Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
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See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
information regarding copyright ownership.
This directory holds a simple test environment for running bind9 system tests
involving multiple name servers.
With the exception of "common" (which holds configuration information common to
multiple tests) and "win32" (which holds files needed to run the tests in a
Windows environment), each directory holds a set of scripts and configuration
files to test different parts of BIND. The directories are named for the
aspect of BIND they test, for example:
dnssec/ DNSSEC tests
forward/ Forwarding tests
glue/ Glue handling tests
Typically each set of tests sets up 2-5 name servers and then performs one or
more tests against them. Within the test subdirectory, each name server has a
separate subdirectory containing its configuration data. These subdirectories
are named "nsN" or "ansN" (where N is a number between 1 and 8, e.g. ns1, ans2
The tests are completely self-contained and do not require access to the real
DNS. Generally, one of the test servers (usually ns1) is set up as a root
nameserver and is listed in the hints file of the others.
Preparing to Run the Tests
To enable all servers to run on the same machine, they bind to separate virtual
IP addresses on the loopback interface. ns1 runs on, ns2 on, etc. Before running any tests, you must set up these addresses by
running the command
sh up
as root. The interfaces can be removed by executing the command:
sh down
... also as root.
The servers use unprivileged ports (above 1024) instead of the usual port 53,
so they can be run without root privileges once the interfaces have been set
Note for MacOS Users
If you wish to make the interfaces survive across reboots, copy
org.isc.bind.system and org.isc.bind.system.plist to /Library/LaunchDaemons
then run
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.isc.bind.system.plist
... as root.
Running the System Tests
Running an Individual Test
The tests can be run individually using the following command:
sh [flags] <test-name> [<test-arguments>]
sh [flags] notify
Optional flags are:
-k Keep servers running after the test completes. Each test
usually starts a number of nameservers, either instances
of the "named" being tested, or custom servers (written in
Python or Perl) that feature test-specific behavior. The
servers are automatically started before the test is run
and stopped after it ends. This flag leaves them running
at the end of the test, so that additional queries can be
sent by hand. To stop the servers afterwards, use the
command "sh <test-name>".
-n Noclean - do not remove the output files if the test
completes successfully. By default, files created by the
test are deleted if it passes; they are not deleted if the
test fails.
-p <number> Sets the range of ports used by the test. A block of 100
ports is available for each test, the number given to the
"-p" switch being the number of the start of that block
(e.g. "-p 7900" will mean that the test is able to use
ports 7900 through 7999). If not specified, the test will
have ports 5000 to 5099 available to it.
Arguments are:
test-name Mandatory. The name of the test, which is the name of the
subdirectory in bin/tests/system holding the test files.
test-arguments Optional arguments that are passed to each of the test's
Running All The System Tests
To run all the system tests, enter the command:
sh [-c] [-n] [numproc]
The optional flag "-c" forces colored output (by default system test output is
not printed in color due to being piped through "tee").
The optional flag "-n" has the same effect as it does for "" - it causes
the retention of all output files from all tests.
The optional "numproc" argument specifies the maximum number of tests that can
run in parallel. The default is 1, which means that all of the tests run
sequentially. If greater than 1, up to "numproc" tests will run simultaneously,
new tests being started as tests finish. Each test will get a unique set of
ports, so there is no danger of tests interfering with one another. Parallel
running will reduce the total time taken to run the BIND system tests, but will
mean that the output from all the tests sent to the screen will be mixed up
with one another. However, the systests.output file produced at the end of the
run (in the bin/tests/system directory) will contain the output from each test
in sequential order.
Note that it is not possible to pass arguments to tests though the ""
A run of all the system tests can also be initiated via make:
make [-j numproc] test
In this case, retention of the output files after a test completes successfully
is specified by setting the environment variable SYSTEMTEST_NO_CLEAN to 1 prior
to running make, e.g.
SYSTEMTEST_NO_CLEAN=1 make [-j numproc] test
while setting environment variable SYSTEMTEST_FORCE_COLOR to 1 forces system
test output to be printed in color.
