# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
""" This module is responsible to generate 'index.html' for the report.
The input for this step is the output directory, where individual reports
could be found. It parses those reports and generates 'index.html'. """
import re
import os
import os.path
import sys
import shutil
import plistlib
import glob
import json
import logging
import datetime
from libscanbuild import duplicate_check
from libscanbuild.clang import get_version
__all__ = ['document']
def document(args):
""" Generates cover report and returns the number of bugs/crashes. """
html_reports_available = args.output_format in {'html', 'plist-html', 'sarif-html'}
sarif_reports_available = args.output_format in {'sarif', 'sarif-html'}
logging.debug('count crashes and bugs')
crash_count = sum(1 for _ in read_crashes(args.output))
bug_counter = create_counters()
for bug in read_bugs(args.output, html_reports_available):
result = crash_count + bug_counter.total
if html_reports_available and result:
use_cdb = os.path.exists(args.cdb)
logging.debug('generate index.html file')
# common prefix for source files to have sorter path
prefix = commonprefix_from(args.cdb) if use_cdb else os.getcwd()
# assemble the cover from multiple fragments
fragments = []
if bug_counter.total:
fragments.append(bug_summary(args.output, bug_counter))
fragments.append(bug_report(args.output, prefix))
if crash_count:
fragments.append(crash_report(args.output, prefix))
assemble_cover(args, prefix, fragments)
# copy additional files to the report
if use_cdb:
shutil.copy(args.cdb, args.output)
for fragment in fragments:
if sarif_reports_available:
logging.debug('merging sarif files')
return result
def assemble_cover(args, prefix, fragments):
""" Put together the fragments into a final report. """
import getpass
import socket
if args.html_title is None:
args.html_title = os.path.basename(prefix) + ' - analyzer results'
with open(os.path.join(args.output, 'index.html'), 'w') as handle:
indent = 0
|<!DOCTYPE html>
| <head>
| <title>{html_title}</title>
| <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="scanview.css"/>
| <script type='text/javascript' src="sorttable.js"></script>
| <script type='text/javascript' src='selectable.js'></script>
| </head>""", indent).format(html_title=args.html_title))
| <body>
| <h1>{html_title}</h1>
| <table>
| <tr><th>User:</th><td>{user_name}@{host_name}</td></tr>
| <tr><th>Working Directory:</th><td>{current_dir}</td></tr>
| <tr><th>Command Line:</th><td>{cmd_args}</td></tr>
| <tr><th>Clang Version:</th><td>{clang_version}</td></tr>
| <tr><th>Date:</th><td>{date}</td></tr>
| </table>""", indent).format(html_title=args.html_title,
cmd_args=' '.join(sys.argv),
for fragment in fragments:
# copy the content of fragments
with open(fragment, 'r') as input_handle:
shutil.copyfileobj(input_handle, handle)
| </body>
|</html>""", indent))
def bug_summary(output_dir, bug_counter):
""" Bug summary is a HTML table to give a better overview of the bugs. """
name = os.path.join(output_dir, 'summary.html.fragment')
with open(name, 'w') as handle:
indent = 4
|<h2>Bug Summary</h2>
| <thead>
| <tr>
| <td>Bug Type</td>
| <td>Quantity</td>
| <td class="sorttable_nosort">Display?</td>
| </tr>
| </thead>
| <tbody>""", indent))
| <tr style="font-weight:bold">
| <td class="SUMM_DESC">All Bugs</td>
| <td class="Q">{0}</td>
| <td>
| <center>
| <input checked type="checkbox" id="AllBugsCheck"
| onClick="CopyCheckedStateToCheckButtons(this);"/>
| </center>
| </td>
| </tr>""", indent).format(bug_counter.total))
for category, types in bug_counter.categories.items():
| <tr>
| <th>{0}</th><th colspan=2></th>
| </tr>""", indent).format(category))
for bug_type in types.values():
| <tr>
| <td class="SUMM_DESC">{bug_type}</td>
| <td class="Q">{bug_count}</td>
| <td>
| <center>
