/* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* http://www.digitalmars.com
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/blob/master/src/root/speller.c
#include "dsystem.h"
#include "speller.h"
const char idchars[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_";
* combine a new result from the spell checker to
* find the one with the closest symbol with
* respect to the cost defined by the search function
* Input/Output:
* p best found spelling (NULL if none found yet)
* cost cost of p (INT_MAX if none found yet)
* Input:
* np new found spelling (NULL if none found)
* ncost cost of np if non-NULL
* Returns:
* true if the cost is less or equal 0
* false otherwise
bool combineSpellerResult(void*& p, int& cost, void* np, int ncost)
if (np && ncost < cost)
p = np;
cost = ncost;
if (cost <= 0)
return true;
return false;
void *spellerY(const char *seed, size_t seedlen, fp_speller_t fp, void *fparg,
const char *charset, size_t index, int* cost)
if (!seedlen)
return NULL;
assert(seed[seedlen] == 0);
char tmp[30];
char *buf;
if (seedlen <= sizeof(tmp) - 2)
buf = tmp;
buf = (char *)alloca(seedlen + 2); // leave space for extra char
if (!buf)
return NULL; // no matches
memcpy(buf, seed, index);
*cost = INT_MAX;
void* p = NULL;
int ncost = 0;
/* Delete at seed[index] */
if (index < seedlen)
memcpy(buf + index, seed + index + 1, seedlen - index);
assert(buf[seedlen - 1] == 0);
void* np = (*fp)(fparg, buf, &ncost);
if (combineSpellerResult(p, *cost, np, ncost))
return p;
if (charset && *charset)
/* Substitutions */
if (index < seedlen)
memcpy(buf, seed, seedlen + 1);
for (const char *s = charset; *s; s++)
buf[index] = *s;
//printf("sub buf = '%s'\n", buf);
void* np = (*fp)(fparg, buf, &ncost);
if (combineSpellerResult(p, *cost, np, ncost))
return p;
assert(buf[seedlen] == 0);
/* Insertions */
memcpy (buf + index + 1, seed + index, seedlen + 1 - index);
for (const char *s = charset; *s; s++)
buf[index] = *s;
//printf("ins buf = '%s'\n", buf);
void* np = (*fp)(fparg, buf, &ncost);
if (combineSpellerResult(p, *cost, np, ncost))
return p;
assert(buf[seedlen + 1] == 0);
return p; // return "best" result
void *spellerX(const char *seed, size_t seedlen, fp_speller_t fp, void *fparg,
const char *charset, int flag)
if (!seedlen)
return NULL;
char tmp[30];
char *buf;
if (seedlen <= sizeof(tmp) - 2)
buf = tmp;
buf = (char *)alloca(seedlen + 2); // leave space for extra char
if (!buf)
return NULL; // no matches
int cost = INT_MAX, ncost = 0;
void *p = NULL, *np;
/* Deletions */
memcpy(buf, seed + 1, seedlen);
for (size_t i = 0; i < seedlen; i++)
//printf("del buf = '%s'\n", buf);
if (flag)
np = spellerY(buf, seedlen - 1, fp, fparg, charset, i, &ncost);
np = (*fp)(fparg, buf, &ncost);
if (combineSpellerResult(p, cost, np, ncost))
return p;
buf[i] = seed[i];
/* Transpositions */
if (!flag)
memcpy(buf, seed, seedlen + 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < seedlen; i++)
// swap [i] and [i + 1]
buf[i] = seed[i + 1];
buf[i + 1] = seed[i];
//printf("tra buf = '%s'\n", buf);
if (combineSpellerResult(p, cost, (*fp)(fparg, buf, &ncost), ncost))
return p;
buf[i] = seed[i];
if (charset && *charset)
/* Substitutions */
memcpy(buf, seed, seedlen + 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < seedlen; i++)
for (const char *s = charset; *s; s++)
buf[i] = *s;
//printf("sub buf = '%s'\n", buf);
if (flag)
np = spellerY(buf, seedlen, fp, fparg, charset, i + 1, &ncost);
np = (*fp)(fparg, buf, &ncost);
if (combineSpellerResult(p, cost, np, ncost))
return p;
buf[i] = seed[i];
/* Insertions */
memcpy(buf + 1, seed, seedlen + 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i <= seedlen; i++) // yes, do seedlen+1 iterations
for (const char *s = charset; *s; s++)
buf[i] = *s;
//printf("ins buf = '%s'\n", buf);
if (flag)
np = spellerY(buf, seedlen + 1, fp, fparg, charset, i + 1, &ncost);
np = (*fp)(fparg, buf, &ncost);
if (combineSpellerResult(p, cost, np, ncost))
return p;
buf[i] = seed[i]; // going past end of seed[] is ok, as we hit the 0
return p; // return "best" result
* Looks for correct spelling.
* Currently only looks a 'distance' of one from the seed[].
* This does an exhaustive search, so can potentially be very slow.
* Input:
* seed wrongly spelled word
* fp search function
* fparg argument to search function
* charset character set
* Returns:
* NULL no correct spellings found
* void* value returned by fp() for first possible correct spelling
void *speller(const char *seed, fp_speller_t fp, void *fparg, const char *charset)
size_t seedlen = strlen(seed);
size_t maxdist = seedlen < 4 ? seedlen / 2 : 2;
for (size_t distance = 0; distance < maxdist; distance++)
{ void *p = spellerX(seed, seedlen, fp, fparg, charset, distance);
if (p)
return p;
// if (seedlen > 10)
// break;
return NULL; // didn't find it