#include "CNameRecordTests.h"
#include "unittest_common.h"
mDNSlocal int InitThisUnitTest(void);
mDNSlocal int StartClientQueryRequest(void);
mDNSlocal int PopulateCacheWithClientResponseRecords(void);
mDNSlocal int SimulateNetworkChangeAndVerifyTest(void);
mDNSlocal int FinalizeUnitTest(void);
mDNSlocal mStatus AddDNSServer(void);
// This unit test's variables
static UDPSocket* local_socket;
static request_state* client_request_message;
struct UDPSocket_struct
mDNSIPPort port; // MUST BE FIRST FIELD -- mDNSCoreReceive expects every UDPSocket_struct to begin with mDNSIPPort port
typedef struct UDPSocket_struct UDPSocket;
// This client request was generated using the following command: "dns-sd -Q 123server.dotbennu.com. A".
uint8_t query_client_msgbuf[35] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x65,
0x72, 0x2e, 0x64, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x62, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x75, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x00, 0x00,
0x01, 0x00, 0x01
// This uDNS message is a canned response that was originally captured by wireshark.
uint8_t query_response_msgbuf[108] = {
0x69, 0x41, // transaction id
0x85, 0x80, // flags
0x00, 0x01, // 1 question for 123server.dotbennu.com. Addr
0x00, 0x02, // 2 anwsers: 123server.dotbennu.com. CNAME test212.dotbennu.com., test212.dotbennu.com. Addr,
0x00, 0x01, // 1 authorities anwser: dotbennu.com. NS cardinal2.apple.com.
0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33,
0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x08, 0x64, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x62, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x75, 0x03,
0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
0x02, 0x56, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x07, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x32, 0x31, 0x32, 0xc0, 0x16, 0xc0, 0x34,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x64, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x16,
0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x51, 0x80, 0x00, 0x12, 0x09, 0x63, 0x61, 0x72, 0x64, 0x69,
0x6e, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x32, 0x05, 0x61, 0x70, 0x70, 0x6c, 0x65, 0xc0, 0x1f
// Variables associated with contents of the above uDNS message
#define uDNS_TargetQID 16745
char udns_original_domainname_cstr[] = "123server.dotbennu.com.";
char udns_cname_domainname_cstr[] = "test212.dotbennu.com.";
static const mDNSv4Addr dns_response_ipv4 = {{ 10, 100, 0, 1 }};
// The InitThisUnitTest() initializes the mDNSResponder environment as well as
// a DNSServer. It also allocates memory for a local_socket and client request.
// Note: This unit test does not send packets on the wire and it does not open sockets.
// Init unit test environment and verify no error occurred.
mStatus result = init_mdns_environment(mDNStrue);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(result == mStatus_NoError);
// Add one DNS server and verify it was added.
UNITTEST_ASSERT(NumUnicastDNSServers == 1);
// Create memory for a socket that is never used or opened.
local_socket = mDNSPlatformMemAllocate(sizeof(UDPSocket));
mDNSPlatformMemZero(local_socket, sizeof(UDPSocket));
// Create memory for a request that is used to make this unit test's client request.
client_request_message = calloc(1, sizeof(request_state));
// This test simulates a uds client request by setting up a client request and then
// calling mDNSResponder's handle_client_request. The handle_client_request function
// processes the request and starts a query. This unit test verifies
// the client request and query were setup as expected. This unit test also calls
// mDNS_execute which determines the cache does not contain the new question's
// answer.
mDNS *const m = &mDNSStorage;
request_state* req = client_request_message;
char *msgptr = (char *)query_client_msgbuf;
size_t msgsz = sizeof(query_client_msgbuf);
mDNSs32 min_size = sizeof(DNSServiceFlags) + sizeof(mDNSu32) + 4;
DNSQuestion *q;
mStatus err = mStatus_NoError;
char qname_cstr[MAX_ESCAPED_DOMAIN_NAME];
// Process the unit test's client request
start_client_request(req, msgptr, msgsz, query_request, local_socket);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(err == mStatus_NoError);
// Verify the request fields were set as expected
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->primary == mDNSNULL);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->sd == client_req_sd);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->process_id == client_req_process_id);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(req->pid_name, client_req_pid_name));
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->validUUID == mDNSfalse);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->errsd == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->uid == client_req_uid);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->ts == t_complete);
UNITTEST_ASSERT((mDNSs32)req->data_bytes > min_size);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->msgend == msgptr+msgsz);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->hdr.version == VERSION);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->replies == mDNSNULL);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->terminate != mDNSNULL);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->flags == kDNSServiceFlagsReturnIntermediates);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->interfaceIndex == kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexAny);
// Verify the query fields were set as expected
q = &req->u.queryrecord.q;
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q == m->Questions);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q == m->NewQuestions);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->SuppressUnusable == mDNSfalse);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->ReturnIntermed == mDNStrue);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->SuppressQuery == mDNSfalse);
ConvertDomainNameToCString(&q->qname, qname_cstr);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(qname_cstr, udns_original_domainname_cstr));
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->qnamehash == DomainNameHashValue(&q->qname));
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->InterfaceID == mDNSInterface_Any);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->flags == req->flags);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->qtype == 1);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->qclass == 1);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->LongLived == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->ExpectUnique == mDNSfalse);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->ForceMCast == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->TimeoutQuestion == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->WakeOnResolve == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->UseBackgroundTrafficClass == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->ValidationRequired == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->ValidatingResponse == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->ProxyQuestion == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->QuestionCallback != mDNSNULL);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->QuestionContext == req);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->SearchListIndex == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->RetryWithSearchDomains == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->AppendSearchDomains == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->AppendLocalSearchDomains == 0);
// Call mDNS_Execute to see if the new question, q, has an answer in the cache.