Running Multiple System Test Suites Simultaneously
In some cases it may be desirable to have multiple instances of the system test
suite running simultaneously (e.g. from different terminal windows). To do
1. Each installation must have its own directory tree. The system tests create
files in the test directories, so separate directory trees are required to
avoid interference between the same test running in the different
2. For one of the test suites, the starting port number must be specified by
setting the environment variable STARTPORT before starting the test suite.
Each test suite comprises about 100 tests, each being allocated a set of 100
ports. The port ranges for each test are allocated sequentially, so each test
suite requires about 10,000 ports to itself. By default, the port allocation
starts at 5,000. So the following set of commands:
Terminal Window 1:
cd <installation-1>/bin/tests/system
sh 4
Terminal Window 2:
cd <installation-2>/bin/tests/system
STARTPORT=20000 sh 4
... will start the test suite for installation-1 using the default base port
of 5,000, so the test suite will use ports 5,000 through 15,000 (or there
abouts). The use of "STARTPORT=20000" to prefix the run of the test suite for
installation-2 will mean the test suite uses ports 20,000 through 30,000 or so.
Format of Test Output
All output from the system tests is in the form of lines with the following
<letter>:<test-name>:<message> [(<number>)]
I:catz:checking that dom1.example is not served by master (1)
The meanings of the fields are as follows:
This indicates the type of message. This is one of:
S Start of the test
A Start of test (retained for backwards compatibility)
T Start of test (retained for backwards compatibility)
E End of the test
I Information. A test will typically output many of these messages
during its run, indicating test progress. Note that such a message may
be of the form "I:testname:failed", indicating that a sub-test has
R Result. Each test will result in one such message, which is of the
where <result> is one of:
PASS The test passed
FAIL The test failed
SKIPPED The test was not run, usually because some
prerequisites required to run the test are missing.
This is the name of the test from which the message emanated, which is also the
name of the subdirectory holding the test files.
This is text output by the test during its execution.
If present, this will correlate with a file created by the test. The tests
execute commands and route the output of each command to a file. The name of
this file depends on the command and the test, but will usually be of the form:
e.g. nsupdate.out.test28, dig.out.q3. This aids diagnosis of problems by
allowing the output that caused the problem message to be identified.
Re-Running the Tests
If there is a requirement to re-run a test (or the entire test suite), the
files produced by the tests should be deleted first. Normally, these files are
deleted if the test succeeds but are retained on error. The script
automatically calls a given test's script before invoking its
Deletion of the files produced by the set of tests (e.g. after the execution
of "") can be carried out using the command:
make testclean
(Note that the Makefile has two other targets for cleaning up files: "clean"
will delete all the files produced by the tests, as well as the object and
executable files used by the tests. "distclean" does all the work of "clean"
as well as deleting configuration files produced by "configure".)
Developer Notes
This section is intended for developers writing new tests.
As noted above, each test is in a separate directory. To interact with the
test framework, the directories contain the following standard files: Run at the beginning to determine whether the test can be run at
all; if not, we see a R:SKIPPED result. This file is optional:
if not present, the test is assumed to have all its prerequisites
met. Run after, this sets up the preconditions for the tests.
Although optional, virtually all tests will require such a file to
set up the ports they should use for the test. Runs the actual tests. This file is mandatory. Run at the end to clean up temporary files, but only if the test
was completed successfully and its running was not inhibited by the
"-n" switch being passed to "". Otherwise the temporary
files are left in place for inspection.
ns<N> These subdirectories contain test name servers that can be queried
or can interact with each other. The value of N indicates the
address the server listens on: for example, ns2 listens on, and ns4 on All test servers use an
unprivileged port, so they don't need to run as root. These
servers log at the highest debug level and the log is captured in
the file "".
ans<N> Like ns[X], but these are simple mock name servers implemented in
Perl or Python. They are generally programmed to misbehave in ways
named would not so as to exercise named's ability to interoperate
with badly behaved name servers.
Port Usage
In order for the tests to run in parallel, each test requires a unique set of
ports. These are specified by the "-p" option passed to "", which sets
environment variables that the scripts listed above can reference.
