#! /usr/bin/lua -- $NetBSD: check-msgs.lua,v 1.2 2021/09/10 21:05:08 rillig Exp $ --[[ usage: lua ./check-msgs.lua *.c Check that the message text in the comments of the C source code matches the actual user-visible message text in msg.c. ]] local function load_messages(fname) local msgs = {} ---@type table<number>string local f = assert(io.open(fname, "r")) for line in f:lines() do local msg, id = line:match("%s*\"(.+)\",%s*/%*%s*(%d+)%s*%*/$") if msg ~= nil then msgs[tonumber(id)] = msg end end f:close() return msgs end local had_errors = false ---@param fmt string function print_error(fmt, ...) print(fmt:format(...)) had_errors = true end local function check_message(fname, lineno, id, comment, msgs) local msg = msgs[id] if msg == nil then print_error("%s:%d: id=%d not found", fname, lineno, id) return end msg = msg:gsub("/%*", "**") msg = msg:gsub("%*/", "**") msg = msg:gsub("\\t", "\\\\t") -- for lint2 msg = msg:gsub("\\(.)", "%1") if comment == msg then return end local prefix = comment:match("^(.-)%s*%.%.%.$") if prefix ~= nil and msg:find(prefix, 1, 1) == 1 then return end print_error("%s:%d: id=%-3d msg=%-40s comment=%s", fname, lineno, id, msg, comment) end local function check_file(fname, msgs) local f = assert(io.open(fname, "r")) local lineno = 0 local prev = "" for line in f:lines() do lineno = lineno + 1 local func, id = line:match("^%s+(%w+)%((%d+)[),]") id = tonumber(id) if func == "msg" then local comment = prev:match("^%s+/%* (.+) %*/$") if comment ~= nil then check_message(fname, lineno, id, comment, msgs) else print_error("%s:%d: missing comment for %d: /* %s */", fname, lineno, id, msgs[id]) end end prev = line end f:close() end local function main(arg) local msgs = load_messages("msg.c") for _, fname in ipairs(arg) do check_file(fname, msgs) end end main(arg) os.exit(not had_errors) |