This module is a submodule of $(MREF std, range).
The main $(MREF std, range) module provides template-based tools for working with
ranges, but sometimes an object-based interface for ranges is needed, such as
when runtime polymorphism is required. For this purpose, this submodule
provides a number of object and $(D interface) definitions that can be used to
wrap around _range objects created by the $(MREF std, range) templates.
$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;)
$(TR $(TD $(LREF InputRange))
$(TD Wrapper for input ranges.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF InputAssignable))
$(TD Wrapper for input ranges with assignable elements.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF ForwardRange))
$(TD Wrapper for forward ranges.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF ForwardAssignable))
$(TD Wrapper for forward ranges with assignable elements.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF BidirectionalRange))
$(TD Wrapper for bidirectional ranges.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF BidirectionalAssignable))
$(TD Wrapper for bidirectional ranges with assignable elements.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF RandomAccessFinite))
$(TD Wrapper for finite random-access ranges.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF RandomAccessAssignable))
$(TD Wrapper for finite random-access ranges with assignable elements.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF RandomAccessInfinite))
$(TD Wrapper for infinite random-access ranges.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF OutputRange))
$(TD Wrapper for output ranges.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF OutputRangeObject))
$(TD Class that implements the $(D OutputRange) interface and wraps the
$(D put) methods in virtual functions.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF outputRangeObject))
Convenience function for creating an $(D OutputRangeObject) with a base
range of type R that accepts types E.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF InputRangeObject))
$(TD Class that implements the $(D InputRange) interface and wraps the
input _range methods in virtual functions.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF inputRangeObject))
$(TD Convenience function for creating an $(D InputRangeObject)
of the proper type.
$(TR $(TD $(LREF MostDerivedInputRange))
$(TD Returns the interface type that best matches the range.)
Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/range/_interfaces.d)
License: $(HTTP boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
Authors: $(HTTP erdani.com, Andrei Alexandrescu), David Simcha,
and Jonathan M Davis. Credit for some of the ideas in building this module goes
to $(HTTP fantascienza.net/leonardo/so/, Leonardo Maffi).
module std.range.interfaces;
import std.meta;
import std.range.primitives;
import std.traits;
/**These interfaces are intended to provide virtual function-based wrappers
* around input ranges with element type E. This is useful where a well-defined
* binary interface is required, such as when a DLL function or virtual function
* needs to accept a generic range as a parameter. Note that
* $(REF_ALTTEXT isInputRange, isInputRange, std, range, primitives)
* and friends check for conformance to structural interfaces
* not for implementation of these $(D interface) types.
* Limitations:
* These interfaces are not capable of forwarding $(D ref) access to elements.
* Infiniteness of the wrapped range is not propagated.
* Length is not propagated in the case of non-random access ranges.
* See_Also:
* $(LREF inputRangeObject)
interface InputRange(E) {
@property E front();
E moveFront();
void popFront();
@property bool empty();
/* Measurements of the benefits of using opApply instead of range primitives
* for foreach, using timings for iterating over an iota(100_000_000) range
* with an empty loop body, using the same hardware in each case:
* Bare Iota struct, range primitives: 278 milliseconds
* InputRangeObject, opApply: 436 milliseconds (1.57x penalty)
* InputRangeObject, range primitives: 877 milliseconds (3.15x penalty)
/**$(D foreach) iteration uses opApply, since one delegate call per loop
* iteration is faster than three virtual function calls.
int opApply(scope int delegate(E));
/// Ditto
int opApply(scope int delegate(size_t, E));
@safe unittest
import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
import std.range : iota;
void useRange(InputRange!int range) {
// Function body.
// Create a range type.
auto squares = map!"a * a"(iota(10));
// Wrap it in an interface.
auto squaresWrapped = inputRangeObject(squares);
// Use it.
