// Written in the D programming language. /** * Demangle D mangled names. * * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2009. * License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). * Authors: $(HTTP digitalmars.com, Walter Bright), * Thomas K$(UUML)hne, Frits van Bommel * Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/_demangle.d) * $(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;) */ /* * Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2009. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ module std.demangle; /+ private class MangleException : Exception { this() { super("MangleException"); } } +/ /***************************** * Demangle D mangled names. * * If it is not a D mangled name, it returns its argument name. * Example: * This program reads standard in and writes it to standard out, * pretty-printing any found D mangled names. ------------------- import core.stdc.stdio : stdin; import std.stdio; import std.ascii; import std.demangle; void test(int x, float y) { } int main() { string buffer; bool inword; int c; writefln("Try typing in: %s", test.mangleof); while ((c = fgetc(stdin)) != EOF) { if (inword) { if (c == '_' || isAlphaNum(c)) buffer ~= cast(char) c; else { inword = false; write(demangle(buffer), cast(char) c); } } else { if (c == '_' || isAlpha(c)) { inword = true; buffer.length = 0; buffer ~= cast(char) c; } else write(cast(char) c); } } if (inword) write(demangle(buffer)); return 0; } ------------------- */ string demangle(string name) { import core.demangle : demangle; import std.exception : assumeUnique; auto ret = demangle(name); return assumeUnique(ret); } |