# The last entry for any duplicate node should take precedence. . type=dir # directory "a" with only one entry, changing from dir to link ./a type=dir ./a/change-dir-to-link type=dir mode=0755 ./a/change-dir-to-link type=link mode=0755 # directory "b" with only one entry, changing from link to dir ./b type=dir ./b/change-link-to-dir type=link mode=0755 ./b/change-link-to-dir type=dir mode=0755 # directory "c" with multiple entries, one changing from dir to link ./c type=dir ./c/aaa type=file ./c/zzz type=file ./c/change-dir-to-link type=dir mode=0755 ./c/change-dir-to-link type=link mode=0755 # directory "d" with multiple entries, one changing from link to dir ./d type=dir ./d/aaa type=file ./d/zzz type=file ./d/change-link-to-dir type=link mode=0755 ./d/change-link-to-dir type=dir mode=0755 |