[= AutoGen5 template foo=(base-name) -*- Mode: scheme -*-=]
(emit (dne "# "))
(if (not (and (exist? "prog-name") (exist? "prog-title") (exist? "version")))
(error "prog-name and prog-title are required"))
(define prog-name (get "prog-name"))
(if (> (string-length prog-name) 16)
(error (sprintf "prog-name limited to 16 characters: %s"
prog-name)) )
(if (not (exist? "long-opts"))
(error "long-opts is required"))
;; perl list containing string to initialize the option hash
(define perl_opts "")
;; perl list containing option definitions for Getopt::Long
(define perl_defs " ")
;; usage string
(define perl_usage "")
(define optname-from "A-Z_^")
(define optname-to "a-z--")
(define counter 0)
(define q (lambda (s) (string-append "'" s "'")))
(define qp (lambda (s) (string-append "q{" s "}")))
FOR flag =][=
(define optarg "") ;; the option argument for Getopt::Long
(define opttarget "''") ;; the value of a hash key that represents option
(define optargname "")
(define optisarray #f)
(define optname (string-tr! (get "name") optname-from optname-to))
=][= #
;; since autoopts doesn't support float we take the combination arg-name =
;; float and arg-type = string as float
IF arg-type =][=
CASE arg-type =][=
=* num =][= (set! optarg "=i") =][=
=* str =][=
(if (and (exist? "arg-name") (== (get "arg-name") "float"))
(set! optarg "=f")
(set! optarg "=s")
) =][=
* =][=
(error (string-append "unknown arg type '"
(get "arg-type") "' for " (get "name"))) =][=
ESAC arg-type =][=
ENDIF =][=
(if (exist? "stack-arg")
;; set optarget to array reference if can take more than one value
;; FIXME: if "max" exists, then just presume it is greater than 1
(if (and (exist? "max") (== (get "max") "NOLIMIT"))
(set! opttarget (string-append
(if (exist? "arg-default") (q (get "arg-default")) "")
(set! optisarray #t)
(error "If stack-arg then max has to be NOLIMIT")
;; just scalar otherwise
(if (exist? "arg-default") (set! opttarget (q (get "arg-default"))))
(set! perl_opts (string-append perl_opts
"'" (get "name") "' => " opttarget ",\n "))
(define def_add (string-append "'" optname (if (exist? "value")
(string-append "|" (get "value")) "") optarg "',"))
(define add_len (+ (string-length def_add) counter))
(if (> add_len 80)
(set! perl_defs (string-append perl_defs "\n " def_add))
(set! counter 8)
(set! perl_defs (string-append perl_defs " " def_add))
(set! counter (+ counter add_len))
(if (exist? "arg-type")
(if (and (exist? "arg-name") (== (get "arg-name") "float"))
(set! optargname "=float")
(set! optargname (string-append "=" (substring (get "arg-type") 0 3)))
(set! optargname " ")
(if (not (exist? "deprecated"))
(set! perl_usage (string-append perl_usage
(sprintf "\n %-28s %s" (string-append
(if (exist? "value") (string-append "-" (get "value") ",") " ")
" --"
(get "name")
(get "descrip"))
) ) )
(if optisarray
(set! perl_usage (string-append perl_usage
"\n - may appear multiple times"))
ENDFOR each "flag" =]
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray);
Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case_always));
my $usage;
sub usage {
my ($ret) = @_;
print STDERR $usage;
exit $ret;
sub paged_usage {
my ($ret) = @_;
my $pager = $ENV{PAGER} || '(less || more)';
open STDOUT, "| $pager" or die "Can't fork a pager: $!";
print $usage;
exit $ret;
sub processOptions {
my $args = shift;
my $opts = {
[= (. perl_opts) =]'help' => '', 'more-help' => ''
my $argument = '[= argument =]';
my $ret = GetOptionsFromArray($args, $opts, (
[= (. perl_defs) =]
'help|?', 'more-help'));
$usage = <<'USAGE';
[= prog-name =] - [= prog-title =] - Ver. [= version =]
USAGE: [= prog-name =] [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]... [= argument =]
[= (. perl_usage) =]
-?, --help Display usage information and exit
--more-help Pass the extended usage information through a pager
Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single
hyphen and the flag character.
usage(0) if $opts->{'help'};
paged_usage(0) if $opts->{'more-help'};[=
CASE argument =][=
!E =][=
==* "[" =][=
* =]
if ($argument && $argument =~ /^[^\[]/ && !@$args) {
print STDERR "Not enough arguments supplied (See --help/-?)\n";
exit 1;
$_[0] = $opts;
return $ret;
END { close STDOUT };