// Written in the D programming language.
Classes and functions for handling and transcoding between various encodings.
For cases where the _encoding is known at compile-time, functions are provided
for arbitrary _encoding and decoding of characters, arbitrary transcoding
between strings of different type, as well as validation and sanitization.
Encodings currently supported are UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, ASCII, ISO-8859-1
(also known as LATIN-1), ISO-8859-2 (LATIN-2), WINDOWS-1250 and WINDOWS-1252.
$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;)
$(TR $(TH Category) $(TH Functions))
$(TR $(TD Decode) $(TD
$(LREF codePoints)
$(LREF decode)
$(LREF decodeReverse)
$(LREF safeDecode)
$(TR $(TD Conversion) $(TD
$(LREF codeUnits)
$(LREF sanitize)
$(LREF transcode)
$(TR $(TD Classification) $(TD
$(LREF canEncode)
$(LREF isValid)
$(LREF isValidCodePoint)
$(LREF isValidCodeUnit)
$(TR $(TD BOM) $(TD
$(LREF getBOM)
$(LREF utfBOM)
$(TR $(TD Length & Index) $(TD
$(LREF firstSequence)
$(LREF encodedLength)
$(LREF index)
$(LREF lastSequence)
$(LREF validLength)
$(TR $(TD Encoding schemes) $(TD
$(LREF encodingName)
$(LREF EncodingScheme)
$(LREF EncodingSchemeASCII)
$(LREF EncodingSchemeLatin1)
$(LREF EncodingSchemeLatin2)
$(LREF EncodingSchemeUtf16Native)
$(LREF EncodingSchemeUtf32Native)
$(LREF EncodingSchemeUtf8)
$(LREF EncodingSchemeWindows1250)
$(LREF EncodingSchemeWindows1252)
$(TR $(TD Representation) $(TD
$(LREF AsciiChar)
$(LREF AsciiString)
$(LREF Latin1Char)
$(LREF Latin1String)
$(LREF Latin2Char)
$(LREF Latin2String)
$(LREF Windows1250Char)
$(LREF Windows1250String)
$(LREF Windows1252Char)
$(LREF Windows1252String)
$(TR $(TD Exceptions) $(TD
$(LREF EncodingException)
For cases where the _encoding is not known at compile-time, but is
known at run-time, the abstract class $(LREF EncodingScheme)
and its subclasses is provided. To construct a run-time encoder/decoder,
one does e.g.
auto e = EncodingScheme.create("utf-8");
This library supplies $(LREF EncodingScheme) subclasses for ASCII,
ISO-8859-1 (also known as LATIN-1), ISO-8859-2 (LATIN-2), WINDOWS-1250,
WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, and (on little-endian architectures) UTF-16LE and
UTF-32LE; or (on big-endian architectures) UTF-16BE and UTF-32BE.
This library provides a mechanism whereby other modules may add $(LREF
EncodingScheme) subclasses for any other _encoding.
Copyright: Copyright Janice Caron 2008 - 2009.
License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
Authors: Janice Caron
Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/_encoding.d)
Copyright Janice Caron 2008 - 2009.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
module std.encoding;
import std.range.primitives;
import std.traits;
import std.typecons;
@system unittest
static ubyte[][] validStrings =
// Plain ASCII
// First possible sequence of a certain length
[ 0x00 ], // U+00000000 one byte
[ 0xC2, 0x80 ], // U+00000080 two bytes
[ 0xE0, 0xA0, 0x80 ], // U+00000800 three bytes
[ 0xF0, 0x90, 0x80, 0x80 ], // U+00010000 three bytes
// Last possible sequence of a certain length
[ 0x7F ], // U+0000007F one byte
[ 0xDF, 0xBF ], // U+000007FF two bytes
[ 0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBF ], // U+0000FFFF three bytes
// Other boundary conditions
[ 0xED, 0x9F, 0xBF ],
// U+0000D7FF Last character before surrogates
[ 0xEE, 0x80, 0x80 ],
// U+0000E000 First character after surrogates
[ 0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD ],
// U+0000FFFD Unicode replacement character
[ 0xF4, 0x8F, 0xBF, 0xBF ],
// U+0010FFFF Very last character
// Non-character code points
/* NOTE: These are legal in UTF, and may be converted from
one UTF to another, however they do not represent Unicode
characters. These code points have been reserved by
Unicode as non-character code points. They are permissible
for data exchange within an application, but they are are
not permitted to be used as characters. Since this module
deals with UTF, and not with Unicode per se, we choose to
accept them here. */
[ 0xDF, 0xBE ], // U+0000FFFE
[ 0xDF, 0xBF ], // U+0000FFFF
static ubyte[][] invalidStrings =
// First possible sequence of a certain length, but greater
// than U+10FFFF
[ 0xF8, 0x88, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 ], // U+00200000 five bytes
[ 0xFC, 0x84, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 ], // U+04000000 six bytes
// Last possible sequence of a certain length, but greater than U+10FFFF
[ 0xF7, 0xBF, 0xBF, 0xBF ], // U+001FFFFF four bytes
[ 0xFB, 0xBF, 0xBF, 0xBF, 0xBF ], // U+03FFFFFF five bytes
[ 0xFD, 0xBF, 0xBF, 0xBF, 0xBF, 0xBF ], // U+7FFFFFFF six bytes
// Other boundary conditions
[ 0xF4, 0x90, 0x80, 0x80 ], // U+00110000
// First code
// point after
// last character
// Unexpected continuation bytes
[ 0x80 ],
[ 0xBF ],
[ 0x20, 0x80, 0x20 ],
[ 0x20, 0xBF, 0x20 ],
[ 0x80, 0x9F, 0xA0 ],
// Lonely start bytes
[ 0xC0 ],
[ 0xCF ],
[ 0x20, 0xC0, 0x20 ],
[ 0x20, 0xCF, 0x20 ],
[ 0xD0 ],
[ 0xDF ],
[ 0x20, 0xD0, 0x20 ],
[ 0x20, 0xDF, 0x20 ],
[ 0xE0 ],
[ 0xEF ],
[ 0x20, 0xE0, 0x20 ],
[ 0x20, 0xEF, 0x20 ],
[ 0xF0 ],
[ 0xF1 ],
[ 0xF2 ],
[ 0xF3 ],
[ 0xF4 ],
[ 0xF5 ], // If this were legal it would start a character > U+10FFFF
[ 0xF6 ], // If this were legal it would start a character > U+10FFFF
[ 0xF7 ], // If this were legal it would start a character > U+10FFFF
[ 0xEF, 0xBF ], // Three byte sequence with third byte missing
[ 0xF7, 0xBF, 0xBF ], // Four byte sequence with fourth byte missing
[ 0xEF, 0xBF, 0xF7, 0xBF, 0xBF ], // Concatenation of the above
// Impossible bytes
[ 0xF8 ],
[ 0xF9 ],
[ 0xFA ],
[ 0xFB ],
[ 0xFC ],
[ 0xFD ],
[ 0xFE ],
[ 0xFF ],
[ 0x20, 0xF8, 0x20 ],
[ 0x20, 0xF9, 0x20 ],
[ 0x20, 0xFA, 0x20 ],
[ 0x20, 0xFB, 0x20 ],
[ 0x20, 0xFC, 0x20 ],
[ 0x20, 0xFD, 0x20 ],
[ 0x20, 0xFE, 0x20 ],
[ 0x20, 0xFF, 0x20 ],
// Overlong sequences, all representing U+002F
/* With a safe UTF-8 decoder, all of the following five overlong
representations of the ASCII character slash ("/") should be
rejected like a malformed UTF-8 sequence */
[ 0xC0, 0xAF ],
[ 0xE0, 0x80, 0xAF ],
[ 0xF0, 0x80, 0x80, 0xAF ],
[ 0xF8, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xAF ],
[ 0xFC, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xAF ],
// Maximum overlong sequences
/* Below you see the highest Unicode value that is still resulting in
an overlong sequence if represented with the given number of bytes.