// It won't be yet because the cache is empty.
m->NextScheduledEvent = mDNS_TimeNow_NoLock(m);
// Verify mDNS_Execute processed the new question.
// Verify the cache is empty and the request got no reply.
UNITTEST_ASSERT(m->rrcache_totalused == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(req->replies == mDNSNULL);
// This unit test receives a canned uDNS response message by calling the mDNSCoreReceive() function.
// It then verifies cache entries were added for the CNAME and A records that were contained in the
// answers of the canned response, query_response_msgbuf. This unit test also verifies that
// 2 add events were generated for the client.
mDNS *const m = &mDNSStorage;
DNSMessage *msgptr = (DNSMessage *)query_response_msgbuf;
size_t msgsz = sizeof(query_response_msgbuf);
struct reply_state *reply;
request_state* req = client_request_message;
DNSQuestion *q = &req->u.queryrecord.q;
const char *data;
const char *end;
char name[kDNSServiceMaxDomainName];
uint16_t rrtype, rrclass, rdlen;
const char *rdata;
size_t len;
char domainname_cstr[MAX_ESCAPED_DOMAIN_NAME];
// Receive and populate the cache with canned response
receive_response(req, msgptr, msgsz);
// Verify 2 cache entries for CName and A record are present
mDNSu32 CacheUsed =0, notUsed =0;
LogCacheRecords_ut(mDNS_TimeNow(m), &CacheUsed, ¬Used);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(CacheUsed == m->rrcache_totalused);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(CacheUsed == 4); // 2 for the CacheGroup object plus 2 for the A and CNAME records
UNITTEST_ASSERT(m->PktNum == 1); // one packet was received
// Verify question's qname is now set with the A record's domainname
ConvertDomainNameToCString(&q->qname, domainname_cstr);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->qnamehash == DomainNameHashValue(&q->qname));
UNITTEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(domainname_cstr, udns_cname_domainname_cstr));
// Verify client's add event for CNAME is properly formed
reply = req->replies;
data = (char *)&reply->rhdr[1];
end = data+reply->totallen;
get_string(&data, data+reply->totallen, name, kDNSServiceMaxDomainName);
rrtype = get_uint16(&data, end);
rrclass = get_uint16(&data, end);
rdlen = get_uint16(&data, end);
rdata = get_rdata(&data, end, rdlen);
len = get_reply_len(name, rdlen);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->totallen == len + sizeof(ipc_msg_hdr));
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->mhdr->version == VERSION);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->mhdr->datalen == len);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->mhdr->ipc_flags == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->mhdr->op == query_reply_op);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->rhdr->flags == htonl(kDNSServiceFlagsAdd));
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->rhdr->ifi == kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexAny);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->rhdr->error == kDNSServiceErr_NoError);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rrclass == kDNSClass_IN);
ConvertDomainNameToCString((const domainname *const)rdata, domainname_cstr);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(domainname_cstr, "test212.dotbennu.com."));
// The mDNS_Execute call generates an add event for the A record
m->NextScheduledEvent = mDNS_TimeNow_NoLock(m);
// Verify the client's reply contains a properly formed add event for the A record.
reply = req->replies;
reply = reply->next;
data = (char *)&reply->rhdr[1];
end = data+reply->totallen;
get_string(&data, data+reply->totallen, name, kDNSServiceMaxDomainName);
rrtype = get_uint16(&data, end);
rrclass = get_uint16(&data, end);
rdlen = get_uint16(&data, end);
rdata = get_rdata(&data, end, rdlen);
len = get_reply_len(name, rdlen);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->totallen == len + sizeof(ipc_msg_hdr));
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->mhdr->version == VERSION);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->mhdr->datalen == len);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->mhdr->ipc_flags == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->mhdr->op == query_reply_op);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->rhdr->flags == htonl(kDNSServiceFlagsAdd));
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->rhdr->ifi == kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexAny);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->rhdr->error == kDNSServiceErr_NoError);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rrtype == kDNSType_A);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rrclass == kDNSClass_IN);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rdata[0] == dns_response_ipv4.b[0]);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rdata[1] == dns_response_ipv4.b[1]);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rdata[2] == dns_response_ipv4.b[2]);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rdata[3] == dns_response_ipv4.b[3]);
// This function verifies the cache and event handling occurred as expected when a network change happened.
