;; Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of LIBF7, which is part of GCC.
;; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
;; Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
;; version.
;; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
;; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
;; for more details.
;; Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
;; permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
;; 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
;; a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
;; see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
;; <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
#ifndef __AVR_TINY__
#include "asm-defs.h"
#include "libf7.h"
#define ZERO __zero_reg__
#define TMP __tmp_reg__
#define F7(name) F7_(name##_asm)
.macro F7call name
.global F7(\name\())
XCALL F7(\name\())
.macro F7jmp name
.global F7(\name\())
XJMP F7(\name\())
;; Just for visibility in disassembly.
.macro LLL name
.global LLL.\name
.macro DEFUN name
.section .text.libf7.asm.\name, "ax", @progbits
.global F7(\name\())
.func F7(\name\())
F7(\name\()) :
.macro ENDF name
.size F7(\name\()), . - F7(\name\())
.macro LABEL name
.global F7(\name\())
F7(\name\()) :
.macro _DEFUN name
.section .text.libf7.asm.\name, "ax", @progbits
.weak \name
.type \name, @function
\name :
.macro _ENDF name
.size \name, . - \name
.macro _LABEL name
.weak \name
.type \name, @function
\name :
#define F7_NAME(X) F7_(X)
;; Make a weak alias.
.macro ALIAS sym
.weak \sym
.type \sym, @function
;; Make a weak alias if double is 64 bits wide.
.macro DALIAS sym
#if defined (WITH_LIBF7_MATH_SYMBOLS) && __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__ == 8
ALIAS \sym
;; Make a weak alias if long double is 64 bits wide.
.macro LALIAS sym
ALIAS \sym
#define Off 1
#define Expo (Off + F7_MANT_BYTES)
#ifdef F7MOD_classify_
;; r24 = classify (*Z)
;; NaN -> F7_FLAG_nan
;; INF -> F7_FLAG_inf [ | F7_FLAG_sign ]
;; ==0 -> F7_FLAG_zero
;; ... -> 0 [ | F7_FLAG_sign ]
;; Clobbers: None (no TMP, no T).
DEFUN classify
ld r24, Z
lsr r24
brne .Lnan_or_inf
ldd r24, Z+6+Off
tst r24
brpl 0f
sbc r24, r24
andi r24, F7_FLAG_sign
0: ldi r24, F7_FLAG_zero
rol r24
ENDF classify
#endif /* F7MOD_classify_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_clr_
std Z+0, ZERO
std Z+0+Off, ZERO
std Z+1+Off, ZERO
std Z+2+Off, ZERO
std Z+3+Off, ZERO
std Z+4+Off, ZERO
std Z+5+Off, ZERO
std Z+6+Off, ZERO
std Z+0+Expo, ZERO
std Z+1+Expo, ZERO
ENDF clr
#endif /* F7MOD_clr_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_clz_
;; The libcc CLZ implementations like __clzsi2 aka. __builtin_clzl are
;; not very well suited for out purpose, so implement our own.
#define ZBITS r26
.macro .test.byte reg
or ZERO, \reg
brne .Loop_bit
subi ZBITS, -8
;; R26 = CLZ (uint64_t R18); CLZ (0) = 64.
;; Unchanged: T
DEFUN clzdi2
;; Catch the common case of normalized .mant for speed-up.
tst r25
brmi 9f
.test.byte r25
.test.byte r24
.test.byte r23
.test.byte r22
.test.byte r21
.test.byte r20
.test.byte r19
.test.byte r18
clr ZERO
9: ret
lsl ZERO
brcs .Ldone
rjmp .Loop_bit
ENDF clzdi2
#undef ZBITS
#endif /* F7MOD_clz_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_cmp_mant_
DEFUN cmp_mant
adiw X, 6 + Off
ld r24, X $ ldd TMP, Z+6+Off $ SUB r24, TMP
brne .Lunequal
sbiw X, 6
ld r24, X+ $ ldd TMP, Z+0+Off $ SUB r24, TMP
ld r24, X+ $ ldd TMP, Z+1+Off $ sbc r24, TMP
ld r24, X+ $ ldd TMP, Z+2+Off $ sbc r24, TMP
ld r24, X+ $ ldd TMP, Z+3+Off $ sbc r24, TMP
ld r24, X+ $ ldd TMP, Z+4+Off $ sbc r24, TMP
ld r24, X+ $ ldd TMP, Z+5+Off $ sbc r24, TMP
;; MSBs are already known to be equal
breq 9f
sbc r24, r24
sbci r24, -1
9: sbiw X, 6 + Off
ENDF cmp_mant
#endif /* F7MOD_cmp_mant_ */
#define CA 18
#define C0 CA+1
#define C1 C0+1
#define C2 C0+2
#define C3 C0+3
#define C4 C0+4
#define C5 C0+5
#define C6 C0+6
#define Carry r16
#define Flags 18
#ifdef F7MOD_store_
;; Z->flags = CA.
;; Z->mant = C[7].
DEFUN store_mant.with_flags
st Z, CA
;; Z->mant = C[7].