This is a boundary test for safe UTF-8 decoders. All five
characters should be rejected like malformed UTF-8 sequences. */
[ 0xC1, 0xBF ], // U+0000007F
[ 0xE0, 0x9F, 0xBF ], // U+000007FF
[ 0xF0, 0x8F, 0xBF, 0xBF ], // U+0000FFFF
[ 0xF8, 0x87, 0xBF, 0xBF, 0xBF ], // U+001FFFFF
[ 0xFC, 0x83, 0xBF, 0xBF, 0xBF, 0xBF ], // U+03FFFFFF
// Overlong representation of the NUL character
/* The following five sequences should also be rejected like malformed
UTF-8 sequences and should not be treated like the ASCII NUL
character. */
[ 0xC0, 0x80 ],
[ 0xE0, 0x80, 0x80 ],
[ 0xF0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 ],
[ 0xF8, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 ],
[ 0xFC, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 ],
// Illegal code positions
/* The following UTF-8 sequences should be rejected like malformed
sequences, because they never represent valid ISO 10646 characters
and a UTF-8 decoder that accepts them might introduce security
problems comparable to overlong UTF-8 sequences. */
[ 0xED, 0xA0, 0x80 ], // U+D800
[ 0xED, 0xAD, 0xBF ], // U+DB7F
[ 0xED, 0xAE, 0x80 ], // U+DB80
[ 0xED, 0xAF, 0xBF ], // U+DBFF
[ 0xED, 0xB0, 0x80 ], // U+DC00
[ 0xED, 0xBE, 0x80 ], // U+DF80
[ 0xED, 0xBF, 0xBF ], // U+DFFF
static string[] sanitizedStrings =
"\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD"," \uFFFD ",
" \uFFFD ","\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD"," \uFFFD "," \uFFFD ",
"\uFFFD","\uFFFD"," \uFFFD "," \uFFFD ","\uFFFD","\uFFFD"," \uFFFD ",
" \uFFFD ","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD",
"\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD"," \uFFFD ",
" \uFFFD "," \uFFFD "," \uFFFD "," \uFFFD "," \uFFFD "," \uFFFD ",
" \uFFFD ","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD","\uFFFD",
// Make sure everything that should be valid, is
foreach (a;validStrings)
string s = cast(string) a;
assert(isValid(s),"Failed to validate: "~makeReadable(s));
// Make sure everything that shouldn't be valid, isn't
foreach (a;invalidStrings)
string s = cast(string) a;
assert(!isValid(s),"Incorrectly validated: "~makeReadable(s));
// Make sure we can sanitize everything bad
assert(invalidStrings.length == sanitizedStrings.length);
for (int i=0; i<invalidStrings.length; ++i)
string s = cast(string) invalidStrings[i];
string t = sanitize(s);
assert(t == sanitizedStrings[i]);
ubyte[] u = cast(ubyte[]) t;
validStrings ~= u;
// Make sure all transcodings work in both directions, using both forward
// and reverse iteration
foreach (a; validStrings)
string s = cast(string) a;
string s2;
wstring ws, ws2;
dstring ds, ds2;
assert(s == s2);
assert(s == s2);
assert(ws == ws2);
assert(ws == ws2);
assert(ds == ds2);
assert(ds == ds2);
assert(s == s2);
assert(s == s2);
assert(ws == ws2);
assert(ws == ws2);
assert(ds == ds2);
assert(ds == ds2);
// Make sure the non-UTF encodings work too
auto s = "\u20AC100";
Windows1252String t;
assert(t == cast(Windows1252Char[])[0x80, '1', '0', '0']);
string u;
assert(s == u);
Latin1String v;
assert(cast(string) v == "?100");
AsciiString w;
assert(cast(string) w == "?100");
s = "\u017Dlu\u0165ou\u010Dk\u00FD k\u016F\u0148";
Latin2String x;
assert(x == cast(Latin2Char[])[0xae, 'l', 'u', 0xbb, 'o', 'u', 0xe8, 'k', 0xfd, ' ', 'k', 0xf9, 0xf2]);
Windows1250String y;
assert(y == cast(Windows1250Char[])[0x8e, 'l', 'u', 0x9d, 'o', 'u', 0xe8, 'k', 0xfd, ' ', 'k', 0xf9, 0xf2]);
// Make sure we can count properly
assert(encodedLength!(char)('A') == 1);
assert(encodedLength!(char)('\u00E3') == 2);
assert(encodedLength!(char)('\u2028') == 3);
assert(encodedLength!(char)('\U0010FFF0') == 4);
assert(encodedLength!(wchar)('A') == 1);
assert(encodedLength!(wchar)('\U0010FFF0') == 2);
// Make sure we can write into mutable arrays
char[4] buffer;
auto n = encode(cast(dchar)'\u00E3',buffer);
assert(n == 2);
assert(buffer[0] == 0xC3);
assert(buffer[1] == 0xA3);
/** Special value returned by $(D safeDecode) */
enum dchar INVALID_SEQUENCE = cast(dchar) 0xFFFFFFFF;
template EncoderFunctions()
// Various forms of read
template ReadFromString()
@property bool canRead() { return s.length != 0; }
E peek() @safe pure @nogc nothrow { return s[0]; }
E read() @safe pure @nogc nothrow { E t = s[0]; s = s[1..$]; return t; }
template ReverseReadFromString()
@property bool canRead() { return s.length != 0; }
E peek() @safe pure @nogc nothrow { return s[$-1]; }
E read() @safe pure @nogc nothrow { E t = s[$-1]; s = s[0..$-1]; return t; }
// Various forms of Write
template WriteToString()
E[] s;
void write(E c) @safe pure nothrow { s ~= c; }
template WriteToArray()
void write(E c) @safe pure @nogc nothrow { array[0] = c; array = array[1..$]; }
template WriteToDelegate()
void write(E c) { dg(c); }
// Functions we will export
template EncodeViaWrite()
mixin encodeViaWrite;
void encode(dchar c) { encodeViaWrite(c); }
template SkipViaRead()
mixin skipViaRead;
void skip() @safe pure @nogc nothrow { skipViaRead(); }
template DecodeViaRead()
mixin decodeViaRead;
dchar decode() @safe pure @nogc nothrow { return decodeViaRead(); }
template SafeDecodeViaRead()
mixin safeDecodeViaRead;
dchar safeDecode() @safe pure @nogc nothrow { return safeDecodeViaRead(); }
template DecodeReverseViaRead()
mixin decodeReverseViaRead;
dchar decodeReverse() @safe pure @nogc nothrow { return decodeReverseViaRead(); }
// Encoding to different destinations
template EncodeToString()
mixin WriteToString;
mixin EncodeViaWrite;
template EncodeToArray()
mixin WriteToArray;
mixin EncodeViaWrite;
template EncodeToDelegate()
mixin WriteToDelegate;
mixin EncodeViaWrite;
// Decoding functions
template SkipFromString()
mixin ReadFromString;
mixin SkipViaRead;
template DecodeFromString()
mixin ReadFromString;
mixin DecodeViaRead;
template SafeDecodeFromString()
mixin ReadFromString;
mixin SafeDecodeViaRead;
template DecodeReverseFromString()
mixin ReverseReadFromString;
mixin DecodeReverseViaRead;
// Below are the functions we will ultimately expose to the user
E[] encode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow
mixin EncodeToString e;
return e.s;
void encode(dchar c, ref E[] array) @safe pure nothrow
mixin EncodeToArray e;
void encode(dchar c, void delegate(E) dg)
mixin EncodeToDelegate e;
void skip(ref const(E)[] s) @safe pure nothrow
mixin SkipFromString e;
dchar decode(S)(ref S s)
mixin DecodeFromString e;
return e.decode();
dchar safeDecode(S)(ref S s)
mixin SafeDecodeFromString e;
return e.safeDecode();
dchar decodeReverse(ref const(E)[] s) @safe pure nothrow
mixin DecodeReverseFromString e;
return e.decodeReverse();
struct CodePoints(E)
const(E)[] s;
this(const(E)[] s)
this.s = s;
int opApply(scope int delegate(ref dchar) dg)
int result = 0;
while (s.length != 0)
dchar c = decode(s);
result = dg(c);
if (result != 0) break;
return result;
int opApply(scope int delegate(ref size_t, ref dchar) dg)
size_t i = 0;
int result = 0;
while (s.length != 0)
immutable len = s.length;
dchar c = decode(s);
size_t j = i; // We don't want the delegate corrupting i
result = dg(j,c);
if (result != 0) break;
i += len - s.length;
return result;
int opApplyReverse(scope int delegate(ref dchar) dg)
int result = 0;
while (s.length != 0)
dchar c = decodeReverse(s);
result = dg(c);
if (result != 0) break;
return result;
int opApplyReverse(scope int delegate(ref size_t, ref dchar) dg)
int result = 0;
while (s.length != 0)
dchar c = decodeReverse(s);
size_t i = s.length;
result = dg(i,c);
if (result != 0) break;
return result;
struct CodeUnits(E)
E[] s;
this(dchar d)
s = encode!(E)(d);
int opApply(scope int delegate(ref E) dg)
int result = 0;
foreach (E c;s)
result = dg(c);
if (result != 0) break;
return result;
int opApplyReverse(scope int delegate(ref E) dg)
int result = 0;
foreach_reverse (E c;s)
result = dg(c);
if (result != 0) break;
return result;
template EncoderInstance(E)
static assert(false,"Cannot instantiate EncoderInstance for type "
~ E.stringof);
private template GenericEncoder()
bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure @nogc nothrow
if (c < m_charMapStart || (c > m_charMapEnd && c < 0x100)) return true;
if (c >= 0xFFFD) return false;
auto idx = 0;
while (idx < bstMap.length)
if (bstMap[idx][0] == c) return true;
idx = bstMap[idx][0] > c ? 2 * idx + 1 : 2 * idx + 2; // next BST index
return false;
bool isValidCodeUnit(E c) @safe pure @nogc nothrow
if (c < m_charMapStart || c > m_charMapEnd) return true;
return charMap[c-m_charMapStart] != 0xFFFD;
size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure @nogc nothrow
return 1;
void encodeViaWrite()(dchar c)
if (c < m_charMapStart || (c > m_charMapEnd && c < 0x100)) {}
else if (c >= 0xFFFD) { c = '?'; }
auto idx = 0;
while (idx < bstMap.length)
if (bstMap[idx][0] == c)
write(cast(E) bstMap[idx][1]);
idx = bstMap[idx][0] > c ? 2 * idx + 1 : 2 * idx + 2; // next BST index
c = '?';
write(cast(E) c);
void skipViaRead()()
dchar decodeViaRead()()
E c = read();
return (c >= m_charMapStart && c <= m_charMapEnd) ? charMap[c-m_charMapStart] : c;
dchar safeDecodeViaRead()()
immutable E c = read();
immutable d = (c >= m_charMapStart && c <= m_charMapEnd) ? charMap[c-m_charMapStart] : c;
return d == 0xFFFD ? INVALID_SEQUENCE : d;
dchar decodeReverseViaRead()()
E c = read();
return (c >= m_charMapStart && c <= m_charMapEnd) ? charMap[c-m_charMapStart] : c;
@property EString replacementSequence() @safe pure @nogc nothrow
return cast(EString)("?");
mixin EncoderFunctions;
/** Defines various character sets. */
enum AsciiChar : ubyte { init }
/// Ditto
alias AsciiString = immutable(AsciiChar)[];
template EncoderInstance(CharType : AsciiChar)
alias E = AsciiChar;
alias EString = AsciiString;
@property string encodingName() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "ASCII";
bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return c < 0x80;
bool isValidCodeUnit(AsciiChar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return c < 0x80;
size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return 1;
void encodeX(Range)(dchar c, Range r)
if (!canEncode(c)) c = '?';
r.write(cast(AsciiChar) c);
void encodeViaWrite()(dchar c)
if (!canEncode(c)) c = '?';
write(cast(AsciiChar) c);
void skipViaRead()()
dchar decodeViaRead()()
return read();
dchar safeDecodeViaRead()()
immutable c = read();
return canEncode(c) ? c : INVALID_SEQUENCE;
dchar decodeReverseViaRead()()
return read();
@property EString replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return cast(EString)("?");
mixin EncoderFunctions;
// ISO-8859-1
/** Defines an Latin1-encoded character. */
enum Latin1Char : ubyte { init }
Defines an Latin1-encoded string (as an array of $(D
alias Latin1String = immutable(Latin1Char)[];
template EncoderInstance(CharType : Latin1Char)
alias E = Latin1Char;
alias EString = Latin1String;
@property string encodingName() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "ISO-8859-1";
bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return c < 0x100;
bool isValidCodeUnit(Latin1Char c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return true;
size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return 1;
void encodeViaWrite()(dchar c)
if (!canEncode(c)) c = '?';
write(cast(Latin1Char) c);
void skipViaRead()()
dchar decodeViaRead()()
return read();
dchar safeDecodeViaRead()()
return read();
dchar decodeReverseViaRead()()
return read();
@property EString replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return cast(EString)("?");
mixin EncoderFunctions;
// ISO-8859-2
/// Defines a Latin2-encoded character.