/**Interface for a forward range of type $(D E).*/
interface ForwardRange(E) : InputRange!E {
@property ForwardRange!E save();
/**Interface for a bidirectional range of type $(D E).*/
interface BidirectionalRange(E) : ForwardRange!(E) {
@property BidirectionalRange!E save();
@property E back();
E moveBack();
void popBack();
/**Interface for a finite random access range of type $(D E).*/
interface RandomAccessFinite(E) : BidirectionalRange!(E) {
@property RandomAccessFinite!E save();
E opIndex(size_t);
E moveAt(size_t);
@property size_t length();
alias opDollar = length;
// Can't support slicing until issues with requiring slicing for all
// finite random access ranges are fully resolved.
version (none)
RandomAccessFinite!E opSlice(size_t, size_t);
/**Interface for an infinite random access range of type $(D E).*/
interface RandomAccessInfinite(E) : ForwardRange!E {
E moveAt(size_t);
@property RandomAccessInfinite!E save();
E opIndex(size_t);
/**Adds assignable elements to InputRange.*/
interface InputAssignable(E) : InputRange!E {
@property void front(E newVal);
alias front = InputRange!E.front; // overload base interface method
@safe unittest
static assert(isInputRange!(InputAssignable!int));
/**Adds assignable elements to ForwardRange.*/
interface ForwardAssignable(E) : InputAssignable!E, ForwardRange!E {
@property ForwardAssignable!E save();
/**Adds assignable elements to BidirectionalRange.*/
interface BidirectionalAssignable(E) : ForwardAssignable!E, BidirectionalRange!E {
@property BidirectionalAssignable!E save();
@property void back(E newVal);
/**Adds assignable elements to RandomAccessFinite.*/
interface RandomFiniteAssignable(E) : RandomAccessFinite!E, BidirectionalAssignable!E {
@property RandomFiniteAssignable!E save();
void opIndexAssign(E val, size_t index);
/**Interface for an output range of type $(D E). Usage is similar to the
* $(D InputRange) interface and descendants.*/
interface OutputRange(E) {
void put(E);
@safe unittest
// 6973
static assert(isOutputRange!(OutputRange!int, int));
// CTFE function that generates mixin code for one put() method for each
// type E.
private string putMethods(E...)()
import std.conv : to;
string ret;
foreach (ti, Unused; E)
ret ~= "void put(E[" ~ to!string(ti) ~ "] e) { .put(_range, e); }";
return ret;
/**Implements the $(D OutputRange) interface for all types E and wraps the
* $(D put) method for each type $(D E) in a virtual function.
class OutputRangeObject(R, E...) : staticMap!(OutputRange, E) {
// @BUG 4689: There should be constraints on this template class, but
// DMD won't let me put them in.
private R _range;
this(R range) {
this._range = range;
/**Returns the interface type that best matches $(D R).*/
template MostDerivedInputRange(R)
if (isInputRange!(Unqual!R))
private alias E = ElementType!R;
static if (isRandomAccessRange!R)
static if (isInfinite!R)
alias MostDerivedInputRange = RandomAccessInfinite!E;
else static if (hasAssignableElements!R)
alias MostDerivedInputRange = RandomFiniteAssignable!E;
alias MostDerivedInputRange = RandomAccessFinite!E;
else static if (isBidirectionalRange!R)
static if (hasAssignableElements!R)
alias MostDerivedInputRange = BidirectionalAssignable!E;
alias MostDerivedInputRange = BidirectionalRange!E;
else static if (isForwardRange!R)
static if (hasAssignableElements!R)
alias MostDerivedInputRange = ForwardAssignable!E;
alias MostDerivedInputRange = ForwardRange!E;
static if (hasAssignableElements!R)
alias MostDerivedInputRange = InputAssignable!E;
alias MostDerivedInputRange = InputRange!E;
/**Implements the most derived interface that $(D R) works with and wraps
* all relevant range primitives in virtual functions. If $(D R) is already
* derived from the $(D InputRange) interface, aliases itself away.
