%extend lldb::SBBreakpoint {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBBroadcaster {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBCommandReturnObject {
/* the write() and flush() calls are not part of the SB API proper, and are solely for Python usage
they are meant to make an SBCommandReturnObject into a file-like object so that instructions of the sort
print >>sb_command_return_object, "something"
will work correctly */
void lldb::SBCommandReturnObject::write (const char* str)
if (str)
void lldb::SBCommandReturnObject::flush ()
%extend lldb::SBCompileUnit {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBDeclaration {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBFunction {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBLineEntry {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBModule {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBSection {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBStream {
/* the write() and flush() calls are not part of the SB API proper, and are solely for Python usage
they are meant to make an SBStream into a file-like object so that instructions of the sort
print >>sb_stream, "something"
will work correctly */
void lldb::SBStream::write (const char* str)
if (str)
void lldb::SBStream::flush ()
%extend lldb::SBSymbol {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBTarget {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBTypeFilter {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBTypeSummary {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBTypeSynthetic {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%extend lldb::SBThread {
%pythoncode %{
def __eq__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return False
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)):
return True
return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
%pythoncode %{
def command(command_name=None, doc=None):
import lldb
"""A decorator function that registers an LLDB command line
command that is bound to the function it is attached to."""
def callable(function):
"""Registers an lldb command for the decorated function."""
command = "command script add -f %s.%s %s" % (function.__module__, function.__name__, command_name or function.__name__)
if doc:
function.__doc__ = doc
return function
return callable
class declaration(object):
'''A class that represents a source declaration location with file, line and column.'''
def __init__(self, file, line, col):
self.file = file
self.line = line
self.col = col
class value_iter(object):
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.index >= self.length:
raise StopIteration()
child_sbvalue = self.sbvalue.GetChildAtIndex(self.index)
self.index += 1
return value(child_sbvalue)
def next(self):
return self.__next__()
def __init__(self,value):
self.index = 0
self.sbvalue = value
if type(self.sbvalue) is value:
self.sbvalue = self.sbvalue.sbvalue
self.length = self.sbvalue.GetNumChildren()
class value(object):
'''A class designed to wrap lldb.SBValue() objects so the resulting object
can be used as a variable would be in code. So if you have a Point structure
variable in your code in the current frame named "pt", you can initialize an instance
of this class with it:
pt = lldb.value(lldb.frame.FindVariable("pt"))
print pt
print pt.x
print pt.y
pt = lldb.value(lldb.frame.FindVariable("rectangle_array"))
print rectangle_array[12]
print rectangle_array[5].origin.x'''
def __init__(self, sbvalue):
self.sbvalue = sbvalue
def __nonzero__(self):
return self.sbvalue.__nonzero__()
def __bool__(self):
return self.sbvalue.__bool__()
def __str__(self):
return self.sbvalue.__str__()
def __getitem__(self, key):
