//Written in the D programming language
Implementation of Thompson NFA std.regex engine.
Key point is evaluation of all possible threads (state) at each step
in a breadth-first manner, thereby geting some nice properties:
- looking at each character only once
- merging of equivalent threads, that gives matching process linear time complexity
module std.regex.internal.thompson;
import std.range.primitives;
import std.regex.internal.ir;
//State of VM thread
struct Thread(DataIndex)
Thread* next; //intrusive linked list
uint pc;
uint counter; //loop counter
uint uopCounter; //counts micro operations inside one macro instruction (e.g. BackRef)
Group!DataIndex[1] matches;
//head-tail singly-linked list
struct ThreadList(DataIndex)
Thread!DataIndex* tip = null, toe = null;
//add new thread to the start of list
void insertFront(Thread!DataIndex* t)
if (tip)
t.next = tip;
tip = t;
t.next = null;
tip = toe = t;
//add new thread to the end of list
void insertBack(Thread!DataIndex* t)
if (toe)
toe.next = t;
toe = t;
tip = toe = t;
toe.next = null;
//move head element out of list
Thread!DataIndex* fetch()
auto t = tip;
if (tip == toe)
tip = toe = null;
tip = tip.next;
return t;
//non-destructive iteration of ThreadList
struct ThreadRange
const(Thread!DataIndex)* ct;
this(ThreadList tlist){ ct = tlist.tip; }
@property bool empty(){ return ct is null; }
@property const(Thread!DataIndex)* front(){ return ct; }
@property popFront()
ct = ct.next;
@property bool empty()
return tip == null;
ThreadRange opSlice()
return ThreadRange(this);
template ThompsonOps(E, S, bool withInput:true)
static bool op(IR code:IR.End)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
finish(t, matches, re.ir[t.pc].data);
//fix endpoint of the whole match
matches[0].end = index;
//cut off low priority threads
debug(std_regex_matcher) writeln("Finished thread ", matches);
return false; // no more state to eval
static bool op(IR code:IR.Wordboundary)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
dchar back;
DataIndex bi;
//at start & end of input
if (atStart && wordMatcher[front])
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Wordboundary);
return true;
else if (atEnd && s.loopBack(index).nextChar(back, bi)
&& wordMatcher[back])
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Wordboundary);
return true;
else if (s.loopBack(index).nextChar(back, bi))
bool af = wordMatcher[front];
bool ab = wordMatcher[back];
if (af ^ ab)
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Wordboundary);
return true;
return popState(e);
static bool op(IR code:IR.Notwordboundary)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
dchar back;
DataIndex bi;
//at start & end of input
if (atStart && wordMatcher[front])
return popState(e);
else if (atEnd && s.loopBack(index).nextChar(back, bi)
&& wordMatcher[back])
return popState(e);
else if (s.loopBack(index).nextChar(back, bi))
bool af = wordMatcher[front];
bool ab = wordMatcher[back] != 0;
if (af ^ ab)
return popState(e);
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Notwordboundary);
return true;
static bool op(IR code:IR.Bof)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
if (atStart)
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Bof);
return true;
return popState(e);
static bool op(IR code:IR.Bol)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
dchar back;
DataIndex bi;
if (atStart
&& startOfLine(back, front == '\n')))
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Bol);
return true;
return popState(e);
static bool op(IR code:IR.Eof)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
if (atEnd)
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Eol);
return true;
return popState(e);
static bool op(IR code:IR.Eol)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
dchar back;
DataIndex bi;
//no matching inside \r\n
if (atEnd || (endOfLine(front, s.loopBack(index).nextChar(back, bi)
&& back == '\r')))
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Eol);
return true;
return popState(e);
static bool op(IR code:IR.InfiniteStart)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
t.pc += re.ir[t.pc].data + IRL!(IR.InfiniteStart);
return op!(IR.InfiniteEnd)(e,state);
static bool op(IR code:IR.InfiniteBloomStart)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
t.pc += re.ir[t.pc].data + IRL!(IR.InfiniteBloomStart);
return op!(IR.InfiniteBloomEnd)(e,state);
static bool op(IR code:IR.InfiniteQStart)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
t.pc += re.ir[t.pc].data + IRL!(IR.InfiniteQStart);
return op!(IR.InfiniteQEnd)(e,state);
static bool op(IR code:IR.RepeatStart)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
t.pc += re.ir[t.pc].data + IRL!(IR.RepeatStart);
return op!(IR.RepeatEnd)(e,state);
static bool op(IR code:IR.RepeatQStart)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
t.pc += re.ir[t.pc].data + IRL!(IR.RepeatQStart);
return op!(IR.RepeatQEnd)(e,state);
static bool op(IR code)(E* e, S* state)
if (code == IR.RepeatEnd || code == IR.RepeatQEnd)