The convention used in the system tests is that the number passed is the start
of a range of 100 ports. The test is free to use the ports as required,
although the first ten ports in the block are named and generally tests use the
named ports for their intended purpose. The names of the environment variables
PORT Number to be used for the query port.
CONTROLPORT Number to be used as the RNDC control port.
EXTRAPORT1 - EXTRAPORT8 Eight port numbers that can be used as needed.
Two other environment variables are defined:
LOWPORT The lowest port number in the range.
HIGHPORT The highest port number in the range.
Since port ranges usually start on a boundary of 10, the variables are set such
that the last digit of the port number corresponds to the number of the
EXTRAPORTn variable. For example, if the port range were to start at 5200, the
port assignments would be:
PORT = 5200
LOWPORT = 5200
When running tests in parallel (i.e. giving a value of "numproc" greater than 1
in the "make" or "" commands listed above), it is guaranteed that each
test will get a set of unique port numbers.
Writing a Test
The test framework requires up to four shell scripts (listed above) as well as
a number of nameserver instances to run. Certain expectations are put on each
1. Each of the four scripts will be invoked with the command
(cd <test-directory> ; sh <script> [<arguments>] )
... so that working directory when the script starts executing is the test
2. Arguments can be only passed to the script if the test is being run as a
one-off with "". In this case, everything on the command line after the
name of the test is passed to each script. For example, the command:
sh -p 12300 mytest -D xyz
... will run "mytest" with a port range of 12300 to 12399. Each of the
framework scripts provided by the test will be invoked using the remaining
arguments, e.g.:
(cd mytest ; sh -D xyz)
(cd mytest ; sh -D xyz)
(cd mytest ; sh -D xyz)
(cd mytest ; sh -D xyz)
No arguments will be passed to the test scripts if the test is run as part of
a run of the full test suite (e.g. the tests are started with "").
3. Each script should start with the following lines:
"" defines a series of environment variables together with functions
useful for the test scripts. ( is the Windows equivalent of this
As noted above, this is optional. If present, it should check whether specific
software needed to run the test is available and/or whether BIND has been
configured with the appropriate options required.
* If the software required to run the test is present and the BIND
configure options are correct, should return with a status code
of 0.
* If the software required to run the test is not available and/or BIND
has not been configured with the appropriate options, should
return with a status code of 1.
* If there is some other problem (e.g. prerequisite software is available
but is not properly configured), a status code of 255 should be returned.
This is responsible for setting up the configuration files used in the test.
To cope with the varying port number, ports are not hard-coded into
configuration files (or, for that matter, scripts that emulate nameservers).
Instead, is responsible for editing the configuration files to set the
port numbers.
To do this, configuration files should be supplied in the form of templates
containing tokens identifying ports. The tokens have the same name as the
environment variables listed above, but are prefixed and suffixed by the "@"
symbol. For example, a fragment of a configuration file template might look
controls {
inet port @CONTROLPORT@ allow { any; } keys { rndc_key; };
options {
query-source address;
port @PORT@;
allow-new-zones yes;
}; should copy the template to the desired filename using the
"copy_setports" shell function defined in "", i.e.
copy_setports ns1/ ns1/named.conf
This replaces the tokens @PORT@, @CONTROLPORT@, @EXTRAPORT1@ through
@EXTRAPORT8@ with the contents of the environment variables listed above. should do this for all configuration files required when the test
("" should also use this method for replacing the tokens in any Perl or
Python name servers used in the test.)
This is the main test file and the contents depend on the test. The contents
are completely up to the developer, although most test scripts have a form
similar to the following for each sub-test:
1. n=`expr $n + 1`
2. echo_i "prime cache nodata.example ($n)"
3. ret=0
4. $DIG -p ${PORT} @ nodata.example TXT > dig.out.test$n
5. grep "status: NOERROR" dig.out.test$n > /dev/null || ret=1
6. grep "ANSWER: 0," dig.out.test$n > /dev/null || ret=1
7. if [ $ret != 0 ]; then echo_i "failed"; fi
8. status=`expr $status + $ret`
1. Increment the test number "n" (initialized to zero at the start of the
2. Indicate that the sub-test is about to begin. Note that "echo_i" instead
of "echo" is used. echo_i is a function defined in "" which will
prefix the message with "I:<testname>:", so allowing the output from each
test to be identified within the output. The test number is included in
the message in order to tie the sub-test with its output.
