/** Arbitrary-precision ('bignum') arithmetic.
* Performance is optimized for numbers below ~1000 decimal digits.
* For X86 machines, highly optimised assembly routines are used.
* The following algorithms are currently implemented:
* $(UL
* $(LI Karatsuba multiplication)
* $(LI Squaring is optimized independently of multiplication)
* $(LI Divide-and-conquer division)
* $(LI Binary exponentiation)
* )
* For very large numbers, consider using the $(HTTP gmplib.org, GMP library) instead.
* License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
* Authors: Don Clugston
* Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/_bigint.d)
/* Copyright Don Clugston 2008 - 2010.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
module std.bigint;
import std.conv : ConvException;
import std.format : FormatSpec, FormatException;
import std.internal.math.biguintcore;
import std.range.primitives;
import std.traits;
/** A struct representing an arbitrary precision integer.
* All arithmetic operations are supported, except unsigned shift right (>>>).
* Bitwise operations (|, &, ^, ~) are supported, and behave as if BigInt was
* an infinite length 2's complement number.
* BigInt implements value semantics using copy-on-write. This means that
* assignment is cheap, but operations such as x++ will cause heap
* allocation. (But note that for most bigint operations, heap allocation is
* inevitable anyway.)
struct BigInt
BigUint data; // BigInt adds signed arithmetic to BigUint.
bool sign = false;
* Construct a BigInt from a decimal or hexadecimal string. The number must
* be in the form of a decimal or hex literal. It may have a leading `+`
* or `-` sign, followed by `0x` or `0X` if hexadecimal. Underscores are
* permitted in any location after the `0x` and/or the sign of the number.
* Params:
* s = a finite bidirectional range of any character type
* Throws:
* $(REF ConvException, std,conv) if the string doesn't represent a valid number
this(Range)(Range s) if (
isBidirectionalRange!Range &&
isSomeChar!(ElementType!Range) &&
!isInfinite!Range &&
import std.algorithm.iteration : filterBidirectional;
import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith;
import std.conv : ConvException;
import std.exception : enforce;
import std.utf : byChar;
enforce!ConvException(!s.empty, "Can't initialize BigInt with an empty range");
bool neg = false;
bool ok;
data = 0UL;
// check for signs and if the string is a hex value
if (s.front == '+')
s.popFront(); // skip '+'
else if (s.front == '-')
neg = true;
if (s.save.startsWith("0x".byChar) ||
if (!s.empty)
ok = data.fromHexString(s.filterBidirectional!(a => a != '_'));
ok = false;
ok = data.fromDecimalString(s.filterBidirectional!(a => a != '_'));
enforce!ConvException(ok, "Not a valid numerical string");
if (isZero())
neg = false;
sign = neg;
/// ditto
this(Range)(Range s) pure if (isSomeString!Range)
import std.utf : byCodeUnit;
@system unittest
// system because of the dummy ranges eventually call std.array!string
import std.exception : assertThrown;
import std.internal.test.dummyrange;
auto r1 = new ReferenceBidirectionalRange!dchar("101");
auto big1 = BigInt(r1);
assert(big1 == BigInt(101));
auto r2 = new ReferenceBidirectionalRange!dchar("1_000");
auto big2 = BigInt(r2);
assert(big2 == BigInt(1000));
auto r3 = new ReferenceBidirectionalRange!dchar("0x0");
auto big3 = BigInt(r3);
assert(big3 == BigInt(0));
auto r4 = new ReferenceBidirectionalRange!dchar("0x");
/// Construct a BigInt from a built-in integral type.
this(T)(T x) pure nothrow if (isIntegral!T)
data = data.init; // @@@: Workaround for compiler bug
@system unittest
// @system due to failure in FreeBSD32
ulong data = 1_000_000_000_000;
auto bigData = BigInt(data);
assert(data == BigInt("1_000_000_000_000"));
/// Construct a BigInt from another BigInt.
this(T)(T x) pure nothrow if (is(Unqual!T == BigInt))
@system unittest
const(BigInt) b1 = BigInt("1_234_567_890");
BigInt b2 = BigInt(b1);
assert(b2 == BigInt("1_234_567_890"));
/// Assignment from built-in integer types.
BigInt opAssign(T)(T x) pure nothrow if (isIntegral!T)
data = cast(ulong) absUnsign(x);
sign = (x < 0);
return this;
@system unittest
auto b = BigInt("123");
b = 456;
assert(b == BigInt("456"));
/// Assignment from another BigInt.
BigInt opAssign(T:BigInt)(T x) pure @nogc
data = x.data;
sign = x.sign;
return this;
@system unittest
auto b1 = BigInt("123");
auto b2 = BigInt("456");
b2 = b1;
assert(b2 == BigInt("123"));
* Implements assignment operators from built-in integers of the form
* $(D BigInt op= integer).
