/* $NetBSD: postconf_node.c,v 1.2 2017/02/14 01:16:46 christos Exp $ */
/* postconf_node 3
/* low-level parameter node support
/* #include <postconf.h>
/* ssize_t size;
/* PCF_PARAM_TABLE *table;
/* const char *PCF_PARAM_INFO_NAME(info)
/* PCF_PARAM_INFO *info;
/* PCF_PARAM_INFO *info;
/* PCF_PARAM_TABLE *table;
/* const char *name;
/* PCF_PARAM_TABLE *table;
/* const char *name;
/* PCF_PARAM_INFO *PCF_PARAM_TABLE_ENTER(table, name, flags,
/* param_data, convert_fn)
/* PCF_PARAM_TABLE *table;
/* const char *name;
/* int flags;
/* void *param_data;
/* const char *(*convert_fn)(void *);
/* PCF_PARAM_NODE *pcf_make_param_node(flags, param_data, convert_fn)
/* int flags;
/* void *param_data;
/* const char *(*convert_fn) (void *);
/* const char *pcf_convert_param_node(mode, name, node)
/* int mode;
/* const char *name;
/* PCF_PARAM_NODE *node;
/* VSTRING *pcf_param_string_buf;
/* const PCF_PARAM_NODE *node;
/* This module maintains data structures (PCF_PARAM_NODE) with
/* information about known-legitimate parameters. These data
/* structures are stored in a hash table.
/* The PCF_PARAM_MUMBLE() macros are wrappers around the
/* htable(3) module. Their sole purpose is to encapsulate all
/* the pointer casting from and to (PCF_PARAM_NODE *). Apart
/* from that, the macros have no features worth discussing.
/* pcf_make_param_node() creates a node for the global parameter
/* table. This node provides a parameter default value, and a
/* function that converts the default value to string.
/* pcf_convert_param_node() produces a string representation
/* for a global parameter default value.
/* PCF_RAW_PARAMETER() returns non-zero if the specified
/* parameter node represents a "raw parameter". The value of
/* such parameters must not be scanned for macro names. Some
/* "raw parameter" values contain "$" without macros, such as
/* the smtpd_expansion_filter "safe character" set; and some
/* contain $name from a private name space, such as forward_path.
/* Some "raw parameter" values in postscreen(8) are safe to
/* expand by one level. Support for that may be added later.
/* pcf_param_string_buf is a buffer that is initialized on the
/* fly and that parameter-to-string conversion functions may
/* use for temporary result storage.
/* Arguments:
/* .IP size
/* The initial size of the hash table.
/* .IP table
/* A hash table for storage of "valid parameter" information.
/* .IP info
/* A data structure with a name component and a PCF_PARAM_NODE
/* to access these components.
/* .IP name
/* The name of a "valid parameter".
/* .IP flags
/* PCF_PARAM_FLAG_RAW for a "raw parameter", PCF_PARAM_FLAG_NONE
/* otherwise. See the PCF_RAW_PARAMETER() discussion above for
/* discussion of "raw parameter" values.
/* .IP param_data
/* Information about the parameter value. Specify PCF_PARAM_NO_DATA
/* if this is not applicable.
/* .IP convert_fn
/* The function that will be invoked to produce a string
/* representation of the information in param_data. The function
/* receives the param_data value as argument.
/* .IP mode
/* For now, the PCF_SHOW_DEFS flag is required.
/* .IP name
/* The name of the parameter whose value is requested. This
/* is used for diagnostics.
/* .IP node
/* The (flags, param_data, convert_fn) information that needs
/* to be converted to a string representation of the default
/* value.
/* Problems are reported to the standard error stream.
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software.
/* Wietse Venema
/* IBM T.J. Watson Research
/* P.O. Box 704
/* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
/* System library. */
#include <sys_defs.h>
/* Utility library. */
#include <msg.h>
#include <mymalloc.h>
#include <vstring.h>
/* Application-specific. */
#include <postconf.h>
VSTRING *pcf_param_string_buf;
/* pcf_make_param_node - make node for global parameter table */
PCF_PARAM_NODE *pcf_make_param_node(int flags, void *param_data,
const char *(*convert_fn) (void *))
node = (PCF_PARAM_NODE *) mymalloc(sizeof(*node));
node->flags = flags;
node->param_data = param_data;
node->convert_fn = convert_fn;
return (node);
/* pcf_convert_param_node - get default parameter value */
const char *pcf_convert_param_node(int mode, const char *name, PCF_PARAM_NODE *node)
const char *myname = "pcf_convert_param_node";
const char *value;
* One-off initialization.
if (pcf_param_string_buf == 0)
pcf_param_string_buf = vstring_alloc(100);
* Sanity check. A null value indicates that a parameter does not have
* the requested value. At this time, the only requested value can be the
* default value, and a null pointer value makes no sense here.
if ((mode & PCF_SHOW_DEFS) == 0)
msg_panic("%s: request for non-default value of parameter %s",
myname, name);
if ((value = node->convert_fn(node->param_data)) == 0)
msg_panic("%s: parameter %s has null pointer default value",
myname, name);
* Return the parameter default value.
return (value);