with(e) with(state)
//len, step, min, max
uint len = re.ir[t.pc].data;
uint step = re.ir[t.pc+2].raw;
uint min = re.ir[t.pc+3].raw;
if (t.counter < min)
t.counter += step;
t.pc -= len;
return true;
if (merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] < genCounter)
debug(std_regex_matcher) writefln("A thread(pc=%s) passed there : %s ; GenCounter=%s mergetab=%s",
t.pc, index, genCounter, merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] );
merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] = genCounter;
writefln("A thread(pc=%s) got merged there : %s ; GenCounter=%s mergetab=%s",
t.pc, index, genCounter, merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] );
return popState(e);
uint max = re.ir[t.pc+4].raw;
if (t.counter < max)
if (re.ir[t.pc].code == IR.RepeatEnd)
//queue out-of-loop thread
worklist.insertFront(fork(t, t.pc + IRL!(IR.RepeatEnd), t.counter % step));
t.counter += step;
t.pc -= len;
//queue into-loop thread
worklist.insertFront(fork(t, t.pc - len, t.counter + step));
t.counter %= step;
t.pc += IRL!(IR.RepeatEnd);
t.counter %= step;
t.pc += IRL!(IR.RepeatEnd);
return true;
static bool op(IR code)(E* e, S* state)
if (code == IR.InfiniteEnd || code == IR.InfiniteQEnd)
with(e) with(state)
if (merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] < genCounter)
debug(std_regex_matcher) writefln("A thread(pc=%s) passed there : %s ; GenCounter=%s mergetab=%s",
t.pc, index, genCounter, merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] );
merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] = genCounter;
debug(std_regex_matcher) writefln("A thread(pc=%s) got merged there : %s ; GenCounter=%s mergetab=%s",
t.pc, index, genCounter, merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] );
return popState(e);
uint len = re.ir[t.pc].data;
uint pc1, pc2; //branches to take in priority order
if (re.ir[t.pc].code == IR.InfiniteEnd)
pc1 = t.pc - len;
pc2 = t.pc + IRL!(IR.InfiniteEnd);
pc1 = t.pc + IRL!(IR.InfiniteEnd);
pc2 = t.pc - len;
worklist.insertFront(fork(t, pc2, t.counter));
t.pc = pc1;
return true;
static bool op(IR code)(E* e, S* state)
if (code == IR.InfiniteBloomEnd)
with(e) with(state)
if (merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] < genCounter)
debug(std_regex_matcher) writefln("A thread(pc=%s) passed there : %s ; GenCounter=%s mergetab=%s",
t.pc, index, genCounter, merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] );
merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] = genCounter;
debug(std_regex_matcher) writefln("A thread(pc=%s) got merged there : %s ; GenCounter=%s mergetab=%s",
t.pc, index, genCounter, merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] );
return popState(e);
uint len = re.ir[t.pc].data;
uint pc1, pc2; //branches to take in priority order
pc1 = t.pc - len;
pc2 = t.pc + IRL!(IR.InfiniteBloomEnd);
uint filterIndex = re.ir[t.pc + 2].raw;
if (re.filters[filterIndex][front])
worklist.insertFront(fork(t, pc2, t.counter));
t.pc = pc1;
return true;
static bool op(IR code:IR.OrEnd)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
if (merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] < genCounter)
debug(std_regex_matcher) writefln("A thread(pc=%s) passed there : %s ; GenCounter=%s mergetab=%s",
t.pc, s[index .. s.lastIndex], genCounter, merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw + t.counter] );
merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw+t.counter] = genCounter;
t.pc += IRL!(IR.OrEnd);
debug(std_regex_matcher) writefln("A thread(pc=%s) got merged there : %s ; GenCounter=%s mergetab=%s",
t.pc, s[index .. s.lastIndex], genCounter, merge[re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw + t.counter] );
return popState(e);
return true;
static bool op(IR code:IR.OrStart)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
t.pc += IRL!(IR.OrStart);
return op!(IR.Option)(e,state);
static bool op(IR code:IR.Option)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
uint next = t.pc + re.ir[t.pc].data + IRL!(IR.Option);
//queue next Option
if (re.ir[next].code == IR.Option)
worklist.insertFront(fork(t, next, t.counter));
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Option);
return true;
static bool op(IR code:IR.GotoEndOr)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
t.pc = t.pc + re.ir[t.pc].data + IRL!(IR.GotoEndOr);
return op!(IR.OrEnd)(e, state);
static bool op(IR code:IR.GroupStart)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
uint n = re.ir[t.pc].data;
t.matches.ptr[n].begin = index;
t.pc += IRL!(IR.GroupStart);
return true;
static bool op(IR code:IR.GroupEnd)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
uint n = re.ir[t.pc].data;
t.matches.ptr[n].end = index;
t.pc += IRL!(IR.GroupEnd);
return true;
static bool op(IR code:IR.Backref)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
uint n = re.ir[t.pc].data;
Group!DataIndex* source = re.ir[t.pc].localRef ? t.matches.ptr : backrefed.ptr;
if (source[n].begin == source[n].end)//zero-width Backref!
