Handle private_key_ops better, esp wrt ->key_oid Better support for keyex negotiation, DH and ECDH. x501 name parsing comparing (ldap canonlisation rules) DSA support DSA2 support Rewrite the pkcs11 code to support the following: * Reset the pin on card change. * Ref count the lock structure to make sure we have a prompter when we need it. * Add support for CK_TOKEN_INFO.CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH x509 policy mappings support CRL delta support Qualified statement https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=277797#c2 Signed Receipts http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2634.html chapter 2 tests nist tests name constrains policy mappings http://csrc.nist.gov/pki/testing/x509paths.html building path using Subject/Issuer vs SubjKeyID vs AuthKeyID negative tests all checksums conditions/branches pkcs7 handle pkcs7 support in CMS ? certificate request generate pkcs10 request from existing cert generate CRMF request pk-init KDC/client web server/client jabber server/client email x509 issues: OtherName is left unspecified, but it's used by other specs. creating this hole where a application/CA can't specify policy for SubjectAltName what covers whole space. For example, a CA is trusted to provide authentication but not authorization. |