutionunit=%d
>>12 use tiff_entry
# Software
>0 leshort 0x131
>>(8.l) string x \b, software=%s
>>12 use tiff_entry
# Datetime
>0 leshort 0x132
>>(8.l) string x \b, datetime=%s
>>12 use tiff_entry
# HostComputer
>0 leshort 0x13c
>>(8.l) string x \b, hostcomputer=%s
>>12 use tiff_entry
# WhitePoint
>0 leshort 0x13e
>>12 use tiff_entry
# PrimaryChromaticities
>0 leshort 0x13f
>>12 use tiff_entry
# YCbCrCoefficients
>0 leshort 0x211
>>12 use tiff_entry
# YCbCrPositioning
>0 leshort 0x213
>>12 use tiff_entry
# ReferenceBlackWhite
>0 leshort 0x214
>>12 use tiff_entry
# Copyright
>0 leshort 0x8298
>>(8.l) string x \b, copyright=%s
>>12 use tiff_entry
# ExifOffset
>0 leshort 0x8769
>>12 use tiff_entry
>0 leshort 0x8825 \b, GPS-Data
>>12 use tiff_entry
#>0 leshort x \b, unknown=0x%x
#>>12 use tiff_entry
0 string MM\x00\x2b Big TIFF image data, big-endian
!:mime image/tiff
0 string II\x2b\x00 Big TIFF image data, little-endian
!:mime image/tiff
# PNG [Portable Network Graphics, or "PNG's Not GIF"] images
# (Greg Roelofs, newt@uchicago.edu)
# (Albert Cahalan, acahalan@cs.uml.edu)
# 137 P N G \r \n ^Z \n [4-byte length] I H D R [HEAD data] [HEAD crc] ...
# IHDR parser
0 name png-ihdr
>0 belong x \b, %d x
>4 belong x %d,
>8 byte x %d-bit
>9 byte 0 grayscale,
>9 byte 2 \b/color RGB,
>9 byte 3 colormap,
>9 byte 4 gray+alpha,
>9 byte 6 \b/color RGBA,
#>10 byte 0 deflate/32K,
>12 byte 0 non-interlaced
>12 byte 1 interlaced
# Standard PNG image.
0 string \x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x0DIHDR PNG image data
!:mime image/png
!:ext png
!:strength +10
>16 use png-ihdr
# Apple CgBI PNG image.
0 string \x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x04CgBI
>24 string \x00\x00\x00\x0DIHDR PNG image data (CgBI)
!:mime image/png
!:ext png
!:strength +10
>>32 use png-ihdr
# possible GIF replacements; none yet released!
# (Greg Roelofs, newt@uchicago.edu)
# GRR 950115: this was mine ("Zip GIF"):
0 string GIF94z ZIF image (GIF+deflate alpha)
!:mime image/x-unknown
# GRR 950115: this is Jeremy Wohl's Free Graphics Format (better):
0 string FGF95a FGF image (GIF+deflate beta)
!:mime image/x-unknown
# GRR 950115: this is Thomas Boutell's Portable Bitmap Format proposal
# (best; not yet implemented):
0 string PBF PBF image (deflate compression)
!:mime image/x-unknown
# Strength set up to beat 0x55AA DOS/MBR signature word lookups (+65)
0 string GIF8 GIF image data
!:strength +80
!:mime image/gif
!:apple 8BIMGIFf
>4 string 7a \b, version 8%s,
>4 string 9a \b, version 8%s,
>6 leshort >0 %d x
>8 leshort >0 %d
#>10 byte &0x80 color mapped,
#>10 byte&0x07 =0x00 2 colors
#>10 byte&0x07 =0x01 4 colors
#>10 byte&0x07 =0x02 8 colors
#>10 byte&0x07 =0x03 16 colors
#>10 byte&0x07 =0x04 32 colors
#>10 byte&0x07 =0x05 64 colors
#>10 byte&0x07 =0x06 128 colors
#>10 byte&0x07 =0x07 256 colors
# ITC (CMU WM) raster files. It is essentially a byte-reversed Sun raster,
# 1 plane, no encoding.
0 string \361\0\100\273 CMU window manager raster image data
>4 lelong >0 %d x
>8 lelong >0 %d,
>12 lelong >0 %d-bit
# Magick Image File Format
# URL: https://imagemagick.org/script/miff.php
# Reference: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/MIFF
# Update: Joerg Jenderek
# http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pronom/fmt/930
0 search/256/bc id=imagemagick
# skip bad ASCII text by following new line~0x0A or space~0x20 character
#>&0 ubyte x \b, next character 0x%x
# called by TriD ImageMagick Machine independent File Format bitmap
>&0 ubyte&0xD5 0 MIFF image data
# https://reposcope.com/mimetype/image/miff
#!:mime image/miff
!:mime image/x-miff
!:ext miff/mif
# examples with standard file(1) magic
#>>0 string =id=ImageMagick with standard magic
# examples with unusual file(1) magic like
>>0 string !id=ImageMagick starting with
# start with comment (brace) like http://samples.fileformat.info/.../AQUARIUM.MIF
>>>0 ubyte =0x7b comment
# skip second character which is often a newline and show comment
>>>>2 string x "%s"
# does not start with comment, probably letters with other case like Id=ImageMagick
# ImageMagick-7.0.9-2/Magick++/demo/smile_anim.miff
>>>0 ubyte !0x7b
>>>>0 string >\0 '%-.14s'
# URL: https://imagemagick.org/
# Reference: https://imagemagick.org/script/magick-vector-graphics.php
# From: Joerg Jenderek
# Note: all white-spaces between commands are ignored
0 string push
# skip some white spaces
>5 search/3 graphic-context ImageMagick Vector Graphic
# TODO: look for dangerous commands like CVE-2016-3715
#!:mime text/plain
!:mime image/x-mvg
!:ext mvg
# Artisan
0 long 1123028772 Artisan image data
>4 long 1 \b, rectangular 24-bit
>4 long 2 \b, rectangular 8-bit with colormap
>4 long 3 \b, rectangular 32-bit (24-bit with matte)
# FIG (Facility for Interactive Generation of figures), an object-based format
0 search/1 #FIG FIG image text
>5 string x \b, version %.3s
0 string ARF_BEGARF PHIGS clear text archive
0 string @(#)SunPHIGS SunPHIGS
# version number follows, in the form m.n
>40 string SunBin binary
>32 string archive archive
# GKS (Graphics Kernel System)
0 string GKSM GKS Metafile
>24 string SunGKS \b, SunGKS
# CGM image files
0 string BEGMF clear text Computer Graphics Metafile
# MGR bitmaps (Michael Haardt, u31b3hs@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de)
0 string yz MGR bitmap, modern format, 8-bit aligned
0 string zz MGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 16-bit aligned
0 string xz MGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 32-bit aligned
0 string yx MGR bitmap, modern format, squeezed
# Fuzzy Bitmap (FBM) images
0 string %bitmap\0 FBM image data
>30 long 0x31 \b, mono
>30 long 0x33 \b, color
# facsimile data
1 string PC\ Research,\ Inc group 3 fax data
>29 byte 0 \b, normal resolution (204x98 DPI)
>29 byte 1 \b, fine resolution (204x196 DPI)
# From: Herbert Rosmanith <herp@wildsau.idv.uni.linz.at>
0 string Sfff structured fax file
# From: Joerg Jenderek <joerg.jen.der.ek@gmx.net>
# most files with the extension .EPA and some with .BMP
0 string \x11\x06 Award BIOS Logo, 136 x 84
!:mime image/x-award-bioslogo
0 string \x11\x09 Award BIOS Logo, 136 x 126
!:mime image/x-award-bioslogo
#0 string \x07\x1f BIOS Logo corrupted?
# http://www.blackfiveservices.co.uk/awbmtools.shtml
# http://biosgfx.narod.ru/v3/
# http://biosgfx.narod.ru/abr-2/
0 string AWBM
>4 leshort <1981 Award BIOS bitmap
!:mime image/x-award-bmp
# image width is a multiple of 4
>>4 leshort&0x0003 0
>>>4 leshort x \b, %d
>>>6 leshort x x %d
>>4 leshort&0x0003 >0 \b,
>>>4 leshort&0x0003 =1
>>>>4 leshort x %d+3
>>>4 leshort&0x0003 =2
>>>>4 leshort x %d+2
>>>4 leshort&0x0003 =3
>>>>4 leshort x %d+1
>>>6 leshort x x %d
# at offset 8 starts imagedata followed by "RGB " marker
# PC bitmaps (OS/2, Windows BMP files) (Greg Roelofs, newt@uchicago.edu)
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format#DIB_header_.\
# 28bitmap_information_header.29
# Note: variant starting direct with DIB header see
# http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/BMP
# verified by ImageMagick version 6.8.9-8 command `identify *.dib`
0 leshort 40
# skip bad samples like GAME by looking for valid number of color planes
>12 uleshort 1 Device independent bitmap graphic
!:mime image/bmp
!:apple ????BMPp
!:ext dib
>>4 lelong x \b, %d x
>>8 lelong x %d x
>>14 leshort x %d
# number of color planes (must be 1)
#>>12 uleshort >1 \b, %u color planes
# compression method: 0~no 1~RLE 8-bit/pixel 3~Huffman 1D
#>>16 ulelong 3 \b, Huffman 1D compression
>>16 ulelong >0 \b, %u compression
# image size is the size of raw bitmap; a dummy 0 can be given for BI_RGB bitmaps
>>20 ulelong x \b, image size %u
# horizontal and vertical resolution of the image (pixel per metre, signed integer)
>>24 lelong >0 \b, resolution %d x
>>>28 lelong x %d px/m
# number of colors in palette, or 0 to default to 2**n
#>>32 ulelong >0 \b, %u colors
# number of important colors used, or 0 when every color is important
>>36 ulelong >0 \b, %u important colors
0 string BM
>14 leshort 12 PC bitmap, OS/2 1.x format
!:mime image/x-ms-bmp
>>18 leshort x \b, %d x
>>20 leshort x %d
>14 leshort 64 PC bitmap, OS/2 2.x format
!:mime image/bmp
!:apple ????BMPp
!:ext bmp
# image width and height fields are unsigned integers for OS/2
>>18 ulelong x \b, %u x
>>22 ulelong x %u
# number of bits per pixel (color depth); found 1 4 8
>>28 uleshort >1 x %u
# x, y coordinates of the hotspot
>>6 uleshort >0 \b, hotspot %ux
>>>8 uleshort x \b%u
>>26 uleshort >1 \b, %u color planes
# cbSize; size of file or headers
>>2 ulelong x \b, cbSize %u
#>>2 ulelong x \b, cbSize 0x%x
# offBits; offset to bitmap data like 56h 5Eh 8Eh 43Eh
>>10 ulelong x \b, bits offset %u
#>>10 ulelong x \b, bits offset 0x%x
#>>(10.l) ubequad !0 \b, bits 0x%16.16llx
>14 leshort 52 PC bitmap, Adobe Photoshop
!:mime image/bmp
!:apple ????BMPp
!:ext bmp
>>18 lelong x \b, %d x
>>22 lelong x %d x
>>28 leshort x %d
# BITMAPV3INFOHEADER adds alpha channel bit mask
>14 leshort 56 PC bitmap, Adobe Photoshop with alpha channel mask
!:mime image/bmp
!:apple ????BMPp
