* File: StExecutableImage.cpp
* Copyright (c) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.
* See included license file for license details.
#include "StExecutableImage.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
StExecutableImage::StExecutableImage(int inAlignment)
: m_alignment(inAlignment),
//! Makes a duplicate of each memory region.
StExecutableImage::StExecutableImage(const StExecutableImage & inOther)
: m_name(inOther.m_name),
const_iterator it = inOther.getRegionBegin();
for (; it != inOther.getRegionEnd(); ++it)
const MemoryRegion & region = *it;
MemoryRegion regionCopy(region);
if (region.m_type == FILL_REGION && region.m_data != NULL)
regionCopy.m_data = new uint8_t[region.m_length];
memcpy(regionCopy.m_data, region.m_data, region.m_length);
//! Disposes of memory allocated for each region.
MemoryRegionList::iterator it;
for (it = m_image.begin(); it != m_image.end(); ++it)
if (it->m_data)
delete [] it->m_data;
it->m_data = NULL;
//! A copy of \a inName is made, so the original may be disposed of by the caller
//! after this method returns.
void StExecutableImage::setName(const std::string & inName)
m_name = inName;
std::string StExecutableImage::getName() const
return m_name;
// The region is added with read and write flags set.
//! \exception std::runtime_error will be thrown if the new overlaps an
//! existing region.
void StExecutableImage::addFillRegion(uint32_t inAddress, unsigned inLength)
MemoryRegion region;
region.m_type = FILL_REGION;
region.m_address = inAddress;
region.m_data = NULL;
region.m_length = inLength;
region.m_flags = REGION_RW_FLAG;
//! A copy of \a inData is made before returning. The copy will be deleted when
//! the executable image is destructed. Currently, the text region is created with
//! read, write, and executable flags set.
//! \exception std::runtime_error will be thrown if the new overlaps an
//! existing region.
//! \exception std::bad_alloc is thrown if memory for the copy of \a inData
//! cannot be allocated.
void StExecutableImage::addTextRegion(uint32_t inAddress, const uint8_t * inData, unsigned inLength)
MemoryRegion region;
region.m_type = TEXT_REGION;
region.m_address = inAddress;
// copy the data
region.m_data = new uint8_t[inLength];
region.m_length = inLength;
memcpy(region.m_data, inData, inLength);
//! \exception std::out_of_range is thrown if \a inIndex is out of range.
const StExecutableImage::MemoryRegion & StExecutableImage::getRegionAtIndex(unsigned inIndex) const
// check bounds
if (inIndex >= m_image.size())
throw std::out_of_range("inIndex");
// find region by index
MemoryRegionList::const_iterator it = m_image.begin();
unsigned i = 0;
for (; it != m_image.end(); ++it, ++i)
if (i == inIndex)
return *it;
//! The list of address filters is kept sorted as filters are added.
void StExecutableImage::addAddressFilter(const AddressFilter & filter)
void StExecutableImage::clearAddressFilters()
//! \exception StExecutableImage::address_filter_exception Raised when a filter
//! with the type #ADDR_FILTER_ERROR or #ADDR_FILTER_WARNING is matched.
//! \todo Build a list of all matching filters and then execute them at once.
//! For the warning and error filters, a single exception should be raised
//! that identifies all the overlapping errors. Currently the user will only
//! see the first (lowest address) overlap.
void StExecutableImage::applyAddressFilters()
// Iterate over filters.
AddressFilterList::const_iterator fit = m_filters.begin();
for (; fit != m_filters.end(); ++fit)
const AddressFilter & filter = *fit;
// Iterator over regions.
MemoryRegionList::iterator rit = m_image.begin();
for (; rit != m_image.end(); ++rit)
MemoryRegion & region = *rit;
if (filter.matchesMemoryRegion(region))
switch (filter.m_action)
// Do nothing.
