# #-- fwd_zero.test --# # source the master var file when it's there [ -f ../.tpkg.var.master ] && source ../.tpkg.var.master # use .tpkg.var.test for in test variable passing [ -f .tpkg.var.test ] && source .tpkg.var.test PRE="../.." OPT="-i" if nc -h 2>&1 | grep -E -- "-w (timeout|secs)" >/dev/null; then OPT="-w" fi # send query with qname but not qtype , qclass (malformed query) echo "> nc www.example.com. (malformed)" echo "b4380100000100000000000003777777076578616d706c6503636f6d00" | xxd -r -p | nc -un $OPT 2 $UNBOUND_PORT 2>/dev/null | xxd | tee outfile # now test that server is still up echo "> dig www.example.com." dig @localhost -p $UNBOUND_PORT www.example.com. | tee outfile echo "> cat logfiles" cat fwd.log cat unbound.log echo "> check answer" if grep "" outfile; then echo "OK" else echo "Not OK" exit 1 fi exit 0 |