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Elixir Cross Referencer

 * Argon2 reference source code package - reference C implementations
 * Copyright 2015
 * Daniel Dinu, Dmitry Khovratovich, Jean-Philippe Aumasson, and Samuel Neves
 * You may use this work under the terms of a Creative Commons CC0 1.0
 * License/Waiver or the Apache Public License 2.0, at your option. The terms of
 * these licenses can be found at:
 * - CC0 1.0 Universal :
 * - Apache 2.0        :
 * You should have received a copy of both of these licenses along with this
 * software. If not, they may be obtained at the above URLs.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "argon2.h"

#define OUT_LEN 32
#define ENCODED_LEN 108

/* Test harness will assert:
 * argon2_hash() returns ARGON2_OK
 * HEX output matches expected
 * encoded output matches expected
 * argon2_verify() correctly verifies value

void hashtest(uint32_t version, uint32_t t, uint32_t m, uint32_t p, char *pwd,
              char *salt, char *hexref, char *mcfref, argon2_type type) {
    unsigned char out[OUT_LEN];
    unsigned char hex_out[OUT_LEN * 2 + 4];
    char encoded[ENCODED_LEN];
    int ret, i;

    printf("Hash test: $v=%d t=%d, m=%d, p=%d, pass=%s, salt=%s: ", version,
           t, m, p, pwd, salt);

    ret = argon2_hash(t, 1 << m, p, pwd, strlen(pwd), salt, strlen(salt), out,
                      OUT_LEN, encoded, ENCODED_LEN, type, version);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_OK);

    for (i = 0; i < OUT_LEN; ++i)
        sprintf((char *)(hex_out + i * 2), "%02x", out[i]);
    assert(memcmp(hex_out, hexref, OUT_LEN * 2) == 0);

    if (ARGON2_VERSION_NUMBER == version) {
        assert(memcmp(encoded, mcfref, strlen(mcfref)) == 0);

    ret = argon2_verify(encoded, pwd, strlen(pwd), type);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_OK);
    ret = argon2_verify(mcfref, pwd, strlen(pwd), type);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_OK);


int main() {
    int ret;
    unsigned char out[OUT_LEN];
    char const *msg;
    int version;

    version = ARGON2_VERSION_10;
    printf("Test Argon2i version number: %02x\n", version);

    /* Multiple test cases for various input values */
    hashtest(version, 2, 16, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$9sTbSlTio3Biev89thdrlKKiCaYsjjYVJxGAL3swxpQ", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 2, 20, 1, "password", "somesalt",
            "$lpDsVdKNPtMlYvLnPqYrArAYdXZDoq5ueVKEWd6BBuk", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 2, 18, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$Pmiaqj0op3zyvHKlGsUxZnYXURgvHuKS4/Z3p9pMJGc", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 2, 8, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$/U3YPXYsSb3q9XxHvc0MLxur+GP960kN9j7emXX8zwY", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 2, 8, 2, "password", "somesalt",
             "$tsEVYKap1h6scGt5ovl9aLRGOqOth+AMB+KwHpDFZPs", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 1, 16, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$gWMFUrjzsfSM2xmSxMZ4ZD1JCytetP9sSzQ4tWIXJLI", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 4, 16, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$8hLwFhXm6110c03D70Ct4tUdBSRo2MaUQKOh8sHChHs", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 2, 16, 1, "differentpassword", "somesalt",
             "$6ckCB0tnVFMaOgvlGeW69ASzDOabPwGsO/ISKZYBCaM", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 2, 16, 1, "password", "diffsalt",
             "$eaEDuQ/orvhXDLMfyLIiWXeJFvgza3vaw4kladTxxJc", Argon2_i);

    /* Error state tests */

    /* Handle an invalid encoding correctly (it is missing a $) */
    ret = argon2_verify("$argon2i$m=65536,t=2,p=1c29tZXNhbHQ"
                        "password", strlen("password"), Argon2_i);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_DECODING_FAIL);
    printf("Recognise an invalid encoding: PASS\n");

    /* Handle an invalid encoding correctly (it is missing a $) */
    ret = argon2_verify("$argon2i$m=65536,t=2,p=1$c29tZXNhbHQ"
                        "password", strlen("password"), Argon2_i);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_DECODING_FAIL);
    printf("Recognise an invalid encoding: PASS\n");

    /* Handle an invalid encoding correctly (salt is too short) */
    ret = argon2_verify("$argon2i$m=65536,t=2,p=1$"
                        "password", strlen("password"), Argon2_i);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_SALT_TOO_SHORT);
    printf("Recognise an invalid salt in encoding: PASS\n");

    /* Handle an mismatching hash (the encoded password is "passwore") */
    ret = argon2_verify("$argon2i$m=65536,t=2,p=1$c29tZXNhbHQ"
                        "password", strlen("password"), Argon2_i);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_VERIFY_MISMATCH);
    printf("Verify with mismatched password: PASS\n");

    msg = argon2_error_message(ARGON2_DECODING_FAIL);
    assert(strcmp(msg, "Decoding failed") == 0);
    printf("Decode an error message: PASS\n");


    version = ARGON2_VERSION_NUMBER;
    printf("Test Argon2i version number: %02x\n", version);