enum Latin2Char : ubyte { init }
* Defines an Latin2-encoded string (as an array of $(D
* immutable(Latin2Char))).
alias Latin2String = immutable(Latin2Char)[];
private template EncoderInstance(CharType : Latin2Char)
import std.typecons : Tuple, tuple;
alias E = Latin2Char;
alias EString = Latin2String;
@property string encodingName() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "ISO-8859-2";
private static immutable dchar m_charMapStart = 0xa1;
private static immutable dchar m_charMapEnd = 0xff;
private immutable wstring charMap =
private immutable Tuple!(wchar, char)[] bstMap = [
tuple('\u0148','\xF2'), tuple('\u00F3','\xF3'), tuple('\u0165','\xBB'),
tuple('\u00D3','\xD3'), tuple('\u010F','\xEF'), tuple('\u015B','\xB6'),
tuple('\u017C','\xBF'), tuple('\u00C1','\xC1'), tuple('\u00E1','\xE1'),
tuple('\u0103','\xE3'), tuple('\u013A','\xE5'), tuple('\u0155','\xE0'),
tuple('\u0161','\xB9'), tuple('\u0171','\xFB'), tuple('\u02D8','\xA2'),
tuple('\u00AD','\xAD'), tuple('\u00C9','\xC9'), tuple('\u00DA','\xDA'),
tuple('\u00E9','\xE9'), tuple('\u00FA','\xFA'), tuple('\u0107','\xE6'),
tuple('\u0119','\xEA'), tuple('\u0142','\xB3'), tuple('\u0151','\xF5'),
tuple('\u0159','\xF8'), tuple('\u015F','\xBA'), tuple('\u0163','\xFE'),
tuple('\u016F','\xF9'), tuple('\u017A','\xBC'), tuple('\u017E','\xBE'),
tuple('\u02DB','\xB2'), tuple('\u00A7','\xA7'), tuple('\u00B4','\xB4'),
tuple('\u00C4','\xC4'), tuple('\u00CD','\xCD'), tuple('\u00D6','\xD6'),
tuple('\u00DD','\xDD'), tuple('\u00E4','\xE4'), tuple('\u00ED','\xED'),
tuple('\u00F6','\xF6'), tuple('\u00FD','\xFD'), tuple('\u0105','\xB1'),
tuple('\u010D','\xE8'), tuple('\u0111','\xF0'), tuple('\u011B','\xEC'),
tuple('\u013E','\xB5'), tuple('\u0144','\xF1'), tuple('\u0150','\xD5'),
tuple('\u0154','\xC0'), tuple('\u0158','\xD8'), tuple('\u015A','\xA6'),
tuple('\u015E','\xAA'), tuple('\u0160','\xA9'), tuple('\u0162','\xDE'),
tuple('\u0164','\xAB'), tuple('\u016E','\xD9'), tuple('\u0170','\xDB'),
tuple('\u0179','\xAC'), tuple('\u017B','\xAF'), tuple('\u017D','\xAE'),
tuple('\u02C7','\xB7'), tuple('\u02D9','\xFF'), tuple('\u02DD','\xBD'),
tuple('\u00A4','\xA4'), tuple('\u00A8','\xA8'), tuple('\u00B0','\xB0'),
tuple('\u00B8','\xB8'), tuple('\u00C2','\xC2'), tuple('\u00C7','\xC7'),
tuple('\u00CB','\xCB'), tuple('\u00CE','\xCE'), tuple('\u00D4','\xD4'),
tuple('\u00D7','\xD7'), tuple('\u00DC','\xDC'), tuple('\u00DF','\xDF'),
tuple('\u00E2','\xE2'), tuple('\u00E7','\xE7'), tuple('\u00EB','\xEB'),
tuple('\u00EE','\xEE'), tuple('\u00F4','\xF4'), tuple('\u00F7','\xF7'),
tuple('\u00FC','\xFC'), tuple('\u0102','\xC3'), tuple('\u0104','\xA1'),
tuple('\u0106','\xC6'), tuple('\u010C','\xC8'), tuple('\u010E','\xCF'),
tuple('\u0110','\xD0'), tuple('\u0118','\xCA'), tuple('\u011A','\xCC'),
tuple('\u0139','\xC5'), tuple('\u013D','\xA5'), tuple('\u0141','\xA3'),
tuple('\u0143','\xD1'), tuple('\u0147','\xD2')
mixin GenericEncoder!();
// WINDOWS-1250
/// Defines a Windows1250-encoded character.
enum Windows1250Char : ubyte { init }
* Defines an Windows1250-encoded string (as an array of $(D
* immutable(Windows1250Char))).
alias Windows1250String = immutable(Windows1250Char)[];
private template EncoderInstance(CharType : Windows1250Char)
import std.typecons : Tuple, tuple;
alias E = Windows1250Char;
alias EString = Windows1250String;
@property string encodingName() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "windows-1250";
private static immutable dchar m_charMapStart = 0x80;
private static immutable dchar m_charMapEnd = 0xff;
private immutable wstring charMap =
private immutable Tuple!(wchar, char)[] bstMap = [
tuple('\u011A','\xCC'), tuple('\u00DC','\xDC'), tuple('\u0179','\x8F'),
tuple('\u00B7','\xB7'), tuple('\u00FC','\xFC'), tuple('\u0158','\xD8'),
tuple('\u201C','\x93'), tuple('\u00AC','\xAC'), tuple('\u00CB','\xCB'),
tuple('\u00EB','\xEB'), tuple('\u010C','\xC8'), tuple('\u0143','\xD1'),
tuple('\u0162','\xDE'), tuple('\u02D9','\xFF'), tuple('\u2039','\x8B'),
tuple('\u00A7','\xA7'), tuple('\u00B1','\xB1'), tuple('\u00C2','\xC2'),
tuple('\u00D4','\xD4'), tuple('\u00E2','\xE2'), tuple('\u00F4','\xF4'),
tuple('\u0104','\xA5'), tuple('\u0110','\xD0'), tuple('\u013D','\xBC'),
tuple('\u0150','\xD5'), tuple('\u015E','\xAA'), tuple('\u016E','\xD9'),
tuple('\u017D','\x8E'), tuple('\u2014','\x97'), tuple('\u2021','\x87'),
tuple('\u20AC','\x80'), tuple('\u00A4','\xA4'), tuple('\u00A9','\xA9'),
tuple('\u00AE','\xAE'), tuple('\u00B5','\xB5'), tuple('\u00BB','\xBB'),
tuple('\u00C7','\xC7'), tuple('\u00CE','\xCE'), tuple('\u00D7','\xD7'),
tuple('\u00DF','\xDF'), tuple('\u00E7','\xE7'), tuple('\u00EE','\xEE'),
tuple('\u00F7','\xF7'), tuple('\u0102','\xC3'), tuple('\u0106','\xC6'),
tuple('\u010E','\xCF'), tuple('\u0118','\xCA'), tuple('\u0139','\xC5'),
tuple('\u0141','\xA3'), tuple('\u0147','\xD2'), tuple('\u0154','\xC0'),
tuple('\u015A','\x8C'), tuple('\u0160','\x8A'), tuple('\u0164','\x8D'),
tuple('\u0170','\xDB'), tuple('\u017B','\xAF'), tuple('\u02C7','\xA1'),
tuple('\u02DD','\xBD'), tuple('\u2019','\x92'), tuple('\u201E','\x84'),
tuple('\u2026','\x85'), tuple('\u203A','\x9B'), tuple('\u2122','\x99'),
tuple('\u00A0','\xA0'), tuple('\u00A6','\xA6'), tuple('\u00A8','\xA8'),
tuple('\u00AB','\xAB'), tuple('\u00AD','\xAD'), tuple('\u00B0','\xB0'),
tuple('\u00B4','\xB4'), tuple('\u00B6','\xB6'), tuple('\u00B8','\xB8'),
tuple('\u00C1','\xC1'), tuple('\u00C4','\xC4'), tuple('\u00C9','\xC9'),
tuple('\u00CD','\xCD'), tuple('\u00D3','\xD3'), tuple('\u00D6','\xD6'),
tuple('\u00DA','\xDA'), tuple('\u00DD','\xDD'), tuple('\u00E1','\xE1'),
tuple('\u00E4','\xE4'), tuple('\u00E9','\xE9'), tuple('\u00ED','\xED'),
tuple('\u00F3','\xF3'), tuple('\u00F6','\xF6'), tuple('\u00FA','\xFA'),
tuple('\u00FD','\xFD'), tuple('\u0103','\xE3'), tuple('\u0105','\xB9'),
tuple('\u0107','\xE6'), tuple('\u010D','\xE8'), tuple('\u010F','\xEF'),
tuple('\u0111','\xF0'), tuple('\u0119','\xEA'), tuple('\u011B','\xEC'),
tuple('\u013A','\xE5'), tuple('\u013E','\xBE'), tuple('\u0142','\xB3'),
tuple('\u0144','\xF1'), tuple('\u0148','\xF2'), tuple('\u0151','\xF5'),
tuple('\u0155','\xE0'), tuple('\u0159','\xF8'), tuple('\u015B','\x9C'),
tuple('\u015F','\xBA'), tuple('\u0161','\x9A'), tuple('\u0163','\xFE'),
tuple('\u0165','\x9D'), tuple('\u016F','\xF9'), tuple('\u0171','\xFB'),
tuple('\u017A','\x9F'), tuple('\u017C','\xBF'), tuple('\u017E','\x9E'),
tuple('\u02D8','\xA2'), tuple('\u02DB','\xB2'), tuple('\u2013','\x96'),
tuple('\u2018','\x91'), tuple('\u201A','\x82'), tuple('\u201D','\x94'),
tuple('\u2020','\x86'), tuple('\u2022','\x95'), tuple('\u2030','\x89')
mixin GenericEncoder!();
// WINDOWS-1252
/// Defines a Windows1252-encoded character.