BigInt opOpAssign(string op, T)(T y) pure nothrow
if ((op=="+" || op=="-" || op=="*" || op=="/" || op=="%"
|| op==">>" || op=="<<" || op=="^^" || op=="|" || op=="&" || op=="^") && isIntegral!T)
ulong u = absUnsign(y);
static if (op=="+")
data = BigUint.addOrSubInt(data, u, sign != (y<0), sign);
else static if (op=="-")
data = BigUint.addOrSubInt(data, u, sign == (y<0), sign);
else static if (op=="*")
if (y == 0)
sign = false;
data = 0UL;
sign = ( sign != (y<0) );
data = BigUint.mulInt(data, u);
else static if (op=="/")
assert(y != 0, "Division by zero");
static if (T.sizeof <= uint.sizeof)
data = BigUint.divInt(data, cast(uint) u);
data = BigUint.divInt(data, u);
sign = data.isZero() ? false : sign ^ (y < 0);
else static if (op=="%")
assert(y != 0, "Division by zero");
static if (is(immutable(T) == immutable(long)) || is( immutable(T) == immutable(ulong) ))
this %= BigInt(y);
data = cast(ulong) BigUint.modInt(data, cast(uint) u);
if (data.isZero())
sign = false;
// x%y always has the same sign as x.
// This is not the same as mathematical mod.
else static if (op==">>" || op=="<<")
// Do a left shift if y>0 and <<, or
// if y<0 and >>; else do a right shift.
if (y == 0)
return this;
else if ((y > 0) == (op=="<<"))
// Sign never changes during left shift
data = data.opShl(u);
} else
data = data.opShr(u);
if (data.isZero())
sign = false;
else static if (op=="^^")
sign = (y & 1) ? sign : false;
data = BigUint.pow(data, u);
else static if (op=="|" || op=="&" || op=="^")
BigInt b = y;
else static assert(0, "BigInt " ~ op[0..$-1] ~ "= " ~ T.stringof ~ " is not supported");
return this;
@system unittest
//@system because opOpAssign is @system
auto b = BigInt("1_000_000_000");
b += 12345;
assert(b == BigInt("1_000_012_345"));
b /= 5;
assert(b == BigInt("200_002_469"));
* Implements assignment operators of the form $(D BigInt op= BigInt).
BigInt opOpAssign(string op, T)(T y) pure nothrow
if ((op=="+" || op== "-" || op=="*" || op=="|" || op=="&" || op=="^" || op=="/" || op=="%")
&& is (T: BigInt))
static if (op == "+")
data = BigUint.addOrSub(data, y.data, sign != y.sign, &sign);
else static if (op == "-")
data = BigUint.addOrSub(data, y.data, sign == y.sign, &sign);
else static if (op == "*")
data = BigUint.mul(data, y.data);
sign = isZero() ? false : sign ^ y.sign;
else static if (op == "/")
if (!isZero())
data = BigUint.div(data, y.data);
sign = isZero() ? false : sign ^ y.sign;
else static if (op == "%")
if (!isZero())
data = BigUint.mod(data, y.data);
// x%y always has the same sign as x.
if (isZero())
sign = false;
else static if (op == "|" || op == "&" || op == "^")
data = BigUint.bitwiseOp!op(data, y.data, sign, y.sign, sign);
else static assert(0, "BigInt " ~ op[0..$-1] ~ "= " ~
T.stringof ~ " is not supported");
return this;
@system unittest
// @system because opOpAssign is @system
auto x = BigInt("123");
auto y = BigInt("321");
x += y;
assert(x == BigInt("444"));
* Implements binary operators between BigInts.
BigInt opBinary(string op, T)(T y) pure nothrow const
if ((op=="+" || op == "*" || op=="-" || op=="|" || op=="&" || op=="^" ||
op=="/" || op=="%")
&& is (T: BigInt))
BigInt r = this;
return r.opOpAssign!(op)(y);
@system unittest
auto x = BigInt("123");
auto y = BigInt("456");
BigInt z = x * y;
assert(z == BigInt("56088"));
* Implements binary operators between BigInt's and built-in integers.
BigInt opBinary(string op, T)(T y) pure nothrow const
if ((op=="+" || op == "*" || op=="-" || op=="/" || op=="|" || op=="&" ||
op=="^"|| op==">>" || op=="<<" || op=="^^")
&& isIntegral!T)
BigInt r = this;
return r.opOpAssign!(op)(y);
@system unittest
auto x = BigInt("123");
x *= 300;
assert(x == BigInt("36900"));
Implements a narrowing remainder operation with built-in integer types.
This binary operator returns a narrower, built-in integer type
where applicable, according to the following table.
