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/*	$NetBSD: proto-slapi.h,v 1.3 2021/08/14 16:15:02 christos Exp $	*/

/* $OpenLDAP$ */
/* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <>.
 * Copyright 2002-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation.
 * Portions Copyright 1997,2002-2003 IBM Corporation.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
 * Public License.
 * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
 * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
 * <>.
 * This work was initially developed by IBM Corporation for use in
 * IBM products and subsequently ported to OpenLDAP Software by
 * Steve Omrani.  Additional significant contributors include:
 *   Luke Howard

#ifndef _PROTO_SLAPI_H
#define _PROTO_SLAPI_H


/* slapi_utils.c */
LDAP_SLAPI_F (LDAPMod **) slapi_int_modifications2ldapmods LDAP_P(( Modifications * ));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (Modifications *) slapi_int_ldapmods2modifications LDAP_P(( Operation *op, LDAPMod ** ));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_count_controls LDAP_P(( LDAPControl **ctrls ));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (char **) slapi_get_supported_extended_ops LDAP_P((void));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_access_allowed LDAP_P((Operation *op, Entry *entry, AttributeDescription *desc, struct berval *val, slap_access_t access, AccessControlState *state ));

/* slapi_ops.c */
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_response LDAP_P(( Slapi_Operation *op, SlapReply *rs ));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (void) slapi_int_connection_init_pb LDAP_P(( Slapi_PBlock *pb, ber_tag_t OpType ));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (void) slapi_int_connection_done_pb LDAP_P(( Slapi_PBlock *pb ));

/* slapi_pblock.c */
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_pblock_delete_param LDAP_P(( Slapi_PBlock *p, int param ));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (void) slapi_pblock_clear LDAP_P(( Slapi_PBlock *pb ));

LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_pblock_get_first LDAP_P(( Backend *be, Slapi_PBlock **pb ));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_pblock_get_next LDAP_P(( Slapi_PBlock **pb ));

#define PBLOCK_ASSERT_CONN( _pb ) do { \
		assert( (_pb) != NULL ); \
		assert( (_pb)->pb_conn != NULL ); \
	} while (0)

#define PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( _pb, _tag ) do { \
		assert( (_pb)->pb_op != NULL ); \
		assert( (_pb)->pb_rs != NULL ); \
		if ( _tag != 0 ) \
			assert( (_pb)->pb_op->o_tag == (_tag)); \
	} while (0)
#define PBLOCK_ASSERT_INTOP( _pb, _tag ) do { \
		PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( _pb, _tag ); \
		assert( (_pb)->pb_intop ); \
		assert( (_pb)->pb_op == (Operation *)pb->pb_conn->c_pending_ops.stqh_first ); \
	} while (0)
/* plugin.c */
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_register_plugin LDAP_P((Backend *be, Slapi_PBlock *pPB));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_register_plugin_index LDAP_P((Backend *be, Slapi_PBlock *pPB, int index));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_call_plugins LDAP_P((Backend *be, int funcType, Slapi_PBlock * pPB));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_get_plugins LDAP_P((Backend *be, int functype, SLAPI_FUNC **ppFuncPtrs));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_register_extop LDAP_P((Backend *pBE, ExtendedOp **opList, Slapi_PBlock *pPB));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_get_extop_plugin LDAP_P((struct berval  *reqoid, SLAPI_FUNC *pFuncAddr ));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (struct berval *) slapi_int_get_supported_extop LDAP_P(( int ));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_unregister_plugins LDAP_P((Backend *be, int index));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_read_config LDAP_P((Backend *be, const char *fname, int lineno,
		int argc, char **argv, int index ));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (void) slapi_int_plugin_unparse LDAP_P((Backend *be, BerVarray *out ));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_initialize LDAP_P((void));

/* slapi_ext.c */
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_init_object_extensions LDAP_P((void));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_free_object_extensions LDAP_P((int objecttype, void *object));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_create_object_extensions LDAP_P((int objecttype, void *object));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_int_clear_object_extensions LDAP_P((int objecttype, void *object));

/* slapi_overlay.c */
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_over_is_inst LDAP_P((BackendDB *));
LDAP_SLAPI_F (int) slapi_over_config LDAP_P((BackendDB *, ConfigReply *));


#endif /* _PROTO_SLAPI_H */