enum Windows1252Char : ubyte { init }
* Defines an Windows1252-encoded string (as an array of $(D
* immutable(Windows1252Char))).
alias Windows1252String = immutable(Windows1252Char)[];
template EncoderInstance(CharType : Windows1252Char)
import std.typecons : Tuple, tuple;
alias E = Windows1252Char;
alias EString = Windows1252String;
@property string encodingName() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "windows-1252";
private static immutable dchar m_charMapStart = 0x80;
private static immutable dchar m_charMapEnd = 0x9f;
private immutable wstring charMap =
private immutable Tuple!(wchar, char)[] bstMap = [
tuple('\u201C','\x93'), tuple('\u0192','\x83'), tuple('\u2039','\x8B'),
tuple('\u0161','\x9A'), tuple('\u2014','\x97'), tuple('\u2021','\x87'),
tuple('\u20AC','\x80'), tuple('\u0153','\x9C'), tuple('\u017D','\x8E'),
tuple('\u02DC','\x98'), tuple('\u2019','\x92'), tuple('\u201E','\x84'),
tuple('\u2026','\x85'), tuple('\u203A','\x9B'), tuple('\u2122','\x99'),
tuple('\u0152','\x8C'), tuple('\u0160','\x8A'), tuple('\u0178','\x9F'),
tuple('\u017E','\x9E'), tuple('\u02C6','\x88'), tuple('\u2013','\x96'),
tuple('\u2018','\x91'), tuple('\u201A','\x82'), tuple('\u201D','\x94'),
tuple('\u2020','\x86'), tuple('\u2022','\x95'), tuple('\u2030','\x89')
mixin GenericEncoder!();
// UTF-8
template EncoderInstance(CharType : char)
alias E = char;
alias EString = immutable(char)[];
@property string encodingName() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "UTF-8";
bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return isValidCodePoint(c);
bool isValidCodeUnit(char c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return (c < 0xC0 || (c >= 0xC2 && c < 0xF5));
immutable ubyte[128] tailTable =
private int tails(char c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
assert(c >= 0x80);
return tailTable[c-0x80];
size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
if (c < 0x80) return 1;
if (c < 0x800) return 2;
if (c < 0x10000) return 3;
return 4;
void encodeViaWrite()(dchar c)
if (c < 0x80)
write(cast(char) c);
else if (c < 0x800)
write(cast(char)((c >> 6) + 0xC0));
write(cast(char)((c & 0x3F) + 0x80));
else if (c < 0x10000)
write(cast(char)((c >> 12) + 0xE0));
write(cast(char)(((c >> 6) & 0x3F) + 0x80));
write(cast(char)((c & 0x3F) + 0x80));
write(cast(char)((c >> 18) + 0xF0));
write(cast(char)(((c >> 12) & 0x3F) + 0x80));
write(cast(char)(((c >> 6) & 0x3F) + 0x80));
write(cast(char)((c & 0x3F) + 0x80));
void skipViaRead()()
auto c = read();
if (c < 0xC0) return;
int n = tails(cast(char) c);
for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
dchar decodeViaRead()()
dchar c = read();
if (c < 0xC0) return c;
int n = tails(cast(char) c);
c &= (1 << (6 - n)) - 1;
for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
c = (c << 6) + (read() & 0x3F);
return c;
dchar safeDecodeViaRead()()
dchar c = read();
if (c < 0x80) return c;
int n = tails(cast(char) c);
if (n == 0) return INVALID_SEQUENCE;
if (!canRead) return INVALID_SEQUENCE;
size_t d = peek();
immutable err =
(c < 0xC2) // fail overlong 2-byte sequences
|| (c > 0xF4) // fail overlong 4-6-byte sequences
|| (c == 0xE0 && ((d & 0xE0) == 0x80)) // fail overlong 3-byte sequences
|| (c == 0xED && ((d & 0xE0) == 0xA0)) // fail surrogates
|| (c == 0xF0 && ((d & 0xF0) == 0x80)) // fail overlong 4-byte sequences
|| (c == 0xF4 && ((d & 0xF0) >= 0x90)) // fail code points > 0x10FFFF
c &= (1 << (6 - n)) - 1;
for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
if (!canRead) return INVALID_SEQUENCE;
d = peek();
if ((d & 0xC0) != 0x80) return INVALID_SEQUENCE;
c = (c << 6) + (read() & 0x3F);
return err ? INVALID_SEQUENCE : c;
dchar decodeReverseViaRead()()
dchar c = read();
if (c < 0x80) return c;
size_t shift = 0;
c &= 0x3F;
for (size_t i=0; i<4; ++i)
shift += 6;
auto d = read();
size_t n = tails(cast(char) d);
immutable mask = n == 0 ? 0x3F : (1 << (6 - n)) - 1;
c += ((d & mask) << shift);
if (n != 0) break;
return c;
@property EString replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "\uFFFD";
mixin EncoderFunctions;
// UTF-16
template EncoderInstance(CharType : wchar)
alias E = wchar;
alias EString = immutable(wchar)[];
@property string encodingName() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "UTF-16";
bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return isValidCodePoint(c);
bool isValidCodeUnit(wchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return true;
size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return (c < 0x10000) ? 1 : 2;
void encodeViaWrite()(dchar c)
if (c < 0x10000)
write(cast(wchar) c);
size_t n = c - 0x10000;
write(cast(wchar)(0xD800 + (n >> 10)));
write(cast(wchar)(0xDC00 + (n & 0x3FF)));
void skipViaRead()()
immutable c = read();
if (c < 0xD800 || c >= 0xE000) return;
dchar decodeViaRead()()
wchar c = read();
if (c < 0xD800 || c >= 0xE000) return cast(dchar) c;
wchar d = read();
c &= 0x3FF;
d &= 0x3FF;
return 0x10000 + (c << 10) + d;
dchar safeDecodeViaRead()()
wchar c = read();
if (c < 0xD800 || c >= 0xE000) return cast(dchar) c;
if (c >= 0xDC00) return INVALID_SEQUENCE;
if (!canRead) return INVALID_SEQUENCE;
wchar d = peek();
if (d < 0xDC00 || d >= 0xE000) return INVALID_SEQUENCE;
d = read();
c &= 0x3FF;
d &= 0x3FF;
return 0x10000 + (c << 10) + d;
dchar decodeReverseViaRead()()
wchar c = read();
if (c < 0xD800 || c >= 0xE000) return cast(dchar) c;
wchar d = read();
c &= 0x3FF;
d &= 0x3FF;
return 0x10000 + (d << 10) + c;
@property EString replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "\uFFFD"w;
mixin EncoderFunctions;
// UTF-32
template EncoderInstance(CharType : dchar)
alias E = dchar;
alias EString = immutable(dchar)[];
@property string encodingName() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "UTF-32";
bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure @nogc nothrow
return isValidCodePoint(c);
bool isValidCodeUnit(dchar c) @safe pure @nogc nothrow
return isValidCodePoint(c);
size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure @nogc nothrow
return 1;
void encodeViaWrite()(dchar c)
void skipViaRead()()
dchar decodeViaRead()()
return cast(dchar) read();
dchar safeDecodeViaRead()()
immutable c = read();
return isValidCodePoint(c) ? c : INVALID_SEQUENCE;
dchar decodeReverseViaRead()()
return cast(dchar) read();
@property EString replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "\uFFFD"d;
mixin EncoderFunctions;
// Below are forwarding functions which expose the function to the user
Returns true if c is a valid code point
Note that this includes the non-character code points U+FFFE and U+FFFF,
since these are valid code points (even though they are not valid
This function supersedes $(D std.utf.startsValidDchar()).
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
c = the code point to be tested
bool isValidCodePoint(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return c < 0xD800 || (c >= 0xE000 && c < 0x110000);
Returns the name of an encoding.