| <input checked type="checkbox"
| onClick="ToggleDisplay(this,'{bug_type_class}');"/>
| </center>
| </td>
| </tr>""", indent).format(**bug_type))
| </tbody>
|</table>""", indent))
return name
def bug_report(output_dir, prefix):
""" Creates a fragment from the analyzer reports. """
pretty = prettify_bug(prefix, output_dir)
bugs = (pretty(bug) for bug in read_bugs(output_dir, True))
name = os.path.join(output_dir, 'bugs.html.fragment')
with open(name, 'w') as handle:
indent = 4
|<table class="sortable" style="table-layout:automatic">
| <thead>
| <tr>
| <td>Bug Group</td>
| <td class="sorttable_sorted">
| Bug Type
| <span id="sorttable_sortfwdind"> ▾</span>
| </td>
| <td>File</td>
| <td>Function/Method</td>
| <td class="Q">Line</td>
| <td class="Q">Path Length</td>
| <td class="sorttable_nosort"></td>
| </tr>
| </thead>
| <tbody>""", indent))
for current in bugs:
| <tr class="{bug_type_class}">
| <td class="DESC">{bug_category}</td>
| <td class="DESC">{bug_type}</td>
| <td>{bug_file}</td>
| <td class="DESC">{bug_function}</td>
| <td class="Q">{bug_line}</td>
| <td class="Q">{bug_path_length}</td>
| <td><a href="{report_file}#EndPath">View Report</a></td>
| </tr>""", indent).format(**current))
handle.write(comment('REPORTBUG', {'id': current['report_file']}))
| </tbody>
|</table>""", indent))
return name
def crash_report(output_dir, prefix):
""" Creates a fragment from the compiler crashes. """
pretty = prettify_crash(prefix, output_dir)
crashes = (pretty(crash) for crash in read_crashes(output_dir))
name = os.path.join(output_dir, 'crashes.html.fragment')
with open(name, 'w') as handle:
indent = 4
|<h2>Analyzer Failures</h2>
|<p>The analyzer had problems processing the following files:</p>
| <thead>
| <tr>
| <td>Problem</td>
| <td>Source File</td>
| <td>Preprocessed File</td>
| <td>STDERR Output</td>
| </tr>
| </thead>
| <tbody>""", indent))
for current in crashes:
| <tr>
| <td>{problem}</td>
| <td>{source}</td>
| <td><a href="{file}">preprocessor output</a></td>
| <td><a href="{stderr}">analyzer std err</a></td>
| </tr>""", indent).format(**current))
handle.write(comment('REPORTPROBLEM', current))
| </tbody>
|</table>""", indent))
return name
def read_crashes(output_dir):
""" Generate a unique sequence of crashes from given output directory. """
return (parse_crash(filename)
for filename in glob.iglob(os.path.join(output_dir, 'failures',
def read_bugs(output_dir, html):
# type: (str, bool) -> Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]
""" Generate a unique sequence of bugs from given output directory.
Duplicates can be in a project if the same module was compiled multiple
times with different compiler options. These would be better to show in
the final report (cover) only once. """
def empty(file_name):
return os.stat(file_name).st_size == 0
duplicate = duplicate_check(
lambda bug: '{bug_line}.{bug_path_length}:{bug_file}'.format(**bug))
# get the right parser for the job.
parser = parse_bug_html if html else parse_bug_plist
# get the input files, which are not empty.
pattern = os.path.join(output_dir, '*.html' if html else '*.plist')
bug_files = (file for file in glob.iglob(pattern) if not empty(file))
for bug_file in bug_files:
for bug in parser(bug_file):
if not duplicate(bug):
yield bug
def merge_sarif_files(output_dir, sort_files=False):
""" Reads and merges all .sarif files in the given output directory.
Each sarif file in the output directory is understood as a single run
and thus appear separate in the top level runs array. This requires
modifying the run index of any embedded links in messages.
def empty(file_name):
return os.stat(file_name).st_size == 0
def update_sarif_object(sarif_object, runs_count_offset):
Given a SARIF object, checks its dictionary entries for a 'message' property.
If it exists, updates the message index of embedded links in the run index.
