The following is a demonstration of the dexplorer program. Here we run dexplorer with no arguments. By default it will sample various system activities using DTrace at 5 seconds per sample. It creates an output tar.gz file containing all the DTrace output, # dexplorer Output dir will be the current dir (/export/home/root/DTrace/Dexplorer). Hit enter for yes, or type path: Starting dexplorer ver 0.70. Sample interval is 5 seconds. Total run is > 100 seconds. 0% Interrupts by CPU... 5% Interrupt counts... 10% Dispatcher queue length by CPU... 15% Sdt counts... 20% Pages paged in by process name... 25% Files opened count... 30% Disk I/O size distribution by process name... 35% Minor faults by process name... 40% Vminfo data by process name... 45% Mib data by mib statistic... 50% TCP write bytes by process... 55% Sample process @ 1000 Hz... 60% Syscall count by process name... 65% Syscall count by syscall... 70% Read bytes by process name... 75% Write bytes by process name... 80% Sysinfo counts by process name... 85% New process counts with arguments... 90% Signal counts... 95% Syscall error counts... 100% Done. File is de_jupiter_200506271803.tar.gz As each sample is taken, a line of output is printed above. The above example is for version 0.70, newer versions of dexplorer are likely to print more lines as they take more samples. The final line states which file all the output is now in. The following displays the contents of a dexplorer file, # gunzip de_jupiter_200506271803.tar.gz # tar xf de_jupiter_200506271803.tar de_jupiter_200506271803 de_jupiter_200506271803/Cpu de_jupiter_200506271803/Cpu/interrupt_by_cpu de_jupiter_200506271803/Cpu/interrupt_time de_jupiter_200506271803/Cpu/dispqlen_by_cpu de_jupiter_200506271803/Cpu/sdt_count de_jupiter_200506271803/Disk de_jupiter_200506271803/Disk/pgpgin_by_processname de_jupiter_200506271803/Disk/fileopen_count de_jupiter_200506271803/Disk/sizedist_by_processname de_jupiter_200506271803/Mem de_jupiter_200506271803/Mem/minf_by_processname de_jupiter_200506271803/Mem/vminfo_by_processname de_jupiter_200506271803/Net de_jupiter_200506271803/Net/mib_data de_jupiter_200506271803/Net/tcpw_by_process de_jupiter_200506271803/Proc de_jupiter_200506271803/Proc/sample_process de_jupiter_200506271803/Proc/syscall_by_processname de_jupiter_200506271803/Proc/syscall_count de_jupiter_200506271803/Proc/readb_by_processname de_jupiter_200506271803/Proc/writeb_by_processname de_jupiter_200506271803/Proc/sysinfo_by_processname de_jupiter_200506271803/Proc/newprocess_count de_jupiter_200506271803/Proc/signal_count de_jupiter_200506271803/Proc/syscall_errors de_jupiter_200506271803/Info de_jupiter_200506271803/Info/uname-a de_jupiter_200506271803/Info/psrinfo-v de_jupiter_200506271803/Info/prtconf de_jupiter_200506271803/Info/df-k de_jupiter_200506271803/Info/ifconfig-a de_jupiter_200506271803/Info/ps-o de_jupiter_200506271803/Info/uptime de_jupiter_200506271803/log The following demonstrates running dexplorer in full quiet mode, # dexplorer -qy -d /var/tmp # No text is written to the screen (-qy). The output file will have been put in /var/tmp (-d). |