$(TR $(TD `BigInt`) $(TD $(CODE_PERCENT)) $(TD `long`) $(TD $(RARR)) $(TD `long`))
$(TR $(TD `BigInt`) $(TD $(CODE_PERCENT)) $(TD `ulong`) $(TD $(RARR)) $(TD `BigInt`))
$(TR $(TD `BigInt`) $(TD $(CODE_PERCENT)) $(TD other type) $(TD $(RARR)) $(TD `int`))
auto opBinary(string op, T)(T y) pure nothrow const
if (op == "%" && isIntegral!T)
assert(y != 0);
// BigInt % long => long
// BigInt % ulong => BigInt
// BigInt % other_type => int
static if (is(Unqual!T == long) || is(Unqual!T == ulong))
auto r = this % BigInt(y);
static if (is(Unqual!T == long))
return r.toLong();
// return as-is to avoid overflow
return r;
immutable uint u = absUnsign(y);
int rem = BigUint.modInt(data, u);
// x%y always has the same sign as x.
// This is not the same as mathematical mod.
return sign ? -rem : rem;
@system unittest
auto x = BigInt("1_000_000_500");
long l = 1_000_000L;
ulong ul = 2_000_000UL;
int i = 500_000;
short s = 30_000;
assert(is(typeof(x % l) == long) && x % l == 500L);
assert(is(typeof(x % ul) == BigInt) && x % ul == BigInt(500));
assert(is(typeof(x % i) == int) && x % i == 500);
assert(is(typeof(x % s) == int) && x % s == 10500);
Implements operators with built-in integers on the left-hand side and
BigInt on the right-hand side.
BigInt opBinaryRight(string op, T)(T y) pure nothrow const
if ((op=="+" || op=="*" || op=="|" || op=="&" || op=="^") && isIntegral!T)
return opBinary!(op)(y);
@system unittest
auto x = BigInt("100");
BigInt y = 123 + x;
assert(y == BigInt("223"));
BigInt z = 123 - x;
assert(z == BigInt("23"));
// Dividing a built-in integer type by BigInt always results in
// something that fits in a built-in type, so the built-in type is
// returned, not BigInt.
assert(is(typeof(1000 / x) == int));
assert(1000 / x == 10);
// BigInt = integer op BigInt
/// ditto
BigInt opBinaryRight(string op, T)(T y) pure nothrow const
if (op == "-" && isIntegral!T)
ulong u = absUnsign(y);
BigInt r;
static if (op == "-")
r.sign = sign;
r.data = BigUint.addOrSubInt(data, u, sign == (y<0), r.sign);
return r;
// integer = integer op BigInt
/// ditto
T opBinaryRight(string op, T)(T x) pure nothrow const
if ((op=="%" || op=="/") && isIntegral!T)
static if (op == "%")
// x%y always has the same sign as x.
if (data.ulongLength > 1)
return x;
immutable u = absUnsign(x);
immutable rem = u % data.peekUlong(0);
// x%y always has the same sign as x.
return cast(T)((x<0) ? -rem : rem);
else static if (op == "/")
if (data.ulongLength > 1)
return 0;
return cast(T)(x / data.peekUlong(0));
// const unary operations
Implements BigInt unary operators.
BigInt opUnary(string op)() pure nothrow const if (op=="+" || op=="-" || op=="~")
static if (op=="-")
BigInt r = this;
return r;
else static if (op=="~")
return -(this+1);
else static if (op=="+")
return this;
// non-const unary operations
/// ditto
BigInt opUnary(string op)() pure nothrow if (op=="++" || op=="--")
static if (op=="++")
data = BigUint.addOrSubInt(data, 1UL, sign, sign);
return this;
else static if (op=="--")
data = BigUint.addOrSubInt(data, 1UL, !sign, sign);
return this;
@system unittest
auto x = BigInt("1234");
assert(-x == BigInt("-1234"));
assert(x == BigInt("1235"));
Implements BigInt equality test with other BigInt's and built-in
integer types.
bool opEquals()(auto ref const BigInt y) const pure @nogc
return sign == y.sign && y.data == data;
/// ditto
bool opEquals(T)(T y) const pure nothrow @nogc if (isIntegral!T)
if (sign != (y<0))
return 0;
return data.opEquals(cast(ulong) absUnsign(y));
@system unittest
auto x = BigInt("12345");
auto y = BigInt("12340");
int z = 12345;
int w = 54321;
assert(x == x);
assert(x != y);
assert(x == y + 5);
assert(x == z);
assert(x != w);
Implements casting to bool.
T opCast(T:bool)() pure nothrow @nogc const
return !isZero();
@system unittest
// Non-zero values are regarded as true
auto x = BigInt("1");
auto y = BigInt("10");
// Zero value is regarded as false
auto z = BigInt("0");
Implements casting to integer types.
Throws: $(REF ConvOverflowException, std,conv) if the number exceeds
the target type's range.
