dnl IA-64 mpn_cnd_add_n/mpn_cnd_sub_n.
dnl Contributed to the GNU project by Torbjörn Granlund.
dnl Copyright 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
dnl This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
dnl The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
dnl it under the terms of either:
dnl * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
dnl Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
dnl option) any later version.
dnl or
dnl * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
dnl Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
dnl later version.
dnl or both in parallel, as here.
dnl The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
dnl WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
dnl or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
dnl for more details.
dnl You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
dnl GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
dnl see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
C cycles/limb
C Itanium: ?
C Itanium 2: 1.5
define(`cnd', `r32')
define(`rp', `r33')
define(`up', `r34')
define(`vp', `r35')
define(`n', `r36')
define(ADDSUB, add)
define(CND, ltu)
define(INCR, 1)
define(LIM, -1)
define(func, mpn_cnd_add_n)
define(ADDSUB, sub)
define(CND, gtu)
define(INCR, -1)
define(LIM, 0)
define(func, mpn_cnd_sub_n)
define(PFDIST, 160)
C Some useful aliases for registers we use
define(`u0',`r14') define(`u1',`r15') define(`u2',`r16') define(`u3',`r17')
define(`x0',`r20') define(`x1',`r21') define(`x2',`r22') define(`x3',`r23')
define(`v0',`r24') define(`v1',`r25') define(`v2',`r26') define(`v3',`r27')
define(`w0',`r28') define(`w1',`r29') define(`w2',`r30') define(`w3',`r31')
define(`up1',`up') define(`up2',`r8') define(`upadv',`r1')
define(`vp1',`vp') define(`vp2',`r9') define(`vpadv',`r11')
define(`rp1',`rp') define(`rp2',`r10')
MULFUNC_PROLOGUE(mpn_cnd_add_n mpn_cnd_sub_n)
.save ar.lc, r2
addp4 rp = 0, rp C M I
addp4 up = 0, up C M I
nop.i 0
addp4 vp = 0, vp C M I
nop.m 0
zxt4 n = n C I
{.mmi; and r3 = 3, n C M I
add n = -1, n C M I
mov r2 = ar.lc C I0
}{.mmi; cmp.ne p6, p7 = 0, cnd C M I
add vp2 = 8, vp C M I
add up2 = 8, up C M I
}{.mmi; add upadv = PFDIST, up C M I
add vpadv = PFDIST, vp C M I
shr.u n = n, 2 C I0
.pred.rel "mutex", p6, p7
}{.mmi; add rp2 = 8, rp C M I
(p6) mov cnd = -1 C M I
(p7) mov cnd = 0 C M I
} cmp.eq p9, p0 = 1, r3 C M I
cmp.eq p7, p0 = 2, r3 C M I
cmp.eq p8, p0 = 3, r3 C M I
(p9) br L(b1) C B
(p7) br L(b2) C B
(p8) br L(b3) C B
{.mmi; ld8 v2 = [vp1], 16 C M01
ld8 v3 = [vp2], 16 C M01
mov ar.lc = n C I0
} ld8 u2 = [up1], 16 C M01
