This is a first attempt to document the grammar used by magic(5), with
hopes of eventually incorporating something like this into the manpage.
Note: Currently, the parser varies slightly from this, but only in
very minor ways, e.g., the strflags maybe separated by '/' characters
and at most one strcount is allowed; likewise for regflags.
magic = 1*query
query = line *( 1*level line )
level = ">" ;; Increment the level by 1.
;; The first line of a query is at level 0.
line = offset HWS type HWS test HWS message EOL
offset = absoffset | reloffset | indoffset
;; The offset in the file at which to apply
;; the <test>.
absoffset = NUMBER ;; An absolute offset from the start of the file.
reloffset = "&" NUMBER ;; The offset relative to the last match offset
;; at one level up.
;; Not allowed at level == 0.
indoffset = indoff | relindoff
indoff = "(" offset1 [ "." size ] [ op disp ] ")"
;; Read the file at <offset1> of width <size>.
;; If size is not specified, assume a long.
;; If <op> is given, then preform that
;; operation on the result and the <disp>.
offset1 = absoffset | reloffset
size = byte | leshort | beshort | lelong | belong | melong
byte = "B" | "b" | "C" | "c" ;; A one-byte value.
leshort = "s" | "h" ;; A two-byte little-endian value.
beshort = "S" | "H" ;; A two-byte big-endian value.
lelong = "l" ;; A four-byte little-endian value.
belong = "L" ;; A four-byte big-endian value.
melong = "m" ;; A four-byte middle-endian value.
op = [ invert ] ( "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "&" | "|" | "^" )
invert = "~" ;; Flip the bits on result of the <op>.
disp = NUMBER | memvalue
memvalue = "(" NUMBER ")"
;; NUMBER is interpreted as an absolute or
;; relative offset matching that of <offset1>.
;; Read the file at the resulting offset with
;; the same size as <offset1>
relindoff = "&" indoff ;; add <indoff> to the last match offset at
;; one level up.
type = [ unsigned ] ( numeric | strtype | default )
unsigned = "u" ;; The value is unsigned.
;; This affects the sign extension of numeric
;; types and the '<' and '>' compares. It is
;; intended for numeric types, but allowed on
;; all types.
numeric = ( numtype | datatype ) [ nummask ]
numtype = byte | short | long | quad
byte = "byte"
short = "short" | "beshort" | "leshort"
long = "long" | "lelong" | "belong" | "melong"
quad = "quad" | "lequad" | "bequad"
datetype = udate32 | ldate32 | udate64 | ldate64
udate32 = "date" | "bedate" | "ledate" | "medate" ;; UTC dates
ldate32 = "ldate" | "beldate" | "leldate" | "meldate" ;; local dates
udate64 = "qdate" | "leqdate" | "beqdate" ;; UTC dates
ldate64 = "qldate" | "leqldate" | "beqldate" ;; local dates
nummask = op NUMBER
strtype = regex | search | string8 | string16
regex = "regex" [ "/" 1*regflag ]
regflag = "c" | "s" | linecnt
linecnt = NUMBER ;; The number of lines to search. If this
;; is missing or zero, the rest of the
;; file is searched.
search = "string" [ "/" 1*srchflag ]
srchflag = strflag | srchcnt
srchcnt = NUMBER ;; The number of search tries. If this
;; is missing or zero, the rest of the
;; file is searched.
string8 = ( "string" | "pstring" ) [ "/" 1*strflag ]
strflag = "b" | "B" | "c" | "C"
string16 = "bestring16" | "lestring16"
default = "default" ;; This is intended to be used with the
;; <truetest> ("x" below). It is matched if
;; there has been no previous match at its
;; level or none since the last default at
;; that level. It is useful for implementing
;; switch-like and if/else constructions.
test = numtest | strtest | truetest
;; Test to preform on <type> read from file.
numtest = [ compare ] NUMBER ;; If compare is missing, "=" is assumed.
strtest = [ compare ] STRING ;; If compare is missing, "=" is assumed.
;; Note: If the STRING begins with a <compare>
;; character, the <compare> field cannot be
;; omitted.
compare = "=" | "!" | "<" | ">" | "&" | "^"
truetest = "x" ;; This always returns true.
;; To test for the string "x" use "=x".
message = [ nospflag ] ( STRING | FMT_STRING )
;; Message to print if test result is true.
nospflag = %x08 | "\\b" ;; Do not insert a space before the message.
;; By default, messages are separated by a " ".
HWS = <horizontal white space>
EOL = <end of line marker>
NUMBER = <C-style unsigned number>
STRING = <C-style string without delimiting quotes>
FMTSTR = <printf format string with exactly one % construct>