T opCast(T:ulong)() /*pure*/ const
if (isUnsigned!T && sign)
{ /* throw */ }
if (data.ulongLength == 1)
ulong l = data.peekUlong(0);
if (isUnsigned!T || !sign)
if (l <= T.max)
return cast(T) l;
if (l <= ulong(T.max)+1)
return cast(T)-long(l); // -long.min == long.min
import std.conv : ConvOverflowException;
import std.string : format;
throw new ConvOverflowException(
"BigInt(%d) cannot be represented as a %s"
.format(this, T.stringof));
@system unittest
import std.conv : to, ConvOverflowException;
import std.exception : assertThrown;
assert(BigInt("0").to!int == 0);
assert(BigInt("0").to!ubyte == 0);
assert(BigInt("255").to!ubyte == 255);
@system unittest
import std.conv : to, ConvOverflowException;
import std.exception : assertThrown;
assert(BigInt("-1").to!byte == -1);
assert(BigInt("-128").to!byte == -128);
assert(BigInt("127").to!byte == 127);
assert(BigInt("0").to!uint == 0);
assert(BigInt("4294967295").to!uint == uint.max);
assert(BigInt("-1").to!int == -1);
assert(BigInt("-2147483648").to!int == int.min);
assert(BigInt("2147483647").to!int == int.max);
assert(BigInt("0").to!ulong == 0);
assert(BigInt("18446744073709551615").to!ulong == ulong.max);
assert(BigInt("-1").to!long == -1);
assert(BigInt("-9223372036854775808").to!long == long.min);
assert(BigInt("9223372036854775807").to!long == long.max);
Implements casting to/from qualified BigInt's.
Warning: Casting to/from $(D const) or $(D immutable) may break type
system guarantees. Use with care.
T opCast(T)() pure nothrow @nogc const
if (is(Unqual!T == BigInt))
return this;
@system unittest
const(BigInt) x = BigInt("123");
BigInt y = cast() x; // cast away const
assert(y == x);
// Hack to make BigInt's typeinfo.compare work properly.
// Note that this must appear before the other opCmp overloads, otherwise
// DMD won't find it.
Implements 3-way comparisons of BigInt with BigInt or BigInt with
built-in integers.
int opCmp(ref const BigInt y) pure nothrow @nogc const
// Simply redirect to the "real" opCmp implementation.
return this.opCmp!BigInt(y);
/// ditto
int opCmp(T)(T y) pure nothrow @nogc const if (isIntegral!T)
if (sign != (y<0) )
return sign ? -1 : 1;
int cmp = data.opCmp(cast(ulong) absUnsign(y));
return sign? -cmp: cmp;
/// ditto
int opCmp(T:BigInt)(const T y) pure nothrow @nogc const
if (sign != y.sign)
return sign ? -1 : 1;
immutable cmp = data.opCmp(y.data);
return sign? -cmp: cmp;
@system unittest
auto x = BigInt("100");
auto y = BigInt("10");
int z = 50;
const int w = 200;
assert(y < x);
assert(x > z);
assert(z > y);
assert(x < w);
Returns: The value of this BigInt as a long, or +/- long.max if outside
the representable range.
long toLong() @safe pure nothrow const @nogc
return (sign ? -1 : 1) *
(data.ulongLength == 1 && (data.peekUlong(0) <= sign+cast(ulong)(long.max)) // 1+long.max = |long.min|
? cast(long)(data.peekUlong(0))
: long.max);
@system unittest
auto b = BigInt("12345");
long l = b.toLong();
assert(l == 12345);
Returns: The value of this BigInt as an int, or +/- int.max if outside
the representable range.
int toInt() @safe pure nothrow @nogc const
return (sign ? -1 : 1) *
(data.uintLength == 1 && (data.peekUint(0) <= sign+cast(uint)(int.max)) // 1+int.max = |int.min|
? cast(int)(data.peekUint(0))
: int.max);
@system unittest
auto big = BigInt("5_000_000");
auto i = big.toInt();
assert(i == 5_000_000);
// Numbers that are too big to fit into an int will be clamped to int.max.
auto tooBig = BigInt("5_000_000_000");
i = tooBig.toInt();
assert(i == int.max);
/// Number of significant uints which are used in storing this number.
/// The absolute value of this BigInt is always < 2$(SUPERSCRIPT 32*uintLength)
@property size_t uintLength() @safe pure nothrow @nogc const
return data.uintLength;
/// Number of significant ulongs which are used in storing this number.
/// The absolute value of this BigInt is always < 2$(SUPERSCRIPT 64*ulongLength)
@property size_t ulongLength() @safe pure nothrow @nogc const
return data.ulongLength;
/** Convert the BigInt to string, passing it to the given sink.
* Params:
* sink = A delegate for accepting possibly piecewise segments of the
* formatted string.
* formatString = A format string specifying the output format.