    /* Multiple test cases for various input values */
    hashtest(version, 2, 16, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$wWKIMhR9lyDFvRz9YTZweHKfbftvj+qf+YFY4NeBbtA", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 2, 20, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$0Vh6ygkiw7XWqD7asxvuPE667zQu1hJ6VdGbI1GtH0E", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 2, 18, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$KW266AuAfNzqrUSudBtQbxTbCVkmexg7EY+bJCKbx8s", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 2, 8, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$iekCn0Y3spW+sCcFanM2xBT63UP2sghkUoHLIUpWRS8", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 2, 8, 2, "password", "somesalt",
             "$T/XOJ2mh1/TIpJHfCdQan76Q5esCFVoT5MAeIM1Oq2E", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 1, 16, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$0WgHXE2YXhPr6uVgz4uUw7XYoWxRkWtvSsLaOsEbvs8", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 4, 16, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$qqlT1YrzcGzj3xrv1KZKhOMdf1QXUjHxKFJZ+IF0zls", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 2, 16, 1, "differentpassword", "somesalt",
             "$FK6NoBr+qHAMI1jc73xTWNkCEoK9iGY6RWL1n7dNIu4", Argon2_i);
    hashtest(version, 2, 16, 1, "password", "diffsalt",
             "$sDV8zPvvkfOGCw26RHsjSMvv7K2vmQq/6cxAcmxSEnE", Argon2_i);

    /* Error state tests */

    /* Handle an invalid encoding correctly (it is missing a $) */
    ret = argon2_verify("$argon2i$v=19$m=65536,t=2,p=1c29tZXNhbHQ"
                        "password", strlen("password"), Argon2_i);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_DECODING_FAIL);
    printf("Recognise an invalid encoding: PASS\n");

    /* Handle an invalid encoding correctly (it is missing a $) */
    ret = argon2_verify("$argon2i$v=19$m=65536,t=2,p=1$c29tZXNhbHQ"
                        "password", strlen("password"), Argon2_i);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_DECODING_FAIL);
    printf("Recognise an invalid encoding: PASS\n");

    /* Handle an invalid encoding correctly (salt is too short) */
    ret = argon2_verify("$argon2i$v=19$m=65536,t=2,p=1$"
                        "password", strlen("password"), Argon2_i);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_SALT_TOO_SHORT);
    printf("Recognise an invalid salt in encoding: PASS\n");

    /* Handle an mismatching hash (the encoded password is "passwore") */
    ret = argon2_verify("$argon2i$v=19$m=65536,t=2,p=1$c29tZXNhbHQ"
                        "password", strlen("password"), Argon2_i);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_VERIFY_MISMATCH);
    printf("Verify with mismatched password: PASS\n");

    msg = argon2_error_message(ARGON2_DECODING_FAIL);
    assert(strcmp(msg, "Decoding failed") == 0);
    printf("Decode an error message: PASS\n\n");

    printf("Test Argon2id version number: %02x\n", version);

    /* Multiple test cases for various input values */
    hashtest(version, 2, 16, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$CTFhFdXPJO1aFaMaO6Mm5c8y7cJHAph8ArZWb2GRPPc", Argon2_id);
    hashtest(version, 2, 18, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$eP4eyR+zqlZX1y5xCFTkw9m5GYx0L5YWwvCFvtlbLow", Argon2_id);
    hashtest(version, 2, 8, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$nf65EOgLrQMR/uIPnA4rEsF5h7TKyQwu9U1bMCHGi/4", Argon2_id);
    hashtest(version, 2, 8, 2, "password", "somesalt",
             "$bQk8UB/VmZZF4Oo79iDXuL5/0ttZwg2f/5U52iv1cDc", Argon2_id);
    hashtest(version, 1, 16, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$9qWtwbpyPd3vm1rB1GThgPzZ3/ydHL92zKL+15XZypg", Argon2_id);
    hashtest(version, 4, 16, 1, "password", "somesalt",
             "$kCXUjmjvc5XMqQedpMTsOv+zyJEf5PhtGiUghW9jFyw", Argon2_id);
    hashtest(version, 2, 16, 1, "differentpassword", "somesalt",
             "$C4TWUs9rDEvq7w3+J4umqA32aWKB1+DSiRuBfYxFj94", Argon2_id);
    hashtest(version, 2, 16, 1, "password", "diffsalt",
             "$vfMrBczELrFdWP0ZsfhWsRPaHppYdP3MVEMIVlqoFBw", Argon2_id);

    /* Common error state tests */

    printf("Common error state tests\n");

    ret = argon2_hash(2, 1, 1, "password", strlen("password"),
                      "diffsalt", strlen("diffsalt"),
                      out, OUT_LEN, NULL, 0, Argon2_id, version);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_MEMORY_TOO_LITTLE);
    printf("Fail on invalid memory: PASS\n");

    ret = argon2_hash(2, 1 << 12, 1, NULL, strlen("password"),
                      "diffsalt", strlen("diffsalt"),
                      out, OUT_LEN, NULL, 0, Argon2_id, version);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_PWD_PTR_MISMATCH);
    printf("Fail on invalid null pointer: PASS\n");

    ret = argon2_hash(2, 1 << 12, 1, "password", strlen("password"), "s", 1,
                      out, OUT_LEN, NULL, 0, Argon2_id, version);
    assert(ret == ARGON2_SALT_TOO_SHORT);
    printf("Fail on salt too short: PASS\n");

    return 0;