!:ext bmp
>>18 lelong x \b, %d x
>>22 lelong x %d x
>>28 leshort x %d
>14 leshort 40
# jump 4 bytes before end of file/header to skip fmt-116-signature-id-118.dib
>>(2.l-4) ulong x PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format
!:mime image/bmp
!:apple ????BMPp
>>>18 lelong x \b, %d x
>>>22 lelong x %d
# 320 x 400 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LOGO.SYS
>>>18 ulequad =0x0000019000000140 x
!:ext bmp/sys
>>>18 ulequad !0x0000019000000140
# compression method 2~RLE 4-bit/pixel implies also extension rle
>>>>30 ulelong 2 x
!:ext bmp/rle
>>>>30 default x x
!:ext bmp
# number of bits per pixel (color depth); found 1 2 4 8 16 24 32
>>>28 leshort x %d
# x, y coordinates of the hotspot; there is no hotspot in bitmaps, so values 0
#>>>6 uleshort >0 \b, hotspot %ux
#>>>>8 uleshort x \b%u
# number of color planes (must be 1), except badplanes.bmp for testing
#>>>26 uleshort >1 \b, %u color planes
# compression method: 0~no 1~RLE 8-bit/pixel 2~RLE 4-bit/pixel 3~Huffman 1D 6~RGBA bit field masks
#>>>30 ulelong 3 \b, Huffman 1D compression
>>>30 ulelong >0 \b, %u compression
# image size is the size of raw bitmap; a dummy 0 can be given for BI_RGB bitmaps
>>>34 ulelong >0 \b, image size %u
# horizontal and vertical resolution of the image (pixel per metre, signed integer)
>>>38 lelong >0 \b, resolution %d x
>>>>42 lelong x %d px/m
# number of colors in palette 16 256, or 0 to default to 2**n
#>>>46 ulelong >0 \b, %u colors
# number of important colors used, or 0 when every color is important
>>>50 ulelong >0 \b, %u important colors
# cbSize; often size of file
>>>2 ulelong x \b, cbSize %u
#>>>2 ulelong x \b, cbSize 0x%x
# offBits; offset to bitmap data like 36h 76h BEh 236h 406h 436h 4E6h
>>>10 ulelong x \b, bits offset %u
#>>>10 ulelong x \b, bits offset 0x%x
#>>>(10.l) ubequad !0 \b, bits 0x%16.16llxd
>14 leshort 124 PC bitmap, Windows 98/2000 and newer format
!:mime image/x-ms-bmp
>>18 lelong x \b, %d x
>>22 lelong x %d x
>>28 leshort x %d
>14 leshort 108 PC bitmap, Windows 95/NT4 and newer format
!:mime image/x-ms-bmp
>>18 lelong x \b, %d x
>>22 lelong x %d x
>>28 leshort x %d
>14 leshort 128 PC bitmap, Windows NT/2000 format
!:mime image/x-ms-bmp
>>18 lelong x \b, %d x
>>22 lelong x %d x
>>28 leshort x %d
# Update: Joerg Jenderek
# URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/OS/2_Icon
# Reference: http://www.fileformat.info
# /format/os2bmp/spec/902d5c253f2a43ada39c2b81034f27fd/view.htm
# Note: verified by command like `deark -l -d3 OS2MEMU.ICO`
0 string IC
# skip Lotus smart icon *.smi by looking for valid hotspot coordinates
>6 ulelong&0xFF00FF00 =0 OS/2 icon
# jump 4 bytes before end of header/file and test for accessibility
#>>(2.l-4) ubelong x End of header is OK!
!:mime image/x-os2-ico
!:ext ico
# cbSize; size of header or file in bytes like 1ah 120h 420h
>>2 ulelong x \b, cbSize %u
# xHotspot, yHotspot; coordinates of the hotspot for icons like 16 32
>>6 uleshort x \b, hotspot %ux
>>8 uleshort x \b%u
# offBits; offset in bytes to the beginning of the bit-map pel data like 20h
>>10 ulelong x \b, bits offset %u
#>>(10.l) ubequad x \b, bits 0x%16.16llx
#0 string PI PC pointer image data
#0 string CI PC color icon data
0 string CI
# test also for valid dib header sizes 12 or 64
>14 ulelong <65 OS/2
# test also for valid hotspot coordinates
#>>6 ulelong&0xFE00FE00 =0 OS/2
!:mime image/x-os2-ico
!:ext ico
>>14 ulelong 12 1.x color icon
# image width and height fields are unsigned integers for OS/2
>>>18 uleshort x %u x
# stored height = 2 * real height
>>>20 uleshort/2 x %u
# number of bits per pixel (color depth). Typical 32 24 16 8 4 but only 1 found
>>>24 uleshort >1 x %u
# color planes; must be 1
#>>>22 uleshort >1 \b, %u color planes
>>14 ulelong 64 2.x color icon
# image width and height
>>>18 ulelong x %u x
# stored height = 2 * real height
>>>22 ulelong/2 x %u
# number of bits per pixel (color depth). only 1 found
>>>28 uleshort >1 x %u
#>>>26 uleshort >1 \b, %u color planes
# compression method: 0~no 3~Huffman 1D
>>>30 ulelong 3 \b, Huffman 1D compression
#>>>30 ulelong >0 \b, %u compression
# xHotspot, yHotspot; coordinates of the hotspot like 0 1 16 20 32 33 63 64
>>6 uleshort x \b, hotspot %ux
>>8 uleshort x \b%u
# cbSize; size of header or maybe file in bytes like 1Ah 4Eh 84Eh
>>2 ulelong x \b, cbSize %u
#>>2 ulelong x \b, cbSize %x
# offBits; offset to bitmap data (pixel array) like E4h 3Ah 66h 6Ah 33Ah 4A4h
>>10 ulelong x \b, bits offset %u
#>>10 ulelong x \b, bits offset 0x%x
#>>(10.l) ubequad !0 \b, bits 0x%16.16llx
# dib header size: 12~Ch~OS/2 1.x 64~40h~OS/2 2.x
#>>14 ulelong x \b, dib header size %u
#0 string CP PC color pointer image data
# URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/OS/2_Pointer
# Reference: http://www.fileformat.info/format/os2bmp/egff.htm
0 string CP
# skip CPU-Z Report by checking for valid dib header sizes 12 or 64
>14 ulelong <65 OS/2
# http://extension.nirsoft.net/PTR
!:mime image/x-ibm-pointer
!:ext ptr
>>14 ulelong 12 1.x color pointer
# image width and height fields are unsigned integers for OS/2
>>>18 uleshort x %u x
# stored height = 2 * real height
>>>20 uleshort/2 x %u
# number of bits per pixel (color depth). Typical 32 24 16 8 4 but only 1 found
>>>24 uleshort >1 x %u
# color planes; must be 1
#>>>22 uleshort >1 \b, %u color planes
>>14 ulelong 64 2.x color pointer
# image width and height
>>>18 ulelong x %u x
# stored height = 2 * real height
>>>22 ulelong/2 x %u
# number of bits per pixel (color depth). only 1 found
>>>28 uleshort >1 x %u
#>>>26 uleshort >1 \b, %u color planes
# compression method: 0~no 3~Huffman 1D
>>>30 ulelong 3 \b, Huffman 1D compression
#>>>30 ulelong >0 \b, %u compression
# xHotspot, yHotspot; coordinates of the hotspot like 0 3 4 8 15 16 23 27 31
>>6 uleshort x \b, hotspot %ux
>>8 uleshort x \b%u
# cbSize; size of header or maybe file in bytes like 1Ah 4Eh
>>2 ulelong x \b, cbSize %u
#>>2 ulelong x \b, cbSize %x
# offBits; offset to bitmap data (pixel array) like 6Ah A4h E4h 4A4h
>>10 ulelong x \b, bits offset %u
#>>10 ulelong x \b, bits offset 0x%x
#>>(10.l) ubequad !0 \b, bits 0x%16.16llx
# dib header size: 12~Ch~OS/2 1.x 64~40h~OS/2 2.x
#>>14 ulelong x \b, dib header size %u
# Conflicts with other entries [BABYL]
# URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/BMP#OS.2F2_Bitmap_Array
# Note: container for OS/2 icon "IC", color icon "CI", color pointer "CP" or bitmap "BM"
#0 string BA PC bitmap array data
0 string BA
# skip old Emacs RMAIL BABYL ./mail.news by checking for low header size
>2 ulelong <0x004c5942 OS/2 graphic array
!:mime image/x-os2-graphics
#!:apple ????BMPf
# cbSize; size of header like 28h 5Ch
>>2 ulelong x \b, cbSize %u
#>>2 ulelong x \b, cbSize 0x%x
# offNext; offset to data like 0 48h F2h 4Eh 64h C6h D2h D6h DAh E6h EAh 348h
>>6 ulelong >0 \b, data offset %u
#>>6 ulelong >0 \b, data offset 0x%x
#>>(6.l) ubequad !0 \b, data 0x%16.16llx
# dimensions of the intended device like 640 x 480 for VGA or 1024 x 768
>>10 uleshort >0 \b, display %u
>>>12 uleshort >0 x %u
# usType of first array element
#>>14 string x \b, usType %2.2s
# 1 space char after "1st"
# no *.bga examples found https://www.openwith.org/file-extensions/bga/1342
>>14 string BM \b; 1st
!:ext bmp/bga
>>14 string CI \b; 1st
!:ext ico
>>14 string CP \b; 1st
!:ext ico
>>14 string IC \b; 1st
!:ext ico
# no white-black pointer found
#>>14 string PT \b; 1st
>>14 indirect x
# XPM icons (Greg Roelofs, newt@uchicago.edu)
0 search/1 /*\ XPM\ */ X pixmap image text
!:mime image/x-xpmi
# Utah Raster Toolkit RLE images (janl@ifi.uio.no)
0 leshort 0xcc52 RLE image data,
>6 leshort x %d x
>8 leshort x %d
>2 leshort >0 \b, lower left corner: %d
>4 leshort >0 \b, lower right corner: %d
>10 byte&0x1 =0x1 \b, clear first
>10 byte&0x2 =0x2 \b, no background
>10 byte&0x4 =0x4 \b, alpha channel
>10 byte&0x8 =0x8 \b, comment
>11 byte >0 \b, %d color channels
>12 byte >0 \b, %d bits per pixel
>13 byte >0 \b, %d color map channels
# image file format (Robert Potter, potter@cs.rochester.edu)
0 string Imagefile\ version- iff image data
# this adds the whole header (inc. version number), informative but longish
>10 string >\0 %s
# Sun raster images, from Daniel Quinlan (quinlan@yggdrasil.com)
0 belong 0x59a66a95 Sun raster image data
>4 belong >0 \b, %d x
>8 belong >0 %d,
>12 belong >0 %d-bit,
#>16 belong >0 %d bytes long,
>20 belong 0 old format,
#>20 belong 1 standard,
>20 belong 2 compressed,
>20 belong 3 RGB,
>20 belong 4 TIFF,
>20 belong 5 IFF,
>20 belong 0xffff reserved for testing,
>24 belong 0 no colormap
>24 belong 1 RGB colormap
>24 belong 2 raw colormap
#>28 belong >0 colormap is %d bytes long
# SGI image file format, from Daniel Quinlan (quinlan@yggdrasil.com)
# See
# http://reality.sgi.com/grafica/sgiimage.html
0 beshort 474 SGI image data
#>2 byte 0 \b, verbatim
>2 byte 1 \b, RLE
#>3 byte 1 \b, normal precision
>3 byte 2 \b, high precision
>4 beshort x \b, %d-D
>6 beshort x \b, %d x
>8 beshort x %d
>10 beshort x \b, %d channel
>10 beshort !1 \bs
>80 string >0 \b, "%s"