* $(TABLE Available output formats:,
* $(TR $(TD "d") $(TD Decimal))
* $(TR $(TD "o") $(TD Octal))
* $(TR $(TD "x") $(TD Hexadecimal, lower case))
* $(TR $(TD "X") $(TD Hexadecimal, upper case))
* $(TR $(TD "s") $(TD Default formatting (same as "d") ))
* $(TR $(TD null) $(TD Default formatting (same as "d") ))
* )
void toString(scope void delegate(const (char)[]) sink, string formatString) const
auto f = FormatSpec!char(formatString);
toString(sink, f);
/// ditto
void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink, ref FormatSpec!char f) const
immutable hex = (f.spec == 'x' || f.spec == 'X');
if (!(f.spec == 's' || f.spec == 'd' || f.spec =='o' || hex))
throw new FormatException("Format specifier not understood: %" ~ f.spec);
char[] buff;
if (f.spec == 'X')
buff = data.toHexString(0, '_', 0, f.flZero ? '0' : ' ', LetterCase.upper);
else if (f.spec == 'x')
buff = data.toHexString(0, '_', 0, f.flZero ? '0' : ' ', LetterCase.lower);
else if (f.spec == 'o')
buff = data.toOctalString();
buff = data.toDecimalString(0);
assert(buff.length > 0);
char signChar = isNegative() ? '-' : 0;
auto minw = buff.length + (signChar ? 1 : 0);
if (!hex && !signChar && (f.width == 0 || minw < f.width))
if (f.flPlus)
signChar = '+';
else if (f.flSpace)
signChar = ' ';
immutable maxw = minw < f.width ? f.width : minw;
immutable difw = maxw - minw;
if (!f.flDash && !f.flZero)
foreach (i; 0 .. difw)
sink(" ");
if (signChar)
sink((&signChar)[0 .. 1]);
if (!f.flDash && f.flZero)
foreach (i; 0 .. difw)
if (f.flDash)
foreach (i; 0 .. difw)
sink(" ");
$(D toString) is rarely directly invoked; the usual way of using it is via
$(REF format, std, format):
@system unittest
import std.format : format;
auto x = BigInt("1_000_000");
x *= 12345;
assert(format("%d", x) == "12345000000");
assert(format("%x", x) == "2_dfd1c040");
assert(format("%X", x) == "2_DFD1C040");
assert(format("%o", x) == "133764340100");
// Implement toHash so that BigInt works properly as an AA key.
Returns: A unique hash of the BigInt's value suitable for use in a hash
size_t toHash() const @safe nothrow
return data.toHash() + sign;
$(D toHash) is rarely directly invoked; it is implicitly used when
BigInt is used as the key of an associative array.
@safe unittest
string[BigInt] aa;
aa[BigInt(123)] = "abc";
aa[BigInt(456)] = "def";
assert(aa[BigInt(123)] == "abc");
assert(aa[BigInt(456)] == "def");
void negate() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
if (!data.isZero())
sign = !sign;
bool isZero() pure const nothrow @nogc @safe
return data.isZero();
bool isNegative() pure const nothrow @nogc @safe
return sign;
// Generate a runtime error if division by zero occurs
void checkDivByZero() pure const nothrow @safe
if (isZero())
throw new Error("BigInt division by zero");
@system unittest
BigInt a = "9588669891916142";
BigInt b = "7452469135154800";
auto c = a * b;
assert(c == BigInt("71459266416693160362545788781600"));
auto d = b * a;
assert(d == BigInt("71459266416693160362545788781600"));
assert(d == c);
d = c * BigInt("794628672112");
assert(d == BigInt("56783581982794522489042432639320434378739200"));
auto e = c + d;
assert(e == BigInt("56783581982865981755459125799682980167520800"));
auto f = d + c;
assert(f == e);
auto g = f - c;
assert(g == d);
g = f - d;
assert(g == c);
e = 12345678;
g = c + e;
auto h = g / b;
auto i = g % b;
assert(h == a);
assert(i == e);
BigInt j = "-0x9A56_57f4_7B83_AB78";
j ^^= 11;
x = The $(D BigInt) to convert to a decimal $(D string).
A $(D string) that represents the $(D BigInt) as a decimal number.
string toDecimalString(const(BigInt) x)
string outbuff="";
void sink(const(char)[] s) { outbuff ~= s; }
x.toString(&sink, "%d");
return outbuff;
@system unittest
auto x = BigInt("123");
x *= 1000;
x += 456;
auto xstr = x.toDecimalString();
assert(xstr == "123456");
x = The $(D BigInt) to convert to a hexadecimal $(D string).
A $(D string) that represents the $(D BigInt) as a hexadecimal (base 16)
number in upper case.
string toHex(const(BigInt) x)
string outbuff="";
void sink(const(char)[] s) { outbuff ~= s; }
x.toString(&sink, "%X");
return outbuff;
@system unittest
auto x = BigInt("123");
x *= 1000;
x += 456;
auto xstr = x.toHex();
assert(xstr == "1E240");
/** Returns the absolute value of x converted to the corresponding unsigned
x = The integral value to return the absolute value of.
The absolute value of x.
