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Elixir Cross Referencer

`P0896R4 <>`__,<ranges>,,
`P1035R7 <>`__,Input Range Adaptors,,
`P1207R4 <>`__,Movability Of Single-Pass Iterators,,
`P1243R4 <>`__,Rangify New Algorithms,,
`P1248R1 <>`__,Fixing Relations,,
`P1252R2 <>`__,Ranges Design Cleanup,,
`P1391R4 <>`__,Range Constructor For string_view,,
`P1456R1 <>`__,Move-Only Views,,
`P1474R1 <>`__,Helpful Pointers For contiguous_iterator,,
`P1522R1 <>`__,Iterator Difference Type And Integer Overflow,,
`P1523R1 <>`__,Views And Size Types,,
`P1638R1 <>`__,basic_istream_view::iterator Should Not Be Copyable,,
`P1716R3 <>`__,Range Comparison Algorithms Are Over-Constrained,,
`P1739R4 <>`__,Avoiding Template Bloat For Ranges,,
`P1862R1 <>`__,Range Adaptors For Non-Copyable Iterators,,
`P1870R1 <>`__,safe_range,,
`P1871R1 <>`__,disable_sized_sentinel_for,,
`P1878R1 <>`__,Constraining Readable Types,,
`P1970R2 <>`__,ranges::ssize,,
`P1983R0 <>`__,Fixing Minor Ranges Issues,,
`P1994R1 <>`__,elements_view Needs Its Own sentinel,,
`P2091R0 <>`__,Fixing Issues With Range Access CPOs,,
`P2106R0 <>`__,Range Algorithm Result Types,,
`LWG-3169 <>`__, ranges permutation generators discard useful information,,
`LWG-3173 <>`__, Enable CTAD for ref-view,,
`LWG-3179 <>`__, subrange should always model Range,,
`LWG-3180 <>`__, Inconsistently named return type for ranges::minmax_element,,
`LWG-3183 <>`__, Normative permission to specialize Ranges variable templates,,
`LWG-3186 <>`__," ranges removal, partition, and partial_sort_copy algorithms discard useful information",,
`LWG-3191 <>`__, std::ranges::shuffle synopsis does not match algorithm definition,,
`LWG-3276 <>`__, Class split_view::outer_iterator::value_type should inherit from view_interface,,
`LWG-3280 <>`__, View converting constructors can cause constraint recursion and are unneeded,,
`LWG-3281 <>`__, Conversion from pair-like types to subrange is a silent semantic promotion,,
`LWG-3282 <>`__, subrange converting constructor should disallow derived to base conversions,,
`LWG-3286 <>`__, ranges::size is not required to be valid after a call to ranges::begin on an input range,,
`LWG-3291 <>`__, iota_view::iterator has the wrong iterator_category,,
`LWG-3292 <>`__, iota_view is under-constrained,,
`LWG-3299 <>`__, Pointers don't need customized iterator behavior,,
`LWG-3301 <>`__, transform_view::iterator has incorrect iterator_category,,
`LWG-3302 <>`__, Range adaptor objects keys and values are unspecified,,
`LWG-3313 <>`__, join_view::iterator::operator-- is incorrectly constrained,,
`LWG-3323 <>`__, has-tuple-element helper concept needs convertible_to,,
`LWG-3325 <>`__, Constrain return type of transformation function for transform_view,,
`LWG-3335 <>`__, range_size_t and views::all_t,,
`LWG-3355 <>`__, The memory algorithms should support move-only input iterators introduced by P1207,,
`LWG-3363 <>`__, drop_while_view should opt-out of sized_range,,
`LWG-3364 <>`__, Initialize data members of ranges and their iterators,,
`LWG-3381 <>`__, begin and data must agree for contiguous_range,,
`LWG-3384 <>`__, transform_view::sentinel has an incorrect operator-,,
`LWG-3385 <>`__, common_iterator is not sufficiently constrained for non-copyable iterators,,
`LWG-3387 <>`__, [range.reverse.view] reverse_view<V> unintentionally requires range<const V>,,
`LWG-3388 <>`__, view iterator types have ill-formed <=> operators,,
`LWG-3389 <>`__, A move-only iterator still does not have a counted_iterator,,
`LWG-3397 <>`__, ranges::basic_istream_view::iterator should not provide iterator_category,,
`LWG-3398 <>`__, tuple_element_t is also wrong for const subrange,,
`LWG-3474 <>`__, Nesting join_views is broken because of CTAD,,
`LWG-3500 <>`__, join_view::iterator::operator->() is bogus,,
`LWG-3505 <>`__, split_view::outer-iterator::operator++ misspecified,,