3. Initialize return status.
4 - 6. Carry out the sub-test. In this case, a nameserver is queried (note
that the port used is given by the PORT environment variable, which was set
by the inclusion of the file "" at the start of the script). The
output is routed to a file whose suffix includes the test number. The
response from the server is examined and, in this case, if the required
string is not found, an error is indicated by setting "ret" to 1.
7. If the sub-test failed, a message is printed. "echo_i" is used to print
the message to add the prefix "I:<test-name>:" before it is output.
8. "status", used to track how many of the sub-tests have failed, is
incremented accordingly. The value of "status" determines the status
returned by "", which in turn determines whether the framework
prints the PASS or FAIL message.
Regardless of this, rules that should be followed are:
a. Use the environment variables set by to determine the ports to use
for sending and receiving queries.
b. Use a counter to tag messages and to associate the messages with the output
c. Store all output produced by queries/commands into files. These files
should be named according to the command that produced them, e.g. "dig"
output should be stored in a file "dig.out.<suffix>", the suffix being
related to the value of the counter.
d. Use "echo_i" to output informational messages.
e. Retain a count of test failures and return this as the exit status from
the script.
The inverse of "", this is invoked by the framework to clean up the
test directory. It should delete all files that have been created by the test
during its run.
Starting Nameservers
As noted earlier, a system test will involve a number of nameservers. These
will be either instances of named, or special servers written in a language
such as Perl or Python.
For the former, the version of "named" being run is that in the "bin/named"
directory in the tree holding the tests (i.e. if "make test" is being run
immediately after "make", the version of "named" used is that just built). The
configuration files, zone files etc. for these servers are located in
subdirectories of the test directory named "nsN", where N is a small integer.
The latter are special nameservers, mostly used for generating deliberately bad
responses, located in subdirectories named "ansN" (again, N is an integer).
In addition to configuration files, these directories should hold the
appropriate script files as well.
Note that the "N" for a particular test forms a single number space, e.g. if
there is an "ns2" directory, there cannot be an "ans2" directory as well.
Ideally, the directory numbers should start at 1 and work upwards.
When running a test, the servers are started using "" (which is nothing
more than a wrapper for The options for "" are documented
in the header for that file, so will not be repeated here. In summary, when
invoked by "", looks for directories named "nsN" or "ansN" in
the test directory and starts the servers it finds there.
"named" Command-Line Options
By default, starts a "named" server with the following options:
-c named.conf Specifies the configuration file to use (so by implication,
each "nsN" nameserver's configuration file must be called
-d 99 Sets the maximum debugging level.
-D <name> The "-D" option sets a string used to identify the
nameserver in a process listing. In this case, the string
is the name of the subdirectory.
-g Runs the server in the foreground and logs everything to
-m record,size,mctx
Turns on these memory usage debugging flags.
-U 4 Uses four listeners.
-X named.lock Acquires a lock on this file in the "nsN" directory, so
preventing multiple instances of this named running in this
directory (which could possibly interfere with the test).
All output is sent to a file called "" in the nameserver directory.
The options used to start named can be altered. There are three ways of doing
this. "" checks the methods in a specific order: if a check succeeds,
the options are set and any other specification is ignored. In order, these
1. Specifying options to ""/"" after the name of the test
directory, e.g.
sh reclimit ns1 -- "-c n.conf -d 43"
(This is only really useful when running tests interactively.)
2. Including a file called "named.args" in the "nsN" directory. If present,
the contents of the first non-commented, non-blank line of the file are used as
the named command-line arguments. The rest of the file is ignored.