Unsigned!T absUnsign(T)(T x)
if (isIntegral!T)
static if (isSigned!T)
import std.conv : unsigned;
/* This returns the correct result even when x = T.min
* on two's complement machines because unsigned(T.min) = |T.min|
* even though -T.min = T.min.
return unsigned((x < 0) ? cast(T)(0-x) : x);
return x;
nothrow pure @system
assert((-1).absUnsign == 1);
assert(1.absUnsign == 1);
nothrow pure @system
BigInt a, b;
a = 1;
b = 2;
auto c = a + b;
nothrow pure @system
long a;
BigInt b;
auto c = a + b;
auto d = b + a;
nothrow pure @system
BigInt x = 1, y = 2;
assert(x < y);
assert(x <= y);
assert(y >= x);
assert(y > x);
assert(x != y);
long r1 = x.toLong;
assert(r1 == 1);
BigInt r2 = 10 % x;
assert(r2 == 0);
BigInt r3 = 10 / y;
assert(r3 == 5);
BigInt[] arr = [BigInt(1)];
auto incr = arr[0]++;
assert(arr == [BigInt(2)]);
assert(incr == BigInt(1));
@system unittest
// Radix conversion
assert( toDecimalString(BigInt("-1_234_567_890_123_456_789"))
== "-1234567890123456789");
assert( toHex(BigInt("0x1234567890123456789")) == "123_45678901_23456789");
assert( toHex(BigInt("0x00000000000000000000000000000000000A234567890123456789"))
== "A23_45678901_23456789");
assert( toHex(BigInt("0x000_00_000000_000_000_000000000000_000000_")) == "0");
assert(BigInt(-0x12345678).toInt() == -0x12345678);
assert(BigInt(-0x12345678).toLong() == -0x12345678);
assert(BigInt(0x1234_5678_9ABC_5A5AL).ulongLength == 1);
assert(BigInt(0x1234_5678_9ABC_5A5AL).toLong() == 0x1234_5678_9ABC_5A5AL);
assert(BigInt(-0x1234_5678_9ABC_5A5AL).toLong() == -0x1234_5678_9ABC_5A5AL);
assert(BigInt(0xF234_5678_9ABC_5A5AL).toLong() == long.max);
assert(BigInt(-0x123456789ABCL).toInt() == -int.max);
char[] s1 = "123".dup; // bug 8164
assert(BigInt(s1) == 123);
char[] s2 = "0xABC".dup;
assert(BigInt(s2) == 2748);
assert((BigInt(-2) + BigInt(1)) == BigInt(-1));
BigInt a = ulong.max - 5;
auto b = -long.max % a;
assert( b == -long.max % (ulong.max - 5));
b = long.max / a;
assert( b == long.max /(ulong.max - 5));
assert(BigInt(1) - 1 == 0);
assert((-4) % BigInt(5) == -4); // bug 5928
assert(BigInt(-4) % BigInt(5) == -4);
assert(BigInt(2)/BigInt(-3) == BigInt(0)); // bug 8022
assert(BigInt("-1") > long.min); // bug 9548
== "1234567");
@system unittest // Minimum signed value bug tests.
assert(BigInt("-0x8000000000000000") == BigInt(long.min));
assert(BigInt("-0x8000000000000000")+1 > BigInt(long.min));
assert(BigInt("-0x80000000") == BigInt(int.min));
assert(BigInt("-0x80000000")+1 > BigInt(int.min));
assert(BigInt(long.min).toLong() == long.min); // lossy toLong bug for long.min
assert(BigInt(int.min).toInt() == int.min); // lossy toInt bug for int.min
assert(BigInt(long.min).ulongLength == 1);
assert(BigInt(int.min).uintLength == 1); // cast/sign extend bug in opAssign
BigInt a;
a += int.min;
assert(a == BigInt(int.min));
a = int.min - BigInt(int.min);
assert(a == 0);
a = int.min;
assert(a == BigInt(int.min));
assert(int.min % (BigInt(int.min)-1) == int.min);
assert((BigInt(int.min)-1)%int.min == -1);
@system unittest // Recursive division, bug 5568
enum Z = 4843;
BigInt m = (BigInt(1) << (Z*8) ) - 1;
m -= (BigInt(1) << (Z*6)) - 1;
BigInt oldm = m;
BigInt a = (BigInt(1) << (Z*4) )-1;
BigInt b = m % a;
m /= a;
m *= a;
assert( m + b == oldm);
m = (BigInt(1) << (4846 + 4843) ) - 1;
a = (BigInt(1) << 4846 ) - 1;
b = (BigInt(1) << (4846*2 + 4843)) - 1;
BigInt c = (BigInt(1) << (4846*2 + 4843*2)) - 1;
BigInt w = c - b + a;
assert(w % m == 0);
// Bug 6819. ^^
BigInt z1 = BigInt(10)^^64;
BigInt w1 = BigInt(10)^^128;
assert(z1^^2 == w1);
BigInt z2 = BigInt(1)<<64;
BigInt w2 = BigInt(1)<<128;
assert(z2^^2 == w2);
// Bug 7993
BigInt n7793 = 10;
assert( n7793 / 1 == 10);
// Bug 7973
auto a7973 = 10_000_000_000_000_000;
const c7973 = 10_000_000_000_000_000;
immutable i7973 = 10_000_000_000_000_000;
