// Written in the D programming language.
Serialize data to $(D ubyte) arrays.
* Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2015.
* License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
* Authors: $(HTTP digitalmars.com, Walter Bright)
* Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/_outbuffer.d)
* $(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;)
module std.outbuffer;
import core.stdc.stdarg; // : va_list;
* OutBuffer provides a way to build up an array of bytes out
* of raw data. It is useful for things like preparing an
* array of bytes to write out to a file.
* OutBuffer's byte order is the format native to the computer.
* To control the byte order (endianness), use a class derived
* from OutBuffer.
* OutBuffer's internal buffer is allocated with the GC. Pointers
* stored into the buffer are scanned by the GC, but you have to
* ensure proper alignment, e.g. by using alignSize((void*).sizeof).
class OutBuffer
ubyte[] data;
size_t offset;
assert(offset <= data.length);
pure nothrow @safe
* Convert to array of bytes.
ubyte[] toBytes() { return data[0 .. offset]; }
* Preallocate nbytes more to the size of the internal buffer.
* This is a
* speed optimization, a good guess at the maximum size of the resulting
* buffer will improve performance by eliminating reallocations and copying.
void reserve(size_t nbytes) @trusted
assert(offset + nbytes >= offset);
assert(offset + nbytes <= data.length);
if (data.length < offset + nbytes)
void[] vdata = data;
vdata.length = (offset + nbytes + 7) * 2; // allocates as void[] to not set BlkAttr.NO_SCAN
data = cast(ubyte[]) vdata;
* put enables OutBuffer to be used as an OutputRange.
alias put = write;
* Append data to the internal buffer.
void write(const(ubyte)[] bytes)
data[offset .. offset + bytes.length] = bytes[];
offset += bytes.length;
void write(in wchar[] chars) @trusted
write(cast(ubyte[]) chars);
void write(const(dchar)[] chars) @trusted
write(cast(ubyte[]) chars);
void write(ubyte b) /// ditto
this.data[offset] = b;
offset += ubyte.sizeof;
void write(byte b) { write(cast(ubyte) b); } /// ditto
void write(char c) { write(cast(ubyte) c); } /// ditto
void write(dchar c) { write(cast(uint) c); } /// ditto
void write(ushort w) @trusted /// ditto
*cast(ushort *)&data[offset] = w;
offset += ushort.sizeof;
void write(short s) { write(cast(ushort) s); } /// ditto
void write(wchar c) @trusted /// ditto
*cast(wchar *)&data[offset] = c;
offset += wchar.sizeof;
void write(uint w) @trusted /// ditto
*cast(uint *)&data[offset] = w;
offset += uint.sizeof;
void write(int i) { write(cast(uint) i); } /// ditto
void write(ulong l) @trusted /// ditto
*cast(ulong *)&data[offset] = l;
offset += ulong.sizeof;
void write(long l) { write(cast(ulong) l); } /// ditto
void write(float f) @trusted /// ditto
*cast(float *)&data[offset] = f;
offset += float.sizeof;
void write(double f) @trusted /// ditto
*cast(double *)&data[offset] = f;
offset += double.sizeof;
void write(real f) @trusted /// ditto
*cast(real *)&data[offset] = f;
offset += real.sizeof;
void write(in char[] s) @trusted /// ditto
write(cast(ubyte[]) s);
void write(OutBuffer buf) /// ditto
* Append nbytes of 0 to the internal buffer.
void fill0(size_t nbytes)
data[offset .. offset + nbytes] = 0;
offset += nbytes;
* 0-fill to align on power of 2 boundary.
void alignSize(size_t alignsize)
assert(alignsize && (alignsize & (alignsize - 1)) == 0);
assert((offset & (alignsize - 1)) == 0);
auto nbytes = offset & (alignsize - 1);
if (nbytes)
fill0(alignsize - nbytes);
/// Clear the data in the buffer
void clear()
offset = 0;
* Optimize common special case alignSize(2)
void align2()
if (offset & 1)
write(cast(byte) 0);
* Optimize common special case alignSize(4)
void align4()
if (offset & 3)
{ auto nbytes = (4 - offset) & 3;
* Convert internal buffer to array of chars.