0 string IT01 FIT image data
>4 belong x \b, %d x
>8 belong x %d x
>12 belong x %d
0 string IT02 FIT image data
>4 belong x \b, %d x
>8 belong x %d x
>12 belong x %d
2048 string PCD_IPI Kodak Photo CD image pack file
>0xe02 byte&0x03 0x00 , landscape mode
>0xe02 byte&0x03 0x01 , portrait mode
>0xe02 byte&0x03 0x02 , landscape mode
>0xe02 byte&0x03 0x03 , portrait mode
0 string PCD_OPA Kodak Photo CD overview pack file
# FITS format. Jeff Uphoff <juphoff@tarsier.cv.nrao.edu>
# FITS is the Flexible Image Transport System, the de facto standard for
# data and image transfer, storage, etc., for the astronomical community.
# (FITS floating point formats are big-endian.)
0 string SIMPLE\ \ = FITS image data
!:mime image/fits
!:ext fits/fts
>109 string 8 \b, 8-bit, character or unsigned binary integer
>108 string 16 \b, 16-bit, two's complement binary integer
>107 string \ 32 \b, 32-bit, two's complement binary integer
>107 string -32 \b, 32-bit, floating point, single precision
>107 string -64 \b, 64-bit, floating point, double precision
# other images
0 string This\ is\ a\ BitMap\ file Lisp Machine bit-array-file
# From SunOS 5.5.1 "/etc/magic" - appeared right before Sun raster image
# stuff.
0 beshort 0x1010 PEX Binary Archive
# DICOM medical imaging data
# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DICOM#Data_format
# Note: "dcm" is the official file name extension
# XnView mention also "dc3" and "acr" as file name extension
128 string DICM DICOM medical imaging data
!:mime application/dicom
!:ext dcm/dicom/dic
# XWD - X Window Dump file.
# As described in /usr/X11R6/include/X11/XWDFile.h
# used by the xwd program.
# Bradford Castalia, idaeim, 1/01
# updated by Adam Buchbinder, 2/09
# The following assumes version 7 of the format; the first long is the length
# of the header, which is at least 25 4-byte longs, and the one at offset 8
# is a constant which is always either 1 or 2. Offset 12 is the pixmap depth,
# which is a maximum of 32.
0 belong >100
>8 belong <3
>>12 belong <33
>>>4 belong 7 XWD X Window Dump image data
!:mime image/x-xwindowdump
>>>>100 string >\0 \b, "%s"
>>>>16 belong x \b, %dx
>>>>20 belong x \b%dx
>>>>12 belong x \b%d
# PDS - Planetary Data System
# These files use Parameter Value Language in the header section.
# Unfortunately, there is no certain magic, but the following
# strings have been found to be most likely.
0 string NJPL1I00 PDS (JPL) image data
2 string NJPL1I PDS (JPL) image data
0 string CCSD3ZF PDS (CCSD) image data
2 string CCSD3Z PDS (CCSD) image data
0 string PDS_ PDS image data
0 string LBLSIZE= PDS (VICAR) image data
# pM8x: ATARI STAD compressed bitmap format
# from Oskar Schirmer <schirmer@scara.com> Feb 2, 2001
# p M 8 5/6 xx yy zz data...
# Atari ST STAD bitmap is always 640x400, bytewise runlength compressed.
# bytes either run horizontally (pM85) or vertically (pM86). yy is the
# most frequent byte, xx and zz are runlength escape codes, where xx is
# used for runs of yy.
0 string pM85 Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (hor)
>5 byte 0x00 (white background)
>5 byte 0xFF (black background)
0 string pM86 Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (vert)
>5 byte 0x00 (white background)
>5 byte 0xFF (black background)
# From: Alex Myczko <alex@aiei.ch>
# https://www.atarimax.com/jindroush.atari.org/afmtatr.html
0 leshort 0x0296 Atari ATR image
# XXX:
# This is bad magic 0x5249 == 'RI' conflicts with RIFF and other
# magic.
# SGI RICE image file <mpruett@sgi.com>
#0 beshort 0x5249 RICE image
#>2 beshort x v%d
#>4 beshort x (%d x
#>6 beshort x %d)
#>8 beshort 0 8 bit
#>8 beshort 1 10 bit
#>8 beshort 2 12 bit
#>8 beshort 3 13 bit
#>10 beshort 0 4:2:2
#>10 beshort 1 4:2:2:4
#>10 beshort 2 4:4:4
#>10 beshort 3 4:4:4:4
#>12 beshort 1 RGB
#>12 beshort 2 CCIR601
#>12 beshort 3 RP175
#>12 beshort 4 YUV
# PCX image files
# From: Dan Fandrich <dan@coneharvesters.com>
# updated by Joerg Jenderek at Feb 2013 by https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCX
# https://web.archive.org/web/20100206055706/http://www.qzx.com/pc-gpe/pcx.txt
# GRR: original test was still too general as it catches xbase examples T5.DBT,T6.DBT with 0xa000000
# test for bytes 0x0a,version byte (0,2,3,4,5),compression byte flag(0,1), bit depth (>0) of PCX or T5.DBT,T6.DBT
0 ubelong&0xffF8fe00 0x0a000000
# for PCX bit depth > 0
>3 ubyte >0
# test for valid versions
>>1 ubyte <6
>>>1 ubyte !1 PCX
!:mime image/x-pcx
#!:mime image/pcx
>>>>1 ubyte 0 ver. 2.5 image data
>>>>1 ubyte 2 ver. 2.8 image data, with palette
>>>>1 ubyte 3 ver. 2.8 image data, without palette
>>>>1 ubyte 4 for Windows image data
>>>>1 ubyte 5 ver. 3.0 image data
>>>>4 uleshort x bounding box [%d,
>>>>6 uleshort x %d] -
>>>>8 uleshort x [%d,
>>>>10 uleshort x %d],
>>>>65 ubyte >1 %d planes each of
>>>>3 ubyte x %d-bit
>>>>68 byte 1 colour,
>>>>68 byte 2 grayscale,
# this should not happen
>>>>68 default x image,
>>>>12 leshort >0 %d x
>>>>>14 uleshort x %d dpi,
>>>>2 byte 0 uncompressed
>>>>2 byte 1 RLE compressed
# Adobe Photoshop
# From: Asbjoern Sloth Toennesen <asbjorn@lila.io>
0 string 8BPS Adobe Photoshop Image
!:mime image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
>4 beshort 2 (PSB)
>18 belong x \b, %d x
>14 belong x %d,
>24 beshort 0 bitmap
>24 beshort 1 grayscale
>>12 beshort 2 with alpha
>24 beshort 2 indexed
>24 beshort 3 RGB
>>12 beshort 4 \bA
>24 beshort 4 CMYK
>>12 beshort 5 \bA
>24 beshort 7 multichannel
>24 beshort 8 duotone
>24 beshort 9 lab
>12 beshort > 1
>>12 beshort x \b, %dx
>12 beshort 1 \b,
>22 beshort x %d-bit channel
>12 beshort > 1 \bs
# XV thumbnail indicator (ThMO)
0 string P7\ 332 XV thumbnail image data
# NITF is defined by United States MIL-STD-2500A
0 string NITF National Imagery Transmission Format
>25 string >\0 dated %.14s
# GEM Image: Version 1, Headerlen 8 (Wolfram Kleff)
# Format variations from: Bernd Nuernberger <bernd.nuernberger@web.de>
# Update: Joerg Jenderek
# See http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/GEM_Raster
# For variations, also see:
# https://www.seasip.info/Gem/ff_img.html (Ventura)
# http://www.atari-wiki.com/?title=IMG_file (XIMG, STTT)
# http://www.fileformat.info/format/gemraster/spec/index.htm (XIMG, STTT)
# http://sylvana.net/1stguide/1STGUIDE.ENG (TIMG)
0 beshort 0x0001
# header_size
>2 beshort 0x0008
>>0 use gem_info
>2 beshort 0x0009
>>0 use gem_info
# no example for NOSIG
>2 beshort 24
>>0 use gem_info
# no example for HYPERPAINT
>2 beshort 25
>>0 use gem_info
16 string XIMG\0
>0 use gem_info
# no example
16 string STTT\0\x10
>0 use gem_info
# no example or description
16 string TIMG\0
>0 use gem_info
0 name gem_info
# version is 2 for some XIMG and 1 for all others
>0 beshort <0x0003 GEM
# https://www.snowstone.org.uk/riscos/mimeman/mimemap.txt
!:mime image/x-gem
# header_size 24 25 27 59 779 words for colored bitmaps
>>2 beshort >9
>>>16 string STTT\0\x10 STTT
>>>16 string TIMG\0 TIMG
>>>16 string \0\x80
>>>>2 beshort =24 NOSIG
>>>>2 beshort !24 HYPERPAINT
# NOSIG or XIMG variant
>>>16 default x
>>>>16 string !XIMG\0 NOSIG
>>16 string =XIMG\0 XIMG Image data
!:ext img/ximg
# to avoid Warning: Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a EXTENSION type
>>16 string !XIMG\0 Image data
!:ext img
# header_size is 9 for Ventura files and 8 for other GEM Paint files
>>2 beshort 9 (Ventura)
#>>2 beshort 8 (Paint)