BigInt v7973 = 2551700137;
v7973 %= a7973;
assert(v7973 == 2551700137);
v7973 %= c7973;
assert(v7973 == 2551700137);
v7973 %= i7973;
assert(v7973 == 2551700137);
// 8165
BigInt[2] a8165;
a8165[0] = a8165[1] = 1;
@system unittest
import std.array;
import std.format;
immutable string[][] table = [
/* fmt, +10 -10 */
["%d", "10", "-10"],
["%+d", "+10", "-10"],
["%-d", "10", "-10"],
["%+-d", "+10", "-10"],
["%4d", " 10", " -10"],
["%+4d", " +10", " -10"],
["%-4d", "10 ", "-10 "],
["%+-4d", "+10 ", "-10 "],
["%04d", "0010", "-010"],
["%+04d", "+010", "-010"],
["%-04d", "10 ", "-10 "],
["%+-04d", "+10 ", "-10 "],
["% 04d", " 010", "-010"],
["%+ 04d", "+010", "-010"],
["%- 04d", " 10 ", "-10 "],
["%+- 04d", "+10 ", "-10 "],
auto w1 = appender!(char[])();
auto w2 = appender!(char[])();
foreach (entry; table)
immutable fmt = entry[0];
formattedWrite(w1, fmt, BigInt(10));
formattedWrite(w2, fmt, 10);
assert(w1.data == w2.data);
assert(w1.data == entry[1]);
formattedWrite(w1, fmt, BigInt(-10));
formattedWrite(w2, fmt, -10);
assert(w1.data == w2.data);
assert(w1.data == entry[2]);
@system unittest
import std.array;
import std.format;
immutable string[][] table = [
/* fmt, +10 -10 */
["%x", "a", "-a"],
["%+x", "a", "-a"],
["%-x", "a", "-a"],
["%+-x", "a", "-a"],
["%4x", " a", " -a"],
["%+4x", " a", " -a"],
["%-4x", "a ", "-a "],
["%+-4x", "a ", "-a "],
["%04x", "000a", "-00a"],
["%+04x", "000a", "-00a"],
["%-04x", "a ", "-a "],
["%+-04x", "a ", "-a "],
["% 04x", "000a", "-00a"],
["%+ 04x", "000a", "-00a"],
["%- 04x", "a ", "-a "],
["%+- 04x", "a ", "-a "],
auto w1 = appender!(char[])();
auto w2 = appender!(char[])();
foreach (entry; table)
immutable fmt = entry[0];
formattedWrite(w1, fmt, BigInt(10));
formattedWrite(w2, fmt, 10);
assert(w1.data == w2.data); // Equal only positive BigInt
assert(w1.data == entry[1]);
formattedWrite(w1, fmt, BigInt(-10));
//formattedWrite(w2, fmt, -10);
//assert(w1.data == w2.data);
assert(w1.data == entry[2]);
@system unittest
import std.array;
import std.format;
immutable string[][] table = [
/* fmt, +10 -10 */
["%X", "A", "-A"],
["%+X", "A", "-A"],
["%-X", "A", "-A"],
["%+-X", "A", "-A"],
["%4X", " A", " -A"],
["%+4X", " A", " -A"],
["%-4X", "A ", "-A "],
["%+-4X", "A ", "-A "],
["%04X", "000A", "-00A"],
["%+04X", "000A", "-00A"],
["%-04X", "A ", "-A "],
["%+-04X", "A ", "-A "],
["% 04X", "000A", "-00A"],
["%+ 04X", "000A", "-00A"],
["%- 04X", "A ", "-A "],
["%+- 04X", "A ", "-A "],
auto w1 = appender!(char[])();
auto w2 = appender!(char[])();
foreach (entry; table)
immutable fmt = entry[0];
formattedWrite(w1, fmt, BigInt(10));
formattedWrite(w2, fmt, 10);
assert(w1.data == w2.data); // Equal only positive BigInt
assert(w1.data == entry[1]);
formattedWrite(w1, fmt, BigInt(-10));
//formattedWrite(w2, fmt, -10);
//assert(w1.data == w2.data);
assert(w1.data == entry[2]);
// 6448
@system unittest
import std.array;
import std.format;
auto w1 = appender!string();
auto w2 = appender!string();
int x = 100;
formattedWrite(w1, "%010d", x);
BigInt bx = x;
formattedWrite(w2, "%010d", bx);
assert(w1.data == w2.data);
BigInt y = -3;
assert(y.toLong() == -2);
y = 1;
assert(y.toLong() == 0);
assert(y.toLong() == -1);
assert(y.toLong() == -2);
@safe unittest
import std.math : abs;
auto r = abs(BigInt(-1000)); // 6486
assert(r == 1000);
auto r2 = abs(const(BigInt)(-500)); // 11188
assert(r2 == 500);
auto r3 = abs(immutable(BigInt)(-733)); // 11188
assert(r3 == 733);
// opCast!bool
BigInt one = 1, zero;
assert(one && !zero);
@system unittest // 6850
pure long pureTest() {
BigInt a = 1;
BigInt b = 1336;
a += b;
return a.toLong();
assert(pureTest() == 1337);
@system unittest // 8435 & 10118
auto i = BigInt(100);
auto j = BigInt(100);
// Two separate BigInt instances representing same value should have same
// hash.
