# HOW TO RELEASE FILE @(#) $File: RELEASE-PROCEDURE,v 1.7 2021/10/18 16:38:25 christos Exp $ 1) Update version number in configure.ac 2) Note the new version in ChangeLog 3) Update README.md if applicable 4) Commit changes into CVS 5) Rebuild and run tests (see README.DEVELOPER) 6) Tag the release with FILEx_yy 7) Create the source tarball: make distcheck 7a) Sign the source tarball. gpg --armor --detach-sign mysoftware-0.4.tar.gz 8) Make the source tarball available on ftp 9) Add the new version to bugs.astron.com: - Click: Manage > Manage Projects > file - Scroll down to "Versions" - Click on "Edit" next to the HEAD version - Change the "Version" from HEAD to the newly released version - Change the "Date Order" to the current time - Check the "Released" box - Click on "Update Version" - Type HEAD into the box at the bottom of the version list and click on "Add and Edit Version" - Set the "Date Order" to 2030-01-01 (i.e. far in the future) - Click on "Update Version" 10) Mail an announcement to file@astron.com containing a summary of the ChangeLog changes. Historically we don't mention magic changes in the ChangeLog or the mail message, only source changes. |