>>12 beshort x %d x
>>14 beshort x %d,
# 1 4 8
>>4 beshort x %d planes,
# in tenths of a millimetre
>>8 beshort x %d x
>>10 beshort x %d pixelsize
# pattern_size 1-8. 2 for GEM Paint
>>6 beshort !2 \b, pattern size %d
# GEM Metafile (Wolfram Kleff)
0 lelong 0x0018FFFF GEM Metafile data
>4 leshort x version %d
# SMJPEG. A custom Motion JPEG format used by Loki Entertainment
# Software Torbjorn Andersson <d91tan@Update.UU.SE>.
0 string \0\nSMJPEG SMJPEG
>8 belong x %d.x data
# According to the specification you could find any number of _TXT
# headers here, but I can't think of any way of handling that. None of
# the SMJPEG files I tried it on used this feature. Even if such a
# file is encountered the output should still be reasonable.
>16 string _SND \b,
>>24 beshort >0 %d Hz
>>26 byte 8 8-bit
>>26 byte 16 16-bit
>>28 string NONE uncompressed
# >>28 string APCM ADPCM compressed
>>27 byte 1 mono
>>28 byte 2 stereo
# Help! Isn't there any way to avoid writing this part twice?
>>32 string _VID \b,
# >>>48 string JFIF JPEG
>>>40 belong >0 %d frames
>>>44 beshort >0 (%d x
>>>46 beshort >0 %d)
>16 string _VID \b,
# >>32 string JFIF JPEG
>>24 belong >0 %d frames
>>28 beshort >0 (%d x
>>30 beshort >0 %d)
0 string Paint\ Shop\ Pro\ Image\ File Paint Shop Pro Image File
# "thumbnail file" (icon)
# descended from "xv", but in use by other applications as well (Wolfram Kleff)
0 string P7\ 332 XV "thumbnail file" (icon) data
# taken from fkiss: (<yav@mte.biglobe.ne.jp> ?)
0 string KiSS KISS/GS
>4 byte 16 color
>>5 byte x %d bit
>>8 leshort x %d colors
>>10 leshort x %d groups
>4 byte 32 cell
>>5 byte x %d bit
>>8 leshort x %d x
>>10 leshort x %d
>>12 leshort x +%d
>>14 leshort x +%d
# Webshots (www.webshots.com), by John Harrison
0 string C\253\221g\230\0\0\0 Webshots Desktop .wbz file
# Hercules DASD image files
# From Jan Jaeger <jj@septa.nl>
0 string CKD_P370 Hercules CKD DASD image file
>8 long x \b, %d heads per cylinder
>12 long x \b, track size %d bytes
>16 byte x \b, device type 33%2.2X
0 string CKD_C370 Hercules compressed CKD DASD image file
>8 long x \b, %d heads per cylinder
>12 long x \b, track size %d bytes
>16 byte x \b, device type 33%2.2X
0 string CKD_S370 Hercules CKD DASD shadow file
>8 long x \b, %d heads per cylinder
>12 long x \b, track size %d bytes
>16 byte x \b, device type 33%2.2X
# Squeak images and programs - etoffi@softhome.net
0 string \146\031\0\0 Squeak image data
0 search/1 'From\040Squeak Squeak program text
# partimage: file(1) magic for PartImage files (experimental, incomplete)
# Author: Hans-Joachim Baader <hjb@pro-linux.de>
0 string PaRtImAgE-VoLuMe PartImage
>0x0020 string 0.6.1 file version %s
>>0x0060 lelong >-1 volume %d
#>>0x0064 8 byte identifier
#>>0x007c reserved
>>0x0200 string >\0 type %s
>>0x1400 string >\0 device %s,
>>0x1600 string >\0 original filename %s,
# Some fields omitted
>>0x2744 lelong 0 not compressed
>>0x2744 lelong 1 gzip compressed
>>0x2744 lelong 2 bzip2 compressed
>>0x2744 lelong >2 compressed with unknown algorithm
>0x0020 string >0.6.1 file version %s
>0x0020 string <0.6.1 file version %s
# DCX is multi-page PCX, using a simple header of up to 1024
# offsets for the respective PCX components.
# From: Joerg Wunsch <joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.de>
0 lelong 987654321 DCX multi-page PCX image data
# Simon Walton <simonw@matteworld.com>
# Kodak Cineon format for scanned negatives
# http://www.kodak.com/US/en/motion/support/dlad/
0 lelong 0xd75f2a80 Cineon image data
>200 belong >0 \b, %d x
>204 belong >0 %d
# Bio-Rad .PIC is an image format used by microscope control systems
# and related image processing software used by biologists.
# From: Vebjorn Ljosa <vebjorn@ljosa.com>
# BOOL values are two-byte integers; use them to rule out false positives.
# https://web.archive.org/web/20050317223257/www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/ladic/text/biorad.txt
# Samples: https://www.loci.wisc.edu/software/sample-data
14 leshort <2
>62 leshort <2
>>54 leshort 12345 Bio-Rad .PIC Image File
>>>0 leshort >0 %d x
>>>2 leshort >0 %d,
>>>4 leshort =1 1 image in file
>>>4 leshort >1 %d images in file
# From Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas@fi.muni.cz>
# The description of *.mrw format can be found at
# http://www.dalibor.cz/minolta/raw_file_format.htm
0 string \000MRM Minolta Dimage camera raw image data
# Summary: DjVu image / document
# Extension: .djvu
# Reference: http://djvu.org/docs/DjVu3Spec.djvu
# Submitted by: Stephane Loeuillet <stephane.loeuillet@tiscali.fr>
# Modified by (1): Abel Cheung <abelcheung@gmail.com>
0 string AT&TFORM
>12 string DJVM DjVu multiple page document
!:mime image/vnd.djvu
>12 string DJVU DjVu image or single page document
!:mime image/vnd.djvu
>12 string DJVI DjVu shared document
!:mime image/vnd.djvu
>12 string THUM DjVu page thumbnails
!:mime image/vnd.djvu
# Originally by Marc Espie
# Modified by Robert Minsk <robertminsk at yahoo.com>
# https://www.openexr.com/openexrfilelayout.pdf
0 lelong 20000630 OpenEXR image data,
!:mime image/x-exr
>4 lelong&0x000000ff x version %d,
>4 lelong ^0x00000200 storage: scanline
>4 lelong &0x00000200 storage: tiled
>8 search/0x1000 compression\0 \b, compression:
>>&16 byte 0 none
>>&16 byte 1 rle
>>&16 byte 2 zips
>>&16 byte 3 zip
>>&16 byte 4 piz
>>&16 byte 5 pxr24
>>&16 byte 6 b44
>>&16 byte 7 b44a
>>&16 byte 8 dwaa
>>&16 byte 9 dwab
>>&16 byte >9 unknown
>8 search/0x1000 dataWindow\0 \b, dataWindow:
>>&10 lelong x (%d
>>&14 lelong x %d)-
>>&18 lelong x \b(%d
>>&22 lelong x %d)
>8 search/0x1000 displayWindow\0 \b, displayWindow:
>>&10 lelong x (%d
>>&14 lelong x %d)-
>>&18 lelong x \b(%d
>>&22 lelong x %d)
>8 search/0x1000 lineOrder\0 \b, lineOrder:
>>&14 byte 0 increasing y
>>&14 byte 1 decreasing y
>>&14 byte 2 random y
>>&14 byte >2 unknown
# SMPTE Digital Picture Exchange Format, SMPTE DPX
# ANSI/SMPTE 268M-1994, SMPTE Standard for File Format for Digital
# Moving-Picture Exchange (DPX), v1.0, 18 February 1994
# Robert Minsk <robertminsk at yahoo.com>
# Modified by Harry Mallon <hjmallon at gmail.com>
0 string SDPX DPX image data, big-endian,
!:mime image/x-dpx
>0 use dpx_info
0 string XPDS DPX image data, little-endian,
!:mime image/x-dpx
>0 use \^dpx_info
0 name dpx_info
>768 beshort <4
>>772 belong x %dx
>>776 belong x \b%d,
>768 beshort >3
>>776 belong x %dx
>>772 belong x \b%d,
>768 beshort 0 left to right/top to bottom
>768 beshort 1 right to left/top to bottom
>768 beshort 2 left to right/bottom to top
>768 beshort 3 right to left/bottom to top
>768 beshort 4 top to bottom/left to right
>768 beshort 5 top to bottom/right to left
>768 beshort 6 bottom to top/left to right
>768 beshort 7 bottom to top/right to left
# From: Tom Hilinski <tom.hilinski@comcast.net>
# https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/
0 string CDF\001 NetCDF Data Format data
# 64-bit offset netcdf Classic https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/file_format_specifications
0 string CDF\002 NetCDF Data Format data (64-bit offset)
# Hierarchical Data Format, used to facilitate scientific data exchange
# specifications at http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/
0 belong 0x0e031301 Hierarchical Data Format (version 4) data
!:mime application/x-hdf
0 string \211HDF\r\n\032\n Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) data
!:mime application/x-hdf
512 string \211HDF\r\n\032\n Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 512 bytes user block
!:mime application/x-hdf
1024 string \211HDF\r\n\032\n Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 1k user block
!:mime application/x-hdf
2048 string \211HDF\r\n\032\n Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 2k user block
!:mime application/x-hdf
4096 string \211HDF\r\n\032\n Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 4k user block
