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Elixir Cross Referencer

Helper functions for working with $(I C strings).

This module is intended to provide fast, safe and garbage free
way to work with $(I C strings).

Copyright: Denis Shelomovskij 2013-2014

License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0).

Authors: Denis Shelomovskij

COREREF = $(HTTP$1.html#$2, $(D core.$1.$2))
module std.internal.cstring;

@safe unittest
    version (Posix)
        import core.stdc.stdlib : free;
        import core.sys.posix.stdlib : setenv;
        import std.exception : enforce;

        void setEnvironment(in char[] name, in char[] value)
        { enforce(setenv(name.tempCString(), value.tempCString(), 1) != -1); }

    version (Windows)
        import : SetEnvironmentVariableW;
        import std.exception : enforce;

        void setEnvironment(in char[] name, in char[] value)
        { enforce(SetEnvironmentVariableW(name.tempCStringW(), value.tempCStringW())); }

import std.range;
import std.traits;

version (unittest)
@property inout(C)[] asArray(C)(inout C* cstr) pure nothrow @nogc @trusted
if (isSomeChar!C)
in { assert(cstr); }
    size_t length = 0;
    while (cstr[length])
    return cstr[0 .. length];

Creates temporary 0-terminated $(I C string) with copy of passed text.

    To = character type of returned C string
    str = string or input range to be converted


The value returned is implicitly convertible to $(D const To*) and
has two properties: $(D ptr) to access $(I C string) as $(D const To*)
and $(D buffPtr) to access it as $(D To*).

The value returned can be indexed by [] to access it as an array.

The temporary $(I C string) is valid unless returned object is destroyed.
Thus if returned object is assigned to a variable the temporary is
valid unless the variable goes out of scope. If returned object isn't
assigned to a variable it will be destroyed at the end of creating
primary expression.

For small strings tempCString will use stack allocated buffer,
for large strings (approximately 250 characters and more) it will
allocate temporary one using C's $(D malloc).

This function is intended to be used in function call expression (like
$(D strlen(str.tempCString()))). Incorrect usage of this function may
lead to memory corruption.
See $(RED WARNING) in $(B Examples) section.

auto tempCString(To = char, From)(From str)
if (isSomeChar!To && (isInputRange!From || isSomeString!From) &&

    alias CF = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!From);

    enum To* useStack = () @trusted { return cast(To*) size_t.max; }();

    static struct Res
    nothrow @nogc:

        @disable this();
        @disable this(this);
        alias ptr this;

        @property inout(To)* buffPtr() inout pure
            return _ptr == useStack ? _buff.ptr : _ptr;

        @property const(To)* ptr() const pure
            return buffPtr;

        const(To)[] opIndex() const pure
            return buffPtr[0 .. _length];

            if (_ptr != useStack)
                import core.stdc.stdlib : free;

        To* _ptr;
        size_t _length;        // length of the string

        // the 'small string optimization'
        version (unittest)
            // smaller size to trigger reallocations. Padding is to account for
            // unittest/non-unittest cross-compilation (to avoid corruption)
            To[16 / To.sizeof] _buff;
            To[(256 - 16) / To.sizeof] _unittest_pad;
            To[256 / To.sizeof] _buff; // production size

        static Res trustedVoidInit() { Res res = void; return res; }

    Res res = Res.trustedVoidInit();     // expensive to fill _buff[]

    // Note: res._ptr can't point to res._buff as structs are movable.

    To[] p;
    bool p_is_onstack = true;
    size_t i;

    static To[] trustedRealloc(To[] buf, size_t i, To[] res, size_t strLength, bool res_is_onstack)
        @trusted @nogc nothrow
        pragma(inline, false);  // because it's rarely called

        import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError;
        import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, realloc;
        import core.stdc.string : memcpy;

        if (res_is_onstack)
            size_t newlen = res.length * 3 / 2;
            if (newlen <= strLength)
                newlen = strLength + 1; // +1 for terminating 0
            auto ptr = cast(To*) malloc(newlen * To.sizeof);
            if (!ptr)
            memcpy(ptr, res.ptr, i * To.sizeof);
            return ptr[0 .. newlen];
            if (buf.length >= size_t.max / (2 * To.sizeof))
            const newlen = buf.length * 3 / 2;
            auto ptr = cast(To*) realloc(buf.ptr, newlen * To.sizeof);
            if (!ptr)
            return ptr[0 .. newlen];

    size_t strLength;
    static if (hasLength!From)
        strLength = str.length;
    import std.utf : byUTF;
    static if (isSomeString!From)
        auto r = cast(const(CF)[])str;  // because inout(CF) causes problems with byUTF
        if (r is null)  // Bugzilla 14980
            res._ptr = null;
            return res;
        alias r = str;
    To[] q = res._buff;
    foreach (const c; byUTF!(Unqual!To)(r))
        if (i + 1 == q.length)
            p = trustedRealloc(p, i, res._buff, strLength, p_is_onstack);
            p_is_onstack = false;
            q = p;
        q[i++] = c;
    q[i] = 0;
    res._length = i;
    res._ptr = p_is_onstack ? useStack : &p[0];
    return res;

nothrow @nogc @system unittest
    import core.stdc.string;

    string str = "abc";

    // Intended usage
    assert(strlen(str.tempCString()) == 3);

    // Correct usage
    auto tmp = str.tempCString();
    assert(strlen(tmp) == 3); // or `tmp.ptr`, or `tmp.buffPtr`

    // $(RED WARNING): $(RED Incorrect usage)
    auto pInvalid1 = str.tempCString().ptr;
    const char* pInvalid2 = str.tempCString();
    // Both pointers refer to invalid memory here as
    // returned values aren't assigned to a variable and
    // both primary expressions are ended.

@safe nothrow @nogc unittest
    assert("abc".tempCString().asArray == "abc");
    assert("abc"d.tempCString().ptr.asArray == "abc");
    assert("abc".tempCString!wchar().buffPtr.asArray == "abc"w);

    import std.utf : byChar, byWchar;
    char[300] abc = 'a';
    assert(tempCString(abc[].byChar).buffPtr.asArray == abc);
    assert(tempCString(abc[].byWchar).buffPtr.asArray == abc);
    assert(tempCString(abc[].byChar)[] == abc);

// Bugzilla 14980
nothrow @nogc @safe unittest
    const(char[]) str = null;
    auto res = tempCString(str);
    const char* ptr = res;
    assert(ptr is null);

version (Windows)
    alias tempCStringW = tempCString!(wchar, const(char)[]);