LABEL store_mant
std Z+0+Off, C0
std Z+1+Off, C1
std Z+2+Off, C2
std Z+3+Off, C3
std Z+4+Off, C4
std Z+5+Off, C5
std Z+6+Off, C6
ENDF store_mant.with_flags
#endif /* F7MOD_store_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_load_
;; CA = Z->flags
;; C[7] = Z->mant
DEFUN load_mant.with_flags
ld CA, Z
;; CA = 0
;; C[7] = Z->mant
LABEL load_mant.clr_CA
LABEL load_mant.clr_flags
clr CA ; May be skipped
;; C[7] = Z->mant
LABEL load_mant
ldd C0, Z+0+Off
ldd C1, Z+1+Off
ldd C2, Z+2+Off
ldd C3, Z+3+Off
ldd C4, Z+4+Off
ldd C5, Z+5+Off
ldd C6, Z+6+Off
ENDF load_mant.with_flags
#endif /* F7MOD_load_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_copy_
DEFUN copy
cp XL, ZL
cpc XH, ZH
breq 9f
adiw XL, 10
adiw ZL, 10
bld ZERO, 1
bld ZERO, 3 ; ZERO = 0b1010 = 10.
ld TMP, -X
st -Z, TMP
dec ZERO
brne .Loop
9: ret
ENDF copy
#endif /* F7MOD_copy_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_copy_P_
DEFUN copy_P
bld ZERO, 1
bld ZERO, 3 ; ZERO = 0b1010 = 10.
#ifdef __AVR_HAVE_LPMX__
lpm TMP, Z+
adiw Z, 1
#endif /* Have LPMx */
st X+, TMP
dec ZERO
brne .Loop
sbiw X, 10
sbiw Z, 10
ENDF copy_P
#endif /* F7MOD_copy_P_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_copy_mant_
DEFUN copy_mant
cp XL, ZL
cpc XH, ZH
breq 9f
adiw XL, 1
adiw ZL, 1
bld ZERO, 3
dec ZERO ; ZERO = 7
ld TMP, X+
st Z+, TMP
dec ZERO
brne .Loop
sbiw XL, 8
sbiw ZL, 8
9: ret
ENDF copy_mant
#endif /* F7MOD_copy_mant_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_clr_mant_lsbs_
DEFUN clr_mant_lsbs
push r16
mov r16, r20
wmov XL, r24
wmov ZL, r22
F7call load_mant
F7call lshrdi3
clr CA
F7call ashldi3
pop r16
wmov ZL, XL
F7jmp store_mant
ENDF clr_mant_lsbs
#endif /* F7MOD_clr_mant_lsbs_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_normalize_with_carry_
;; Z = &f7_t
;; C[] = .mant may be not normalized
;; Carry === r16 = Addend to Z->expo in [-64, 128).
;; Normalize C[], set Flags, and adjust Z->expo.
;; Return CA (after normalization) in TMP.
;; Unchanged: T
#define Addend r17
#define Zbits r26
#define expL r26
#define expH r27
DEFUN normalize_with_carry
mov Addend, Carry
tst C6
brmi .Lshift.0
;; r26 = CLZ (uint64_t R18)
F7call clzdi2
cpi Zbits, 64
breq .Lclr
sub Addend, Zbits
mov r16, Zbits
F7call ashldi3
;; Assert (R25.7 == 1)
mov TMP, CA
ld Flags, Z
;; .expo += Addend
ldd expL, Z+0+Expo
ldd expH, Z+1+Expo
;; Sign-extend Addend
clr r16
sbrc Addend, 7
com r16
;; exp += (int8_t) Addend, i.e. sign-extend Addend.
add expL, Addend
adc expH, r16
brvc .Lnormal
tst r16
brmi .Lclr
;; Overflow
#if F7_HAVE_Inf == 1
ori Flags, F7_FLAG_inf
ldi Flags, F7_FLAG_nan
#endif /* Have Inf */
std Z+0+Expo, expL
std Z+1+Expo, expH
;; Underflow or Zero.
clr TMP
.global __clr_8
XJMP __clr_8
LABEL normalize.store_with_flags
;; no rounding
LABEL normalize.round.store_with_flags
;; with rounding
clt ; skipped ?
LABEL normalize.maybe_round.store_with_flags
F7call normalize_with_carry
;; We have:
;; Z = &f7_t
;; X = .expo
;; C[] = .mant
;; R18 = .flags
;; TMP = byte below .mant after normalization
;; T = 1 => no rounding.
brts .Lstore
lsl TMP
adc C0, ZERO
brcc .Lstore
adc C1, ZERO
adc C2, ZERO
adc C3, ZERO
adc C4, ZERO
adc C5, ZERO
adc C6, ZERO
brcc .Lstore
;; We only come here if C6 overflowed, i.e. C[] is 0 now.
;; .mant = 1.0 by restoring the MSbit.
ror C6
;; .expo += 1 and override the .expo stored during normalize.
adiw expL, 1
std Z+0+Expo, expL
std Z+1+Expo, expH
F7call store_mant.with_flags
;; Return the byte below .mant after normalization.
;; This is only useful without rounding; the caller will know.
mov R24, TMP
ENDF normalize_with_carry
#endif /* F7MOD_normalize_with_carry_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_normalize_
;; Using above functionality from C.