# Allow array access if this value has children...
if type(key) is value:
key = int(key)
if type(key) is int:
child_sbvalue = (self.sbvalue.GetValueForExpressionPath("[%i]" % key))
if child_sbvalue and child_sbvalue.IsValid():
return value(child_sbvalue)
raise IndexError("Index '%d' is out of range" % key)
raise TypeError("No array item of type %s" % str(type(key)))
def __iter__(self):
return value_iter(self.sbvalue)
def __getattr__(self, name):
child_sbvalue = self.sbvalue.GetChildMemberWithName (name)
if child_sbvalue and child_sbvalue.IsValid():
return value(child_sbvalue)
raise AttributeError("Attribute '%s' is not defined" % name)
def __add__(self, other):
return int(self) + int(other)
def __sub__(self, other):
return int(self) - int(other)
def __mul__(self, other):
return int(self) * int(other)
def __floordiv__(self, other):
return int(self) // int(other)
def __mod__(self, other):
return int(self) % int(other)
def __divmod__(self, other):
return int(self) % int(other)
def __pow__(self, other):
return int(self) ** int(other)
def __lshift__(self, other):
return int(self) << int(other)
def __rshift__(self, other):
return int(self) >> int(other)
def __and__(self, other):
return int(self) & int(other)
def __xor__(self, other):
return int(self) ^ int(other)
def __or__(self, other):
return int(self) | int(other)
def __div__(self, other):
return int(self) / int(other)
def __truediv__(self, other):
return int(self) / int(other)
def __iadd__(self, other):
result = self.__add__(other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __isub__(self, other):
result = self.__sub__(other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __imul__(self, other):
result = self.__mul__(other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __idiv__(self, other):
result = self.__div__(other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __itruediv__(self, other):
result = self.__truediv__(other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __ifloordiv__(self, other):
result = self.__floordiv__(self, other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __imod__(self, other):
result = self.__and__(self, other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __ipow__(self, other):
result = self.__pow__(self, other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __ipow__(self, other, modulo):
result = self.__pow__(self, other, modulo)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __ilshift__(self, other):
result = self.__lshift__(other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __irshift__(self, other):
result = self.__rshift__(other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __iand__(self, other):
result = self.__and__(self, other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __ixor__(self, other):
result = self.__xor__(self, other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __ior__(self, other):
result = self.__ior__(self, other)
self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result))
return result
def __neg__(self):
return -int(self)
def __pos__(self):
return +int(self)
def __abs__(self):
return abs(int(self))
def __invert__(self):
return ~int(self)
def __complex__(self):
return complex (int(self))
def __int__(self):
is_num,is_sign = is_numeric_type(self.sbvalue.GetType().GetCanonicalType().GetBasicType())
if is_num and not is_sign: return self.sbvalue.GetValueAsUnsigned()
return self.sbvalue.GetValueAsSigned()
def __long__(self):
return self.__int__()
def __float__(self):
return float (self.sbvalue.GetValueAsSigned())
def __oct__(self):
return '0%o' % self.sbvalue.GetValueAsUnsigned()
def __hex__(self):
return '0x%x' % self.sbvalue.GetValueAsUnsigned()
def __len__(self):
return self.sbvalue.GetNumChildren()
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(other) is int:
return int(self) == other
elif type(other) is str:
return str(self) == other
elif type(other) is value:
self_err = SBError()
other_err = SBError()
self_val = self.sbvalue.GetValueAsUnsigned(self_err)
if self_err.fail:
raise ValueError("unable to extract value of self")
other_val = other.sbvalue.GetValueAsUnsigned(other_err)
if other_err.fail:
raise ValueError("unable to extract value of other")
return self_val == other_val
raise TypeError("Unknown type %s, No equality operation defined." % str(type(other)))
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
%pythoncode %{
class SBSyntheticValueProvider(object):
def __init__(self,valobj):
def num_children(self):
return 0
def get_child_index(self,name):
return None
def get_child_at_index(self,idx):
return None
def update(self):
def has_children(self):
return False
%pythoncode %{
# given an lldb.SBBasicType it returns a tuple
# (is_numeric, is_signed)
# the value of is_signed is undefined if is_numeric == false
def is_numeric_type(basic_type):
if basic_type == eBasicTypeInvalid: return (False,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeVoid: return (False,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeChar: return (True,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeSignedChar: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeUnsignedChar: return (True,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeWChar: return (True,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeSignedWChar: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeUnsignedWChar: return (True,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeChar16: return (True,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeChar32: return (True,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeShort: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeUnsignedShort: return (True,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeInt: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeUnsignedInt: return (True,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeLong: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeUnsignedLong: return (True,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeLongLong: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeUnsignedLongLong: return (True,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeInt128: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeUnsignedInt128: return (True,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeBool: return (False,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeHalf: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeFloat: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeDouble: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeLongDouble: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeFloatComplex: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeDoubleComplex: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeLongDoubleComplex: return (True,True)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeObjCID: return (False,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeObjCClass: return (False,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeObjCSel: return (False,False)
if basic_type == eBasicTypeNullPtr: return (False,False)
#if basic_type == eBasicTypeOther:
return (False,False)