# $NetBSD: bsd.buildinstall.mk,v 1.1 2012/11/15 23:51:53 joerg Exp $ # # build_install logic for src/Makefile # Used by src/lib/Makefile and src/tools/Makefile. # # Compute a list of subdirectories delimited by .WAIT. # Run "make dependall && make install" for all subdirectories in a group # concurrently, but wait after each group. # SUBDIR_GROUPS= 1 CUR_GROUP:= 1 .for dir in ${SUBDIR} . if ${dir} == ".WAIT" CUR_GROUP:= ${CUR_GROUP}1 SUBDIR_GROUPS:= ${SUBDIR_GROUPS} ${CUR_GROUP} . else SUBDIR_GROUP.${CUR_GROUP}+= ${dir} .endif .endfor build_install: .for group in ${SUBDIR_GROUPS} . if !empty(SUBDIR_GROUP.${group}) ${MAKEDIRTARGET} . ${SUBDIR_GROUP.${group}:C/^/dependall-/} ${MAKEDIRTARGET} . ${SUBDIR_GROUP.${group}:C/^/install-/} . endif .endfor |