template InputRangeObject(R)
if (isInputRange!(Unqual!R))
static if (is(R : InputRange!(ElementType!R)))
alias InputRangeObject = R;
else static if (!is(Unqual!R == R))
alias InputRangeObject = InputRangeObject!(Unqual!R);
class InputRangeObject : MostDerivedInputRange!(R) {
private R _range;
private alias E = ElementType!R;
this(R range) {
this._range = range;
@property E front() { return _range.front; }
E moveFront() {
return _range.moveFront();
void popFront() { _range.popFront(); }
@property bool empty() { return _range.empty; }
static if (isForwardRange!R)
@property typeof(this) save() {
return new typeof(this)(_range.save);
static if (hasAssignableElements!R)
@property void front(E newVal) {
_range.front = newVal;
static if (isBidirectionalRange!R)
@property E back() { return _range.back; }
E moveBack() {
return _range.moveBack();
void popBack() { return _range.popBack(); }
static if (hasAssignableElements!R)
@property void back(E newVal) {
_range.back = newVal;
static if (isRandomAccessRange!R)
E opIndex(size_t index) {
return _range[index];
E moveAt(size_t index) {
return _range.moveAt(index);
static if (hasAssignableElements!R)
void opIndexAssign(E val, size_t index) {
_range[index] = val;
static if (!isInfinite!R)
@property size_t length() {
return _range.length;
alias opDollar = length;
// Can't support slicing until all the issues with
// requiring slicing support for finite random access
// ranges are resolved.
version (none)
typeof(this) opSlice(size_t lower, size_t upper) {
return new typeof(this)(_range[lower .. upper]);
// Optimization: One delegate call is faster than three virtual
// function calls. Use opApply for foreach syntax.
int opApply(scope int delegate(E) dg) {
int res;
for (auto r = _range; !r.empty; r.popFront())
res = dg(r.front);
if (res) break;
return res;
int opApply(scope int delegate(size_t, E) dg) {
int res;
size_t i = 0;
for (auto r = _range; !r.empty; r.popFront())
res = dg(i, r.front);
if (res) break;
return res;
/**Convenience function for creating an $(D InputRangeObject) of the proper type.
* See $(LREF InputRange) for an example.
InputRangeObject!R inputRangeObject(R)(R range)
if (isInputRange!R)
static if (is(R : InputRange!(ElementType!R)))
return range;
return new InputRangeObject!R(range);
/**Convenience function for creating an $(D OutputRangeObject) with a base range
* of type $(D R) that accepts types $(D E).
template outputRangeObject(E...) {
OutputRangeObject!(R, E) outputRangeObject(R)(R range) {
return new OutputRangeObject!(R, E)(range);
@safe unittest
import std.array;
auto app = appender!(uint[])();
auto appWrapped = outputRangeObject!(uint, uint[])(app);
static assert(is(typeof(appWrapped) : OutputRange!(uint[])));
static assert(is(typeof(appWrapped) : OutputRange!(uint)));
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
import std.array;
import std.internal.test.dummyrange;
static void testEquality(R)(iInputRange r1, R r2) {
assert(equal(r1, r2));
auto arr = [1,2,3,4];
RandomFiniteAssignable!int arrWrapped = inputRangeObject(arr);
static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(arrWrapped)));
// static assert(hasSlicing!(typeof(arrWrapped)));
static assert(hasLength!(typeof(arrWrapped)));
arrWrapped[0] = 0;
assert(arr[0] == 0);
assert(arr.moveFront() == 0);
assert(arr.moveBack() == 4);
assert(arr.moveAt(1) == 2);
foreach (elem; arrWrapped) {}
foreach (i, elem; arrWrapped) {}
assert(inputRangeObject(arrWrapped) is arrWrapped);
foreach (DummyType; AllDummyRanges)
auto d = DummyType.init;
static assert(propagatesRangeType!(DummyType,
static assert(propagatesRangeType!(DummyType,
InputRange!uint wrapped = inputRangeObject(d);
assert(equal(wrapped, d));
// Test output range stuff.
auto app = appender!(uint[])();
auto appWrapped = outputRangeObject!(uint, uint[])(app);
static assert(is(typeof(appWrapped) : OutputRange!(uint[])));
static assert(is(typeof(appWrapped) : OutputRange!(uint)));
appWrapped.put([2, 3]);
assert(app.data.length == 3);
assert(equal(app.data, [1,2,3]));