#!/bin/sh # Usage: hchangered oldfile newfile # hchangered - crude tool to red-color changes in HTML text. Text is # also underlined so it shows on monochrome printers. # Bugs: does not red-color text inside tables. Fascist software may # complain about tags being out of order. diff -e $1 $2 | (sed -n -e ' /[ac]$/{ p a\ <font color="red"><u> : loop n /^\.$/b done1 p b loop : done1 a\ </u></font>\ . b } /d$/{ a\ i\ <font color="red"><u>[DELETED]</u></font>\ . p b } '; echo '1,$p') | ed - $1 | perl -e ' $buf = join("", <STDIN>); $buf =~ s/pre>\s+<font/pre><font/g; $buf =~ s/font>\s+<\/pre/font><\/pre/g; print $buf; ' |