;; f7_t* normalize (f7_t *cc)
;; Adjusts cc->expo
;; Clears cc->flags
DEFUN normalize
push r17
push r16
wmov ZL, r24
F7call load_mant.clr_CA
clr Carry
st Z, ZERO
F7call normalize.store_with_flags
wmov r24, Z
pop r16
pop r17
ENDF normalize
#endif /* F7MOD_normalize_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_store_expo_
#define Done r24
#define expLO r24
#define expHI r25
;; expo == INT16_MAX => *Z = Inf, return Done = true.
;; expo == INT16_MIN => *Z = 0x0, return Done = true.
;; else => Z->expo = expo, return Done = false.
DEFUN store_expo
cpi expHI, 0x80
cpc expLO, ZERO
breq .Ltiny
adiw expLO, 1
brvs .Lhuge
sbiw expLO, 1
std Z+0+Expo, expLO
std Z+1+Expo, expHI
ldi Done, 0
#if F7_HAVE_Inf == 1
ld Done, Z
andi Done, F7_FLAG_sign
ori Done, F7_FLAG_inf
ldi Done, F7_FLAG_nan
#endif /* Have Inf */
st Z, Done
ldi Done, 1
ldi Done, 1
F7jmp clr
ENDF store_expo
#endif /* F7MOD_store_expo_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_set_u64_
DEFUN set_s64
;; ...
LABEL set_u64
clt ; Skipped?
wmov Zl, r16
;; TMP holds .flags.
clr TMP
brtc .Lnot.negative
bst C6, 7
brtc .Lnot.negative
bld TMP, F7_FLAGNO_sign
.global __negdi2
XCALL __negdi2
st Z, TMP
std Z+0+Expo, ZERO
std Z+1+Expo, ZERO
ldi Carry, 63
F7call normalize.round.store_with_flags
wmov r24, Z
wmov r16, Z ; Unclobber r16.
ENDF set_s64
#endif /* F7MOD_set_u64_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_to_integer_
#define Mask r26
DEFUN to_integer
wmov ZL, r24
mov Mask, r22
F7call load_mant.with_flags
sbrc Flags, F7_FLAGNO_nan
rjmp .Lset_0x8000
sbrc Flags, F7_FLAGNO_inf
rjmp .Lsaturate
sbrs C6, 7
rjmp .Lset_0x0000
bst Flags, F7_FLAGNO_sign
ldd r27, Z+0+Expo
;; Does .expo have bits outside Mask? ...
mov TMP, Mask
com TMP
and TMP, r27
ldd r27, Z+1+Expo
tst r27
brmi .Lset_0x0000 ; ...yes: .expo is < 0 => return 0
or TMP, r27
brne .Lsaturate.T ; ...yes: .expo > Mask => saturate
;; ...no: Shift right to meet .expo = 0.
PUSH r16
ldd r16, Z+0+Expo
eor r16, Mask
and r16, Mask
clr CA
F7call lshrdi3
POP r16
tst C6
brmi .Lsaturate.T ; > INTxx_MAX => saturate
rcall .Lround
brmi .Lsaturate.T ; > INTxx_MAX => saturate
brtc 9f ; >= 0 => return
sbrc Mask, 5
.global __negdi2
XJMP __negdi2
sbrc Mask, 4
.global __negsi2
XJMP __negsi2
neg C6
neg C5
sbci C6, 0
9: ret
bst Flags, F7_FLAGNO_sign
#if F7_HAVE_Inf
brtc .Lset_0x7fff
;; -Inf => return 1 + INTxx_MIN
mov ZL, Flags
.global __clr_8
XCALL __clr_8
ldi C6, 0x80
ldi CA+0, 0x01
sbrs Mask, 5
ldi CA+4, 0x01
sbrs Mask, 4
ldi CA+6, 0x01
;; +Inf => return INTxx_MAX
.global __sbc_8
XCALL __sbc_8
ldi C6, 0x7f
#endif /* F7_HAVE_Inf */
;; NaN => return INTxx_MIN
.global __clr_8
XCALL __clr_8
ldi C6, 0x80
;; Small value => return 0x0
.global __clr_8
XJMP __clr_8
;; C6.7 is known to be 0 here.
;; Return N = 1 iff we have to saturate.
cpi Mask, 0xf
breq .Lround16
cpi Mask, 0x1f
breq .Lround32
;; For now, no rounding in the 64-bit case. This rounding
;; would have to be integrated into the right-shift.
rol C2
adc C3, ZERO
adc C4, ZERO
rjmp 2f
rol C4
2: adc C5, ZERO
adc C6, ZERO
ENDF to_integer
#endif /* F7MOD_to_integer_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_to_unsigned_
#define Mask r26
DEFUN to_unsigned
wmov ZL, r24
mov Mask, r22
F7call load_mant.with_flags
sbrc Flags, F7_FLAGNO_nan
rjmp .Lset_0xffff
sbrc Flags, F7_FLAGNO_sign
rjmp .Lset_0x0000
sbrc Flags, F7_FLAGNO_inf
rjmp .Lset_0xffff
sbrs C6, 7
rjmp .Lset_0x0000
ldd r27, Z+0+Expo
;; Does .expo have bits outside Mask? ...
mov TMP, Mask
com TMP
and TMP, r27
ldd r27, Z+1+Expo
tst r27
brmi .Lset_0x0000 ; ...yes: .expo is < 0 => return 0
or TMP, r27
brne .Lset_0xffff ; ...yes: .expo > Mask => saturate
;; ...no: Shift right to meet .expo = 0.