Recursively looks through entries in the dictionary.
if not isinstance(sarif_object, dict):
return sarif_object
if 'message' in sarif_object:
sarif_object['message'] = match_and_update_run(sarif_object['message'], runs_count_offset)
for key in sarif_object:
if isinstance(sarif_object[key], list):
# iterate through subobjects and update it.
arr = [update_sarif_object(entry, runs_count_offset) for entry in sarif_object[key]]
sarif_object[key] = arr
elif isinstance(sarif_object[key], dict):
sarif_object[key] = update_sarif_object(sarif_object[key], runs_count_offset)
# do nothing
return sarif_object
def match_and_update_run(message, runs_count_offset):
Given a SARIF message object, checks if the text property contains an embedded link and
updates the run index if necessary.
if 'text' not in message:
return message
# we only merge runs, so we only need to update the run index
pattern = re.compile(r'sarif:/runs/(\d+)')
text = message['text']
matches = re.finditer(pattern, text)
matches_list = list(matches)
# update matches from right to left to make increasing character length (9->10) smoother
for idx in range(len(matches_list) - 1, -1, -1):
match = matches_list[idx]
new_run_count = str(runs_count_offset + int(match.group(1)))
text = text[0:match.start(1)] + new_run_count + text[match.end(1):]
message['text'] = text
return message
sarif_files = (file for file in glob.iglob(os.path.join(output_dir, '*.sarif')) if not empty(file))
# exposed for testing since the order of files returned by glob is not guaranteed to be sorted
if sort_files:
sarif_files = list(sarif_files)
runs_count = 0
merged = {}
for sarif_file in sarif_files:
with open(sarif_file) as fp:
sarif = json.load(fp)
if 'runs' not in sarif:
# start with the first file
if not merged:
merged = sarif
# extract the run and append it to the merged output
for run in sarif['runs']:
new_run = update_sarif_object(run, runs_count)
runs_count += len(sarif['runs'])
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'results-merged.sarif'), 'w') as out:
json.dump(merged, out, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
def parse_bug_plist(filename):
""" Returns the generator of bugs from a single .plist file. """
content = plistlib.readPlist(filename)
files = content.get('files')
for bug in content.get('diagnostics', []):
if len(files) <= int(bug['location']['file']):
logging.warning('Parsing bug from "%s" failed', filename)
yield {
'result': filename,
'bug_type': bug['type'],
'bug_category': bug['category'],
'bug_line': int(bug['location']['line']),
'bug_path_length': int(bug['location']['col']),
'bug_file': files[int(bug['location']['file'])]
def parse_bug_html(filename):
""" Parse out the bug information from HTML output. """
patterns = [re.compile(r'<!-- BUGTYPE (?P<bug_type>.*) -->$'),
re.compile(r'<!-- BUGFILE (?P<bug_file>.*) -->$'),
re.compile(r'<!-- BUGPATHLENGTH (?P<bug_path_length>.*) -->$'),
re.compile(r'<!-- BUGLINE (?P<bug_line>.*) -->$'),
re.compile(r'<!-- BUGCATEGORY (?P<bug_category>.*) -->$'),
re.compile(r'<!-- BUGDESC (?P<bug_description>.*) -->$'),
re.compile(r'<!-- FUNCTIONNAME (?P<bug_function>.*) -->$')]
endsign = re.compile(r'<!-- BUGMETAEND -->')
bug = {
'report_file': filename,
'bug_function': 'n/a', # compatibility with < clang-3.5
'bug_category': 'Other',
'bug_line': 0,
'bug_path_length': 1
with open(filename) as handler:
for line in handler.readlines():
# do not read the file further
if endsign.match(line):
# search for the right lines
for regex in patterns:
match = regex.match(line.strip())
if match:
encode_value(bug, 'bug_line', int)
encode_value(bug, 'bug_path_length', int)
yield bug
def parse_crash(filename):
""" Parse out the crash information from the report file. """
match = re.match(r'(.*)\.info\.txt', filename)
name = match.group(1) if match else None
with open(filename, mode='rb') as handler:
# this is a workaround to fix windows read '\r\n' as new lines.
lines = [line.decode().rstrip() for line in handler.readlines()]
return {
'source': lines[0],
'problem': lines[1],
'file': name,
'info': name + '.info.txt',
'stderr': name + '.stderr.txt'
def category_type_name(bug):
""" Create a new bug attribute from bug by category and type.
