This package contains various C programming debugging utilities, such as: addr2line - translates program addresses into file names and line numbers. Given an address and an executable, it uses the debugging information in the executable to figure out which file name and line number are associated with a given address; gcov - displays basic block profile / coverage data, if requested via the C compiler gcc(1) command line options -fprofile-arcs and -ftest-coverage. These options cause the compiler to insert instrumentation into the object files it generates, which measure how often each basic block is executed; gdb - is the GNU debugger. The purpose of a debugger such as GDB is to allow you to see what is going on ``inside'' another program while it executes, or what another program was doing at the moment it crashed; gprof - displays call graph profile data. gprof produces an execution profile of C, Pascal, or Fortran77 programs. |