#mach: crisv32 #output: Basic clock cycles, total @: 54\n #output: Memory source stall cycles: 0\n #output: Memory read-after-write stall cycles: 0\n #output: Movem source stall cycles: 0\n #output: Movem destination stall cycles: 0\n #output: Movem address stall cycles: 0\n #output: Multiplication source stall cycles: 0\n #output: Jump source stall cycles: 0\n #output: Branch misprediction stall cycles: 18\n #output: Jump target stall cycles: 0\n #sim: --cris-cycles=basic ; Check branch penalties. It is assumed that the taken-counters ; in the bimodal branch-predictors start at 0, meaning two taken ; branches are required for a branch to be predicted as taken ; for each counter, from reset. None of these branches go ; to the end of a cache-line and none map to the same counter. .include "testutils.inc" startnostack ba 0f ; No penalty: always-taken condition not "predicted". nop nop 0: setf c bcs 0f ; Penalty 2 cycles. nop nop 0: clearf c bcc 0f ; Penalty 2 cycles, though branch is a nop. moveq 4,r0 ; Execute 5 times: 0: move.d r0,r0 bne 0b ; Mispredicted 3 out of 5 times: penalty 3*2 cycles. subq 1,r0 0: beq 0f ; Not taken; no penalty. nop nop 0: ; (Almost) same insns, but with 16-bit bCC insns. ba 0f ; No penalty: always-taken condition not "predicted". nop .space 520 0: setf c bcs 0f ; Penalty 2 cycles. nop .space 520 0: moveq 4,r0 ; Execute 5 times: 0: ba 1f move.d r0,r0 ; Mispredicted 3 out of 5 times: .space 520 1: bne 0b ; Penalty 3*2 cycles. subq 1,r0 beq 0f ; Not taken; no penalty. nop 0: break 15 |