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Backref);
return true;
size_t idx = source[n].begin + t.uopCounter;
size_t end = source[n].end;
if (s[idx .. end].front == front)
import std.utf : stride;
t.uopCounter += stride(s[idx .. end], 0);
if (t.uopCounter + source[n].begin == source[n].end)
{//last codepoint
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Backref);
t.uopCounter = 0;
t = worklist.fetch();
return t != null;
static bool op(IR code)(E* e, S* state)
if (code == IR.LookbehindStart || code == IR.NeglookbehindStart)
with(e) with(state)
uint len = re.ir[t.pc].data;
uint ms = re.ir[t.pc + 1].raw, me = re.ir[t.pc + 2].raw;
uint end = t.pc + len + IRL!(IR.LookbehindEnd) + IRL!(IR.LookbehindStart);
bool positive = re.ir[t.pc].code == IR.LookbehindStart;
static if (Stream.isLoopback)
auto matcher = fwdMatcher(t.pc, end, subCounters.get(t.pc, 0));
auto matcher = bwdMatcher(t.pc, end, subCounters.get(t.pc, 0));
matcher.re.ngroup = me - ms;
matcher.backrefed = backrefed.empty ? t.matches : backrefed;
auto mRes = matcher.matchOneShot(t.matches.ptr[ms .. me], IRL!(IR.LookbehindStart));
freelist = matcher.freelist;
subCounters[t.pc] = matcher.genCounter;
if ((mRes != 0 ) ^ positive)
return popState(e);
t.pc = end;
return true;
static bool op(IR code)(E* e, S* state)
if (code == IR.LookaheadStart || code == IR.NeglookaheadStart)
with(e) with(state)
auto save = index;
uint len = re.ir[t.pc].data;
uint ms = re.ir[t.pc+1].raw, me = re.ir[t.pc+2].raw;
uint end = t.pc+len+IRL!(IR.LookaheadEnd)+IRL!(IR.LookaheadStart);
bool positive = re.ir[t.pc].code == IR.LookaheadStart;
static if (Stream.isLoopback)
auto matcher = bwdMatcher(t.pc, end, subCounters.get(t.pc, 0));
auto matcher = fwdMatcher(t.pc, end, subCounters.get(t.pc, 0));
matcher.re.ngroup = me - ms;
matcher.backrefed = backrefed.empty ? t.matches : backrefed;
auto mRes = matcher.matchOneShot(t.matches.ptr[ms .. me], IRL!(IR.LookaheadStart));
freelist = matcher.freelist;
subCounters[t.pc] = matcher.genCounter;
if ((mRes != 0) ^ positive)
return popState(e);
t.pc = end;
return true;
static bool op(IR code)(E* e, S* state)
if (code == IR.LookaheadEnd || code == IR.NeglookaheadEnd ||
code == IR.LookbehindEnd || code == IR.NeglookbehindEnd)
with(e) with(state)
finish(t, matches.ptr[0 .. re.ngroup], re.ir[t.pc].data);
//cut off low priority threads
return false; // no more state
static bool op(IR code:IR.Nop)(E* e, S* state)
with(state) t.pc += IRL!(IR.Nop);
return true;
static bool op(IR code:IR.OrChar)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
uint len = re.ir[t.pc].sequence;
uint end = t.pc + len;
static assert(IRL!(IR.OrChar) == 1);
for (; t.pc < end; t.pc++)
if (re.ir[t.pc].data == front)
if (t.pc != end)
t.pc = end;
t = worklist.fetch();
return t != null;
static bool op(IR code:IR.Char)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
if (front == re.ir[t.pc].data)
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Char);
t = worklist.fetch();
return t != null;
static bool op(IR code:IR.Any)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Any);
t = worklist.fetch();
return t != null;
static bool op(IR code:IR.CodepointSet)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
if (re.charsets[re.ir[t.pc].data].scanFor(front))
t.pc += IRL!(IR.CodepointSet);
t = worklist.fetch();
return t != null;
static bool op(IR code:IR.Trie)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
if (re.matchers[re.ir[t.pc].data][front])
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Trie);
t = worklist.fetch();
return t != null;
template ThompsonOps(E,S, bool withInput:false)
// can't match these without input
static bool op(IR code)(E* e, S* state)
if (code == IR.Char || code == IR.OrChar || code == IR.CodepointSet
|| code == IR.Trie || code == IR.Char || code == IR.Any)
return state.popState(e);
// special case of zero-width backref
static bool op(IR code:IR.Backref)(E* e, S* state)
with(e) with(state)
uint n = re.ir[t.pc].data;
Group!DataIndex* source = re.ir[t.pc].localRef ? t.matches.ptr : backrefed.ptr;
if (source[n].begin == source[n].end)//zero-width Backref!