PUSH r16
ldd r16, Z+0+Expo
eor r16, Mask
and r16, Mask
clr CA
F7call lshrdi3
POP r16
;; Rounding
;; ??? C6.7 is known to be 0 here.
cpi Mask, 0xf
breq .Lround16
cpi Mask, 0x1f
breq .Lround32
;; For now, no rounding in the 64-bit case. This rounding
;; would have to be integrated into the right-shift.
rol C2
adc C3, ZERO
adc C4, ZERO
rjmp 2f
rol C4
2: adc C5, ZERO
adc C6, ZERO
brcs .Lset_0xffff ; Rounding overflow => saturate
;; return UINTxx_MAX
.global __sbc_8
XJMP __sbc_8
;; Small value => return 0x0
.global __clr_8
XJMP __clr_8
ENDF to_unsigned
#endif /* F7MOD_to_unsigned_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_addsub_mant_scaled_
;; int8_t f7_addsub_mant_scaled_asm (f7_t *r24, const f7_t *r22, const f7_t 20*,
;; uint8_t r18);
;; R18.0 = 1 : ADD
;; R18.0 = 0 : SUB
;; R18[7..1] : Scale
;; Compute *R24 = *R22 + *R20 >> R18[7..1].
#define BA 10
#define B0 BA+1
#define B1 B0+1
#define B2 B0+2
#define B3 B0+3
#define B4 B0+4
#define B5 B0+5
#define B6 B0+6
DEFUN addsub_mant_scaled
do_prologue_saves 10
bst r18, 0 ;; ADD ?
lsr r18
mov r16, r18
wmov ZL, r20
wmov YL, r22
;; C[] = bb >> shift
wmov XL, r24
F7call load_mant.clr_CA
F7call lshrdi3
wmov BA, CA
wmov B1, C1
wmov B3, C3
wmov B5, C5
wmov ZL, YL
F7call load_mant.clr_CA
wmov ZL, XL
brts .Ladd
.global __subdi3
XCALL __subdi3
breq .Lzero
brcc .Lround
;; C = 1: Can underflow happen at all ?
F7call clr
rjmp .Lepilogue
.global __adddi3
XCALL __adddi3
brcc .Lround
ldi Carry, 1
.global __lshrdi3
XCALL __lshrdi3
ori C6, 1 << 7
clr Carry ; skipped?
F7call normalize.round.store_with_flags
do_epilogue_restores 10
ENDF addsub_mant_scaled
#if !defined (__AVR_HAVE_MOVW__) || !defined (__AVR_HAVE_JMP_CALL__)
DEFUN lshrdi3
.global __lshrdi3
XJMP __lshrdi3
ENDF lshrdi3
DEFUN ashldi3
.global __ashldi3
XJMP __ashldi3
ENDF ashldi3
# Basically just a wrapper around libgcc's __lshrdi3.
DEFUN lshrdi3
;; Handle bit 5 of shift offset.
sbrs r16, 5
rjmp 4f
wmov CA, C3
wmov C1, C5
clr C6 $ clr C5 $ wmov C3, C5
;; Handle bit 4 of shift offset.
sbrs r16, 4
rjmp 3f
wmov CA, C1
wmov C1, C3
wmov C3, C5
clr C6 $ clr C5
;; Handle bits 3...0 of shift offset.
push r16
andi r16, 0xf
breq 0f
.global __lshrdi3
XCALL __lshrdi3
pop r16
ENDF lshrdi3
# Basically just a wrapper around libgcc's __ashldi3.
DEFUN ashldi3
;; Handle bit 5 of shift offset.
sbrs r16, 5
rjmp 4f
wmov C5, C1
wmov C3, CA
clr C2 $ clr C1 $ wmov CA, C1
;; Handle bit 4 of shift offset.
sbrs r16, 4
rjmp 3f
wmov C5, C3
wmov C3, C1
wmov C1, CA
clr CA $ clr C0
;; Handle bits 3...0 of shift offset.
push r16
andi r16, 0xf
breq 0f
.global __ashldi3
XCALL __ashldi3
pop r16
ENDF ashldi3
#endif /* Small device */
#endif /* F7MOD_addsub_mant_scaled_ */
#if defined F7MOD_mul_mant_ && defined (__AVR_HAVE_MUL__)
#define A0 11
#define A1 A0+1
#define A2 A0+2
#define A3 A0+3
#define A4 A0+4
#define A5 A0+5
#define A6 A0+6
#define TT0 26
#define TT1 TT0+1
#define TT2 28
#define TT3 TT2+1
#define BB 10
;; R18.0 = 1: No rounding.