assert(typeid(i).getHash(&i) == typeid(j).getHash(&j));
assert(typeid(i).compare(&i, &j) == 0);
// BigInt AA keys should behave consistently.
int[BigInt] aa;
aa[BigInt(123)] = 123;
assert(BigInt(123) in aa);
aa[BigInt(123)] = 321;
assert(aa[BigInt(123)] == 321);
auto keys = aa.byKey;
assert(keys.front == BigInt(123));
@system unittest // 11148
void foo(BigInt) {}
const BigInt cbi = 3;
immutable BigInt ibi = 3;
assert(__traits(compiles, foo(cbi)));
assert(__traits(compiles, foo(ibi)));
import std.conv : to;
import std.meta : AliasSeq;
foreach (T1; AliasSeq!(BigInt, const(BigInt), immutable(BigInt)))
foreach (T2; AliasSeq!(BigInt, const(BigInt), immutable(BigInt)))
T1 t1 = 2;
T2 t2 = t1;
T2 t2_1 = to!T2(t1);
T2 t2_2 = cast(T2) t1;
assert(t2 == t1);
assert(t2 == 2);
assert(t2_1 == t1);
assert(t2_1 == 2);
assert(t2_2 == t1);
assert(t2_2 == 2);
BigInt n = 2;
n *= 2;
@safe unittest // 8167
BigInt a = BigInt(3);
BigInt b = BigInt(a);
@safe unittest // 9061
long l1 = 0x12345678_90ABCDEF;
long l2 = 0xFEDCBA09_87654321;
long l3 = l1 | l2;
long l4 = l1 & l2;
long l5 = l1 ^ l2;
BigInt b1 = l1;
BigInt b2 = l2;
BigInt b3 = b1 | b2;
BigInt b4 = b1 & b2;
BigInt b5 = b1 ^ b2;
assert(l3 == b3);
assert(l4 == b4);
assert(l5 == b5);
@system unittest // 11600
import std.conv;
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// Original bug report
// Digit string lookalikes that are actually invalid
@safe unittest // 11583
BigInt x = 0;
assert((x > 0) == false);
@system unittest // 13391
BigInt x1 = "123456789";
BigInt x2 = "123456789123456789";
BigInt x3 = "123456789123456789123456789";
import std.meta : AliasSeq;
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong))
assert((x1 * T.max) / T.max == x1);
assert((x2 * T.max) / T.max == x2);
assert((x3 * T.max) / T.max == x3);
assert(x1 / -123456789 == -1);
assert(x1 / 123456789U == 1);
assert(x1 / -123456789L == -1);
assert(x1 / 123456789UL == 1);
assert(x2 / -123456789123456789L == -1);
assert(x2 / 123456789123456789UL == 1);
assert(x1 / uint.max == 0);
assert(x1 / ulong.max == 0);
assert(x2 / ulong.max == 0);
x1 /= 123456789UL;
assert(x1 == 1);
x2 /= 123456789123456789UL;
assert(x2 == 1);
@system unittest // 13963
BigInt x = 1;
import std.meta : AliasSeq;
foreach (Int; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint))
assert(is(typeof(x % Int(1)) == int));
assert(is(typeof(x % 1L) == long));
assert(is(typeof(x % 1UL) == BigInt));
auto x1 = BigInt(8);
auto x2 = -BigInt(long.min) + 1;
// long
assert(x1 % 2L == 0L);
assert(-x1 % 2L == 0L);
assert(x1 % 3L == 2L);
assert(x1 % -3L == 2L);
assert(-x1 % 3L == -2L);
assert(-x1 % -3L == -2L);
assert(x1 % 11L == 8L);
assert(x1 % -11L == 8L);
assert(-x1 % 11L == -8L);
assert(-x1 % -11L == -8L);
// ulong
assert(x1 % 2UL == BigInt(0));
assert(-x1 % 2UL == BigInt(0));
assert(x1 % 3UL == BigInt(2));
assert(-x1 % 3UL == -BigInt(2));
assert(x1 % 11UL == BigInt(8));
assert(-x1 % 11UL == -BigInt(8));
assert(x2 % ulong.max == x2);
assert(-x2 % ulong.max == -x2);
@system unittest // 14124
auto x = BigInt(-3);
x %= 3;
x = BigInt(-3);
x %= cast(ushort) 3;
x = BigInt(-3);
x %= 3L;
x = BigInt(3);
x %= -3;
// issue 15678
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// Issue 6447
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
import std.range : iota;
auto s = BigInt(1_000_000_000_000);
auto e = BigInt(1_000_000_000_003);
auto r = iota(s, e);
// Issue 17330
@system unittest
auto b = immutable BigInt("123");