t.pc += IRL!(IR.Backref);
return true;
return popState(e);
// forward all control flow to normal versions
static bool op(IR code)(E* e, S* state)
if (code != IR.Char && code != IR.OrChar && code != IR.CodepointSet
&& code != IR.Trie && code != IR.Char && code != IR.Any && code != IR.Backref)
return ThompsonOps!(E,S,true).op!code(e,state);
Thomspon matcher does all matching in lockstep,
never looking at the same char twice
@trusted struct ThompsonMatcher(Char, StreamType = Input!Char)
if (is(Char : dchar))
alias DataIndex = Stream.DataIndex;
alias Stream = StreamType;
alias OpFunc = bool function(ThompsonMatcher*, State*);
alias BackMatcher = ThompsonMatcher!(Char, BackLooper!(Stream));
alias OpBackFunc = bool function(BackMatcher*, BackMatcher.State*);
Thread!DataIndex* freelist;
ThreadList!DataIndex clist, nlist;
DataIndex[] merge;
Group!DataIndex[] backrefed;
Regex!Char re; //regex program
Stream s;
dchar front;
DataIndex index;
DataIndex genCounter; //merge trace counter, goes up on every dchar
size_t[size_t] subCounters; //a table of gen counter per sub-engine: PC -> counter
OpFunc[] opCacheTrue; // pointers to Op!(IR.xyz) for each bytecode
OpFunc[] opCacheFalse; // ditto
OpBackFunc[] opCacheBackTrue; // ditto
OpBackFunc[] opCacheBackFalse; // ditto
size_t threadSize;
int matched;
bool exhausted;
static struct State
Thread!DataIndex* t;
ThreadList!DataIndex worklist;
Group!DataIndex[] matches;
bool popState(E)(E* e)
t = worklist.fetch();
return t != null;
static if (__traits(hasMember,Stream, "search"))
enum kicked = true;
enum kicked = false;
static size_t getThreadSize(const ref Regex!Char re)
return re.ngroup
? (Thread!DataIndex).sizeof + (re.ngroup-1)*(Group!DataIndex).sizeof
: (Thread!DataIndex).sizeof - (Group!DataIndex).sizeof;
static size_t initialMemory(const ref Regex!Char re)
return getThreadSize(re)*re.threadCount + re.hotspotTableSize*size_t.sizeof
//true if it's start of input
@property bool atStart(){ return index == 0; }
//true if it's end of input
@property bool atEnd(){ return index == s.lastIndex && s.atEnd; }
bool next()
if (!s.nextChar(front, index))
index = s.lastIndex;
return false;
return true;
static if (kicked)
bool search()
if (!s.search(re.kickstart, front, index))
index = s.lastIndex;
return false;
return true;
void initExternalMemory(void[] memory)
threadSize = getThreadSize(re);
prepareFreeList(re.threadCount, memory);
if (re.hotspotTableSize)
merge = arrayInChunk!(DataIndex)(re.hotspotTableSize, memory);
merge[] = 0;
opCacheTrue = arrayInChunk!(OpFunc)(re.ir.length, memory);
opCacheFalse = arrayInChunk!(OpFunc)(re.ir.length, memory);
opCacheBackTrue = arrayInChunk!(OpBackFunc)(re.ir.length, memory);
opCacheBackFalse = arrayInChunk!(OpBackFunc)(re.ir.length, memory);
for (uint pc = 0; pc<re.ir.length; pc += re.ir[pc].length)
switch (re.ir[pc].code)
foreach (e; __traits(allMembers, IR))
mixin(`case IR.`~e~`:
opCacheTrue[pc] = &Ops!(true).op!(IR.`~e~`);
opCacheBackTrue[pc] = &BackOps!(true).op!(IR.`~e~`);
opCacheFalse[pc] = &Ops!(false).op!(IR.`~e~`);
opCacheBackFalse[pc] = &BackOps!(false).op!(IR.`~e~`);
break L_dispatch;
assert(0, "Unrecognized instruction "~re.ir[pc].mnemonic);
this()(Regex!Char program, Stream stream, void[] memory)
re = program;
s = stream;
genCounter = 0;
this(ref ThompsonMatcher matcher, size_t lo, size_t hi, Stream stream)
s = stream;
re = matcher.re;
re.ir = re.ir[lo .. hi];
