// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only %s -verify -fblocks void I( void (^)(void)); void (^noop)(void); void nothing(); int printf(const char*, ...); typedef void (^T) (void); void takeblock(T); int takeintint(int (^C)(int)) { return C(4); } T somefunction() { if (^{ }) nothing(); noop = ^{}; noop = ^{printf("\nClosure\n"); }; I(^{ }); return ^{printf("\nClosure\n"); }; } void test2() { int x = 4; takeblock(^{ printf("%d\n", x); }); while (1) { takeblock(^{ break; // expected-error {{'break' statement not in loop or switch statement}} continue; // expected-error {{'continue' statement not in loop statement}} while(1) break; // ok goto foo; // expected-error {{use of undeclared label 'foo'}} a: goto a; // ok }); break; } foo: takeblock(^{ x = 4; }); // expected-error {{variable is not assignable (missing __block type specifier)}} __block y = 7; // expected-warning {{type specifier missing, defaults to 'int'}} takeblock(^{ y = 8; }); } void (^test3())(void) { return ^{}; } void test4() { void (^noop)(void) = ^{}; void (*noop2)() = 0; } void myfunc(int (^block)(int)) {} void myfunc3(const int *x); void test5() { int a; myfunc(^(int abcd) { myfunc3(&a); return 1; }); } void *X; void test_arguments() { int y; int (^c)(char); (1 ? c : 0)('x'); (1 ? 0 : c)('x'); (1 ? c : c)('x'); } static int global_x = 10; void (^global_block)(void) = ^{ printf("global x is %d\n", global_x); }; typedef void (^void_block_t)(void); static const void_block_t myBlock = ^{ }; static const void_block_t myBlock2 = ^ void(void) { }; |