!:mime application/x-hdf
# From: Tobias Burnus <burnus@net-b.de>
# Xara (for a while: Corel Xara) is a graphic package, see
# http://www.xara.com/ for Windows and as GPL application for Linux
0 string XARA\243\243 Xara graphics file
# https://www.cartesianinc.com/Tech/
0 string CPC\262 Cartesian Perceptual Compression image
!:mime image/x-cpi
# From Albert Cahalan <acahalan@gmail.com>
# puredigital used it for the CVS disposable camcorder
#8 lelong 4 ZBM bitmap image data
#>4 leshort x %u x
#>6 leshort x %u
# From Albert Cahalan <acahalan@gmail.com>
# uncompressed 5:6:5 HighColor image for OLPC XO firmware icons
0 string C565 OLPC firmware icon image data
>4 leshort x %u x
>6 leshort x %u
# Applied Images - Image files from Cytovision
# Gustavo Junior Alves <gjalves@gjalves.com.br>
0 string \xce\xda\xde\xfa Cytovision Metaphases file
0 string \xed\xad\xef\xac Cytovision Karyotype file
0 string \x0b\x00\x03\x00 Cytovision FISH Probe file
0 string \xed\xfe\xda\xbe Cytovision FLEX file
0 string \xed\xab\xed\xfe Cytovision FLEX file
0 string \xad\xfd\xea\xad Cytovision RATS file
# Wavelet Scalar Quantization format used in gray-scale fingerprint images
# From Tano M Fotang <mfotang@quanteq.com>
0 string \xff\xa0\xff\xa8\x00 Wavelet Scalar Quantization image data
# Type: PCO B16 image files
# URL: http://www.pco.de/fileadmin/user_upload/db/download/MA_CWDCOPIE_0412b.pdf
# From: Florian Philipp <florian.philipp@binarywings.net>
# Extension: .b16
# Description: Pixel image format produced by PCO Camware, typically used
# together with PCO cameras.
# Note: Different versions exist for e.g. 8 bit and 16 bit images.
# Documentation is incomplete.
0 string/b PCO- PCO B16 image data
>12 lelong x \b, %dx
>16 lelong x \b%d
>20 lelong 0 \b, short header
>20 lelong -1 \b, extended header
>>24 lelong 0 \b, grayscale
>>>36 lelong 0 linear LUT
>>>36 lelong 1 logarithmic LUT
>>>28 lelong x [%d
>>>32 lelong x \b,%d]
>>24 lelong 1 \b, color
>>>64 lelong 0 linear LUT
>>>64 lelong 1 logarithmic LUT
>>>40 lelong x r[%d
>>>44 lelong x \b,%d]
>>>48 lelong x g[%d
>>>52 lelong x \b,%d]
>>>56 lelong x b[%d
>>>60 lelong x \b,%d]
# Polar Monitor Bitmap (.pmb) used as logo for Polar Electro watches
# From: Markus Heidelberg <markus.heidelberg at web.de>
0 string/t [BitmapInfo2] Polar Monitor Bitmap text
!:mime image/x-polar-monitor-bitmap
# From: Rick Richardson <rickrich@gmail.com>
# updated by: Joerg Jenderek
# URL: http://techmods.net/nuvi/
0 string GARMIN\ BITMAP\ 01 Garmin Bitmap file
# extension is also used for
# Sony SRF raw image (image/x-sony-srf)
# SRF map
# Terragen Surface Map (https://www.planetside.co.uk/terragen)
# FileLocator Pro search criteria file (https://www.mythicsoft.com/filelocatorpro)
!:ext srf
#!:mime image/x-garmin-srf
# version 1.00,2.00,2.10,2.40,2.50
>0x2f string >0 \b, version %4.4s
# width (2880,2881,3240)
>0x55 uleshort >0 \b, %dx
# height (80,90)
>>0x53 uleshort x \b%d
# Type: Ulead Photo Explorer5 (.pe5)
# URL: http://www.jisyo.com/cgibin/view.cgi?EXT=pe5 (Japanese)
# From: Simon Horman <horms@debian.org>
0 string IIO2H Ulead Photo Explorer5
# Type: X11 cursor
# URL: http://webcvs.freedesktop.org/mime/shared-mime-info/freedesktop.org.xml.in?view=markup
# From: Mathias Brodala <info@noctus.net>
0 string Xcur X11 cursor
# Type: Olympus ORF raw images.
# URL: https://libopenraw.freedesktop.org/wiki/Olympus_ORF
# From: Adam Buchbinder <adam.buchbinder@gmail.com>
0 string MMOR Olympus ORF raw image data, big-endian
!:mime image/x-olympus-orf
0 string IIRO Olympus ORF raw image data, little-endian
!:mime image/x-olympus-orf
0 string IIRS Olympus ORF raw image data, little-endian
!:mime image/x-olympus-orf
# Type: files used in modern AVCHD camcoders to store clip information
# Extension: .cpi
# From: Alexander Danilov <alexander.a.danilov@gmail.com>
0 string HDMV0100 AVCHD Clip Information
# From: Adam Buchbinder <adam.buchbinder@gmail.com>
# URL: http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/dataformats/pic/
# Radiance HDR; usually has .pic or .hdr extension.
0 string #?RADIANCE\n Radiance HDR image data
#!mime image/vnd.radiance
# From: Adam Buchbinder <adam.buchbinder@gmail.com>
# URL: https://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/resources/pfstools/pfs_format_spec.pdf
# Used by the pfstools packages. The regex matches for the image size could
# probably use some work. The MIME type is made up; if there's one in
# actual common use, it should replace the one below.
0 string PFS1\x0a PFS HDR image data
#!mime image/x-pfs
>1 regex [0-9]*\ \b, %s
>>1 regex \ [0-9]{4} \bx%s
# Type: Foveon X3F
# URL: https://www.photofo.com/downloads/x3f-raw-format.pdf
# From: Adam Buchbinder <adam.buchbinder@gmail.com>
# Note that the MIME type isn't defined anywhere that I can find; if
# there's a canonical type for this format, it should replace this one.
0 string FOVb Foveon X3F raw image data
!:mime image/x-x3f
>6 leshort x \b, version %d.
>4 leshort x \b%d
>28 lelong x \b, %dx
>32 lelong x \b%d
# Paint.NET file
# From Adam Buchbinder <adam.buchbinder@gmail.com>
0 string PDN3 Paint.NET image data
!:mime image/x-paintnet
# Not really an image.
# From: "Tano M. Fotang" <mfotang@quanteq.com>
0 string \x46\x4d\x52\x00 ISO/IEC 19794-2 Format Minutiae Record (FMR)
# doc: https://www.shikino.co.jp/eng/products/images/FLOWER.jpg.zip
# example: https://www.shikino.co.jp/eng/products/images/FLOWER.wdp.zip
90 bequad 0x574D50484F544F00 JPEG-XR Image
>98 byte&0x08 =0x08 \b, hard tiling
>99 byte&0x80 =0x80 \b, tiling present
>99 byte&0x40 =0x40 \b, codestream present
>99 byte&0x38 x \b, spatial xform=
>99 byte&0x38 0x00 \bTL
>99 byte&0x38 0x08 \bBL
>99 byte&0x38 0x10 \bTR
>99 byte&0x38 0x18 \bBR
>99 byte&0x38 0x20 \bBT
>99 byte&0x38 0x28 \bRB
>99 byte&0x38 0x30 \bLT
>99 byte&0x38 0x38 \bLB
>100 byte&0x80 =0x80 \b, short header
>>102 beshort+1 x \b, %d
>>104 beshort+1 x \bx%d
>100 byte&0x80 =0x00 \b, long header
>>102 belong+1 x \b, %x
>>106 belong+1 x \bx%x
>101 beshort&0xf x \b, bitdepth=
>>101 beshort&0xf 0x0 \b1-WHITE=1
>>101 beshort&0xf 0x1 \b8
>>101 beshort&0xf 0x2 \b16
>>101 beshort&0xf 0x3 \b16-SIGNED
>>101 beshort&0xf 0x4 \b16-FLOAT
>>101 beshort&0xf 0x5 \b(reserved 5)
>>101 beshort&0xf 0x6 \b32-SIGNED
>>101 beshort&0xf 0x7 \b32-FLOAT
>>101 beshort&0xf 0x8 \b5
>>101 beshort&0xf 0x9 \b10
>>101 beshort&0xf 0xa \b5-6-5
>>101 beshort&0xf 0xb \b(reserved %d)
>>101 beshort&0xf 0xc \b(reserved %d)
>>101 beshort&0xf 0xd \b(reserved %d)
>>101 beshort&0xf 0xe \b(reserved %d)
>>101 beshort&0xf 0xf \b1-BLACK=1
>101 beshort&0xf0 x \b, colorfmt=
>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x00 \bYONLY
>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x10 \bYUV240
>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x20 \bYWV422
>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x30 \bYWV444
>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x40 \bCMYK
>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x50 \bCMYKDIRECT
>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x60 \bNCOMPONENT
>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x70 \bRGB
>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x80 \bRGBE
>>101 beshort&0xf0 >0x80 \b(reserved 0x%x)
# From: Johan van der Knijff <johan.vanderknijff@kb.nl>
# BPG (Better Portable Graphics) format
# https://bellard.org/bpg/
# http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/BPG
0 string \x42\x50\x47\xFB BPG (Better Portable Graphics)
!:mime image/bpg
# From: Joerg Jenderek
# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Icon_Image_format
0 string icns Mac OS X icon
!:mime image/x-icns
!:apple ????icns
!:ext icns
>4 ubelong >0
# file size
>>4 ubelong x \b, %d bytes
# icon type
>>8 string x \b, "%4.4s" type
# TIM images
0 lelong 0x00000010 TIM image,
>4 lelong 0x8 4-Bit,
>4 lelong 0x9 8-Bit,
>4 lelong 0x2 15-Bit,
>4 lelong 0x3 24-Bit,
>4 lelong &8
>>(8.l+12) leshort x Pixel at (%d,
>>(8.l+14) leshort x \b%d)
>>(8.l+16) leshort x Size=%dx
>>(8.l+18) leshort x \b%d,
>>4 lelong 0x8 16 CLUT Entries at
>>4 lelong 0x9 256 CLUT Entries at
>>12 leshort x (%d,
>>14 leshort x \b%d)
>4 lelong ^8
>>12 leshort x Pixel at (%d,
>>14 leshort x \b%d)
>>16 leshort x Size=%dx
>>18 leshort x \b%d
# MDEC streams
0 lelong 0x80010160 MDEC video stream,
>16 leshort x %dx
>18 leshort x \b%d
#>8 lelong x %d frames
#>4 leshort x secCount=%d;
#>6 leshort x nSectors=%d;
#>12 lelong x frameSize=%d;
# BS encoded bitstreams
2 leshort 0x3800 BS image,
>6 leshort x Version %d,
>4 leshort x Quantization %d,
>0 leshort x (Decompresses to %d words)
# Type: farbfeld image.
# Url: http://tools.suckless.org/farbfeld/
# From: Ian D. Scott <ian@iandouglasscott.com>
0 string farbfeld farbfeld image data,
>8 ubelong x %dx
>12 ubelong x \b%d
# Type: Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (common data)
# URL: https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/directx9_c/directx/graphics/reference/DDSFileReference/ddsfileformat.asp
# From: Morten Hustveit <morten@debian.org>
# Updated by: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
0 name ms-directdraw-surface
>0x10 ulelong x %u x
>0x0C ulelong x %u
# Color depth.
>0x58 ulelong >0 \b, %u-bit color
# Determine the pixel format.
>0x50 ulelong&0x4 4
# FIXME: Handle DX10 and XBOX formats.
>>0x54 string x \b, compressed using %.4s
>0x50 ulelong&0x2 0x2 \b, alpha only
>0x50 ulelong&0x200 0x200 \b, YUV
>0x50 ulelong&0x20000 0x20000 \b, luminance
# RGB pixel format
>0x50 ulelong&0x40 0x40
# Determine the RGB format using the color masks.
>>0x58 ulelong 16
# NOTE: 15-bit color formats usually have 16-bit listed as the color depth.
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000003E000007C00
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x000000000000001F \b, RGB555
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000003E000001F00
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x000000000000007C \b, BGR555
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000007E00000F800
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x000000000000001F \b, RGB565
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000007E000001F00
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x00000000000000F8 \b, BGR565
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000000F000000F00
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x0000F0000000000F \b, ARGB4444
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000000F00000000F
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x0000F00000000F00 \b, ABGR4444
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x00000F000000F000
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x0000000F000000F0 \b, RGBA4444
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x00000F00000000F0
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x0000000F0000F000 \b, BGRA4444
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000000F000000F00
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x000000000000000F \b, xRGB4444
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000000F00000000F
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x0000000000000F00 \b, xBGR4444
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x00000F000000F000
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x00000000000000F0 \b, RGBx4444
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x00000F00000000F0
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x000000000000F000 \b, BGRx4444
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000003E000007C00
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x000080000000001F \b, ARGB1555
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000003E000001F00
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x000080000000007C \b, ABGR1555
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000007C00000F800
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x000000010000003E \b, RGBA5551
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000007C00000003E
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x000000010000F800 \b, BGRA5551
>>88 ulelong 24
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x0000FF0000FF0000
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x00000000000000FF \b, RGB888
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x0000FF00000000FF
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x0000000000FF0000 \b, BGR888
>>88 ulelong 32
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x0000FF0000FF0000
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0xFF000000000000FF \b, ARGB8888
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x0000FF00000000FF
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0xFF00000000FF0000 \b, ABGR8888
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x00FF0000FF000000
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x000000FF0000FF00 \b, RGBA8888
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x00FF00000000FF00
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x000000FFFF000000 \b, BGBA8888
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x0000FF0000FF0000
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x00000000000000FF \b, xRGB8888
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x0000FF00000000FF
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x0000000000FF0000 \b, xBGR8888
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x00FF0000FF000000
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x000000000000FF00 \b, RGBx8888
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x00FF00000000FF00
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x00000000FF000000 \b, BGBx8888