threadSize = matcher.threadSize;
merge = matcher.merge;
freelist = matcher.freelist;
opCacheTrue = matcher.opCacheTrue[lo .. hi];
opCacheBackTrue = matcher.opCacheBackTrue[lo .. hi];
opCacheFalse = matcher.opCacheFalse[lo .. hi];
opCacheBackFalse = matcher.opCacheBackFalse[lo .. hi];
front = matcher.front;
index = matcher.index;
this(ref BackMatcher matcher, size_t lo, size_t hi, Stream stream)
s = stream;
re = matcher.re;
re.ir = re.ir[lo .. hi];
threadSize = matcher.threadSize;
merge = matcher.merge;
freelist = matcher.freelist;
opCacheTrue = matcher.opCacheBackTrue[lo .. hi];
opCacheBackTrue = matcher.opCacheTrue[lo .. hi];
opCacheFalse = matcher.opCacheBackFalse[lo .. hi];
opCacheBackFalse = matcher.opCacheFalse[lo .. hi];
front = matcher.front;
index = matcher.index;
auto fwdMatcher()(size_t lo, size_t hi, size_t counter)
auto m = ThompsonMatcher!(Char, Stream)(this, lo, hi, s);
m.genCounter = counter;
return m;
auto bwdMatcher()(size_t lo, size_t hi, size_t counter)
alias BackLooper = typeof(s.loopBack(index));
auto m = ThompsonMatcher!(Char, BackLooper)(this, lo, hi, s.loopBack(index));
m.genCounter = counter;
return m;
auto dupTo(void[] memory)
typeof(this) tmp = this;//bitblit
tmp.genCounter = 0;
return tmp;
int match(Group!DataIndex[] matches)
if (exhausted)
return false;
if (re.flags & RegexInfo.oneShot)
exhausted = true;
return matchOneShot(matches);
static if (kicked)
if (!re.kickstart.empty)
return matchImpl!(true)(matches);
return matchImpl!(false)(matches);
//match the input and fill matches
int matchImpl(bool withSearch)(Group!DataIndex[] matches)
if (!matched && clist.empty)
static if (withSearch)
else//char in question is fetched in prev call to match
matched = 0;
State state;
state.matches = matches;
if (!atEnd)//if no char
for (;;)
writefln("Threaded matching threads at %s", s[index .. s.lastIndex]);
foreach (t; clist[])
writef("pc=%s ",t.pc);
for (state.t = clist.fetch(); state.t; state.t = clist.fetch())
//if we already have match no need to push the engine
if (!matched)
state.t = createStart(index);
eval!true(&state);//new thread staring at this position
else if (nlist.empty)
debug(std_regex_matcher) writeln("Stopped matching before consuming full input");
break;//not a partial match for sure
clist = nlist;
nlist = (ThreadList!DataIndex).init;
if (clist.tip is null)
static if (withSearch)
if (!search())
if (!next())
else if (!next())
if (!atEnd) return false;
exhausted = true;
genCounter++; //increment also on each end
debug(std_regex_matcher) writefln("Threaded matching threads at end");
//try out all zero-width posibilities
for (state.t = clist.fetch(); state.t; state.t = clist.fetch())
if (!matched)
state.t = createStart(index);
eval!false(&state);//new thread starting at end of input
if (matched)
{//in case NFA found match along the way
//and last possible longer alternative ultimately failed
s.reset(matches[0].end);//reset to last successful match
next();//and reload front character
//--- here the exact state of stream was restored ---
exhausted = atEnd || !(re.flags & RegexOption.global);
//+ empty match advances the input
if (!exhausted && matches[0].begin == matches[0].end)
return matched;
handle succesful threads
void finish(const(Thread!DataIndex)* t, Group!DataIndex[] matches, int code)
matches.ptr[0 .. re.ngroup] = t.matches.ptr[0 .. re.ngroup];
writef("FOUND pc=%s prog_len=%s",
t.pc, re.ir.length);
