# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2023/06/20 00:30:16 mrg Exp $
NOLINT= # defined
.include <bsd.own.mk>
.include <${.CURDIR}/../../Makefile.inc>
.PATH: ${HEIMDIST}/lib/hx509 ${HEIMBASE}/include
LIB= hx509
LIBDPLIBS+= asn1 ${HEIMBASE}/lib/libasn1 \
com_err ${HEIMBASE}/lib/libcom_err \
crypt ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/lib/libcrypt \
crypto ${SSLBASE}/lib/libcrypto \
roken ${HEIMBASE}/lib/libroken \
wind ${HEIMBASE}/lib/libwind
YPREFIX= _hx509_sel_yy
LPREFIX= _hx509_sel_yy
INCSDIR= /usr/include/krb5
INCS+= hx509.h hx509-protos.h ${ASN1_INCS} ${COMPILE_ET_INCS}
HEIMSRCS = hx509_err.et ocsp.asn1 pkcs10.asn1
ca.c \
cert.c \
cms.c \
collector.c \
crypto.c \
crypto-ec.c \
doxygen.c \
env.c \
error.c \
file.c \
keyset.c \
ks_dir.c \
ks_file.c \
ks_keychain.c \
ks_mem.c \
ks_null.c \
ks_p11.c \
ks_p12.c \
lock.c \
name.c \
peer.c \
print.c \
req.c \
revoke.c \
sel.c \
sel-gram.y \
sel-lex.l \
softp11.c \
-I${HEIMDIST}/lib/hx509/ref \
-I${HEIMDIST}/lib/asn1 \
sel-gram.c: ${ASN1_INCS} ${COMPILE_ET_INCS}
ASN1_FILES.ocsp.asn1 = \
asn1_OCSPBasicOCSPResponse.x \
asn1_OCSPCertID.x \
asn1_OCSPCertStatus.x \
asn1_OCSPInnerRequest.x \
asn1_OCSPKeyHash.x \
asn1_OCSPRequest.x \
asn1_OCSPResponderID.x \
asn1_OCSPResponse.x \
asn1_OCSPResponseBytes.x \
asn1_OCSPResponseData.x \
asn1_OCSPResponseStatus.x \
asn1_OCSPSignature.x \
asn1_OCSPSingleResponse.x \
asn1_OCSPTBSRequest.x \
asn1_OCSPVersion.x \
asn1_id_pkix_ocsp.x \
asn1_id_pkix_ocsp_basic.x \
COPTS.cert.c += -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations
COPTS.crypto-ec.c += -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations
COPTS.crypto.c += -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations
COPTS.ks_p11.c += -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations
# XXX: Pull this in from hcrypto. Be sure to be last! This subdir
# XXX: also has a "doxygen.c" in it, but the .PATH ordering ensures
# XXX: that the lib/hx509 version is used here, not the lib/hcrypto
# XXX: version.
SRCS+= ui.c
.PATH: ${HEIMDIST}/lib/hcrypto
CPPFLAGS.ui.c+= \
.include <${HEIMBASE}/Makefile.rules.inc>
.include <bsd.lib.mk>