The type of encoding cannot be deduced. Therefore, it is necessary to
explicitly specify the encoding type.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
@property string encodingName(T)()
return EncoderInstance!(T).encodingName;
@safe unittest
assert(encodingName!(char) == "UTF-8");
assert(encodingName!(wchar) == "UTF-16");
assert(encodingName!(dchar) == "UTF-32");
assert(encodingName!(AsciiChar) == "ASCII");
assert(encodingName!(Latin1Char) == "ISO-8859-1");
assert(encodingName!(Latin2Char) == "ISO-8859-2");
assert(encodingName!(Windows1250Char) == "windows-1250");
assert(encodingName!(Windows1252Char) == "windows-1252");
Returns true iff it is possible to represent the specified codepoint
in the encoding.
The type of encoding cannot be deduced. Therefore, it is necessary to
explicitly specify the encoding type.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
bool canEncode(E)(dchar c)
return EncoderInstance!(E).canEncode(c);
@safe pure unittest
assert( canEncode!(Latin1Char)('A'));
assert( canEncode!(Latin2Char)('A'));
assert( canEncode!(Latin1Char)('\u00A0'));
assert( canEncode!(Latin2Char)('\u00A0'));
assert( canEncode!(Windows1250Char)('\u20AC'));
assert( canEncode!(Windows1252Char)('\u20AC'));
assert(!canEncode!(char)(cast(dchar) 0x110000));
/// How to check an entire string
@safe pure unittest
import std.algorithm.searching : find;
import std.utf : byDchar;
assert("The quick brown fox"
.find!(x => !canEncode!AsciiChar(x))
Returns true if the code unit is legal. For example, the byte 0x80 would
not be legal in ASCII, because ASCII code units must always be in the range
0x00 to 0x7F.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
c = the code unit to be tested
bool isValidCodeUnit(E)(E c)
return EncoderInstance!(E).isValidCodeUnit(c);
@system pure unittest
assert(!isValidCodeUnit(cast(char) 0xC0));
assert(!isValidCodeUnit(cast(char) 0xFF));
assert( isValidCodeUnit(cast(wchar) 0xD800));
assert(!isValidCodeUnit(cast(dchar) 0xD800));
assert(!isValidCodeUnit(cast(AsciiChar) 0xA0));
assert( isValidCodeUnit(cast(Windows1250Char) 0x80));
assert(!isValidCodeUnit(cast(Windows1250Char) 0x81));
assert( isValidCodeUnit(cast(Windows1252Char) 0x80));
assert(!isValidCodeUnit(cast(Windows1252Char) 0x81));
Returns true if the string is encoded correctly
This function supersedes std.utf.validate(), however note that this
function returns a bool indicating whether the input was valid or not,
whereas the older function would throw an exception.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
s = the string to be tested
bool isValid(E)(const(E)[] s)
return s.length == validLength(s);
@system pure unittest
assert( isValid("\u20AC100"));
assert(!isValid(cast(char[3])[167, 133, 175]));
Returns the length of the longest possible substring, starting from
the first code unit, which is validly encoded.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
s = the string to be tested
size_t validLength(E)(const(E)[] s)
size_t result, before = void;
while ((before = s.length) > 0)
if (EncoderInstance!(E).safeDecode(s) == INVALID_SEQUENCE)
result += before - s.length;
return result;
Sanitizes a string by replacing malformed code unit sequences with valid
code unit sequences. The result is guaranteed to be valid for this encoding.
If the input string is already valid, this function returns the original,
otherwise it constructs a new string by replacing all illegal code unit
sequences with the encoding's replacement character, Invalid sequences will
be replaced with the Unicode replacement character (U+FFFD) if the
character repertoire contains it, otherwise invalid sequences will be
replaced with '?'.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
s = the string to be sanitized
immutable(E)[] sanitize(E)(immutable(E)[] s)
size_t n = validLength(s);
if (n == s.length) return s;
auto repSeq = EncoderInstance!(E).replacementSequence;
// Count how long the string needs to be.
// Overestimating is not a problem
size_t len = s.length;
const(E)[] t = s[n..$];
while (t.length != 0)
immutable c = EncoderInstance!(E).safeDecode(t);
assert(c == INVALID_SEQUENCE);
len += repSeq.length;
t = t[validLength(t)..$];
// Now do the write
E[] array = new E[len];
array[0 .. n] = s[0 .. n];
size_t offset = n;
t = s[n..$];
while (t.length != 0)
immutable c = EncoderInstance!(E).safeDecode(t);
assert(c == INVALID_SEQUENCE);
array[offset .. offset+repSeq.length] = repSeq[];
offset += repSeq.length;
n = validLength(t);
array[offset .. offset+n] = t[0 .. n];
offset += n;
t = t[n..$];
return cast(immutable(E)[])array[0 .. offset];
@system pure unittest
assert(sanitize("hello \xF0\x80world") == "hello \xEF\xBF\xBDworld");
Returns the length of the first encoded sequence.
The input to this function MUST be validly encoded.
This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
s = the string to be sliced
size_t firstSequence(E)(const(E)[] s)
assert(s.length != 0);
const(E)[] u = s;
assert(safeDecode(u) != INVALID_SEQUENCE);
auto before = s.length;
return before - s.length;
@system pure unittest
assert(firstSequence("\u20AC1000") == "\u20AC".length);
assert(firstSequence("hel") == "h".length);
Returns the length of the last encoded sequence.
The input to this function MUST be validly encoded.
This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
s = the string to be sliced
size_t lastSequence(E)(const(E)[] s)
assert(s.length != 0);
const(E)[] t = s;
return t.length - s.length;
@system pure unittest
assert(lastSequence("1000\u20AC") == "\u20AC".length);
assert(lastSequence("hellö") == "ö".length);
Returns the array index at which the (n+1)th code point begins.
The input to this function MUST be validly encoded.
This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
This function supersedes std.utf.toUTFindex().
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
s = the string to be counted
n = the current code point index
ptrdiff_t index(E)(const(E)[] s,int n)
assert(n >= 0);
const(E)[] t = s;
for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) EncoderInstance!(E).skip(s);
return t.length - s.length;
@system pure unittest
assert(index("\u20AC100",1) == 3);
assert(index("hällo",2) == 3);
Decodes a single code point.
This function removes one or more code units from the start of a string,
and returns the decoded code point which those code units represent.
The input to this function MUST be validly encoded.
This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
This function supersedes std.utf.decode(), however, note that the
function codePoints() supersedes it more conveniently.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
s = the string whose first code point is to be decoded
dchar decode(S)(ref S s)
assert(s.length != 0);
auto u = s;
assert(safeDecode(u) != INVALID_SEQUENCE);
return EncoderInstance!(typeof(s[0])).decode(s);
Decodes a single code point from the end of a string.
This function removes one or more code units from the end of a string,
and returns the decoded code point which those code units represent.
The input to this function MUST be validly encoded.
This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
s = the string whose first code point is to be decoded
dchar decodeReverse(E)(ref const(E)[] s)
assert(s.length != 0);
return EncoderInstance!(E).decodeReverse(s);
Decodes a single code point. The input does not have to be valid.
This function removes one or more code units from the start of a string,
and returns the decoded code point which those code units represent.
This function will accept an invalidly encoded string as input.
If an invalid sequence is found at the start of the string, this
function will remove it, and return the value INVALID_SEQUENCE.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
s = the string whose first code point is to be decoded
dchar safeDecode(S)(ref S s)
assert(s.length != 0);
return EncoderInstance!(typeof(s[0])).safeDecode(s);
Returns the number of code units required to encode a single code point.
The input to this function MUST be a valid code point.
This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
The type of the output cannot be deduced. Therefore, it is necessary to
explicitly specify the encoding as a template parameter.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
c = the code point to be encoded
size_t encodedLength(E)(dchar c)
return EncoderInstance!(E).encodedLength(c);
Encodes a single code point.
This function encodes a single code point into one or more code units.
It returns a string containing those code units.
The input to this function MUST be a valid code point.
This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
The type of the output cannot be deduced. Therefore, it is necessary to
explicitly specify the encoding as a template parameter.
This function supersedes std.utf.encode(), however, note that the
function codeUnits() supersedes it more conveniently.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
c = the code point to be encoded
E[] encode(E)(dchar c)
return EncoderInstance!(E).encode(c);
Encodes a single code point into an array.
This function encodes a single code point into one or more code units
The code units are stored in a user-supplied fixed-size array,
which must be passed by reference.
The input to this function MUST be a valid code point.
This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
The type of the output cannot be deduced. Therefore, it is necessary to
explicitly specify the encoding as a template parameter.
This function supersedes std.utf.encode(), however, note that the
function codeUnits() supersedes it more conveniently.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
c = the code point to be encoded
array = the destination array
the number of code units written to the array
size_t encode(E)(dchar c, E[] array)
E[] t = array;
return array.length - t.length;
Encodes $(D c) in units of type $(D E) and writes the result to the
output range $(D R). Returns the number of $(D E)s written.
size_t encode(E, R)(dchar c, auto ref R range)
if (isNativeOutputRange!(R, E))
static if (is(Unqual!E == char))
if (c <= 0x7F)
put(range, cast(char) c);
return 1;
if (c <= 0x7FF)
put(range, cast(char)(0xC0 | (c >> 6)));
put(range, cast(char)(0x80 | (c & 0x3F)));
return 2;
if (c <= 0xFFFF)
put(range, cast(char)(0xE0 | (c >> 12)));
put(range, cast(char)(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)));
put(range, cast(char)(0x80 | (c & 0x3F)));
return 3;
if (c <= 0x10FFFF)
put(range, cast(char)(0xF0 | (c >> 18)));
put(range, cast(char)(0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F)));
put(range, cast(char)(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)));
put(range, cast(char)(0x80 | (c & 0x3F)));
return 4;
else static if (is(Unqual!E == wchar))
if (c <= 0xFFFF)
range.put(cast(wchar) c);
return 1;
range.put(cast(wchar) ((((c - 0x10000) >> 10) & 0x3FF) + 0xD800));
range.put(cast(wchar) (((c - 0x10000) & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00));
return 2;
else static if (is(Unqual!E == dchar))
return 1;
static assert(0);
@safe pure unittest
import std.array;
Appender!(char[]) r;
assert(encode!(char)('T', r) == 1);
assert(encode!(wchar)('T', r) == 1);
assert(encode!(dchar)('T', r) == 1);
Encodes a single code point to a delegate.