override string toString() const
return cast(string) data[0 .. offset].idup;
* Append output of C's vprintf() to internal buffer.
void vprintf(string format, va_list args) @trusted nothrow
import core.stdc.stdio : vsnprintf;
import core.stdc.stdlib : alloca;
import std.string : toStringz;
version (unittest)
char[3] buffer = void; // trigger reallocation
char[128] buffer = void;
int count;
// Can't use `tempCString()` here as it will result in compilation error:
// "cannot mix core.std.stdlib.alloca() and exception handling".
auto f = toStringz(format);
auto p = buffer.ptr;
auto psize = buffer.length;
for (;;)
va_list args2;
va_copy(args2, args);
count = vsnprintf(p, psize, f, args2);
if (count == -1)
if (psize > psize.max / 2) assert(0); // overflow check
psize *= 2;
else if (count >= psize)
if (count == count.max) assert(0); // overflow check
psize = count + 1;
p = cast(char *) alloca(psize); // buffer too small, try again with larger size
write(cast(ubyte[]) p[0 .. count]);
* Append output of C's printf() to internal buffer.
void printf(string format, ...) @trusted
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
vprintf(format, ap);
* Formats and writes its arguments in text format to the OutBuffer.
* Params:
* fmt = format string as described in $(REF formattedWrite, std,format)
* args = arguments to be formatted
* See_Also:
* $(REF _writef, std,stdio);
* $(REF formattedWrite, std,format);
void writef(Char, A...)(in Char[] fmt, A args)
import std.format : formattedWrite;
formattedWrite(this, fmt, args);
@safe unittest
OutBuffer b = new OutBuffer();
b.writef("a%sb", 16);
assert(b.toString() == "a16b");
* Formats and writes its arguments in text format to the OutBuffer,
* followed by a newline.
* Params:
* fmt = format string as described in $(REF formattedWrite, std,format)
* args = arguments to be formatted
* See_Also:
* $(REF _writefln, std,stdio);
* $(REF formattedWrite, std,format);
void writefln(Char, A...)(in Char[] fmt, A args)
import std.format : formattedWrite;
formattedWrite(this, fmt, args);
@safe unittest
OutBuffer b = new OutBuffer();
b.writefln("a%sb", 16);
assert(b.toString() == "a16b\n");
* At offset index into buffer, create nbytes of space by shifting upwards
* all data past index.
void spread(size_t index, size_t nbytes) pure nothrow @safe
assert(index <= offset);
// This is an overlapping copy - should use memmove()
for (size_t i = offset; i > index; )
data[i + nbytes] = data[i];
offset += nbytes;
@safe unittest
import std.string : cmp;
OutBuffer buf = new OutBuffer();
assert(buf.offset == 0);
buf.write(cast(byte) 0x20);
buf.printf(" %d", 62665);
assert(cmp(buf.toString(), "hello world 62665") == 0);
assert(cmp(buf.toString(), "") == 0);
buf.write("New data");
assert(cmp(buf.toString(),"New data") == 0);
@safe unittest
import std.range;
static assert(isOutputRange!(OutBuffer, char));
import std.algorithm;
OutBuffer buf = new OutBuffer();
assert(buf.toBytes() == "hello");
OutBuffer buf = new OutBuffer();
version (LittleEndian)
assert(buf.toBytes() == "h\x00e\x00l\x00l\x00o\x00");
version (BigEndian)
assert(buf.toBytes() == "\x00h\x00e\x00l\x00l\x00o");
OutBuffer buf = new OutBuffer();
version (LittleEndian)
assert(buf.toBytes() == "h\x00\x00\x00e\x00\x00\x00l\x00\x00\x00l\x00\x00\x00o\x00\x00\x00");
version (BigEndian)
assert(buf.toBytes() == "\x00\x00\x00h\x00\x00\x00e\x00\x00\x00l\x00\x00\x00l\x00\x00\x00o");