DEFUN mul_mant
do_prologue_saves 10
bst r18, 0
push r25
push r24
movw ZL, r22
LDD A0, Z+0+Off
LDD A1, Z+1+Off
LDD A2, Z+2+Off
LDD A3, Z+3+Off
LDD A4, Z+4+Off
LDD A5, Z+5+Off
LDD A6, Z+6+Off
movw ZL, r20
;; 6 * 6 -> 6:5
;; 4 * 6 -> 4:3
;; 2 * 6 -> 2:1
;; 0 * 6 -> 0:a
ldd BB, Z+6+Off
mul A6, BB $ movw C5, r0
mul A4, BB $ movw C3, r0
mul A2, BB $ movw C1, r0
mul A0, BB $ movw CA, r0
;; 5 * 6 -> 5:4
;; 3 * 6 -> 3:2
;; 1 * 6 -> 1:0
mul A5, BB $ movw TT2, r0
mul A3, BB $ movw TT0, r0
mul A1, BB
ADD C0, r0 $ adc C1, r1
adc C2, TT0 $ adc C3, TT1
adc C4, TT2 $ adc C5, TT3 $ clr ZERO
adc C6, ZERO
;; Done B6
;; 3 * 3 -> 0:a
;; 4 * 4 -> 2:1
;; 5 * 5 -> 4:3
ldd BB, Z+3+Off $ mul A3, BB $ movw TT0, r0
ldd BB, Z+4+Off $ mul A4, BB $ movw TT2, r0
ldd BB, Z+5+Off $ mul A5, BB
ADD CA, TT0 $ adc C0, TT1
adc C1, TT2 $ adc C2, TT3
adc C3, r0 $ adc C4, r1
brcc .+2
adiw C5, 1
;; 6 * 5 -> 5:4
;; 4 * 5 -> 3:2
;; 2 * 5 -> 1:0
;; 0 * 5 -> a:-
mul A0, BB
;; A0 done
#define Atmp A0
mov Atmp, r1
mul A6, BB $ movw TT2, r0
mul A4, BB $ movw TT0, r0
mul A2, BB
ADD CA, Atmp
adc C0, r0 $ adc C1, r1
adc C2, TT0 $ adc C3, TT1
adc C4, TT2 $ adc C5, TT3 $ clr ZERO
adc C6, ZERO
;; 1 * 5 -> 0:a
;; 3 * 5 -> 2:1
;; 6 * 4 -> 4:3
mul A1, BB $ movw TT0, r0
mul A3, BB $ movw TT2, r0
ldd BB, Z+4+Off
mul A6, BB
ADD CA, TT0 $ adc C0, TT1
adc C1, TT2 $ adc C2, TT3
adc C3, r0 $ adc C4, r1 $ clr ZERO
adc C5, ZERO $ adc C6, ZERO
;; B5 done
;; 6 * 3 -> 3:2
;; 6 * 1 -> 1:0
;; 4 * 1 -> a:-
mov TT0, A6 $ ldd TMP, Z+3+Off
mov BB, A4 $ ldd Atmp, Z+1+Off
rcall .Lmul.help.3
;; 5 * 4 -> 3:2
;; 5 * 2 -> 1:0
;; 3 * 2 -> a:-
mov TT0, A5 $ ldd TMP, Z+4+Off
mov BB, A3 $ ldd Atmp, Z+2+Off
rcall .Lmul.help.3
;; 4 * -> 3:2 (=0)
;; 4 * 3 -> 1:0
;; 2 * 3 -> a:-
mov TT0, A4 $ clr TMP
mov BB, A2 $ ldd Atmp, Z+3+Off
rcall .Lmul.help.3
;; 3 * . -> 3:2 (=0)
;; 3 * 4 -> 1:0
;; 1 * 4 -> a:-
mov TT0, A3 $ clr TMP
mov BB, A1 $ ldd Atmp, Z+4+Off
rcall .Lmul.help.3
;; . * ? -> 3:2 (=0)
;; . * 0 -> 1:0 (=0)
;; 5 * 0 -> a:-
clr TT0
mov BB, A5 $ ldd Atmp, Z+0+Off
rcall .Lmul.help.3
clr TT3 ;; Asserted by .Lmul.help.2
;; 6 * 2 -> 2:1
;; 6 * 0 -> 0:a
$ ldd TMP, Z+2+Off
mov BB, A6 ;$ ldd Atmp, Z+0+Off
rcall .Lmul.help.2
;; 5 * 3 -> 2:1
;; 5 * 1 -> 0:a
$ ldd TMP, Z+3+Off
mov BB, A5 $ ldd Atmp, Z+1+Off
rcall .Lmul.help.2
;; 4 * . -> 2:1 (=0)
;; 4 * 2 -> 0:a
$ clr TMP
mov BB, A4 $ ldd Atmp, Z+2+Off
rcall .Lmul.help.2
;; 2 * . -> 2:1 (=0)
;; 2 * 4 -> 0:a
$ clr TMP
mov BB, A2 $ ldd Atmp, Z+4+Off
rcall .Lmul.help.2
;; Finally...
pop ZL
pop ZH
;; The high byte is at least 0x40 and at most 0xfe.
;; The result has to be left-shifted by one in order to scale it
;; correctly.
ldi Carry, 1
F7call normalize.maybe_round.store_with_flags
do_epilogue_restores 10
;; TT0 * Tmp -> 3:2
;; TT0 * Atmp -> 1:0
;; BB * Atmp -> a:-
;; Clobbers : TMP, TT0...TT3.