This function encodes a single code point into one or more code units.
The code units are passed one at a time to the supplied delegate.
The input to this function MUST be a valid code point.
This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
The type of the output cannot be deduced. Therefore, it is necessary to
explicitly specify the encoding as a template parameter.
This function supersedes std.utf.encode(), however, note that the
function codeUnits() supersedes it more conveniently.
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
c = the code point to be encoded
dg = the delegate to invoke for each code unit
void encode(E)(dchar c, void delegate(E) dg)
Encodes the contents of $(D s) in units of type $(D Tgt), writing the result to an
output range.
Returns: The number of $(D Tgt) elements written.
Tgt = Element type of $(D range).
s = Input array.
range = Output range.
size_t encode(Tgt, Src, R)(in Src[] s, R range)
size_t result;
foreach (c; s)
result += encode!(Tgt)(c, range);
return result;
Returns a foreachable struct which can bidirectionally iterate over all
code points in a string.
The input to this function MUST be validly encoded.
This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
You can foreach either
with or without an index. If an index is specified, it will be initialized
at each iteration with the offset into the string at which the code point
This function supersedes std.utf.decode().
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
s = the string to be decoded
string s = "hello world";
foreach (c;codePoints(s))
// do something with c (which will always be a dchar)
Note that, currently, foreach (c:codePoints(s)) is superior to foreach (c;s)
in that the latter will fall over on encountering U+FFFF.
CodePoints!(E) codePoints(E)(immutable(E)[] s)
return CodePoints!(E)(s);
@system unittest
string s = "hello";
string t;
foreach (c;codePoints(s))
t ~= cast(char) c;
assert(s == t);
Returns a foreachable struct which can bidirectionally iterate over all
code units in a code point.
The input to this function MUST be a valid code point.
This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
The type of the output cannot be deduced. Therefore, it is necessary to
explicitly specify the encoding type in the template parameter.
This function supersedes std.utf.encode().
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
c = the code point to be encoded
CodeUnits!(E) codeUnits(E)(dchar c)
return CodeUnits!(E)(c);
@system unittest
char[] a;
foreach (c;codeUnits!(char)(cast(dchar)'\u20AC'))
a ~= c;
assert(a.length == 3);
assert(a[0] == 0xE2);
assert(a[1] == 0x82);
assert(a[2] == 0xAC);
Convert a string from one encoding to another.
This function supersedes std.utf.toUTF8(), std.utf.toUTF16() and
(but note that to!() supersedes it more conveniently).
Standards: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250,
s = Source string. $(B Must) be validly encoded.
This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
r = Destination string
$(REF to, std,conv)
void transcode(Src, Dst)(Src[] s, out Dst[] r)
static if (is(Src == Dst) && is(Src == immutable))
r = s;
else static if (is(Unqual!Src == AsciiChar))
transcode(cast(const(char)[])s, r);
static if (is(Unqual!Dst == wchar))
immutable minReservePlace = 2;
else static if (is(Unqual!Dst == dchar))
immutable minReservePlace = 1;
immutable minReservePlace = 6;
auto buffer = new Unqual!Dst[s.length];
auto tmpBuffer = buffer;
while (s.length != 0)
if (tmpBuffer.length < minReservePlace)
size_t prevLength = buffer.length;
buffer.length += s.length + minReservePlace;
tmpBuffer = buffer[prevLength - tmpBuffer.length .. $];
EncoderInstance!(Unqual!Dst).encode(decode(s), tmpBuffer);
r = cast(Dst[]) buffer[0 .. buffer.length - tmpBuffer.length];
@system pure unittest
wstring ws;
// transcode from UTF-8 to UTF-16
transcode("hello world",ws);
assert(ws == "hello world"w);
Latin1String ls;
// transcode from UTF-16 to ISO-8859-1
transcode(ws, ls);
assert(ws == "hello world");
@system pure unittest
import std.meta;
import std.range;
import std.conv : to;
string asciiCharString = to!string(iota(0, 128, 1));
alias Types = AliasSeq!(string, Latin1String, Latin2String, AsciiString,
Windows1250String, Windows1252String, dstring, wstring);
foreach (S; Types)
foreach (D; Types)
string str;
S sStr;
D dStr;
transcode(asciiCharString, sStr);
transcode(sStr, dStr);
transcode(dStr, str);
assert(asciiCharString == str);
string czechChars = "Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.";
alias Types = AliasSeq!(string, dstring, wstring);
foreach (S; Types)
foreach (D; Types)
string str;
S sStr;
D dStr;
transcode(czechChars, sStr);
transcode(sStr, dStr);
transcode(dStr, str);
assert(czechChars == str);
@system unittest // mutable/const input/output
import std.meta : AliasSeq;
foreach (O; AliasSeq!(Latin1Char, const Latin1Char, immutable Latin1Char))
O[] output;
char[] mutableInput = "äbc".dup;
transcode(mutableInput, output);
assert(output == [0xE4, 'b', 'c']);
const char[] constInput = "öbc";
transcode(constInput, output);
assert(output == [0xF6, 'b', 'c']);
immutable char[] immutInput = "übc";
transcode(immutInput, output);
assert(output == [0xFC, 'b', 'c']);
// Make sure that const/mutable input is copied.
foreach (C; AliasSeq!(char, const char))
C[] input = "foo".dup;
C[] output;
transcode(input, output);
assert(input == output);
assert(input !is output);
// But immutable input should not be copied.
string input = "foo";
string output;
transcode(input, output);
assert(input is output);
/** The base class for exceptions thrown by this module */
class EncodingException : Exception { this(string msg) @safe pure { super(msg); } }
class UnrecognizedEncodingException : EncodingException
private this(string msg) @safe pure { super(msg); }
/** Abstract base class of all encoding schemes */
abstract class EncodingScheme
import std.uni : toLower;
* Registers a subclass of EncodingScheme.
* This function allows user-defined subclasses of EncodingScheme to
* be declared in other modules.
* Params:
* Klass = The subclass of EncodingScheme to register.
* Example:
* ----------------------------------------------
* class Amiga1251 : EncodingScheme
* {
* shared static this()
* {
* EncodingScheme.register!Amiga1251;
* }
* }
* ----------------------------------------------
static void register(Klass:EncodingScheme)()
scope scheme = new Klass();
foreach (encodingName;scheme.names())
supported[toLower(encodingName)] = () => new Klass();
deprecated("Please pass the EncodingScheme subclass as template argument instead.")
static void register(string className)
auto scheme = cast(EncodingScheme) ClassInfo.find(className).create();
if (scheme is null)
throw new EncodingException("Unable to create class "~className);
foreach (encodingName;scheme.names())
supportedFactories[toLower(encodingName)] = className;
* Obtains a subclass of EncodingScheme which is capable of encoding
* and decoding the named encoding scheme.
* This function is only aware of EncodingSchemes which have been
* registered with the register() function.
* Example:
* ---------------------------------------------------
* auto scheme = EncodingScheme.create("Amiga-1251");
* ---------------------------------------------------
static EncodingScheme create(string encodingName)
static bool registerDefaultEncodings()
return true;
static shared bool initialized;
import std.concurrency : initOnce;
encodingName = toLower(encodingName);
if (auto p = encodingName in supported)
return (*p)();
auto p = encodingName in supportedFactories;
if (p is null)
throw new EncodingException("Unrecognized Encoding: "~encodingName);
string className = *p;
auto scheme = cast(EncodingScheme) ClassInfo.find(className).create();
if (scheme is null) throw new EncodingException("Unable to create class "~className);
return scheme;
* Returns the standard name of the encoding scheme
abstract override string toString();
* Returns an array of all known names for this encoding scheme
abstract string[] names();
* Returns true if the character c can be represented
* in this encoding scheme.
abstract bool canEncode(dchar c);
* Returns the number of ubytes required to encode this code point.
* The input to this function MUST be a valid code point.
* Params:
* c = the code point to be encoded
* Returns:
* the number of ubytes required.
abstract size_t encodedLength(dchar c);
* Encodes a single code point into a user-supplied, fixed-size buffer.
* This function encodes a single code point into one or more ubytes.
* The supplied buffer must be code unit aligned.
* (For example, UTF-16LE or UTF-16BE must be wchar-aligned,
* UTF-32LE or UTF-32BE must be dchar-aligned, etc.)
* The input to this function MUST be a valid code point.
* Params:
* c = the code point to be encoded
* buffer = the destination array
* Returns:
* the number of ubytes written.
abstract size_t encode(dchar c, ubyte[] buffer);
* Decodes a single code point.
* This function removes one or more ubytes from the start of an array,
* and returns the decoded code point which those ubytes represent.
* The input to this function MUST be validly encoded.
* Params:
* s = the array whose first code point is to be decoded
abstract dchar decode(ref const(ubyte)[] s);
* Decodes a single code point. The input does not have to be valid.
* This function removes one or more ubytes from the start of an array,
* and returns the decoded code point which those ubytes represent.
* This function will accept an invalidly encoded array as input.
* If an invalid sequence is found at the start of the string, this
* function will remove it, and return the value INVALID_SEQUENCE.
