INET_CIDR(3) FreeBSD Library Functions Manual INET_CIDR(3) NNAAMMEE iinneett__cciiddrr__nnttoopp, iinneett__cciiddrr__ppttoonn -- network translation routines SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ##iinncclluuddee <<ssyyss//ttyyppeess..hh>> ##iinncclluuddee <<ssyyss//ssoocckkeett..hh>> ##iinncclluuddee <<nneettiinneett//iinn..hh>> ##iinncclluuddee <<aarrppaa//iinneett..hh>> iinneett__cciiddrr__nnttoopp(_i_n_t _a_f, _c_o_n_s_t _v_o_i_d _*_s_r_c, _i_n_t _b_i_t_s, _c_h_a_r _*_d_s_t, _s_i_z_e___t _s_i_z_e); iinneett__cciiddrr__ppttoonn(_i_n_t _a_f, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_s_r_c, _v_o_i_d _*_d_s_t, _i_n_t _*_b_i_t_s); DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN These routines are used for converting addresses to and from network and presentation forms with CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) representa- tion, embedded net mask. iinneett__cciiddrr__nnttoopp() converts an address from network to presentation format. _a_f describes the type of address that is being passed in _s_r_c. Currently only AF_INET is supported. _s_r_c is an address in network byte order, its length is determined from _a_f. _b_i_t_s specifies the number of bits in the netmask unless it is -1 in which case the CIDR representation is omitted. _d_s_t is a caller supplied buffer of at least _s_i_z_e bytes. iinneett__cciiddrr__nnttoopp() returns _d_s_t on success or NULL. Check errno for reason. iinneett__cciiddrr__ppttoonn() converts and address from presentation format, with optional CIDR reperesentation, to network format. The resulting address is zero filled if there were insufficint bits in _s_r_c. _a_f describes the type of address that is being passed in via _s_r_c and determines the size of _d_s_t. _s_r_c is an address in presentation format. _b_i_t_s returns the number of bits in the netmask or -1 if a CIDR represen- tation was not supplied. iinneett__cciiddrr__ppttoonn() returns 0 on succces or -1 on error. Check errno for reason. ENOENT indicates an invalid netmask. SSEEEE AALLSSOO intro(2) 4th Berkeley Distribution October 19, 1998 4th Berkeley Distribution |