# $NetBSD: files.landisk,v 1.7 2021/04/25 13:33:27 thorpej Exp $
# maxpartitions must be first item in files.${MACHINE}
maxpartitions 16
maxusers 2 16 64
file arch/landisk/landisk/autoconf.c
file arch/landisk/landisk/bus_dma.c
file arch/landisk/landisk/clock_machdep.c
file arch/landisk/landisk/consinit.c
file arch/landisk/landisk/intr.c
file arch/landisk/landisk/machdep.c
file kern/subr_disk_mbr.c disk
# kloader
defflag opt_kloader.h KLOADER
defflag debug_kloader.h KLOADER_DEBUG
defparam opt_kloader_kernel_path.h KLOADER_KERNEL_PATH
file dev/kloader.c kloader
file arch/landisk/landisk/kloader_machdep.c kloader
# Memory Disk for install floppy
file dev/md_root.c memory_disk_hooks
# System bus types
device mainbus { }
attach mainbus at root
file arch/landisk/landisk/mainbus.c mainbus
device cpu
attach cpu at mainbus
file arch/sh3/sh3/cpu.c cpu
# Machine-independent SCSI drivers
include "dev/scsipi/files.scsipi"
# Machine-independent ATA drivers
include "dev/ata/files.ata"
# Machine-independent I2O drivers
include "dev/i2o/files.i2o"
# PCI bus
include "dev/pci/files.pci"
include "arch/sh3/conf/files.shpcic"
file arch/landisk/landisk/shpcic_machdep.c shpcic
# USB drivers
include "dev/usb/files.usb"
# SH bus
include "arch/sh3/conf/files.shb"
# Ricoh RS5C313 Real Time Clock
device rs5c313rtc: rs5c313
attach rs5c313rtc at shb with rs5c313_landisk
file arch/landisk/dev/rs5c313_landisk.c rs5c313_landisk
# on-board I/O bus
device obio { [port = -1], [size = 0], [iomem = -1], [iosiz = 0], [irq = -1] }
attach obio at mainbus
file arch/landisk/dev/obio.c obio needs-flag
attach wdc at obio with wdc_obio
file arch/landisk/dev/wdc_obio.c wdc_obio needs-flag
define button
file arch/landisk/dev/button.c button
device btn: sysmon_power, sysmon_taskq, button
attach btn at obio with btn_obio
file arch/landisk/dev/btn_obio.c btn_obio needs-flag
device pwrsw: sysmon_power, sysmon_taskq
attach pwrsw at obio with pwrsw_obio
file arch/landisk/dev/pwrsw_obio.c pwrsw_obio needs-flag
#device led
#attach led at obio
#file arch/landisk/dev/led_obio.c led needs-flag
include "arch/landisk/conf/majors.landisk"