&
&.
+
+.
-
-.
0.
1.
1.0
1.0.
1.1
1.1.
10.
2.
3.
4.
5.
6.
7.
8.
9.
;
A.
B.
C.
D.
E.
F.
G.
H.
I.
J.
K.
L.
M.
N.
O.
P.
Q.
S.
T.
U.
V.
W.
X.
Y.
Z.
\s
\s-1
\s-1.
\s-2
\s-2.
\s.
\s0
\s0.
a
a.
about
about.
above
above.
across
across.
act
act.
action
action.
actions
actions.
after
after.
again
again.
against
against.
ago
ago.
air
air.
al.
all
all.
almost
almost.
along
along.
already
already.
also
also.
although
although.
always
always.
american
american.
among
among.
an
an.
and
and.
another
another.
any
any.
anything
anything.
are
are.
area
area.
areas
areas.
around
around.
asked
asked.
at
at.
available
available.
away
away.
be
be.
became
became.
because
because.
become
become.
been
been.
before
before.
began
began.
behind
behind.
being
being.
best
best.
better
better.
between
between.
big
big.
board
board.
boards
boards.
bodies
bodies.
body
body.
both
both.
boy
boy.
boys
boys.
brought
brought.
business
business.
businesses
businesses.
but
but.
by
by.
called
called.
came
came.
can
can.
cannot
cannot.
car
car.
cars
cars.
case
case.
cases
cases.
certain
certain.
change
change.
changes
changes.
come
come.
could
could.
course
course.
courses
courses.
day
day.
days
days.
development
development.
did
did.
didn't
didn't.
different
different.
do
do.
does
does.
don't
don't.
done
done.
door
door.
down
down.
during
during.
each
each.
early
early.
economic
economic.
either
either.
end.
ends
ends.
enough
enough.
even
even.
ever
ever.
every
every.
example
example.
examples
examples.
experience
experience.
eyes
eyes.
face
face.
facilities
facilities.
facility
facility.
fact
fact.
facts
facts.
families
families.
family
family.
far
far.
federal
federal.
feet
feet.
felt
felt.
few
few.
field
field.
fields
fields.
first
first.
five
five.
for
for.
force
force.
forces
forces.
found
found.
four
four.
free.
gave
gave.
general
general.
get.
give
give.
given
given.
go
go.
going
going.
good
good.
got
got.
government
government.
great
great.
had
had.
half
half.
hand
hand.
hands
hands.
has
has.
have
have.
having
having.
he
he.
head
head.
heads
heads.
heard
heard.
held
held.
her
her.
here
here.
high
high.
him
him.
himself
himself.
his
his.
history
history.
house
house.
houses
houses.
how
how.
however
however.
human
human.
i
i'm
i'm.
i.
if
if.
important
important.
in
in.
individual
individual.
information
information.
interest
interest.
into
into.
is
is.
it
it's
it's.
it.
its
its.
itself
itself.
job
job.
jobs
jobs.
just
just.
keep
keep.
kind
kind.
knew
knew.
know
know.
known
known.
large
large.
last
last.
later
later.
law
law.
least
least.
left
left.
less
less.
let
let.
life
life.
light
light.
like
like.
little
little.
local
local.
look
look.
looked
looked.
made
made.
major
major.
making
making.
many
many.
matter
matter.
matters
matters.
may
may.
me
me.
means
means.
member
member.
members
members.
men
men.
might
might.
mind
mind.
miscellaneous
miscellaneous.
miscellany
miscellany.
miss
miss.
moment
moment.
money
money.
more
more.
most
most.
mr
mr.
mrs
mrs.
much
much.
must
must.
my
my.
name
name.
names
names.
national
national.
need
need.
needs
needs.
never
never.
new
new.
next
next.
night
night.
no
no.
not
not.
nothing
nothing.
now
now.
number
number.
numbers
numbers.
of
of.
off
off.
office
office.
often
often.
old
old.
on
on.
once
once.
one
one.
only
only.
or
or.
order
order.
orders
orders.
other
other.
others
others.
our
our.
out
out.
over
over.
own
own.
part
part.
parts
parts.
past
past.
people
people.
per
per.
perhaps
perhaps.
period
period.
periods
periods.
place
place.
point
point.
points
points.
political
political.
position
position.
positions
positions.
possible
possible.
power
power.
present
present.
probably
probably.
problem
problem.
problems
problems.
procedure
procedure.
procedures
procedures.
program
program.
programs
programs.
public
public.
put
put.
question
question.
quite
quite.
rather
rather.
real
real.
really
really.
reason
reason.
result
result.
results
results.
right
right.
room
room.
said
said.
same
same.
saw
saw.
say
say.
school
school.
schools
schools.
second
second.
see
see.
seemed
seemed.
seems
seems.
seen
seen.
sense
sense.
service
service.
services
services.
set
set.
several
several.
shall
shall.
she
she.
should
should.
show
show.
side
side.
since
since.
small
small.
so
so.
social
social.
society
society.
some
some.
something
something.
special
special.
state
state.
states
states.
still
still.
street
street.
study
study.
such
such.
sure
sure.
system
system.
systems
systems.
taken
taken.
than
than.
that
that.
the
the.
their
their.
them
them.
themselves
themselves.
then
then.
there
there.
these
these.
they
they.
thing
thing.
things
things.
think
think.
this
this.
those
those.
though
though.
thought
thought.
three
three.
through
through.
thus
thus.
to
to.
today
today.
together
together.
told
told.
too
too.
took
took.
toward
toward.
towards
towards.
turn
turn.
turned
turned.
turns
turns.
two
two.
under
under.
united
united.
until
until.
up
up.
upon
upon.
us
us.
use
use.
used
used.
very
very.
want
want.
war
war.
wars
wars.
was
was.
water
water.
waters
waters.
way
way.
ways
ways.
we
we.
week
week.
weeks
weeks.
well
well.
went
went.
were
were.
what.
when
when.
where
where.
whether
whether.
which
which.
while
while.
white
white.
whole
whole.
whose
whose.
why
why.
will
will.
with
with.
within
within.
without
without.
word
word.
words
words.
work
work.
world
world.
would
would.
year
year.
years
years.
yet
yet.
york
york.
you
you.
young
young.
your
your.