// throw error exception
throw address_filter_exception(true, m_name, filter);
// throw warning exception
throw address_filter_exception(false, m_name, filter);
// Delete the offending portion of the region and restart
// the iteration loops.
cropRegionToFilter(region, filter);
goto restart_loops;
//! There are several possible cases here:
//! - No overlap at all. Nothing is done.
//! - All of the memory region is matched by the \a filter. The region is
//! removed from #StExecutableImage::m_image and its data memory freed.
//! - The remaining portion of the region is one contiguous chunk. In this
//! case, \a region is simply modified.
//! - The region is split in the middle by the filter. The original \a region
//! is modified to match the first remaining chunk. And a new #StExecutableImage::MemoryRegion
//! instance is created to hold the other leftover piece.
void StExecutableImage::cropRegionToFilter(MemoryRegion & region, const AddressFilter & filter)
uint32_t firstByte = region.m_address; // first byte occupied by this region
uint32_t lastByte = region.endAddress(); // last used byte in this region
// compute new address range
uint32_t cropFrom = filter.m_fromAddress;
if (cropFrom < firstByte)
cropFrom = firstByte;
uint32_t cropTo = filter.m_toAddress;
if (cropTo > lastByte)
cropTo = lastByte;
// is there actually a match?
if (cropFrom > filter.m_toAddress || cropTo < filter.m_fromAddress)
// nothing to do, so bail
printf("Deleting region 0x%08x-0x%08x\n", cropFrom, cropTo);
// handle if the entire region is to be deleted
if (cropFrom == firstByte && cropTo == lastByte)
delete [] region.m_data;
region.m_data = NULL;
// there is at least a little of the original region remaining
uint32_t newLength = cropTo - cropFrom + 1;
uint32_t leftoverLength = lastByte - cropTo;
uint8_t * oldData = region.m_data;
// update the region
region.m_address = cropFrom;
region.m_length = newLength;
// crop data buffer for text regions
if (region.m_type == TEXT_REGION && oldData)
region.m_data = new uint8_t[newLength];
memcpy(region.m_data, &oldData[cropFrom - firstByte], newLength);
// dispose of old data
delete [] oldData;
// create a new region for any part of the original region that was past
// the crop to address. this will happen if the filter range falls in the
// middle of the region.
if (leftoverLength)
MemoryRegion newRegion;
newRegion.m_type = region.m_type;
newRegion.m_flags = region.m_flags;
newRegion.m_address = cropTo + 1;
newRegion.m_length = leftoverLength;
if (region.m_type == TEXT_REGION && oldData)
newRegion.m_data = new uint8_t[leftoverLength];
memcpy(newRegion.m_data, &oldData[cropTo - firstByte + 1], leftoverLength);
//! \exception std::runtime_error will be thrown if \a inRegion overlaps an
//! existing region.
//! \todo Need to investigate if we can use the STL sort algorithm at all. Even
//! though we're doing merges too, we could sort first then examine the list
//! for merges.
void StExecutableImage::insertOrMergeRegion(MemoryRegion & inRegion)
uint32_t newStart = inRegion.m_address;
uint32_t newEnd = newStart + inRegion.m_length;
MemoryRegionList::iterator it = m_image.begin();
MemoryRegionList::iterator sortedPosition = m_image.begin();
for (; it != m_image.end(); ++it)
MemoryRegion & region = *it;
uint32_t thisStart = region.m_address;
uint32_t thisEnd = thisStart + region.m_length;
// keep track of where to insert it to retain sort order
if (thisStart >= newEnd)
// region types and flags must match in order to merge
if (region.m_type == inRegion.m_type && region.m_flags == inRegion.m_flags)
if (newStart == thisEnd || newEnd == thisStart)
mergeRegions(region, inRegion);
else if ((newStart >= thisStart && newStart < thisEnd) || (newEnd >= thisStart && newEnd < thisEnd))
throw std::runtime_error("new region overlaps existing region");
// not merged, so just insert it in the sorted position
m_image.insert(it, inRegion);
//! Extends \a inNewRegion to include the data in \a inOldRegion. It is
//! assumed that the two regions are compatible. The new region may come either
//! before or after the old region in memory. Note that while the two regions
//! don't necessarily have to be touching, it's probably a good idea. That's
//! because any data between the regions will be set to 0.