;; Sets : ZERO = 0.
mul TT0, TMP $ movw TT2, r0
mul TT0, Atmp $ movw TT0, r0
mul BB, Atmp
ADD CA, r1
adc C0, TT0 $ adc C1, TT1
adc C2, TT2
.Lmul.help.3.C3: $ adc C3, TT3 $ clr ZERO
adc C4, ZERO $ adc C5, ZERO
adc C6, ZERO
;; BB * TMP -> 2:1
;; BB * Atmp -> 0:a
;; Asserts : TT3 = 0
;; Clobbers : TMP, TT0, TT1.
;; Sets : ZERO = 0.
mul BB, TMP $ movw TT0, r0
mul BB, Atmp
ADD CA, r0 $ adc C0, r1
adc C1, TT0 $ adc C2, TT1
rjmp .Lmul.help.3.C3
ENDF mul_mant
#endif /* F7MOD_mul_mant_ && MUL */
#if defined (F7MOD_div_)
;; Dividend is C[]
;; Divisor
#define A0 9
#define A1 10
#define A2 11
#define A3 12
#define A4 13
#define A5 14
#define A6 15
;; Quotient
#define Q0 0 /* === TMP */
#define Q1 Q0+1 /* === ZERO */
#define Q2 26
#define Q3 Q2+1
#define Q4 28
#define Q5 Q4+1
#define Q6 16
#define Q7 Q6+1
#define Cnt CA
#define QBits r8
do_prologue_saves 12
;; Number of bits requested for the quotient.
;; This is usually 2 + F7_MANT_BITS.
mov QBits, r20
wmov ZL, r22
LDD A0, Z+0+Off
LDD A1, Z+1+Off
LDD A2, Z+2+Off
LDD A3, Z+3+Off
LDD A4, Z+4+Off
LDD A5, Z+5+Off
LDD A6, Z+6+Off
wmov ZL, r24
F7call load_mant
;; Clear quotient Q[].
clr Q0 ; === TMP
;clr Q1 ; === ZERO
wmov Q2, Q0
wmov Q4, Q0
wmov Q6, Q0
;; C[] and A[] are valid mantissae, i.e. their MSBit is set. Therefore,
;; quotient Q[] will be in [0x0.ff..., 0x0.40...] and to adjust Q[] we
;; need at most 1 left-shift. Compute F7_MANT_BITS + 2 bits of the
;; quotient: One bit is used for rounding, and one bit might be consumed
;; by the mentioned left-shift.
mov Cnt, QBits
rjmp .Loop_start
;; Shift dividend.
rol C1
rol C2
rol C3
rol C4
rol C5
rol C6
brcs .Lfits
;; Compare dividend against divisor.
CP C0, A0
cpc C1, A1
cpc C2, A2
cpc C3, A3
cpc C4, A4
cpc C5, A5
cpc C6, A6
;; Shift 0 into quotient.
brlo 1f
;; Divisor fits into dividend.
SUB C0, A0
sbc C1, A1
sbc C2, A2
sbc C3, A3
sbc C4, A4
sbc C5, A5
sbc C6, A6
;; Shift 1 into quotient.
rol Q0
1: lsl Q0
rol Q1
rol Q2
rol Q3
rol Q4
rol Q5
rol Q6
rol Q7
dec Cnt
brne .Loop
wmov CA, Q0
wmov C1, Q2
wmov C3, Q4
wmov C5, Q6
clr ZERO
ldi Carry, 64
sub Carry, QBits
F7call normalize.round.store_with_flags
do_epilogue_restores 12
ENDF div
#endif /* F7MOD_div_ */
#if defined (F7MOD_sqrt16_) && defined (__AVR_HAVE_MUL__)
#define Mask C6
#define Q0 C3 /* = R22 */
#define Q1 C4 /* = R23 */
;; uint16_t R24 = sqrt16_XXX (uint16_t R24);
;; Clobbers: R22, R23, TMP.
;; XXX = floor: Return integral part of square-root of R25:R24 with R25 = 0.
;; Error is in [0, -1 LSB).
;; XXX = round: Return quare-root of R25:R24 rounded to nearest integer.
;; R25 = (Q[] >= 65281) = (Q > 0xff00), i.e. if Q[] is not
;; bigger than 0xff00, then the result fits in 8 bits.
;; Return C = 0 if the result is the same as for XXX = floor,
;; error in [0, -1/2 LSB)
;; Return C = 1 if the result is one higher than for XXX = floor,
;; error in [1/2 LSB, 0).
DEFUN sqrt16_round
;; ...
LABEL sqrt16_floor
clt ; Skipped?
movw Q0, r24
clr C5
ldi Mask, 1 << 7
add C5, Mask
mul C5, C5
cp Q0, R0
cpc Q1, R1
brsh 1f
sub C5, Mask
1: lsr Mask
brne .Loop_mask
brtc .Ldone ; No rounding => C6 will be 0.
