The following are demonstrations of the runocc.d script. Here we run it on a single CPU server that is fairly busy, # ./runocc.d CPU %runocc 0 86 CPU %runocc 0 85 CPU %runocc 0 82 ^C The run queue occupancy is around 85%, meaning most of the time there are runnable threads queued waiting for CPU. This script is more interesting on a multi-CPU server, # ./runocc.d CPU %runocc 1 16 3 27 0 38 2 75 CPU %runocc 0 25 2 41 3 42 1 50 CPU %runocc 3 1 0 17 2 26 1 27 CPU %runocc 3 2 2 5 0 24 1 25 ^C Here there was some degree of saturation, especially on CPU 2 to start with. |