# #-- doh_downstream_notls.pre--# # source the master var file when it's there [ -f ../.tpkg.var.master ] && source ../.tpkg.var.master # use .tpkg.var.test for in test variable passing [ -f .tpkg.var.test ] && source .tpkg.var.test PRE="../.." . ../common.sh if grep "define HAVE_NGHTTP2 1" $PRE/config.h; then echo test enabled; else echo test skipped; exit 0; fi get_random_port 2 UNBOUND_PORT=$RND_PORT FWD_PORT=$(($RND_PORT + 1)) echo "UNBOUND_PORT=$UNBOUND_PORT" >> .tpkg.var.test echo "FWD_PORT=$FWD_PORT" >> .tpkg.var.test # start forwarder get_ldns_testns $LDNS_TESTNS -p $FWD_PORT doh_downstream_notls.testns >fwd.log 2>&1 & FWD_PID=$! echo "FWD_PID=$FWD_PID" >> .tpkg.var.test # make config file sed -e 's/@PORT\@/'$UNBOUND_PORT'/' -e 's/@TOPORT\@/'$FWD_PORT'/' < doh_downstream_notls.conf > ub.conf # start unbound in the background $PRE/unbound -vvvv -d -c ub.conf >unbound.log 2>&1 & UNBOUND_PID=$! echo "UNBOUND_PID=$UNBOUND_PID" >> .tpkg.var.test cat .tpkg.var.test wait_ldns_testns_up fwd.log wait_unbound_up unbound.log |