# $FreeBSD$
. $(atf_get_srcdir)/conf.sh
atf_test_case run_latest_genid cleanup
atf_set "descr" \
"Ensure that we properly select components (latest genid) during STARTING."
atf_set "require.user" "root"
if ! error_message=$(geom_load_class_if_needed nop); then
atf_skip "$error_message"
f1=$(mktemp ${base}.XXXXXX)
f2=$(mktemp ${base}.XXXXXX)
f3=$(mktemp ${base}.XXXXXX)
rnd1=$(mktemp ${base}.XXXXXX)
rnd2=$(mktemp ${base}.XXXXXX)
atf_check truncate -s 2M $f1
atf_check truncate -s 2M $f2
atf_check truncate -s 2M $f3
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=512 count=1 of="$rnd1"
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=512 count=1 of="$rnd2"
md1=$(attach_md -t vnode -f ${f1})
md2=$(attach_md -t vnode -f ${f2})
md3=$(attach_md -t vnode -f ${f3})
# Use a gnop for md1 just for consistency; it's not used for anything.
atf_check gnop create $md1
atf_check gnop create $md2
atf_check gnop create $md3
# Hardcode component names so that the non-.nop device isn't tasted
# instead.
atf_check gmirror label -h $name ${md1}.nop
atf_check gmirror insert -h $name ${md2}.nop
atf_check gmirror insert -h $name ${md3}.nop
# Fail mirror 3, writing known contents to mirror 1+2 block 1
atf_check -s exit:0 -e empty -o empty \
gnop configure -w 100 ${md3}.nop
atf_check -s exit:0 dd if="$rnd1" bs=512 count=1 oseek=1 conv=notrunc \
of=/dev/mirror/$name status=none
disconnectwait nop "${md3}.nop"
# Should have two mirrors remaining after md3 was evicted
atf_check [ $(gmirror status -s $name | wc -l) -eq 2 ]
atf_check -s exit:0 -o match:"DEGRADED ${md1}.nop \(ACTIVE\)" \
gmirror status -s $name
atf_check -s exit:0 -o match:"DEGRADED ${md2}.nop \(ACTIVE\)" \
gmirror status -s $name
# Repeat:
# Fail mirror 2, writing known contents to mirror 1 block 2
atf_check -s exit:0 -e empty -o empty \
gnop configure -w 100 ${md2}.nop
atf_check -s exit:0 dd if="$rnd2" bs=512 count=2 oseek=1 conv=notrunc \
of=/dev/mirror/$name status=none
disconnectwait nop "${md2}.nop"
# Should have one mirror remaining after md2 was evicted
atf_check [ $(gmirror status -s $name | wc -l) -eq 1 ]
atf_check -s exit:0 -o match:"DEGRADED ${md1}.nop \(ACTIVE\)" \
gmirror status -s $name
# Stop the mirror and remove the pieces so gmirror can't see them.
atf_check gmirror stop $name
atf_check gnop destroy ${md1}.nop
atf_check gnop destroy ${md2}.nop
atf_check gnop destroy ${md3}.nop
# Rebuild; spin up "disk" with lowest genid
atf_check gnop create $md3
md3gen=$(gmirror dump /dev/${md3}.nop | grep genid | cut -d: -f2)
# Assert gmirror is referencing this component for now:
atf_check [ $(consumerrefs nop ${md3}.nop) = "r1w1e1" ]
# Adding newer genid should kick out old component
atf_check gnop create $md2
md2gen=$(gmirror dump /dev/${md2}.nop | grep genid | cut -d: -f2)
atf_check [ $md2gen -gt $md3gen ]
disconnectwait nop "${md3}.nop"
# Can't test this because 'status' doesn't exist until RUNNING:
#atf_check [ $(gmirror status -s $name | wc -l) -eq 1 ]
# But as a substitute, assert gmirror has dropped reference to staler
# component in favor of newer component:
atf_check [ $(consumerrefs nop ${md2}.nop) = "r1w1e1" ]
# ditto
atf_check gnop create $md1
md1gen=$(gmirror dump /dev/${md1}.nop | grep genid | cut -d: -f2)
atf_check [ $md1gen -gt $md2gen ]
disconnectwait nop "${md2}.nop"
# Assert gmirror has dropped reference to stale component in favor of
# newer component:
atf_check [ $(consumerrefs nop ${md1}.nop) = "r1w1e1" ]
# gmirror won't start the mirror automatically with only one component
# ($md0) of configured three, so this waits out the
# kern.geom.mirror.timeout:
atf_check [ $(gmirror status -s $name | wc -l) -eq 1 ]
atf_check -s exit:0 -o match:"DEGRADED ${md1}.nop \(ACTIVE\)" \
gmirror status -s $name
. $(atf_get_srcdir)/conf.sh
if [ -f "$TEST_MDS_FILE" ]; then
while read test_md; do
echo "# Removing test gnop: ${test_md}.nop"
gnop destroy -f "${test_md}.nop" 2>/dev/null || :
done < "$TEST_MDS_FILE"
atf_add_test_case run_latest_genid