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 * File:	ConversionController.h
 * Copyright (c) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * See included license file for license details.
#if !defined(_ConversionController_h_)
#define _ConversionController_h_

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <smart_ptr.h>
#include <ElftosbLexer.h>
#include <ElftosbAST.h>
#include "EvalContext.h"
#include "Value.h"
#include "SourceFile.h"
#include "Operation.h"
#include "DataSource.h"
#include "DataTarget.h"
#include "OutputSection.h"
#include "BootImage.h"
#include "OptionDictionary.h"
#include "BootImageGenerator.h"

namespace elftosb

 * \brief Manages the entire elftosb file conversion process.
 * Instances of this class are intended to be used only once. There is no
 * way to reset an instance once it has started or completed a conversion.
 * Thus the run() method is not reentrant. State information is stored in
 * the object during the conversion process.
 * Two things need to be done before the conversion can be started. The
 * command file path has to be set with the setCommandFilePath() method,
 * and the paths of any externally provided (i.e., from the command line)
 * files need to be added with addExternalFilePath(). Once these tasks
 * are completed, the run() method can be called to parse and execute the
 * command file. After run() returns, pass an instance of 
 * BootImageGenerator to the generateOutput() method in order to get
 * an instance of BootImage that can be written to the output file.
class ConversionController : public OptionDictionary, public EvalContext::SourceFileManager
	//! \brief Default constructor.
	//! \brief Destructor.
	virtual ~ConversionController();
	//! \name Paths
	//! \brief Specify the command file that controls the conversion process.
	void setCommandFilePath(const std::string & path);
	//! \brief Specify the path of a file provided by the user from outside the command file.
	void addExternalFilePath(const std::string & path);
	//! \name Conversion
	//! \brief Process input files.
	void run();
	//! \brief Uses a BootImageGenerator object to create the final output boot image.
	BootImage * generateOutput(BootImageGenerator * generator);
	//! \name SourceFileManager interface
	//! \brief Returns true if a source file with the name \a name exists.
	virtual bool hasSourceFile(const std::string & name);
	//! \brief Gets the requested source file.
	virtual SourceFile * getSourceFile(const std::string & name);
	//! \brief Returns the default source file, or NULL if none is set.
	virtual SourceFile * getDefaultSourceFile();
	//! \brief Returns a reference to the context used for expression evaluation.
	inline EvalContext & getEvalContext() { return m_context; }

	//! \name AST processing
	void parseCommandFile();
	void processOptions(ListASTNode * options);
	void processConstants(ListASTNode * constants);
	void processSources(ListASTNode * sources);
	void processSections(ListASTNode * sections);
	OutputSection * convertDataSection(DataSectionContentsASTNode * dataSection, uint32_t sectionID, OptionDictionary * optionsDict);
	//! \name Statement conversion
	OperationSequence * convertStatementList(ListASTNode * statements);
	OperationSequence * convertOneStatement(StatementASTNode * statement);
	OperationSequence * convertLoadStatement(LoadStatementASTNode * statement);
	OperationSequence * convertCallStatement(CallStatementASTNode * statement);
	OperationSequence * convertFromStatement(FromStatementASTNode * statement);
	OperationSequence * convertModeStatement(ModeStatementASTNode * statement);
	OperationSequence * convertIfStatement(IfStatementASTNode * statement);
	void handleMessageStatement(MessageStatementASTNode * statement);
	//! \name Utilities
	Value * convertAssignmentNodeToValue(ASTNode * node, std::string & ident);
	SourceFile * getSourceFromName(std::string * sourceName, int line);
	DataSource * createSourceFromNode(ASTNode * dataNode);
	DataTarget * createTargetFromNode(ASTNode * targetNode);
	std::string * substituteVariables(const std::string * message);
    DataSource * createIVTDataSource(IVTConstASTNode * ivtNode);
	//! \name Debugging
	void testLexer(ElftosbLexer & lexer);
	void printIntConstExpr(const std::string & ident, IntConstExprASTNode * expr);

	typedef std::map<std::string, SourceFile*> source_map_t;	//!< Map from source name to object.
	typedef std::vector<std::string> path_vector_t;	//!< List of file paths.
	typedef std::vector<OutputSection*> section_vector_t;	//!< List of output sections.
	typedef std::vector<std::string> source_name_vector_t;	//!< List of source names.
	smart_ptr<std::string> m_commandFilePath;	//!< Path to command file.
	smart_ptr<CommandFileASTNode> m_ast;	//!< Root of the abstract syntax tree.
	EvalContext m_context;	//!< Evaluation context for expressions.
	source_map_t m_sources;	//!< Map of source names to file objects.
	path_vector_t m_externPaths;	//!< Paths provided on the command line by the user.
	SourceFile * m_defaultSource;	//!< Source to use when one isn't provided.
	section_vector_t m_outputSections;	//!< List of output sections the user wants.
	source_name_vector_t m_failedSources;	//!< List of sources that failed to open successfully.

//! \brief Whether to support HAB keywords during parsing.
//! This is a standalone global solely so that the bison-generated parser code can get to it
//! as simply as possible.
extern bool g_enableHABSupport;

}; // namespace elftosb

#endif // _ConversionController_h_