Tests are dividing on error vs working, and DHCPv4 vs DHCPv6. Names of files about test xyz have xyz as body and an extension. Extensions: - .err4 = source for error test in DHCPv4 - .errF = source for error test in DHCPv4 with -r fatal - .errP = source for error test in DHCPv4 with -r pass - .err6 = source for error test in DHCPv6 - .err = source for error test in DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 - .msg = resultat (first line of standard error) for error test - .in4 = source for working test in DHCPv4 - .in6 = source for working test in DHCPv6 - .ind = source for working test in DHCPv4 with -D - .inD = source for working test in DHCPv6 with -D - .inn = source for working test in DHCPv4 with -N - .inN = source for working test in DHCPv6 with -N - .inl = source for working test in DHCPv4 with -l $HOOK - .inL = source for working test in DHCPv6 with -l $HOOK - .outl = resultat for working test with default hook library path - .outL = resultat for working test with default hook library path - .out = resultat for working test There is no working test in both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6. The body of the name of a working test must include 4 or 6 so the .out can be submitted to kea-dhcp4 or kea-dhcp6 runone.sh xyz.ext -> run the xyz test runall.sh -> run all tests Check output syntax with kea-dhcp4 and kea-dhcp6: - Set KEA4 and KEA6 environment variables to kea-dhcp4 and kea-dhcp6 - Set HOOK to a place to find hooks (currently libdhcp_flex_id.so), please use the directory name with a trailing / - The en0 interface is supposed to exist (or replace "en0" in all files) - Note that runall.sh must be run before checkall.sh checkone.sh xyz.out -> check the syntax of xyz.out checkall.sh -> check the syntax of all .out files |