# Less common 32-bit color formats.
>>>0x5C ulequad 0xFFFF00000000FFFF
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x0000000000000000 \b, G16R16
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x0000FFFFFFFF0000
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0x0000000000000000 \b, R16G16
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000FFC003FF00000
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0xC0000000000003FF \b, A2R10G10B10
>>>0x5C ulequad 0x000FFC00000003FF
>>>>0x64 ulequad 0xC00000003FF00000 \b, A2B10G10R10
# Type: Microsoft DirectDraw Surface
# URL: https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/directx9_c/directx/graphics/reference/DDSFileReference/ddsfileformat.asp
# From: Morten Hustveit <morten@debian.org>
# Updated by: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
0 string/b DDS\040\174\000\000\000 Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (DDS):
>0 use ms-directdraw-surface
# Type: Sega PVR image.
# From: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
# References:
# - https://fabiensanglard.net/Mykaruga/tools/segaPVRFormat.txt
# - https://github.com/yazgoo/pvrx2png
# - https://github.com/nickworonekin/puyotools
# Sega PVR header.
0 name sega-pvr-image-header
>0x0C leshort x %u x
>0x0E leshort x %u
# Image format.
>0x08 byte 0 \b, ARGB1555
>0x08 byte 1 \b, RGB565
>0x08 byte 2 \b, ARGB4444
>0x08 byte 3 \b, YUV442
>0x08 byte 4 \b, Bump
>0x08 byte 5 \b, 4bpp
>0x08 byte 6 \b, 8bpp
# Image data type.
>0x09 byte 0x01 \b, square twiddled
>0x09 byte 0x02 \b, square twiddled & mipmap
>0x09 byte 0x03 \b, VQ
>0x09 byte 0x04 \b, VQ & mipmap
>0x09 byte 0x05 \b, 8-bit CLUT twiddled
>0x09 byte 0x06 \b, 4-bit CLUT twiddled
>0x09 byte 0x07 \b, 8-bit direct twiddled
>0x09 byte 0x08 \b, 4-bit direct twiddled
>0x09 byte 0x09 \b, rectangle
>0x09 byte 0x0B \b, rectangular stride
>0x09 byte 0x0D \b, rectangular twiddled
>0x09 byte 0x10 \b, small VQ
>0x09 byte 0x11 \b, small VQ & mipmap
>0x09 byte 0x12 \b, square twiddled & mipmap
# Sega PVR image.
0 string PVRT
>0x10 string DDS\040\174\000\000\000 Sega PVR (Xbox) image:
>>0x20 use ms-directdraw-surface
>0x10 belong !0x44445320 Sega PVR image:
>>0 use sega-pvr-image-header
# Sega PVR image with GBIX.
0 string GBIX
>0x10 string PVRT
>>0x10 string DDS\040\174\000\000\000 Sega PVR (Xbox) image:
>>>0x20 use ms-directdraw-surface
>>0x10 belong !0x44445320 Sega PVR image:
>>>0x10 use sega-pvr-image-header
>>0x08 lelong x \b, global index = %u
# Sega GVR header.
0 name sega-gvr-image-header
>0x0C beshort x %u x
>0x0E beshort x %u
# Image data format.
>0x0B byte 0 \b, I4
>0x0B byte 1 \b, I8
>0x0B byte 2 \b, IA4
>0x0B byte 3 \b, IA8
>0x0B byte 4 \b, RGB565
>0x0B byte 5 \b, RGB5A3
>0x0B byte 6 \b, ARGB8888
>0x0B byte 8 \b, CI4
>0x0B byte 9 \b, CI8
>0x0B byte 14 \b, DXT1
# Sega GVR image.
0 string GVRT Sega GVR image:
>0x10 use sega-gvr-image-header
# Sega GVR image with GBIX.
0 string GBIX
>0x10 string GVRT Sega GVR image:
>>0x10 use sega-gvr-image-header
>>0x08 belong x \b, global index = %u
# Sega GVR image with GCIX. (Wii)
0 string GCIX
>0x10 string GVRT Sega GVR image:
>>0x10 use sega-gvr-image-header
>>0x08 belong x \b, global index = %u
# Light Field Picture
# Documentation: http://optics.miloush.net/lytro/TheFileFormat.aspx
# Typical file extensions: .lfp .lfr .lfx
0 belong 0x894C4650
>4 belong 0x0D0A1A0A
>12 belong 0x00000000 Lytro Light Field Picture
>8 belong x \b, version %d
# Type: Vision Research Phantom CINE Format
# URL: https://www.phantomhighspeed.com/
# URL2: http://phantomhighspeed.force.com/vriknowledge/servlet/fileField?id=0BEU0000000Cfyk
# From: Harry Mallon <hjmallon at gmail.com>
# This has a short "CI" code but the 44 is the size of the struct which is
# stable
0 string CI
>2 leshort 44 Vision Research CINE Video,
>>4 leshort 0 Grayscale,
>>4 leshort 1 JPEG Compressed,
>>4 leshort 2 RAW,
>>6 leshort x version %d,
>>20 lelong x %d frames,
>>48 lelong x %dx
>>52 lelong x \b%d
# Type: ARRI Raw Image
# Info: SMPTE RDD30:2014
# From: Harry Mallon <hjmallon at gmail.com>
0 string ARRI ARRI ARI image data,
>4 lelong 0x78563412 little-endian,
>4 lelong 0x12345678 big-endian,
>12 lelong x version %d,
>20 lelong x %dx
>24 lelong x \b%d
# Type: Khronos KTX texture.
# From: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
# Reference: https://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/tools/KTX/file_format_spec/
# glEnum decoding.
# NOTE: Only the most common formats are listed here.
0 name khronos-ktx-glEnum
>0 lelong 0x1907 \b, RGB
>0 lelong 0x1908 \b, RGBA
>0 lelong 0x1909 \b, LUMINANCE
>0 lelong 0x190A \b, LUMINANCE_ALPHA
>0 lelong 0x80E1 \b, BGR
>0 lelong 0x80E2 \b, BGRA
>0 lelong 0x83A0 \b, RGB_S3TC
>0 lelong 0x83A1 \b, RGB4_S3TC
>0 lelong 0x83A2 \b, RGBA_S3TC
>0 lelong 0x83A3 \b, RGBA4_S3TC
>0 lelong 0x83A4 \b, RGBA_DXT5_S3TC
>0 lelong 0x83A5 \b, RGBA4_DXT5_S3TC
>0 lelong 0x83F0 \b, COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT
>0 lelong 0x83F1 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT
>0 lelong 0x83F2 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT
>0 lelong 0x83F3 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT
>0 lelong 0x8D64 \b, ETC1_RGB8_OES
>0 lelong 0x9270 \b, COMPRESSED_R11_EAC
>0 lelong 0x9271 \b, COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC
>0 lelong 0x9272 \b, COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC
>0 lelong 0x9273 \b, COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC
>0 lelong 0x9274 \b, COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2
>0 lelong 0x9275 \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2
>0 lelong 0x9278 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA2_ETC2_EAC
>0 lelong 0x9279 \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC
>0 lelong 0x93B0 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93B1 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x4_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93B2 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x5_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93B3 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x5_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93B4 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x6_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93B5 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x5_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93B6 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x6_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93B7 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x8_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93B8 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x5_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93B9 \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x6_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93BA \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x8_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93BB \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x10_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93BC \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x10_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93BD \b, COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x12_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93D0 \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93D1 \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93D2 \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93D3 \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93D4 \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93D5 \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93D6 \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93D7 \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93D8 \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93D9 \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93DA \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93DB \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93DC \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_KHR
>0 lelong 0x93DD \b, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_KHR
# Endian-specific KTX header.
# TODO: glType (all textures I've seen so far are GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
0 name khronos-ktx-endian-header
>20 lelong x \b, %u
>24 lelong >1 x %u
>28 lelong >1 x %u
>8 lelong >0
>>8 use khronos-ktx-glEnum
>8 lelong 0
>>12 use khronos-ktx-glEnum
# Main KTX header.
# Determine endianness, then check the rest of the header.
0 string \xABKTX\ 11\xBB\r\n\x1A\n Khronos KTX texture
>12 lelong 0x04030201 (little-endian)
>>16 use khronos-ktx-endian-header
>12 belong 0x04030201 (big-endian)