//! For TEXT_REGION types, the two original regions will have their data deleted
//! during the merge. Thus, this method is not safe if any outside callers may
//! be accessing the region's data.
void StExecutableImage::mergeRegions(MemoryRegion & inOldRegion, MemoryRegion & inNewRegion)
bool isOldBefore = inOldRegion.m_address < inNewRegion.m_address;
uint32_t oldEnd = inOldRegion.m_address + inOldRegion.m_length;
uint32_t newEnd = inNewRegion.m_address + inNewRegion.m_length;
switch (inOldRegion.m_type)
// calculate new length
unsigned newLength;
if (isOldBefore)
newLength = newEnd - inOldRegion.m_address;
newLength = oldEnd - inNewRegion.m_address;
// alloc memory
uint8_t * newData = new uint8_t[newLength];
memset(newData, 0, newLength);
// copy data from the two regions into new block
if (isOldBefore)
memcpy(newData, inOldRegion.m_data, inOldRegion.m_length);
memcpy(&newData[newLength - inNewRegion.m_length], inNewRegion.m_data, inNewRegion.m_length);
memcpy(newData, inNewRegion.m_data, inNewRegion.m_length);
memcpy(&newData[newLength - inOldRegion.m_length], inOldRegion.m_data, inOldRegion.m_length);
inOldRegion.m_address = inNewRegion.m_address;
// replace old region's data
delete [] inOldRegion.m_data;
inOldRegion.m_data = newData;
inOldRegion.m_length = newLength;
// delete new region's data
delete [] inNewRegion.m_data;
inNewRegion.m_data = NULL;
if (isOldBefore)
inOldRegion.m_length = newEnd - inOldRegion.m_address;
inOldRegion.m_length = oldEnd - inNewRegion.m_address;
inOldRegion.m_address = inNewRegion.m_address;
//! Used when we remove a region from the region list by value. Because this
//! operator compares the #m_data member, it will only return true for either an
//! exact copy or a reference to the original.
bool StExecutableImage::MemoryRegion::operator == (const MemoryRegion & other) const
return (m_type == other.m_type) && (m_address == other.m_address) && (m_length == other.m_length) && (m_flags == other.m_flags) && (m_data == other.m_data);
//! Returns true if the address filter overlaps \a region.
bool StExecutableImage::AddressFilter::matchesMemoryRegion(const MemoryRegion & region) const
uint32_t firstByte = region.m_address; // first byte occupied by this region
uint32_t lastByte = region.endAddress(); // last used byte in this region
return (firstByte >= m_fromAddress && firstByte <= m_toAddress) || (lastByte >= m_fromAddress && lastByte <= m_toAddress);
//! The comparison does \em not take the action into account. It only looks at the
//! priority and address ranges of each filter. Priority is considered only if the two
//! filters overlap. Lower priority filters will come after higher priority ones.
//! \retval -1 This filter is less than filter \a b.
//! \retval 0 This filter is equal to filter \a b.
//! \retval 1 This filter is greater than filter \a b.
int StExecutableImage::AddressFilter::compare(const AddressFilter & other) const
if (m_priority != other.m_priority && ((m_fromAddress >= other.m_fromAddress && m_fromAddress <= other.m_toAddress) || (m_toAddress >= other.m_fromAddress && m_toAddress <= other.m_toAddress)))
// we know the priorities are not equal
if (m_priority > other.m_priority)
return -1;
return 1;
if (m_fromAddress == other.m_fromAddress)
if (m_toAddress == other.m_toAddress)
return 0;
else if (m_toAddress < other.m_toAddress)
return -1;
return 1;
else if (m_fromAddress < other.m_fromAddress)
return -1;
return 1;