3. Tweaking the default command line arguments with "-T" options. This flag is
used to alter the behavior of BIND for testing and is not documented in the
ARM. The presence of certain files in the "nsN" directory adds flags to
the default command line (the content of the files is irrelevant - it
is only the presence that counts):
named.noaa Appends "-T noaa" to the command line, which causes
"named" to never set the AA bit in an answer.
named.dropedns Adds "-T dropedns" to the command line, which causes
"named" to recognise EDNS options in messages, but drop
messages containing them.
named.maxudp1460 Adds "-T maxudp1460" to the command line, setting the
maximum UDP size handled by named to 1460.
named.maxudp512 Adds "-T maxudp512" to the command line, setting the
maximum UDP size handled by named to 512.
named.noedns Appends "-T noedns" to the command line, which disables
recognition of EDNS options in messages.
named.notcp Adds "-T notcp", which disables TCP in "named".
named.soa Appends "-T nosoa" to the command line, which disables
the addition of SOA records to negative responses (or to
the additional section if the response is triggered by RPZ
Starting Other Nameservers
In contrast to "named", nameservers written in Perl or Python (whose script
file should have the name "" or "" respectively) are started with a
fixed command line. In essence, the server is given the address and nothing
(This is not strictly true: Python servers are provided with the number of the
query port to use. Altering the port used by Perl servers currently requires
creating a template file containing the "@PORT@" token, and having ""
substitute the actual port being used before the test starts.)
Stopping Nameservers
As might be expected, the test system stops nameservers with the script
"", which is little more than a wrapper for "". Like "",
the options available are listed in the file's header and will not be repeated
In summary though, the nameservers for a given test, if left running by
specifying the "-k" flag to "" when the test is started, can be stopped
by the command:
sh <test-name> [server]
... where if the server (e.g. "ns1", "ans3") is not specified, all servers
associated with the test are stopped.
Adding a Test to the System Test Suite
Once a test has been created, the following files should be edited:
* The name of the test should be added to the PARALLELDIRS or
SEQUENTIALDIRS variables as appropriate. The former is used for tests that
can run in parallel with other tests, the latter for tests that are unable to
do so.
* This is the Windows equivalent of The name of the
test should be added to the PARALLELDIRS or SEQUENTIALDIRS variables as
* The name of the test should be added to one of the the PARALLEL
or SEQUENTIAL variables.
(It is likely that a future iteration of the system test suite will remove the
need to edit multiple files to add a test.)
When running system tests, named can be run under Valgrind. The output from
Valgrind are sent to per-process files that can be reviewed after the test has
completed. To enable this, set the USE_VALGRIND environment variable to
"helgrind" to run the Helgrind tool, or any other value to run the Memcheck
tool. To use "helgrind" effectively, build BIND with --disable-atomic.
Maintenance Notes
This section is aimed at developers maintaining BIND's system test framework.
Notes on Parallel Execution
Although execution of an individual test is controlled by "", which
executes the above shell scripts (and starts the relevant servers) for each
test, the running of all tests in the test suite is controlled by the Makefile.
("" does little more than invoke "make" on the Makefile.)
All system tests are capable of being run in parallel. For this to work, each
test needs to use a unique set of ports. To avoid the need to define which
tests use which ports (and so risk port clashes as further tests are added),
the ports are assigned when the tests are run. This is achieved by having the
"test" target in the Makefile depend on "". That file is created
when "make check" is run, and contains a target for each test of the form:
@$(SHELL) -p <baseport> <test-name>
The <baseport> is unique and the values of <baseport> for each test are
separated by at least 100 ports.
Cleaning Up From Tests
When a test is run, up to three different types of files are created:
1. Files generated by the test itself, e.g. output from "dig" and "rndc", are
stored in the test directory.
2. Files produced by named which may not be cleaned up if named exits
abnormally, e.g. core files, PID files etc., are stored in the test directory.
3. A file "test.output.<test-name>" containing the text written to stdout by the
test is written to bin/tests/system/. This file is only produced when the test
is run as part of the entire test suite (e.g. via "").
If the test fails, all these files are retained. But if the test succeeds,
they are cleaned up at different times:
1. Files generated by the test itself are cleaned up by the test's own
"", which is called from "".
2. Files that may not be cleaned up if named exits abnormally can be removed
using the "" script.
3. "test.output.*" files are deleted when the test suite ends. At this point,
the file "" is called which concatenates all the "test.output.*"
files into a single "systests.output" file before deleting them.