>>16 use \^khronos-ktx-endian-header
# Type: Khronos KTX2 texture.
# From: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
# Based on draft19.
# Reference: http://github.khronos.org/KTX-Specification/
# Supercompression enum.
0 name khronos-ktx2-supercompression
>0 lelong 1 Basis Universal
>0 lelong 2 Zstandard
# Vulkan format identifier.
# NOTE: Formats prohibited from KTX2 are commented out.
0 name khronos-ktx2-vkFormat
>0 lelong 0 UNDEFINED
>0 lelong 1 R4G4_UNORM_PACK8
>0 lelong 2 R4G4B4A4_UNORM_PACK16
>0 lelong 3 B4G4R4A4_UNORM_PACK16
>0 lelong 4 R5G6B5_UNORM_PACK16
>0 lelong 5 B5G6R5_UNORM_PACK16
>0 lelong 6 R5G5B5A1_UNORM_PACK16
>0 lelong 7 B5G5R5A1_UNORM_PACK16
>0 lelong 8 A1R5G5B5_UNORM_PACK16
>0 lelong 9 R8_UNORM
>0 lelong 10 R8_SNORM
#>0 lelong 11 R8_USCALED
#>0 lelong 12 R8_SSCALED
>0 lelong 13 R8_UINT
>0 lelong 14 R8_SINT
>0 lelong 15 R8_SRGB
>0 lelong 16 R8G8_UNORM
>0 lelong 17 R8G8_SNORM
#>0 lelong 18 R8G8_USCALED
#>0 lelong 19 R8G8_SSCALED
>0 lelong 20 R8G8_UINT
>0 lelong 21 R8G8_SINT
>0 lelong 22 R8G8_SRGB
>0 lelong 23 R8G8B8_UNORM
>0 lelong 24 R8G8B8_SNORM
#>0 lelong 25 R8G8B8_USCALED
#>0 lelong 26 R8G8B8_SSCALED
>0 lelong 27 R8G8B8_UINT
>0 lelong 28 R8G8B8_SINT
>0 lelong 29 R8G8B8_SRGB
>0 lelong 30 B8G8R8_UNORM
>0 lelong 31 B8G8R8_SNORM
#>0 lelong 32 B8G8R8_USCALED
#>0 lelong 33 B8G8R8_SSCALED
>0 lelong 34 B8G8R8_UINT
>0 lelong 35 B8G8R8_SINT
>0 lelong 36 B8G8R8_SRGB
>0 lelong 37 R8G8B8A8_UNORM
>0 lelong 38 R8G8B8A8_SNORM
#>0 lelong 39 R8G8B8A8_USCALED
#>0 lelong 40 R8G8B8A8_SSCALED
>0 lelong 41 R8G8B8A8_UINT
>0 lelong 42 R8G8B8A8_SINT
>0 lelong 43 R8G8B8A8_SRGB
>0 lelong 44 B8G8R8A8_UNORM
>0 lelong 45 B8G8R8A8_SNORM
#>0 lelong 46 B8G8R8A8_USCALED
#>0 lelong 47 B8G8R8A8_SSCALED
>0 lelong 48 B8G8R8A8_UINT
>0 lelong 49 B8G8R8A8_SINT
>0 lelong 50 B8G8R8A8_SRGB
#>0 lelong 51 A8B8G8R8_UNORM_PACK32
#>0 lelong 52 A8B8G8R8_SNORM_PACK32
#>0 lelong 53 A8B8G8R8_USCALED_PACK32
#>0 lelong 54 A8B8G8R8_SSCALED_PACK32
#>0 lelong 55 A8B8G8R8_UINT_PACK32
#>0 lelong 56 A8B8G8R8_SINT_PACK32
#>0 lelong 57 A8B8G8R8_SRGB_PACK32
>0 lelong 58 A2R10G10B10_UNORM_PACK32
>0 lelong 59 A2R10G10B10_SNORM_PACK32
#>0 lelong 60 A2R10G10B10_USCALED_PACK32
#>0 lelong 61 A2R10G10B10_SSCALED_PACK32
>0 lelong 62 A2R10G10B10_UINT_PACK32
>0 lelong 63 A2R10G10B10_SINT_PACK32
>0 lelong 64 A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32
>0 lelong 65 A2B10G10R10_SNORM_PACK32
#>0 lelong 66 A2B10G10R10_USCALED_PACK32
#>0 lelong 67 A2B10G10R10_SSCALED_PACK32
>0 lelong 68 A2B10G10R10_UINT_PACK32
>0 lelong 69 A2B10G10R10_SINT_PACK32
>0 lelong 70 R16_UNORM
>0 lelong 71 R16_SNORM
#>0 lelong 72 R16_USCALED
#>0 lelong 73 R16_SSCALED
>0 lelong 74 R16_UINT
>0 lelong 75 R16_SINT
>0 lelong 76 R16_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 77 R16G16_UNORM
>0 lelong 78 R16G16_SNORM
#>0 lelong 79 R16G16_USCALED
#>0 lelong 80 R16G16_SSCALED
>0 lelong 81 R16G16_UINT
>0 lelong 82 R16G16_SINT
>0 lelong 83 R16G16_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 84 R16G16B16_UNORM
>0 lelong 85 R16G16B16_SNORM
#>0 lelong 86 R16G16B16_USCALED
#>0 lelong 87 R16G16B16_SSCALED
>0 lelong 88 R16G16B16_UINT
>0 lelong 89 R16G16B16_SINT
>0 lelong 90 R16G16B16_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 91 R16G16B16A16_UNORM
>0 lelong 92 R16G16B16A16_SNORM
#>0 lelong 93 R16G16B16A16_USCALED
#>0 lelong 94 R16G16B16A16_SSCALED
>0 lelong 95 R16G16B16A16_UINT
>0 lelong 96 R16G16B16A16_SINT
>0 lelong 97 R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 98 R32_UINT
>0 lelong 99 R32_SINT
>0 lelong 100 R32_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 101 R32G32_UINT
>0 lelong 102 R32G32_SINT
>0 lelong 103 R32G32_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 104 R32G32B32_UINT
>0 lelong 105 R32G32B32_SINT
>0 lelong 106 R32G32B32_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 107 R32G32B32A32_UINT
>0 lelong 108 R32G32B32A32_SINT
>0 lelong 109 R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 110 R64_UINT
>0 lelong 111 R64_SINT
>0 lelong 112 R64_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 113 R64G64_UINT
>0 lelong 114 R64G64_SINT
>0 lelong 115 R64G64_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 116 R64G64B64_UINT
>0 lelong 117 R64G64B64_SINT
>0 lelong 118 R64G64B64_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 119 R64G64B64A64_UINT
>0 lelong 120 R64G64B64A64_SINT
>0 lelong 121 R64G64B64A64_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 122 B10G11R11_UFLOAT_PACK32
>0 lelong 123 E5B9G9R9_UFLOAT_PACK32
>0 lelong 124 D16_UNORM
>0 lelong 125 X8_D24_UNORM_PACK32
>0 lelong 126 D32_SFLOAT
>0 lelong 127 S8_UINT
>0 lelong 128 D16_UNORM_S8_UINT
>0 lelong 129 D24_UNORM_S8_UINT
>0 lelong 130 D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT
>0 lelong 131 BC1_RGB_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 132 BC1_RGB_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 133 BC1_RGBA_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 134 BC1_RGBA_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 135 BC2_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 136 BC2_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 137 BC3_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 138 BC3_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 139 BC4_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 140 BC4_SNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 141 BC5_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 142 BC5_SNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 143 BC6H_UFLOAT_BLOCK
>0 lelong 144 BC6H_SFLOAT_BLOCK
>0 lelong 145 BC7_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 146 BC7_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 147 ETC2_R8G8B8_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 148 ETC2_R8G8B8_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 149 ETC2_R8G8B8A1_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 150 ETC2_R8G8B8A1_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 151 ETC2_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 152 ETC2_R8G8B8A8_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 153 EAC_R11_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 154 EAC_R11_SNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 155 EAC_R11G11_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 156 EAC_R11G11_SNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 157 ASTC_4x4_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 158 ASTC_4x4_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 159 ASTC_5x4_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 160 ASTC_5x4_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 161 ASTC_5x5_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 162 ASTC_5x5_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 163 ASTC_6x5_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 164 ASTC_6x5_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 165 ASTC_6x6_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 166 ASTC_6x6_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 167 ASTC_8x5_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 168 ASTC_8x5_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 169 ASTC_8x6_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 170 ASTC_8x6_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 171 ASTC_8x8_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 172 ASTC_8x8_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 173 ASTC_10x5_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 174 ASTC_10x5_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 175 ASTC_10x6_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 176 ASTC_10x6_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 177 ASTC_10x8_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 178 ASTC_10x8_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 179 ASTC_10x10_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 180 ASTC_10x10_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 181 ASTC_12x10_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 182 ASTC_12x10_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 183 ASTC_12x12_UNORM_BLOCK
>0 lelong 184 ASTC_12x12_SRGB_BLOCK
>0 lelong 1000156000 G8B8G8R8_422_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156001 B8G8R8G8_422_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156002 G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156003 G8_B8R8_2PLANE_420_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156004 G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_422_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156005 G8_B8R8_2PLANE_422_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156006 G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_444_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156007 R10X6_UNORM_PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156008 R10X6G10X6_UNORM_2PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156009 R10X6G10X6B10X6A10X6_UNORM_4PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156010 G10X6B10X6G10X6R10X6_422_UNORM_4PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156011 B10X6G10X6R10X6G10X6_422_UNORM_4PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156012 G10X6_B10X6_R10X6_3PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156013 G10X6_B10X6R10X6_2PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156014 G10X6_B10X6_R10X6_3PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156015 G10X6_B10X6R10X6_2PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156016 G10X6_B10X6_R10X6_3PLANE_444_UNORM_3PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156017 R12X4_UNORM_PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156018 R12X4G12X4_UNORM_2PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156019 R12X4G12X4B12X4A12X4_UNORM_4PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156020 G12X4B12X4G12X4R12X4_422_UNORM_4PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156021 B12X4G12X4R12X4G12X4_422_UNORM_4PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156022 G12X4_B12X4_R12X4_3PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156023 G12X4_B12X4R12X4_2PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156024 G12X4_B12X4_R12X4_3PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156025 G12X4_B12X4R12X4_2PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156026 G12X4_B12X4_R12X4_3PLANE_444_UNORM_3PACK16
>0 lelong 1000156027 G16B16G16R16_422_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156028 B16G16R16G16_422_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156029 G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_420_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156030 G16_B16R16_2PLANE_420_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156031 G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_422_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156032 G16_B16R16_2PLANE_422_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000156033 G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_444_UNORM
>0 lelong 1000054000 PVRTC1_2BPP_UNORM_BLOCK_IMG
>0 lelong 1000054001 PVRTC1_4BPP_UNORM_BLOCK_IMG
>0 lelong 1000054002 PVRTC2_2BPP_UNORM_BLOCK_IMG
>0 lelong 1000054003 PVRTC2_4BPP_UNORM_BLOCK_IMG
>0 lelong 1000054004 PVRTC1_2BPP_SRGB_BLOCK_IMG
>0 lelong 1000054005 PVRTC1_4BPP_SRGB_BLOCK_IMG
>0 lelong 1000054006 PVRTC2_2BPP_SRGB_BLOCK_IMG
>0 lelong 1000054007 PVRTC2_4BPP_SRGB_BLOCK_IMG
>0 lelong 1000066000 ASTC_4x4_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066001 ASTC_5x4_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066002 ASTC_5x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066003 ASTC_6x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066004 ASTC_6x6_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066005 ASTC_8x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066006 ASTC_8x6_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066007 ASTC_8x8_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066008 ASTC_10x5_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066009 ASTC_10x6_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066010 ASTC_10x8_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066011 ASTC_10x10_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066012 ASTC_12x10_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
>0 lelong 1000066013 ASTC_12x12_SFLOAT_BLOCK_EXT
# Main KTX2 header.
0 string \xABKTX\ 20\xBB\r\n\x1A\n Khronos KTX2 texture
>20 lelong x \b, %u
>24 lelong >1 x %u
>28 lelong >1 x %u
>32 lelong >1 \b, %u layers
>36 lelong >1 \b, %u faces
>40 lelong >1 \b, %u mipmaps
>44 lelong >0 \b,
>>44 use khronos-ktx2-supercompression
>12 lelong >0 \b,
>>12 use khronos-ktx2-vkFormat
# Type: Valve VTF texture.
# From: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
# References:
# - https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Texture_Format
# VTF image formats.
0 name vtf-image-format
>0 lelong 0 RGBA8888
>0 lelong 1 ABGR8888
>0 lelong 2 RGB888
>0 lelong 3 BGR888
>0 lelong 4 RGB565
>0 lelong 5 I8
>0 lelong 6 IA88
>0 lelong 7 P8
>0 lelong 8 A8
>0 lelong 9 RGB888 (bluescreen)
>0 lelong 10 BGR888 (bluescreen)