* Params:
* s = the array whose first code point is to be decoded
abstract dchar safeDecode(ref const(ubyte)[] s);
* Returns the sequence of ubytes to be used to represent
* any character which cannot be represented in the encoding scheme.
* Normally this will be a representation of some substitution
* character, such as U+FFFD or '?'.
abstract @property immutable(ubyte)[] replacementSequence();
* Returns true if the array is encoded correctly
* Params:
* s = the array to be tested
bool isValid(const(ubyte)[] s)
while (s.length != 0)
if (safeDecode(s) == INVALID_SEQUENCE)
return false;
return true;
* Returns the length of the longest possible substring, starting from
* the first element, which is validly encoded.
* Params:
* s = the array to be tested
size_t validLength()(const(ubyte)[] s)
const(ubyte)[] r = s;
const(ubyte)[] t = s;
while (s.length != 0)
if (safeDecode(s) == INVALID_SEQUENCE) break;
t = s;
return r.length - t.length;
* Sanitizes an array by replacing malformed ubyte sequences with valid
* ubyte sequences. The result is guaranteed to be valid for this
* encoding scheme.
* If the input array is already valid, this function returns the
* original, otherwise it constructs a new array by replacing all illegal
* sequences with the encoding scheme's replacement sequence.
* Params:
* s = the string to be sanitized
immutable(ubyte)[] sanitize()(immutable(ubyte)[] s)
auto n = validLength(s);
if (n == s.length) return s;
auto repSeq = replacementSequence;
// Count how long the string needs to be.
// Overestimating is not a problem
auto len = s.length;
const(ubyte)[] t = s[n..$];
while (t.length != 0)
immutable c = safeDecode(t);
assert(c == INVALID_SEQUENCE);
len += repSeq.length;
t = t[validLength(t)..$];
// Now do the write
ubyte[] array = new ubyte[len];
array[0 .. n] = s[0 .. n];
auto offset = n;
t = s[n..$];
while (t.length != 0)
immutable c = safeDecode(t);
assert(c == INVALID_SEQUENCE);
array[offset .. offset+repSeq.length] = repSeq[];
offset += repSeq.length;
n = validLength(t);
array[offset .. offset+n] = t[0 .. n];
offset += n;
t = t[n..$];
return cast(immutable(ubyte)[])array[0 .. offset];
* Returns the length of the first encoded sequence.
* The input to this function MUST be validly encoded.
* This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
* Params:
* s = the array to be sliced
size_t firstSequence()(const(ubyte)[] s)
assert(s.length != 0);
const(ubyte)[] u = s;
assert(safeDecode(u) != INVALID_SEQUENCE);
const(ubyte)[] t = s;
return t.length - s.length;
* Returns the total number of code points encoded in a ubyte array.
* The input to this function MUST be validly encoded.
* This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
* Params:
* s = the string to be counted
size_t count()(const(ubyte)[] s)
size_t n = 0;
while (s.length != 0)
return n;
* Returns the array index at which the (n+1)th code point begins.
* The input to this function MUST be validly encoded.
* This is enforced by the function's in-contract.
* Params:
* s = the string to be counted
* n = the current code point index
ptrdiff_t index()(const(ubyte)[] s, size_t n)
assert(n >= 0);
const(ubyte)[] t = s;
for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) decode(s);
return t.length - s.length;
__gshared EncodingScheme function()[string] supported;
__gshared string[string] supportedFactories;
EncodingScheme to handle ASCII
This scheme recognises the following names:
class EncodingSchemeASCII : EncodingScheme
/* // moved to std.internal.phobosinit
shared static this()
override string[] names() @safe pure nothrow
override string toString() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "ASCII";
override bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.canEncode!(AsciiChar)(c);
override size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.encodedLength!(AsciiChar)(c);
override size_t encode(dchar c, ubyte[] buffer) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto r = cast(AsciiChar[]) buffer;
return std.encoding.encode(c,r);
override dchar decode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto t = cast(const(AsciiChar)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.decode(t);
s = s[$-t.length..$];
return c;
override dchar safeDecode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto t = cast(const(AsciiChar)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.safeDecode(t);
s = s[$-t.length..$];
return c;
override @property immutable(ubyte)[] replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return cast(immutable(ubyte)[])"?";
EncodingScheme to handle Latin-1
This scheme recognises the following names:
class EncodingSchemeLatin1 : EncodingScheme
/* // moved to std.internal.phobosinit
shared static this()
override string[] names() @safe pure nothrow
override string toString() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "ISO-8859-1";
override bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.canEncode!(Latin1Char)(c);
override size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.encodedLength!(Latin1Char)(c);
override size_t encode(dchar c, ubyte[] buffer) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto r = cast(Latin1Char[]) buffer;
return std.encoding.encode(c,r);
override dchar decode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto t = cast(const(Latin1Char)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.decode(t);
s = s[$-t.length..$];
return c;
override dchar safeDecode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto t = cast(const(Latin1Char)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.safeDecode(t);
s = s[$-t.length..$];
return c;
override @property immutable(ubyte)[] replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return cast(immutable(ubyte)[])"?";
EncodingScheme to handle Latin-2
This scheme recognises the following names:
"Latin 2",
class EncodingSchemeLatin2 : EncodingScheme
/* // moved to std.internal.phobosinit
shared static this()
override string[] names() @safe pure nothrow
"Latin 2",
override string toString() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "ISO-8859-2";
override bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.canEncode!(Latin2Char)(c);
override size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.encodedLength!(Latin2Char)(c);
override size_t encode(dchar c, ubyte[] buffer) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto r = cast(Latin2Char[]) buffer;
return std.encoding.encode(c,r);
override dchar decode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto t = cast(const(Latin2Char)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.decode(t);
s = s[$-t.length..$];
return c;
override dchar safeDecode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto t = cast(const(Latin2Char)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.safeDecode(t);
s = s[$-t.length..$];
return c;
override @property immutable(ubyte)[] replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return cast(immutable(ubyte)[])"?";
EncodingScheme to handle Windows-1250
This scheme recognises the following names:
class EncodingSchemeWindows1250 : EncodingScheme
/* // moved to std.internal.phobosinit
shared static this()
override string[] names() @safe pure nothrow
override string toString() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "windows-1250";
override bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.canEncode!(Windows1250Char)(c);
override size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.encodedLength!(Windows1250Char)(c);
override size_t encode(dchar c, ubyte[] buffer) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto r = cast(Windows1250Char[]) buffer;
return std.encoding.encode(c,r);
override dchar decode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto t = cast(const(Windows1250Char)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.decode(t);
s = s[$-t.length..$];
return c;
override dchar safeDecode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto t = cast(const(Windows1250Char)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.safeDecode(t);
s = s[$-t.length..$];
return c;
override @property immutable(ubyte)[] replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return cast(immutable(ubyte)[])"?";
EncodingScheme to handle Windows-1252
This scheme recognises the following names:
class EncodingSchemeWindows1252 : EncodingScheme
/* // moved to std.internal.phobosinit
shared static this()
override string[] names() @safe pure nothrow
override string toString() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "windows-1252";
override bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.canEncode!(Windows1252Char)(c);
override size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.encodedLength!(Windows1252Char)(c);
override size_t encode(dchar c, ubyte[] buffer) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto r = cast(Windows1252Char[]) buffer;
return std.encoding.encode(c,r);
override dchar decode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto t = cast(const(Windows1252Char)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.decode(t);
s = s[$-t.length..$];
return c;
override dchar safeDecode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto t = cast(const(Windows1252Char)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.safeDecode(t);
s = s[$-t.length..$];
return c;
override @property immutable(ubyte)[] replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return cast(immutable(ubyte)[])"?";
EncodingScheme to handle UTF-8
This scheme recognises the following names:
class EncodingSchemeUtf8 : EncodingScheme
/* // moved to std.internal.phobosinit
shared static this()
override string[] names() @safe pure nothrow
override string toString() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return "UTF-8";
override bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.canEncode!(char)(c);