// The uDNS_SetupDNSConfig is called to simulate a network change and two outcomes occur. First the A record
// query is restarted and sent to a new DNS server. Second the cache records are purged. Then mDNS_Execute
// is called and it removes the purged cache records and generates a remove event for the A record.
// The following are verified:
// 1.) The restart of query for A record.
// 2.) The cache is empty after mDNS_Execute removes the cache entres.
// 3.) The remove event is verified by examining the request's reply data.
mDNS *const m = &mDNSStorage;
request_state* req = client_request_message;
DNSQuestion* q = &req->u.queryrecord.q;
mDNSu32 CacheUsed =0, notUsed =0;
const char *data; const char *end;
char name[kDNSServiceMaxDomainName];
uint16_t rrtype, rrclass, rdlen;
const char *rdata;
size_t len;
// The uDNS_SetupDNSConfig reconfigures the resolvers so the A record query is restarted and
// both the CNAME and A record are purged.
// Verify the A record query was restarted. This is done indirectly by noticing the transaction id and interval have changed.
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->ThisQInterval == InitialQuestionInterval);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(q->TargetQID.NotAnInteger != uDNS_TargetQID);
// Then mDNS_Execute removes both records from the cache and calls the client back with a remove event for A record.
m->NextScheduledEvent = mDNS_TimeNow_NoLock(m);
// Verify the cache entries are removed
LogCacheRecords_ut(mDNS_TimeNow(m), &CacheUsed, ¬Used);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(CacheUsed == m->rrcache_totalused);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(CacheUsed == 0);
// Verify the A record's remove event is setup as expected in the reply data
struct reply_state *reply;
reply = req->replies;
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->next->next != mDNSNULL);
reply = reply->next->next; // Get to last event to verify remove event
data = (char *)&reply->rhdr[1];
end = data+reply->totallen;
get_string(&data, data+reply->totallen, name, kDNSServiceMaxDomainName);
rrtype = get_uint16(&data, end);
rrclass = get_uint16(&data, end);
rdlen = get_uint16(&data, end);
rdata = get_rdata(&data, end, rdlen);
len = get_reply_len(name, rdlen);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->totallen == reply->mhdr->datalen + sizeof(ipc_msg_hdr));
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->mhdr->version == VERSION);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->mhdr->datalen == len);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->mhdr->ipc_flags == 0);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->mhdr->op == query_reply_op);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->rhdr->flags != htonl(kDNSServiceFlagsAdd));
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->rhdr->ifi == kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexAny);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(reply->rhdr->error == kDNSServiceErr_NoError);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rrtype == kDNSType_A);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rrclass == kDNSClass_IN);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rdata[0] == dns_response_ipv4.b[0]);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rdata[1] == dns_response_ipv4.b[1]);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rdata[2] == dns_response_ipv4.b[2]);
UNITTEST_ASSERT(rdata[3] == dns_response_ipv4.b[3]);
// This function does memory cleanup and no verification.
mDNS *m = &mDNSStorage;
request_state* req = client_request_message;
DNSServer *ptr, **p = &m->DNSServers;
while (req->replies)
reply_state *reply = req->replies;
req->replies = req->replies->next;
while (*p)
ptr = *p;
*p = (*p)->next;
LogInfo("FinalizeUnitTest: Deleting server %p %#a:%d (%##s)", ptr, &ptr->addr, mDNSVal16(ptr->port), ptr->domain.c);
// The mDNS_AddDNSServer function adds a dns server to mDNSResponder's list.
mDNSlocal mStatus AddDNSServer(void)
mDNS *m = &mDNSStorage;
m->timenow = 0;
domainname d;
mDNSAddr addr;
mDNSIPPort port;
mDNSs32 serviceID = 0;
mDNSu32 scoped = 0;
mDNSu32 timeout = dns_server_timeout;
mDNSBool cellIntf = 0;
mDNSBool isExpensive = 0;
mDNSu16 resGroupID = dns_server_resGroupID;
mDNSBool reqA = mDNStrue;
mDNSBool reqAAAA = mDNStrue;
mDNSBool reqDO = mDNSfalse;
d.c[0] = 0;
addr.type = mDNSAddrType_IPv4;
addr.ip.v4.NotAnInteger = dns_server_ipv4.NotAnInteger;
port.NotAnInteger = client_resp_src_port;
mDNS_AddDNSServer(m, &d, primary_interfaceID, serviceID, &addr, port, scoped, timeout,
cellIntf, isExpensive, resGroupID,
reqA, reqAAAA, reqDO);
return mStatus_NoError;