/* $NetBSD: msg_179.c,v 1.5 2023/03/28 14:44:35 rillig Exp $ */ # 3 "msg_179.c" // Test for message: cannot initialize struct/union with no named member [179] /* lint1-extra-flags: -X 351 */ struct { unsigned int :0; } no_named_member = { /* expect-1: error: cannot initialize struct/union with no named member [179] */ /* no named member, therefore no initializer expression */ }; struct { /* no members */ } empty = { /* expect-1: error: cannot initialize struct/union with no named member [179] */ /* no initializer expressions */ }; struct { unsigned int: 0; } no_named_member_init = { /* expect-1: error: cannot initialize struct/union with no named member [179] */ 3, }; |