if (!matches.empty)
writefln(": %s..%s", matches[0].begin, matches[0].end);
foreach (v; matches)
writefln("%d .. %d", v.begin, v.end);
matched = code;
alias Ops(bool withInput) = ThompsonOps!(ThompsonMatcher, State, withInput);
alias BackOps(bool withInput) = ThompsonOps!(BackMatcher, BackMatcher.State, withInput);
match thread against codepoint, cutting trough all 0-width instructions
and taking care of control flow, then add it to nlist
void eval(bool withInput)(State* state)
debug(std_regex_matcher) writeln("---- Evaluating thread");
static if (withInput)
while (opCacheTrue.ptr[state.t.pc](&this, state)){}
while (opCacheFalse.ptr[state.t.pc](&this, state)){}
enum uint RestartPc = uint.max;
//match the input, evaluating IR without searching
int matchOneShot(Group!DataIndex[] matches, uint startPc = 0)
writefln("---------------single shot match ----------------- ");
alias evalFn = eval;
assert(clist == (ThreadList!DataIndex).init || startPc == RestartPc); // incorrect after a partial match
assert(nlist == (ThreadList!DataIndex).init || startPc == RestartPc);
State state;
state.matches = matches;
if (!atEnd)//if no char
writefln("-- Threaded matching threads at %s", s[index .. s.lastIndex]);
if (startPc != RestartPc)
state.t = createStart(index, startPc);
for (;;)
debug(std_regex_matcher) writeln("\n-- Started iteration of main cycle");
foreach (t; clist[])
for (state.t = clist.fetch(); state.t; state.t = clist.fetch())
if (nlist.empty)
debug(std_regex_matcher) writeln("Stopped matching before consuming full input");
break;//not a partial match for sure
clist = nlist;
nlist = (ThreadList!DataIndex).init;
if (!next())
debug(std_regex_matcher) writeln("-- Ended iteration of main cycle\n");
genCounter++; //increment also on each end
debug(std_regex_matcher) writefln("-- Matching threads at end");
//try out all zero-width posibilities
for (state.t = clist.fetch(); state.t; state.t = clist.fetch())
if (!matched)
state.t = createStart(index, startPc);
return matched;
//get a dirty recycled Thread
Thread!DataIndex* allocate()
assert(freelist, "not enough preallocated memory");
Thread!DataIndex* t = freelist;
freelist = freelist.next;
return t;
//link memory into a free list of Threads
void prepareFreeList(size_t size, ref void[] memory)
void[] mem = memory[0 .. threadSize*size];
memory = memory[threadSize * size .. $];
freelist = cast(Thread!DataIndex*)&mem[0];
size_t i;
for (i = threadSize; i < threadSize*size; i += threadSize)
(cast(Thread!DataIndex*)&mem[i-threadSize]).next = cast(Thread!DataIndex*)&mem[i];
(cast(Thread!DataIndex*)&mem[i-threadSize]).next = null;
//dispose a thread
void recycle(Thread!DataIndex* t)
t.next = freelist;
freelist = t;
//dispose list of threads
void recycle(ref ThreadList!DataIndex list)
if (list.tip)
// just put this head-tail list in front of freelist
list.toe.next = freelist;
freelist = list.tip;
list = list.init;
//creates a copy of master thread with given pc
Thread!DataIndex* fork(Thread!DataIndex* master, uint pc, uint counter)
auto t = allocate();
t.matches.ptr[0 .. re.ngroup] = master.matches.ptr[0 .. re.ngroup];
t.pc = pc;
t.counter = counter;
t.uopCounter = 0;
return t;
//creates a start thread
Thread!DataIndex* createStart(DataIndex index, uint pc = 0)
auto t = allocate();
t.matches.ptr[0 .. re.ngroup] = (Group!DataIndex).init;
t.matches[0].begin = index;
t.pc = pc;
t.counter = 0;
t.uopCounter = 0;
return t;