ld8 u3 = [up2], 16 C M01
and x2 = v2, cnd C M I
and x3 = v3, cnd C M I
ADDSUB w2 = u2, x2 C M I
ADDSUB w3 = u3, x3 C M I
ld8 v0 = [vp1], 16 C M01
ld8 v1 = [vp2], 16 C M01
cmp.CND p8, p0 = w2, u2 C M I
cmp.CND p9, p0 = w3, u3 C M I
br L(lo0)
L(b1): ld8 v1 = [vp1], 8 C M01
add vp2 = 8, vp2 C M I
add rp2 = 8, rp2 C M I
ld8 u1 = [up1], 8 C M01
add up2 = 8, up2 C M I
and x1 = v1, cnd C M I
ADDSUB w1 = u1, x1 C M I
cmp.ne p10, p0 = 0, n
add n = -1, n
cmp.CND p7, p0 = w1, u1 C M I
st8 [rp1] = w1, 8 C M23
(p10) br L(b0)
mov r8 = 0 C M I
br L(e1)
L(b3): ld8 v3 = [vp1], 8 C M01
add vp2 = 8, vp2 C M I
add rp2 = 8, rp2 C M I
ld8 u3 = [up1], 8 C M01
add up2 = 8, up2 C M I
and x3 = v3, cnd C M I
ADDSUB w3 = u3, x3 C M I
cmp.CND p9, p0 = w3, u3 C M I
st8 [rp1] = w3, 8 C M23
C fall through
{.mmi; ld8 v0 = [vp1], 16 C M01
ld8 v1 = [vp2], 16 C M01
mov ar.lc = n C I0
} ld8 u0 = [up1], 16 C M01
ld8 u1 = [up2], 16 C M01
and x0 = v0, cnd C M I
and x1 = v1, cnd C M I
ADDSUB w0 = u0, x0 C M I
ADDSUB w1 = u1, x1 C M I
br.cloop.dptk L(gt2) C B
cmp.CND p6, p0 = w0, u0 C M I
br L(e2) C B
ld8 v2 = [vp1], 16 C M01
ld8 v3 = [vp2], 16 C M01
cmp.CND p6, p0 = w0, u0 C M I
cmp.CND p7, p0 = w1, u1 C M I
br L(lo2) C B
{.mmi; ld8 v2 = [vp1], 16 C M01
ld8 v3 = [vp2], 16 C M01
cmp.CND p6, p0 = w0, u0 C M I
}{.mmi; st8 [rp1] = w2, 16 C M23
st8 [rp2] = w3, 16 C M23
cmp.CND p7, p0 = w1, u1 C M I
{.mmi; ld8 u2 = [up1], 16 C M01
ld8 u3 = [up2], 16 C M01
(p9) cmpeqor p6, p0 = LIM, w0 C M I
}{.mmi; and x2 = v2, cnd C M I
and x3 = v3, cnd C M I
(p9) add w0 = INCR, w0 C M I
}{.mmi; ADDSUB w2 = u2, x2 C M I
(p6) cmpeqor p7, p0 = LIM, w1 C M I
(p6) add w1 = INCR, w1 C M I
}{.mmi; ADDSUB w3 = u3, x3 C M I
lfetch [upadv], 32
nop 0
}{.mmi; ld8 v0 = [vp1], 16 C M01
ld8 v1 = [vp2], 16 C M01
cmp.CND p8, p0 = w2, u2 C M I
}{.mmi; st8 [rp1] = w0, 16 C M23
st8 [rp2] = w1, 16 C M23
cmp.CND p9, p0 = w3, u3 C M I
{.mmi; ld8 u0 = [up1], 16 C M01
ld8 u1 = [up2], 16 C M01
(p7) cmpeqor p8, p0 = LIM, w2 C M I
}{.mmi; and x0 = v0, cnd C M I
and x1 = v1, cnd C M I
(p7) add w2 = INCR, w2 C M I
}{.mmi; ADDSUB w0 = u0, x0 C M I
(p8) cmpeqor p9, p0 = LIM, w3 C M I
(p8) add w3 = INCR, w3 C M I
}{.mmb; ADDSUB w1 = u1, x1 C M I
lfetch [vpadv], 32
br.cloop.dptk L(top) C B
{.mmi; st8 [rp1] = w2, 16 C M23
st8 [rp2] = w3, 16 C M23
cmp.CND p6, p0 = w0, u0 C M I
{.mmi; cmp.CND p7, p0 = w1, u1 C M I
(p9) cmpeqor p6, p0 = LIM, w0 C M I
(p9) add w0 = INCR, w0 C M I
}{.mmi; mov r8 = 0 C M I
(p6) cmpeqor p7, p0 = LIM, w1 C M I
(p6) add w1 = INCR, w1 C M I
}{.mmi; st8 [rp1] = w0, 16 C M23
st8 [rp2] = w1, 16 C M23
mov ar.lc = r2 C I0
{.mmb; nop 0
(p7) mov r8 = 1 C M I
br.ret.sptk.many b0 C B