>0 lelong 11 ARGB8888
>0 lelong 12 BGRA8888
>0 lelong 13 DXT1
>0 lelong 14 DXT3
>0 lelong 15 DXT5
>0 lelong 16 BGRx8888
>0 lelong 17 BGR565
>0 lelong 18 BGRx5551
>0 lelong 19 BGRA4444
>0 lelong 20 DXT1+A1
>0 lelong 21 BGRA5551
>0 lelong 22 UV88
>0 lelong 23 UVWQ8888
>0 lelong 24 RGBA16161616F
>0 lelong 25 RGBA16161616
>0 lelong 26 UVLX8888
# Main VTF header.
0 string VTF\0 Valve Texture Format
>4 lelong x v%u
>8 lelong x \b.%u
>0x10 leshort x \b, %u
>0x12 leshort >1 x %u
>4 lequad 0x0000000700000002
>>0x3F leshort >1 x %u
>0x18 leshort >1 \b, %u frames
>0x38 byte x \b, mipmaps: %u
>0x34 lelong >-1 \b,
>>0x34 use vtf-image-format
# Type: Valve VTF3 (PS3) texture.
# From: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
0 string VTF3 Valve Texture Format (PS3)
>0x14 beshort x \b, %u
>0x16 beshort x \b x %u
>0x10 belong&0x2000 0 \b, DXT1
>0x10 belong&0x2000 0x2000 \b, DXT5
# Type: ASTC texture.
# From: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
# References:
# - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22600678/determine-internal-format-of-given-astc-compressed-image-through-its-header
# - https://stackoverflow.com/a/22682244
0 lelong 0x5ca1ab13 ASTC
>4 byte x %u
>5 byte x \bx%u
>6 byte >1 \bx%u
# X, Y, and Z dimensions are stored as 24-bit LE.
# Pretend it's 32-bit and mask off the high byte.
>7 lelong&0x00FFFFFF x texture, %u
>10 lelong&0x00FFFFFF x x %u
>13 lelong&0x00FFFFFF >1 x %u
# Zebra Metafile graphic
# http://www.fileformat.info/format/zbr/egff.htm
0 beshort 0x9a02 Zebra Metafile graphic
>2 leshort 1 (version 1.x)
>2 leshort 2 (version 1.1x or 1.2x)
>2 leshort 3 (version 1.49)
>2 leshort 4 (version 1.50)
>4 string x (comment = %s)
# Microsoft Paint graphic
# http://www.fileformat.info/format/mspaint/egff.htm
0 string DanM icrosoft Paint image data (version 1.x)
>4 leshort x (%d
>>6 leshort x x %d)
0 string LinS Microsoft Paint image data (version 2.0)
>4 leshort x (%d
>>6 leshort x x %d)
# reMarkable tablet internal file format (https://www.remarkable.com/)
# https://github.com/ax3l/lines-are-beautiful
# https://plasma.ninja/blog/devices/remarkable/binary/format/2017/12/26/\
# reMarkable-lines-file-format.html#what-to-do-next
# from Axel Huebl
0 string reMarkable
>11 string lines
>>17 string with
>>>22 string selections
>>>>33 string and
>>>>>37 string layers
>>>>>>43 lelong x reMarkable tablet notebook lines, 1404 x 1872, %x page(s)
# newer per-page files for the reMarkable
0 string reMarkable
>11 string .lines
>>18 string file,
>>>24 string version=
>>>>32 byte x reMarkable tablet page (v%c), 1404 x 1872,
>>>>>43 lelong x %d layer(s)
# Type: PVR3 texture.
# From: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
# References:
# - http://cdn.imgtec.com/sdk-documentation/PVR+File+Format.Specification.pdf
# PVR3 pixel formats.
0 name pvr3-pixel-format
>0 ulelong 0 PVRTC 2bpp RGB
>0 ulelong 1 PVRTC 2bpp RGBA
>0 ulelong 2 PVRTC 4bpp RGB
>0 ulelong 3 PVRTC 4bpp RGBA
>0 ulelong 4 PVRTC-II 2bpp
>0 ulelong 5 PVRTC-II 4bpp
>0 ulelong 6 ETC1
>0 ulelong 7 DXT1
>0 ulelong 8 DXT2
>0 ulelong 9 DXT3
>0 ulelong 10 DXT4
>0 ulelong 11 DXT5
>0 ulelong 12 BC4
>0 ulelong 13 BC5
>0 ulelong 14 BC6
>0 ulelong 15 BC7
>0 ulelong 16 UYVY
>0 ulelong 17 YUY2
>0 ulelong 18 BW1bpp
>0 ulelong 19 R9G9B9E5 Shared Exponent
>0 ulelong 20 RGBG8888
>0 ulelong 21 GRGB8888
>0 ulelong 22 ETC2 RGB
>0 ulelong 23 ETC2 RGBA
>0 ulelong 24 ETC2 RGB A1
>0 ulelong 25 EAC R11
>0 ulelong 26 EAC RG11
>0 ulelong 27 ASTC_4x4
>0 ulelong 28 ASTC_5x4
>0 ulelong 29 ASTC_5x5
>0 ulelong 30 ASTC_6x5
>0 ulelong 31 ASTC_6x6
>0 ulelong 32 ASTC_8x5
>0 ulelong 33 ASTC_8x6
>0 ulelong 34 ASTC_8x8
>0 ulelong 35 ASTC_10x5
>0 ulelong 36 ASTC_10x6
>0 ulelong 37 ASTC_10x8
>0 ulelong 38 ASTC_10x10
>0 ulelong 39 ASTC_12x10
>0 ulelong 40 ASTC_12x12
>0 ulelong 41 ASTC_3x3x3
>0 ulelong 42 ASTC_4x3x3
>0 ulelong 43 ASTC_4x4x3
>0 ulelong 44 ASTC_4x4x4
>0 ulelong 45 ASTC_5x4x4
>0 ulelong 46 ASTC_5x5x4
>0 ulelong 47 ASTC_5x5x5
>0 ulelong 48 ASTC_6x5x5
>0 ulelong 49 ASTC_6x6x5
>0 ulelong 50 ASTC_6x6x6
0 string PVR\x03 PowerVR 3.0 texture:
>0x18 ulelong x %u x
>0x1C ulelong x %u
>0x20 ulelong >1 x %u
>0x08 byte x \b,
>0x0C ulelong 0
>>0x08 use pvr3-pixel-format
>0x0C ulelong !0
>>0x08 byte !0 %c
>>>0x0C byte !0 \b%u
>>0x09 byte !0 \b%c
>>>0x0D byte !0 \b%u
>>0x0A byte !0 \b%c
>>>0x0E byte !0 \b%u
>>0x0B byte !0 \b%c
>>>0x0F byte !0 \b%u
>0x10 ulelong 1 \b, sRGB
>0x04 ulelong&0x02 0x02 \b, premultiplied alpha
0 string \x03RVP PowerVR 3.0 texture: BE,
>0x18 ubelong x %u x
>0x1C ubelong x %u
>0x20 ubelong >1 x %u
>0x08 byte x \b,
>0x0C ubelong 0
>>0x08 use pvr3-pixel-format
>0x0C ubelong !0
>>0x0B byte !0 %c
>>>0x0F byte !0 \b%u
>>0x0A byte !0 \b%c
>>>0x0E byte !0 \b%u
>>0x09 byte !0 \b%c
>>>0x0D byte !0 \b%u
>>0x08 byte !0 \b%c
>>>0x0C byte !0 \b%u
>0x10 ubelong 1 \b, sRGB
>0x04 ubelong&0x02 0x02 \b, premultiplied alpha
# Type: Microsoft Xbox XPR0 texture.
# From: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
# References:
# - https://github.com/Cxbx-Reloaded/Cxbx-Reloaded/blob/develop/src/core/hle/D3D8/XbD3D8Types.h
# XPR pixel formats.
0 name xbox-xpr-pixel-format
>0 byte 0x00 L8
>0 byte 0x01 AL8
>0 byte 0x02 ARGB1555
>0 byte 0x03 RGB555
>0 byte 0x04 ARGB4444
>0 byte 0x05 RGB565
>0 byte 0x06 ARGB8888
>0 byte 0x07 xRGB8888
>0 byte 0x0B P8
>0 byte 0x0C DXT1
>0 byte 0x0E DXT2
>0 byte 0x0F DXT4
>0 byte 0x10 Linear ARGB1555
>0 byte 0x11 Linear RGB565
>0 byte 0x12 Linear ARGB8888
>0 byte 0x13 Linear L8
>0 byte 0x16 Linear R8B8
>0 byte 0x17 Linear G8B8
>0 byte 0x19 A8
>0 byte 0x1A A8L8
>0 byte 0x1B Linear AL8
>0 byte 0x1C Linear RGB555
>0 byte 0x1D Linear ARGB4444
>0 byte 0x1E Linear xRGB8888
>0 byte 0x1F Linear A8
>0 byte 0x20 Linear A8L8
>0 byte 0x24 YUY2
>0 byte 0x25 UYVY
>0 byte 0x27 L6V5U5
>0 byte 0x28 V8U8
>0 byte 0x29 R8B8
>0 byte 0x2A D24S8
>0 byte 0x2B F24S8
>0 byte 0x2C D16
>0 byte 0x2D F16
>0 byte 0x2E Linear D24S8
>0 byte 0x2F Linear F24S8
>0 byte 0x30 Linear D16
>0 byte 0x31 Linear F16
>0 byte 0x32 L16
>0 byte 0x33 V16U16
>0 byte 0x35 Linear L16
>0 byte 0x36 Linear V16U16
>0 byte 0x37 Linear L6V5U5
>0 byte 0x38 RGBA5551
>0 byte 0x39 RGBA4444
>0 byte 0x3A QWVU8888
>0 byte 0x3B BGRA8888
>0 byte 0x3C RGBA8888
>0 byte 0x3D Linear RGBA5551
>0 byte 0x3E Linear RGBA4444
>0 byte 0x3F Linear ABGR8888
>0 byte 0x40 Linear BGRA8888
>0 byte 0x41 Linear RGBA8888
>0 byte 0x64 Vertex Data
0 string XPR0 Microsoft Xbox XPR0 texture
>0x19 byte x \b, format:
>>0x19 use xbox-xpr-pixel-format
# ILDA Image Data Transfer Format
# https://www.ilda.com/resources/StandardsDocs/ILDA_IDTF14_rev011.pdf
# Updated by Chuck Hein (laser@geekdude.com)
0 string ILDA ILDA Image Data Transfer Format
>7 byte 0x00 3D Coordinates with Indexed Color
>7 byte 0x01 2D Coordinates with Indexed Color
>7 byte 0x02 Color Palette
>7 byte 0x04 3D Coordinates with True Color
>7 byte 0x05 2D Coordinates with True Color
>8 string >0 \b, palette %s
>16 string >0 \b, company %s
>24 beshort >0 \b, number of records %d
>>26 beshort x \b, palette number %d
>>28 beshort >0 \b, number of frames %d
>>30 byte >0 \b, projector number %d
# Dropbox "lepton" compressed jpeg format
# https://github.com/dropbox/lepton
0 belong&0xfffff0ff 0xcf84005a Lepton image file
>2 byte x (version %d)
# Apple QuickTake camera raw images
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_QuickTake
# dcraw can decode them
0 name quicktake
>4 belong 8
>>544 beshort x \b, %dx
>>546 beshort x \b%d
>4 belong 4
>>546 beshort x \b, %dx
>>544 beshort x \b%d
0 string qktk Apple QuickTake 100 Raw Image
>0 use quicktake
0 string qktn
>4 byte 0 Apple QuickTake 150 Raw Image
>4 byte >0 Apple QuickTake 200 Raw Image
>0 use quicktake