# -*-perl-*- $description = "<FILL IN SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE>"; $details = "<FILL IN DETAILS OF HOW YOU TEST WHAT YOU SAY YOU ARE TESTING>"; # Run a make test. See the documentation of run_make_test() in # run_make_tests.pl, but briefly the first argument is a string with the # contents of a makefile to be tested, the second is a string containing the # arguments to be passed to the make invocation, the third is a string # containing the expected output. The fourth is the expected exit code for # make. If not specified, it's assumed that the make program should succeed # (exit with 0). run_make_test('Your test makefile goes here', 'Arguments to pass to make go here', 'Expected output from the invocation goes here'); # There are various special tokens, options, etc. See the full documentation # in run_make_tests.pl. # This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly. 1; |