The result will be used as CSS class selector in the final report. """
def smash(key):
""" Make value ready to be HTML attribute value. """
return bug.get(key, '').lower().replace(' ', '_').replace("'", '')
return escape('bt_' + smash('bug_category') + '_' + smash('bug_type'))
def create_counters():
""" Create counters for bug statistics.
Two entries are maintained: 'total' is an integer, represents the
number of bugs. The 'categories' is a two level categorisation of bug
counters. The first level is 'bug category' the second is 'bug type'.
Each entry in this classification is a dictionary of 'count', 'type'
and 'label'. """
def predicate(bug):
bug_category = bug['bug_category']
bug_type = bug['bug_type']
current_category = predicate.categories.get(bug_category, dict())
current_type = current_category.get(bug_type, {
'bug_type': bug_type,
'bug_type_class': category_type_name(bug),
'bug_count': 0
current_type.update({'bug_count': current_type['bug_count'] + 1})
current_category.update({bug_type: current_type})
predicate.categories.update({bug_category: current_category})
predicate.total += 1
predicate.total = 0
predicate.categories = dict()
return predicate
def prettify_bug(prefix, output_dir):
def predicate(bug):
""" Make safe this values to embed into HTML. """
bug['bug_type_class'] = category_type_name(bug)
encode_value(bug, 'bug_file', lambda x: escape(chop(prefix, x)))
encode_value(bug, 'bug_category', escape)
encode_value(bug, 'bug_type', escape)
encode_value(bug, 'report_file', lambda x: escape(chop(output_dir, x)))
return bug
return predicate
def prettify_crash(prefix, output_dir):
def predicate(crash):
""" Make safe this values to embed into HTML. """
encode_value(crash, 'source', lambda x: escape(chop(prefix, x)))
encode_value(crash, 'problem', escape)
encode_value(crash, 'file', lambda x: escape(chop(output_dir, x)))
encode_value(crash, 'info', lambda x: escape(chop(output_dir, x)))
encode_value(crash, 'stderr', lambda x: escape(chop(output_dir, x)))
return crash
return predicate
def copy_resource_files(output_dir):
""" Copy the javascript and css files to the report directory. """
this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
for resource in os.listdir(os.path.join(this_dir, 'resources')):
shutil.copy(os.path.join(this_dir, 'resources', resource), output_dir)
def encode_value(container, key, encode):
""" Run 'encode' on 'container[key]' value and update it. """
if key in container:
value = encode(container[key])
container.update({key: value})
def chop(prefix, filename):
""" Create 'filename' from '/prefix/filename' """
return filename if not len(prefix) else os.path.relpath(filename, prefix)
def escape(text):
""" Paranoid HTML escape method. (Python version independent) """
escape_table = {
'&': '&',
'"': '"',
"'": ''',
'>': '>',
'<': '<'
return ''.join(escape_table.get(c, c) for c in text)
def reindent(text, indent):
""" Utility function to format html output and keep indentation. """
result = ''
for line in text.splitlines():
if len(line.strip()):
result += ' ' * indent + line.split('|')[1] + os.linesep
return result
def comment(name, opts=dict()):
""" Utility function to format meta information as comment. """
attributes = ''
for key, value in opts.items():
attributes += ' {0}="{1}"'.format(key, value)
return '<!-- {0}{1} -->{2}'.format(name, attributes, os.linesep)
def commonprefix_from(filename):
""" Create file prefix from a compilation database entries. """
with open(filename, 'r') as handle:
return commonprefix(item['file'] for item in json.load(handle))
def commonprefix(files):
""" Fixed version of os.path.commonprefix.
:param files: list of file names.
:return: the longest path prefix that is a prefix of all files. """
result = None
for current in files:
if result is not None:
result = os.path.commonprefix([result, current])
result = current
if result is None:
return ''
elif not os.path.isdir(result):
return os.path.dirname(result)
return os.path.abspath(result)