# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2018/09/23 13:32:54 christos Exp $
WARNS?= 2 # XXX -Wcast-qual
NOMAN= # defined
.include <bsd.own.mk>
USE_FORT?= yes # cryptographic software
# RCSid:
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.10 2018/09/23 13:32:54 christos Exp $
# @(#) Copyright (c) 1995 Simon J. Gerraty
# This file is provided in the hope that it will
# be of use. There is absolutely NO WARRANTY.
# Permission to copy, redistribute or otherwise
# use this file is hereby granted provided that
# the above copyright notice and this notice are
# left intact.
# Please send copies of changes and bug-fixes to:
# sjg@quick.com.au
PROG= openssl
SRCS= openssl.c
SRCS+= apps.c ecparam.c ec.c pkeyparam.c genpkey.c pkey.c pkeyutl.c ts.c cms.c
SRCS+= s_cb.c s_socket.c bf_prefix.c storeutl.c
SRCS+= app_rand.c rehash.c
SRCS+= verify.c asn1pars.c req.c dgst.c dhparam.c enc.c passwd.c errstr.c \
opt.c ca.c \
pkcs7.c crl2p7.c crl.c \
rsa.c rsautl.c dsa.c dsaparam.c \
x509.c genrsa.c gendsa.c prime.c s_server.c s_client.c speed.c \
s_time.c version.c sess_id.c srp.c \
ciphers.c nseq.c pkcs12.c pkcs8.c spkac.c smime.c rand.c engine.c ocsp.c
CPPFLAGS+= -I${OPENSSLSRC}/include -I${OPENSSLSRC}/../include
LDADD+= -lssl -lcrypto -lcrypt
.include "${NETBSDSRCDIR}/crypto/Makefile.openssl"
.PATH: ${OPENSSLSRC}/engines
SRCS+= e_padlock.c
#LINKS= openssl verify \
# openssl asn1pars \
# openssl req \
# openssl dgst \
# openssl dh \
# openssl dhparam \
# openssl enc \
# openssl passwd \
# openssl gendh \
# openssl errstr \
# openssl ca \
# openssl crl \
# openssl rsa \
# openssl rsautl \
# openssl dsa \
# openssl dsaparam \
# openssl x509 \
# openssl genrsa \
# openssl gendsa \
# openssl s_server \
# openssl s_client \
# openssl speed \
# openssl s_time \
# openssl version \
# openssl pkcs7 \
# openssl crl2pkcs7 \
# openssl sess_id \
# openssl ciphers \
# openssl nseq \
# openssl pkcs12 \
# openssl pkcs8 \
# openssl spkac \
# openssl smime \
# openssl rand \
# openssl engine \
# openssl ocsp
.if ${MKSHARE} != "no"
FILES= CA.pl openssl.cnf
CA.pl: CA.pl.in
rm -f ${.TARGET}
-e 's@{- \$$config{hashbangperl} -}@/usr/bin/env perl@' \
.include <bsd.prog.mk>