include start input "testing\n" call2 OK "testing" mvgetnstr 2 1 10 compare mvgetnstr1.chk input "1234567\n" call2 OK "123" mvgetnstr 3 2 4 compare mvgetnstr2.chk # try a couple of backspaces, this should erase characters, we have # embedded a cursor left sequence too but this should not be interpreted input "abc\010\010def\eODgh\n" call2 OK "adef" mvgetnstr 4 1 5 compare mvgetnstr3.chk # turn on keypad so the embedded cursor key will affect the result call OK keypad STDSCR $TRUE input "abc\010\010def\eODgh\n" call2 OK "adeg" mvgetnstr 2 2 5 compare mvgetnstr4.chk |