;; Rounding: (X + 1/2)^2 = X^2 + X + 1/4, thus probing
;; for bit -1 is testing Q[] against C5^2 + C5.
mul C5, C5
add R0, C5
adc R1, C6 ; Exploit C6 === Mask = 0.
cp R0, Q0
cpc R1, Q1
brcc .Ldone
;; If C5^2 + C5 + 1/4 fits into Q[], then round up and C = 1.
adiw C5, 1 ; Exploit C6 === Mask = 0.
clr __zero_reg__
ENDF sqrt16_round
#undef Mask
#undef Q0
#undef Q1
#endif /* F7MOD_sqrt16_ && MUL */
#ifdef F7MOD_sqrt_approx_
DEFUN sqrt_approx
push r17
push r16
wmov XL, r24
wmov ZL, r22
;; C[] = 0.
.global __clr_8
XCALL __clr_8
ldd C5, Z+5+Off
ldd C6, Z+6+Off
ldd Carry, Z+0+Expo
ldd TMP, Z+1+Expo
wmov ZL, XL
st Z, ZERO
asr TMP
ror Carry
std Z+1+Expo, TMP
std Z+0+Expo, Carry
;; Re-interpreting our Q-format 1.xx mantissa as Q2.yy, we have to shift
;; the mantissa to the right by 1. As we need an even exponent, multiply
;; the mantissa by 2 for odd exponents, i.e. only right-shift if .expo
;; is even.
brcs 1f
lsr C6
ror C5
F7call sqrt16_round
;; sqrt16_round() returns: C = 0: error in [0, -1/2 LSB).
;; C = 1: error in [1/2 LSB, 0)
brcc 2f
;; Undo the round-up from sqrt16_round(); this will transform to
;; error in [-1/2 LSB, -1 LSB).
sbiw C5, 1
;; Together with the correct bit C4.7, the error is in [0, -1/2 LSB).
ori C4, 1 << 7
2: ;; Setting C4.6 adds 1/4 LSB and the error is now in [1/4 LSB, -1/4 LSB)
;; in either case.
ori C4, 1 << 6
;; ????????????
;; sqrt16_round() runs on integers which means that it computes the
;; square root of mant * 2^14 if we regard mant as Q-format 2.yy,
;; i.e. 2 integral bits. The result is sqrt(mant) * 2^7,
;; and in order to get the same scaling like the input, .expo has to
;; be adjusted by 7. ???????????????
ldi Carry, 8
F7call normalize.store_with_flags
pop r16
pop r17
ENDF sqrt_approx
#endif /* F7MOD_sqrt_approx_ */
#undef CA
#undef C0
#undef C1
#undef C2
#undef C3
#undef C4
#undef C5
#undef C6
#undef Carry
#ifdef F7MOD_D_fabs_
_DEFUN __fabs
LALIAS fabsl
andi R25, 0b01111111
_ENDF __fabs
#endif /* F7MOD_D_fabs_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_D_neg_
_DEFUN __neg
_LABEL __negdf2
subi R25, 0b10000000
_ENDF __neg
#endif /* F7MOD_D_neg_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_D_signbit_
_DEFUN __signbit
DALIAS signbit
LALIAS signbitl
bst R25, 7
clr R25
clr R24
bld R24, 0
_ENDF __signbit
#endif /* F7MOD_D_signbit_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_D_copysign_
_DEFUN __copysign
DALIAS copysign
LALIAS copysignl
bst R17, 7
bld R25, 7
_ENDF __copysign
#endif /* F7MOD_D_copysign_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_D_isinf_
_DEFUN __isinf
DALIAS isinf
LALIAS isinfl
F7call class_D
;; Inf: T = Z = 1.
brtc 0f
ldi R24, 1
breq 1f
clr R24
clr R25
_ENDF __isinf
#endif /* F7MOD_D_isinf_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_D_isnan_
_DEFUN __isnan
DALIAS isnan
LALIAS isnanl
F7call class_D
;; NaN: T = 1, Z = 0.
brtc 0f
ldi R24, 1
brne 1f
clr R24
clr R25
_ENDF __isnan
#endif /* F7MOD_D_isnan_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_D_isfinite_
_DEFUN __isfinite
DALIAS isfinite
LALIAS isfinitel
F7call class_D
;; Number <=> T = 0.
bld R24, 0
com R24
andi R24, 1
clr R25
_ENDF __isfinite
#endif /* F7MOD_D_isfinite_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_D_class_
;; The encoded exponent has 11 Bits.
#define MAX_BIASED_EXPO 0b0111111111110000
;; Classify a double in R18[]
;; Number: T-Flag = 0.
;; +-Inf : T-Flag = 1, Z-Flag = 1.
;; NaN : T-Flag = 1, Z-Flag = 0.
DEFUN class_D
wmov R26, R24
andi R26, lo8 (MAX_BIASED_EXPO)
andi R27, hi8 (MAX_BIASED_EXPO)
subi R26, lo8 (MAX_BIASED_EXPO)
sbci R27, hi8 (MAX_BIASED_EXPO)
brne .L.number
;; Set sign and expo to 0.
clr R25
andi R24, lo8 (~MAX_BIASED_EXPO)
;; What remains is the mantissa.
;; Mantissa == 0 => +/-Inf.
;; Mantissa != 0 => NaN.