override size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.encodedLength!(char)(c);
override size_t encode(dchar c, ubyte[] buffer) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto r = cast(char[]) buffer;
return std.encoding.encode(c,r);
override dchar decode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto t = cast(const(char)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.decode(t);
s = s[$-t.length..$];
return c;
override dchar safeDecode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto t = cast(const(char)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.safeDecode(t);
s = s[$-t.length..$];
return c;
override @property immutable(ubyte)[] replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return cast(immutable(ubyte)[])"\uFFFD";
EncodingScheme to handle UTF-16 in native byte order
This scheme recognises the following names:
"UTF-16LE" (little-endian architecture only)
"UTF-16BE" (big-endian architecture only)
class EncodingSchemeUtf16Native : EncodingScheme
/* // moved to std.internal.phobosinit
shared static this()
version (LittleEndian) { enum string NAME = "UTF-16LE"; }
version (BigEndian) { enum string NAME = "UTF-16BE"; }
override string[] names() @safe pure nothrow
return [ NAME ];
override string toString() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return NAME;
override bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.canEncode!(wchar)(c);
override size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.encodedLength!(wchar)(c);
override size_t encode(dchar c, ubyte[] buffer) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto r = cast(wchar[]) buffer;
return wchar.sizeof * std.encoding.encode(c,r);
override dchar decode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
assert((s.length & 1) == 0);
auto t = cast(const(wchar)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.decode(t);
s = s[$-t.length * wchar.sizeof..$];
return c;
override dchar safeDecode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
assert((s.length & 1) == 0);
auto t = cast(const(wchar)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.safeDecode(t);
s = s[$-t.length * wchar.sizeof..$];
return c;
override @property immutable(ubyte)[] replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return cast(immutable(ubyte)[])"\uFFFD"w;
@system unittest
version (LittleEndian)
auto efrom = EncodingScheme.create("utf-16le");
ubyte[6] sample = [154,1, 155,1, 156,1];
version (BigEndian)
auto efrom = EncodingScheme.create("utf-16be");
ubyte[6] sample = [1,154, 1,155, 1,156];
const(ubyte)[] ub = cast(const(ubyte)[])sample;
dchar dc = efrom.safeDecode(ub);
assert(dc == 410);
assert(ub.length == 4);
EncodingScheme to handle UTF-32 in native byte order
This scheme recognises the following names:
"UTF-32LE" (little-endian architecture only)
"UTF-32BE" (big-endian architecture only)
class EncodingSchemeUtf32Native : EncodingScheme
/* // moved to std.internal.phobosinit
shared static this()
version (LittleEndian) { enum string NAME = "UTF-32LE"; }
version (BigEndian) { enum string NAME = "UTF-32BE"; }
override string[] names() @safe pure nothrow
return [ NAME ];
override string toString() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return NAME;
override bool canEncode(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.canEncode!(dchar)(c);
override size_t encodedLength(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return std.encoding.encodedLength!(dchar)(c);
override size_t encode(dchar c, ubyte[] buffer) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto r = cast(dchar[]) buffer;
return dchar.sizeof * std.encoding.encode(c,r);
override dchar decode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
assert((s.length & 3) == 0);
auto t = cast(const(dchar)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.decode(t);
s = s[$-t.length * dchar.sizeof..$];
return c;
override dchar safeDecode(ref const(ubyte)[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
assert((s.length & 3) == 0);
auto t = cast(const(dchar)[]) s;
dchar c = std.encoding.safeDecode(t);
s = s[$-t.length * dchar.sizeof..$];
return c;
override @property immutable(ubyte)[] replacementSequence() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return cast(immutable(ubyte)[])"\uFFFD"d;
@system unittest
version (LittleEndian)
auto efrom = EncodingScheme.create("utf-32le");
ubyte[12] sample = [154,1,0,0, 155,1,0,0, 156,1,0,0];
version (BigEndian)
auto efrom = EncodingScheme.create("utf-32be");
ubyte[12] sample = [0,0,1,154, 0,0,1,155, 0,0,1,156];
const(ubyte)[] ub = cast(const(ubyte)[])sample;
dchar dc = efrom.safeDecode(ub);
assert(dc == 410);
assert(ub.length == 8);
// Helper functions
version (unittest)
void transcodeReverse(Src,Dst)(immutable(Src)[] s, out immutable(Dst)[] r)
static if (is(Src == Dst))
return s;
else static if (is(Src == AsciiChar))
transcodeReverse!(char,Dst)(cast(string) s,r);
foreach_reverse (d;codePoints(s))
foreach_reverse (c;codeUnits!(Dst)(d))
r = c ~ r;
string makeReadable(string s)
string r = "\"";
foreach (char c;s)
if (c >= 0x20 && c < 0x80)
r ~= c;
r ~= "\\x";
r ~= toHexDigit(c >> 4);
r ~= toHexDigit(c);
r ~= "\"";
return r;
string makeReadable(wstring s)
string r = "\"";
foreach (wchar c;s)
if (c >= 0x20 && c < 0x80)
r ~= cast(char) c;
r ~= "\\u";
r ~= toHexDigit(c >> 12);
r ~= toHexDigit(c >> 8);
r ~= toHexDigit(c >> 4);
r ~= toHexDigit(c);
r ~= "\"w";
return r;
string makeReadable(dstring s)
string r = "\"";
foreach (dchar c; s)
if (c >= 0x20 && c < 0x80)
r ~= cast(char) c;
else if (c < 0x10000)
r ~= "\\u";
r ~= toHexDigit(c >> 12);
r ~= toHexDigit(c >> 8);
r ~= toHexDigit(c >> 4);
r ~= toHexDigit(c);
r ~= "\\U00";
r ~= toHexDigit(c >> 20);
r ~= toHexDigit(c >> 16);
r ~= toHexDigit(c >> 12);
r ~= toHexDigit(c >> 8);
r ~= toHexDigit(c >> 4);
r ~= toHexDigit(c);
r ~= "\"d";
return r;
char toHexDigit(int n)
return "0123456789ABCDEF"[n & 0xF];
/** Definitions of common Byte Order Marks.
The elements of the $(D enum) can used as indices into $(D bomTable) to get
matching $(D BOMSeq).
enum BOM
none = 0, /// no BOM was found
utf32be = 1, /// [0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF]
utf32le = 2, /// [0xFF, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00]
utf7 = 3, /* [0x2B, 0x2F, 0x76, 0x38]
[0x2B, 0x2F, 0x76, 0x39],
[0x2B, 0x2F, 0x76, 0x2B],
[0x2B, 0x2F, 0x76, 0x2F],
[0x2B, 0x2F, 0x76, 0x38, 0x2D]
utf1 = 8, /// [0xF7, 0x64, 0x4C]
utfebcdic = 9, /// [0xDD, 0x73, 0x66, 0x73]
scsu = 10, /// [0x0E, 0xFE, 0xFF]
bocu1 = 11, /// [0xFB, 0xEE, 0x28]
gb18030 = 12, /// [0x84, 0x31, 0x95, 0x33]
utf8 = 13, /// [0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF]
utf16be = 14, /// [0xFE, 0xFF]
utf16le = 15 /// [0xFF, 0xFE]
/// The type stored inside $(D bomTable).
alias BOMSeq = Tuple!(BOM, "schema", ubyte[], "sequence");
/** Mapping of a byte sequence to $(B Byte Order Mark (BOM))
immutable bomTable = [
BOMSeq(BOM.none, null),
BOMSeq(BOM.utf32be, cast(ubyte[])([0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF])),
BOMSeq(BOM.utf32le, cast(ubyte[])([0xFF, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00])),
BOMSeq(BOM.utf7, cast(ubyte[])([0x2B, 0x2F, 0x76, 0x39])),
BOMSeq(BOM.utf7, cast(ubyte[])([0x2B, 0x2F, 0x76, 0x2B])),
BOMSeq(BOM.utf7, cast(ubyte[])([0x2B, 0x2F, 0x76, 0x2F])),
BOMSeq(BOM.utf7, cast(ubyte[])([0x2B, 0x2F, 0x76, 0x38, 0x2D])),
BOMSeq(BOM.utf7, cast(ubyte[])([0x2B, 0x2F, 0x76, 0x38])),
BOMSeq(BOM.utf1, cast(ubyte[])([0xF7, 0x64, 0x4C])),
BOMSeq(BOM.utfebcdic, cast(ubyte[])([0xDD, 0x73, 0x66, 0x73])),
BOMSeq(BOM.scsu, cast(ubyte[])([0x0E, 0xFE, 0xFF])),
BOMSeq(BOM.bocu1, cast(ubyte[])([0xFB, 0xEE, 0x28])),
BOMSeq(BOM.gb18030, cast(ubyte[])([0x84, 0x31, 0x95, 0x33])),
BOMSeq(BOM.utf8, cast(ubyte[])([0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF])),
BOMSeq(BOM.utf16be, cast(ubyte[])([0xFE, 0xFF])),
BOMSeq(BOM.utf16le, cast(ubyte[])([0xFF, 0xFE]))
/** Returns a $(D BOMSeq) for a given $(D input).
If no $(D BOM) is present the $(D BOMSeq) for $(D BOM.none) is
returned. The $(D BOM) sequence at the beginning of the range will
not be comsumed from the passed range. If you pass a reference type
range make sure that $(D save) creates a deep copy.
input = The sequence to check for the $(D BOM)
the found $(D BOMSeq) corresponding to the passed $(D input).
immutable(BOMSeq) getBOM(Range)(Range input)
if (isForwardRange!Range && is(Unqual!(ElementType!Range) == ubyte))
import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith;
foreach (it; bomTable[1 .. $])
if (startsWith(input.save, it.sequence))
return it;
return bomTable[0];
@system unittest
import std.format : format;
auto ts = dchar(0x0000FEFF) ~ "Hello World"d;
auto entry = getBOM(cast(ubyte[]) ts);
version (BigEndian)
assert(entry.schema == BOM.utf32be, format("%s", entry.schema));
assert(entry.schema == BOM.utf32le, format("%s", entry.schema));
@system unittest
import std.format : format;
foreach (idx, it; bomTable)
auto s = it[1] ~ cast(ubyte[])"hello world";
auto i = getBOM(s);
assert(i[0] == bomTable[idx][0]);
if (idx < 4 || idx > 7) // get around the multiple utf7 bom's
assert(i[0] == BOM.init + idx);
assert(i[1] == it[1]);
@safe pure unittest
struct BOMInputRange
ubyte[] arr;
@property ubyte front()
return this.arr.front;
@property bool empty()
return this.arr.empty;
void popFront()
this.arr = this.arr[1 .. $];
@property typeof(this) save()
return this;
static assert( isInputRange!BOMInputRange);
static assert(!isArray!BOMInputRange);
ubyte[] dummyEnd = [0,0,0,0];
foreach (idx, it; bomTable[1 .. $])
auto ir = BOMInputRange(it.sequence.dup);
auto b = getBOM(ir);
assert(b.schema == it.schema);
assert(ir.arr == it.sequence);
auto noBom = it.sequence[0 .. 1].dup ~ dummyEnd;
size_t oldLen = noBom.length;
assert(oldLen - 4 < it.sequence.length);
auto ir = BOMInputRange(noBom.dup);
auto b = getBOM(ir);
assert(b.schema == BOM.none);
assert(noBom.length == oldLen);
/** Constant defining a fully decoded BOM */
enum dchar utfBOM = 0xfeff;