;; Compare R18[] against sign_extend(R26) with R26 = 0.
.global __cmpdi2_s8
XJMP __cmpdi2_s8
ENDF class_D
#endif /* F7MOD_D_class_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_call_dd_
;; Provide double wrappers for functions that operate on f7_t and get f7_t*.
;; We set up a frame of sizeof(f7_t), convert the input double in R18[] to
;; f7_t in that frame location, then call *Z and finally convert the result f7_t
;; to double R18[] if that's requested.
;; call_dd: double func (double A)
;; void (*Z) (f7_t *aa, const f7_t *aa)
;; call_dx: double func (type_t A) , sizeof(type_t) <= 4
;; void (*Z) (f7_t *aa, type_t)
;; call_xd: type_t func (double A)
;; type_t (*Z) (const f7_t *aa)
;; call_ddx: double func (double A, word_t) , sizeof (word_t) <= 2
;; void (*Z) (f7_t *aa, const f7_t *aa, word_t)
#define WHAT R13
DEFUN call_dd ; WHAT = R13 = 3
inc ZERO
LABEL call_xd ; WHAT = R13 = 2
inc ZERO
LABEL call_ddx ; WHAT = R13 = 1
inc ZERO
LABEL call_dx ; WHAT = R13 = 0
push WHAT
clr ZERO
;; R14/R15 hold Z, the address of the f7_worker function, until we need it.
push r14
push r15
wmov r14, Z
#define n_pushed 4
#define n_frame 10
do_prologue_saves n_pushed, n_frame
;; Y = FramePointer + 1
adiw Y, 1
dec WHAT
brmi .Ldx ; WHAT was initially 0.
;; FP + 1 = (f7_t) arg1
wmov r16, Y
;; The double argument is in R18[].
XCALL F7_NAME (set_double_impl)
tst WHAT
brne .Lno.ddx ; WHAT was initially != 1.
;; call_ddx: Set R20/21 to the 2-byte scalar / pointer argument.
;; Fetch it from where prologue_saves put it.
ldd r20, Y + n_frame + 3 ; Saved R16
ldd r21, Y + n_frame + 2 ; Saved R17
wmov r22, Y ; &arg1 (input)
wmov r24, Y ; &arg1 (output)
wmov Z, r14
dec WHAT
breq .Lepilogue ; WHAT was initially 2: Return non-double.
wmov r24, Y ; &arg1
XCALL F7_NAME (get_double)
;; + 3 to account for R13...R15 pushed prior to do_prologue_saves.
do_epilogue_restores n_pushed + 3, n_frame
;; call_dx: Copy the 4-byte input scalar from R22[4] to R20[4].
wmov r20, r22
wmov r22, r24
rjmp .Ldo.dx
ENDF call_dd
#endif /* F7MOD_call_dd_ */
#ifdef F7MOD_call_ddd_
;; Provide double wrappers for functions that operate on f7_t and get f7_t*.
;; We set up a frame of 2 * sizeof(f7_t), convert the input doubles in R18[]
;; and R10[] to f7_t in these frame locations, then call *Z and finally
;; convert the result f7_t to double R18[] if that's requested.
;; call_ddd: double func (double A, double B)
;; void (*Z) (f7_t *aa, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
;; call_xdd: type_t func (double A, double B)
;; type_t (*Z) (const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
DEFUN call_ddd
inc ZERO
LABEL call_xdd
;; R8/R9 hold Z, the address of the f7_worker function, until we need it.
push r9
push r8
wmov r8, Z
;; This is an argument to call.2 and will be accessed by the arg pointer.
push ZERO
clr ZERO
rcall call.2
pop TMP
pop r8
pop r9
#define n_pushed 4
#define n_frame 20
do_prologue_saves n_pushed, n_frame
;; Y = FramePointer + 1
adiw Y, 1
;; FP + 1 = (f7_t) arg1
wmov r16, Y
;; First double argument is already in R18[].
XCALL F7_NAME (set_double_impl)
;; FP + 11 = (f7_t) arg2
wmov r16, Y
subi r16, lo8 (-10)
sbci r17, hi8 (-10)
;; Move second double argument to R18[].
wmov r18, r10
wmov r20, r12
wmov r22, r14
;; Get high word of arg2 from where prologue_saves put it.
ldd r24, Y + n_frame + 3 ; Saved R16
ldd r25, Y + n_frame + 2 ; Saved R17
XCALL F7_NAME (set_double_impl)
;; Z (f7_t *arg1, const f7_t *arg1, const f7_t *arg2)
wmov Z, r8
wmov r24, Y ; &arg1
;; WHAT == 0 => call_xdd
;; WHAT != 0 => call_ddd
ldd TMP, Y + n_frame + n_pushed + PC_SIZE
tst TMP
breq .Lxdd
wmov r22, Y ; &arg1
wmov r20, r16 ; &arg2
wmov r24, Y ; &arg1
XCALL F7_NAME (get_double)
do_epilogue_restores n_pushed, n_frame
wmov r22, r16 ; &arg2
rjmp .Lepilogue
ENDF call_ddd
#endif /* F7MOD_call_ddd_ */
#include "f7-wraps.h"
#endif /* !AVR_TINY */